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Offline franksolich

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primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:20:11 PM »

Oh my.

Mike 03  (1000+ posts)     Wed Jun-03-09 08:26 PM
Original message
Poll question: Who Killed JFK?

I understand this is repetitive, but periodically this question is raised, and it is often raised every few months, and I've never posted my own thread on this, so I hope it is okay to do it now.

Poll result (53 votes) 

Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK on his own, as a lone nut  (7 votes, 13%) 

Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK as part of a conspriracy of some kind, but I'm not sure what  (9 votes, 17%)

Ultimately, the Mafia killed JFK, and Oswald was just a part of that  (1 votes, 2%)

Ultimately, the FBI killed JFK, and Oswald was just a part of that  (0 votes, 0%) 

Ultimately, the CIA killed JFK. and Oswald was just a part of that  (33 votes, 62%)

Ultimately, all of the above killed JFK  (1 votes, 2%) 

There was some entirely other conspiracy involved, like the "Three Tramps," or "Umbrella Man" or "Black Dog Man" or something I have failed to mention  (0 votes, 0%)

Other (please explain)  (2 votes, 4%)

NYC_SKP  (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:30 PM
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1. Other.

I'm just nutty enough to believe that Oswald was a convenient total patsy on this one.

Other gunmen, who knows who was behind it, powerful domestic entities most likely, IMO.

That Is Quite Enough (834 posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:31 PM
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2. Texas is the reason! JK, of course...

Then again, it makes more sense than some JFK assassination conspiracy theories.

AndyTiedye  (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:37 PM
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3. The Cigarette-Smoking Man or someone like him.

lib2DaBone  (1000+ posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:37 PM
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4. There is no category for The Federal Reserve....?

Kennedy wanted to kick the Euopean Bankers out.. print money without interest.

Kennedy United States Notes actually circulated for a short while... until that Nov day in Dallas...
after which image of a C. Douglas Dillon (1961?) $2 bill

baldguy  (1000+ posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:38 PM
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5. Lee Oswald, Fidel Castro, the Mafia, Woody Harrelson's dad, GHW Bush & Lynden Johnson ALL did it!

In the Conservatory with the Monkey Wrench.

peacetalksforall  (1000+ posts)       Wed Jun-03-09 08:39 PM
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6. I don't agree with your inclusion/exclusion options. There was an orchestrated effort that involved many groups. There is a good chance that the actual shooters were the Mafia (from Marseilles area in France). There is a good chance that one or more politicians concocted the plan and issued then gave the last A-OK order to proceed. There is an overwhelming chance that the FBI, CIA, Dallas and Texas police, immigration officials, police were in on it. There were those who handled all the side issues - setting up Oswald, Tippit, the double, the Secret Service,the doctors, those who controlled the Warren Commission. Hundreds of activist liars. Many of them are dead from 'interrupted lives'.

armyowalgreens  (738 posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:40 PM
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7. I watched a bio of Lee Harvey Oswald

And he was quite the nut case. Also, his life was full of failed attempts at political power. You put that together, and it makes sense that he would want to kill the POTUS. He was a pro-communist that had been sent over the edge.

I see no evidence that Oswald was part of any government program. He clearly shot Kennedy. All the conspiracies I have read about are weak at best and bullshit at worst.

Stevenmarc  (965 posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:42 PM
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8. Space aliens from Area 51 under the direction of J Edger wearing Balenciaga

WeDidIt (1000+ posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:45 PM
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9. Colonel Mustard

In Dealey Plaza from the book depository.

With the Sniper Rifle.

mitchum  (1000+ posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:52 PM
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10. Alpha 66, "rogue" elements of the CIA, and Carlos Marcello

Phoonzang (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:53 PM
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11. Who knows? 

I can't say I think we'll ever find out.

LaPera  (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:53 PM
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12. Oswald was no ****ing marksmen-But the Warren Report says he did it anyway, so shut the **** up!

We can ALWAYS count on the government to tell us the truth, especially ones that could be big lies...Oswald shot five (or more bullets at a moving target) Hmmmm...

But the same neocons, CIA republican pigs are always there, but only by coincidence. However, there..LBJ knowing Nixon's people making a deal with N Vietnam before the election, Iran-Contra, 9/11 these are all the same people, you think they are new ones because they tell us that or one of their committees whom the corporate media agrees & says OK case close...

IMPERIALISM, global empire & control...they always get their enemies who have the peoples confidence, charismatic or potential to put a halt to Americas now rampant global imperialism....whether, it's JKF, MLK RFK, John Lennon (a moth after Reagan won) to republican & BushCo torn Paul Wellstone to charismatic liberal JFK jr----Gee I wonder is that old **** David Rockefeller still alive?

The same group of people have always been there from the beginning the OSS to the CIA, there are always the easy visual ones like George HW Bush but it's the real power we never know nor see and the ignorant have no clue to what they can get done....Nope they told us it was Oswald, I agree and I sleep well at night, cuz they could never get away with such lies...someone would of tried to tell us.

armyowalgreens  (738 posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:59 PM
Response to Reply #12

18. Oswald was actually a good shot capable of taking out Kennedy.

He wasn't perfect by any means. But none the less, he was definitely capable of getting a good shot off.

underpants  (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:53 PM
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13. The Mob and the CIA

RFK had broken promises made by Joe Sr. and the CIA was upset that JFK was about to send Galbraith to Vietnam to start talks to get us out

Wow.  That's a new one.  John Kenneth Galbraith, then the U.S. Ambassador to India, was going to get us out of Vietnam.....when in fact John Kennedy was going to intensify our involvement there?  Wasn't that why the Diem brothers were murdered, so it could become an American-run war?


KharmaTrain  (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:55 PM
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14. Mick Jagger

And he admits it...

saltpoint  (1000+ posts)        Wed Jun-03-09 08:56 PM
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15. I won't gamble a guess on the question, but the question hangs in the air since the day it happened and I for one am still not over it.

If there's anyone who would like to read a spectacularly interesting account of this narrative, I recommend Don DeLillo's masterpiece novel, LIBRA.

Summer's almost here. There are worse ways to spend it than reading DeLillo's LIBRA.

deaniac21 (1000+ posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:56 PM
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16. He commited suicide.

Kaleva (593 posts)      Wed Jun-03-09 08:58 PM
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17. LBJ had the most to gain.

He went from having a job that has been described as not being worth a bucket of spit to being the most powerful man in the world.

You know, years ago, the primitives used to take these "Who Killed JFK?" polls seriously.

Not so much any more.

DU AdBot (1000+ posts)      Wed Jun 03rd 2009, 09:01 PM
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Offline thundley4

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 08:23:31 PM »
They're all wrong.  It was proven on the X-Files, that the CSM aka Cigarette Smoking Man killed Kennedy.

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 08:41:40 PM »
What's faster than a speeding bullet?

LBJ on a bicycle in downtown Dallas.

(old joke)

Offline ReaganForRushmore

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 09:06:33 PM »
TiT did it.................He was in Dallas recruiting for Seal Team 3 under super secret orders from the Pentagon. While in Dallas, he found out that the attempt was to be made on JFK's life...he promptly flew to Houston on November 21 and in a super secret meeting at the Rice Hotel, TiT calmly sat down and had a delightful conversation with Jackie before being escorted in the a private conference with the President. Attending the conference, was John Connally, RFK, GHWB, Richard Nixon, Warren Burger, LBJ, Gerald Ford and a Hispanic waiter that looked strikingly like Fidel Castro.

TiT held court for over an hour, outlining how the assassination would take place in Dallas. In a deafening silence, the room was in awe and shock of the details laid before them by TiT. Then very calmly, TiT outlined how the original JFK would be substituted for by a body double and that in return, JFK would retire to South America to party the rest of his days with as many babes as he wanted. When asked about the geopolitical, social, and political ramifications of such an event, TiT continued his discourse into the Wee hours of the morning by saying that LBJ would become POTUS, followed by Nixon, and Ford, ....they were all elated. He also said that RFK would run for President as well........he was happy.

The problem was how TiT would address the "assassination" of a beloved problem, TiT with his superior intellect told the group, "That's easy!!..we merely have GHWB become director of the CIA to eliminate everyone associated with the events , the exception being the men in this room".

JFK sat down and spoke in measured tones as he addressed TiT..."You have done your country a great service!"

But Tit courageously spoke up and said....."Mr. President, I will have to kill the body double in Dallas in order for these events occur. JFK quietly ordered it so and took TiT aside and said "You know what you are doing can never be told outside this room and that you will pay a terrible price for your sacrifice." Tit calmly took a draw on his cigarette and then calmly replied...." Mr. President, I have been trained to take orders in preparing my Seal Team 3, all I ask is that
I be set up outside of San Francisco in order to preserve my cover in quiet solitude." All the attendees then shook his hand and had a toast of Dewars to TiT offered by the Fidel look alike......

TiT, realizing the weight of history upon his shoulder flew back to Dallas with a friend, Jack Ruby, at his topless club and proceeded to get drunk and party with 4 strippers.

The rest is history*

* The Fidel look alike was actually Fidel, .......he was there because he was a personal friend of TiT that provided TiT with cigars........**

** True story, every word................would I lie? :-)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 09:11:12 PM by ReaganForRushmore »

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 09:56:12 PM »
I was almost a year to the day away from being born but still the fact of the matter is that if any group would have wanted JFK dead it was the communist left.
His views on that would not be welcome in the dem party of today.
Fat Teds more leftist views are a result of political survival IMO.

The idiot left wishes all this to stay alive so that they can fantasize it was a Conservative conspiracy.....that is the only reason.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 11:16:21 PM »
They are so in love with their own polls, but it seems so futile to accord any meaning whatsoever to the collective wisdom of a group that is more bigoted and ill-informed than the lower-IQ half of the Stormfront regulars. 
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Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2009, 12:04:45 AM »
TiT did it....

sounds very plausible

I think a Communist-sympathizer who was rated marksman did it, but what do I know

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Re: primitives discuss Kennedy assassination, conduct a poll
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2009, 05:35:36 AM »
I want to believe that TiT did it.
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