I've been watching this evening a football game that was originally broadcst on ABC in 1984, and noticing how the production has changed in the past quarter century. Keith Jackson is the play-by-play announcer, so there is very little difference in how the game is described. The things I notice are far, far fewer on-screen graphics, fewer camera angles (although more than enough), much more concentration on game action rather than crowd shots and those incessant shots of the head coaches, and none of those annoying sideline chick reporterettes.
All things considered, if they had HD, I'd say the 1984 style is far better than what we have today. That is, if you are more interested in football than in what the free safety's uncle told him, from his deathbed, that inspired the kid to become a better athlete. Or listening to the reporterette ask the running back what went through his mind when he scored the winning TD.