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Offline dutch508

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2009, 10:17:21 PM »
Lanie, you ignorant ****,

hi-5 for the SNL reference.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

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Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2009, 10:20:25 PM »
I also think black men are capable of paying back child support/welfare once Social Services tracks them down. I believe that so much that I favor getting rid of loopholes which enable "fathers" and "mothers" to not pay their child support for months at a time and get away with it. BTW, welfare recipients are mostly white women. I've yet to see evidence that most blacks are on welfare.

So would you like to explain the 60% ratio of unwed black mothers? And yes you are right, most welfare recipients are white for the pure fact they are 70% of the population who receive welfare! Now would you like to look up what percentage of each group according to population is receiving welfare? Didn't think so, because that would blow a hole in your whole premise!

Most Blacks are NOT on welfare! Not one of us has ever uttered that BS! You are putting words in our mouths in order to pull your racist BS. Guess what "toots", it ain't workin'! And you call us racist!
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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #52 on: May 25, 2009, 10:31:09 PM »
I'm not going to deny that. I am thinking maybe it's possible that it went to both foreign countries and the north in light of other stuff I've read. However, I'm not certain of all the details, so I'm going to have to get back to you on that.

Note: I'm admitting to not knowing all the answers.

You can wiki it if you want. While you are at it, wiki the cotton gin. It will explain why slavery extended it's lifespan about 40 years.

In Short- it was expensive to pick cotton. You had to pick the heads, then clean it of the seeds. Slavery made part of the expense go WAT down, but you still have to feed, cloth, etc etc etc. The next big problem was the time it took to clean the raw cotton. The cotton gin made it so very much faster- with less hands. Now more could be picking the cotton. More cotton produced, more money for the South.

Also, look up jean-cloth. Prior to this invention you got to wear wool, cotton, or silks. Wool was good but expensive. Silks were even more so. Cotton was cheap, but not hard wearing.

Most of the manufacturing was in the north. Why? A couple of reasons. One was the weather couldn't support a cash crop like cotton or rice. However, it did have high concentrations of ores. So you mine it. Now- you can ship out tons of cotton much cheaper than you can iron ore. So, smelters are in the north as well. Besides, why should the South manufacture cotton or jean cloth? The raw product makes then enough money, and who would run the factories anyway? Not them dumb darkies.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

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Offline Lanie

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2009, 10:35:25 PM »
You can wiki it if you want. While you are at it, wiki the cotton gin. It will explain why slavery extended it's lifespan about 40 years.

In Short- it was expensive to pick cotton. You had to pick the heads, then clean it of the seeds. Slavery made part of the expense go WAT down, but you still have to feed, cloth, etc etc etc. The next big problem was the time it took to clean the raw cotton. The cotton gin made it so very much faster- with less hands. Now more could be picking the cotton. More cotton produced, more money for the South.

Also, look up jean-cloth. Prior to this invention you got to wear wool, cotton, or silks. Wool was good but expensive. Silks were even more so. Cotton was cheap, but not hard wearing.

Most of the manufacturing was in the north. Why? A couple of reasons. One was the weather couldn't support a cash crop like cotton or rice. However, it did have high concentrations of ores. So you mine it. Now- you can ship out tons of cotton much cheaper than you can iron ore. So, smelters are in the north as well. Besides, why should the South manufacture cotton or jean cloth? The raw product makes then enough money, and who would run the factories anyway? Not them dumb darkies.

And that was my point. Since most of the manufacturing was up in the north, they were guilty too. My original theory was right. Both the north and foreign countries profited. I'll look up jean cloth soon.

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #54 on: May 25, 2009, 10:36:40 PM »
did they even mention the black slave owners in the south?? really! look it up. "Black Masters" is a book about it.

I think they did speak about it. I know I learned about it somewhere.
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Offline Lord Undies

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #55 on: May 25, 2009, 10:38:39 PM »
Good point, but I don't really think I can have appreciation for the dark side of why I'm free today. Other people had to suffer. I think that might be how some blacks feel.

THE POINT BEING....there is NOTHING we can do about history, so to wriggle in some misplaced "guilt mudhole" is ridiculous.  There is a positive to every negative.  I, being a conservative, am a naturally happy person.  Some black people have conservative thoughts too.  That means they are not going to spend their one chance at life raging against the past.  They, like me, plan to make the most of what IS.

I think liberal ideas existed before the Communist manifesto.

Of course they existed.  Those liberal ideas was from where the Communist Manifesto was born.  Get a clue, Lanie.

Think of the countries in which their values were based on a "we" and not an "I" basis. Take care of the collective. Don't do anything that is harmful to the collective because it's "selfish". I think that's had a lot to do with *some* leftist ideas.

The USA was born from the idea of individual freedom.  It went from a dream to the most dynamic nation the world has ever known in a very short (historically speaking) time.  It wasn't until modern liberalism was incorporated in our lives that this nation began it's slow slide into the confusing hell we now see (and live).

You do the math: 

Nation dedicated to the idea of individual freedom = a beacon of success and light for the world.

Nation poisoned by modern liberalism = Today's growing shithole.

This nation isn't going to hell because of freedom.  It is going to hell because modern liberals have spent over 100 years trying to redesign what was working.   

"I" isn't completely a bad thing. Individuals can be hurt to help the collective at times. Many people believe there should be a mixture of the two ideas in politics.

It's a society.  Some "we" is understood.  "We" need stop signs.  "We" need sewer systems.  "We" don't need social security and food stamps.   

Up until FDR, our family, friends, and churches were our social security and food....this is what we call "the last great generation" had.  Why is it the last great generation, I must ponder?

Next, it needs to be made clear that conservativism is typically about wanting things to stay the same or wanting to go back to a time when things were supposedly better. It's not about wanting a change that will change society forever. It's about wanting things to stay the same.

The ridiculous notion that societal "change" is always something in which to strive is absurd, childish, and more likely than not, evil.  It also involves stepping on the rights of individuals.  All these things are why modern liberals embrace "change", which is almost always at odds with the foundation of the United States of America. 

Face it, Lanie.  If you embrace modern liberalism, you are an enemy of free people.  "Change" is very personal to every individual.  It may sound "collective", but that's a lie.   

Liberals are the ones who tend to say that change can be a good thing. In the United States, Capitalism is considered to be a conservative position, while Socialism is a liberal one. That's because Socialism would be a change to society.

And a complete destruction of the United States of America.  But I don't have to tell you that.

In Europe, the idea of having a lot of Capitalism and not relying on the government is actually the liberal position, from where the idea of relying on the government is actually the conservative position. So conservativism is about wanting things to stay the same, not about change most of the time.

I think you need to slap your professors.  They have done you wrong.  I can put the pepper in the salt shaker and the salt in the pepper shaker, but in the end, they are still salt and pepper. 

Individual pet causes about freedom. Women's rights.

"Women's Rights" is not about the individual.  It is about controling women within the confines of modern liberalism.  If liberals really gave two shits about "women's rights" they would have been burning the streets over the treatment of Sarah Palin and (especially) Condeleesa Rice (a two-fer!- she's black).  If liberals really gave a flying **** about "women's rights" liberals would be leading the outrage against the muslim world (where women are cattle).  Instead, what do liberals do?  Hmmm?

Liberals and radical muslim have a common interest.

Most conservatives agree with it, but they'll bash the heck out of the people who fought for it the most. Conservativism is about keeping things the same, not changing them. Therefore, women's rights used to be a liberal concept. It's not so much one now since a lot of freedom was won and feminists (economically on the left and the right) are now arguing about which direction to go in next. For the north, anti-slavery was a conservative position because that's what they all supposedly believed in. In the south, anti-slavery was a liberal position because that's asking for a change. Asking for blacks to have their individual rights in the 1960s and 1950s was not about wanting to keep things the same. Therefore, it wasn't a conservative position. It was a liberal one. Now, it's a conservative and a liberal one.

See above.  Repeat.

Liberalism is never about the betterment of anyone.  Liberalism is Satan's hand working the weak minded through his dark angels here on earth.

Where are you in this picture, Lanie?

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #56 on: May 25, 2009, 10:47:36 PM »
This nation isn't going to hell because of freedom.  It is going to hell because modern liberals have spent over 100 years trying to redesign what was working.

H5 Undies! That hits the nail right on the head! We need to make that into a bumper sticker!!!!!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline dutch508

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #57 on: May 25, 2009, 10:57:58 PM »
And that was my point. Since most of the manufacturing was up in the north, they were guilty too. My original theory was right. Both the north and foreign countries profited. I'll look up jean cloth soon.


Your original theory? Holy shit, girl. You think that everyone in the Republican thinks that way back in the good ol days of 1861, everybody south of the Mason-Dixon line was teh debil cause they held slaves, and everyone north was on the side of righteousness- just because they was Northerners?

Got news for you Ms Lanie- people back then were just as ****ed up as they are now. Hell- they had liberals back then. The Democratic party was a MACHINE! Bought votes, immigrant 'slave' wages in factories (the unions were first used to break such things- and in turn became them), you name it and it was going on.

Social Order was a given in the North too. One of the things that makes Lincoln such a great man was that he was a self-mad man. Sadly, it's something you just won't see anymore. You think Social Order doesn't count for anything- think again.

One word of advice- have someone read through your paper. It has a few small grammar issues. Nothing too huge or anything, but it's always good to have a fresh set of eyes on any project.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Lanie

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #58 on: May 25, 2009, 11:04:30 PM »
THE POINT BEING....there is NOTHING we can do about history, so to wriggle in some misplaced "guilt mudhole" is ridiculous.  There is a positive to every negative.  I, being a conservative, am a naturally happy person.  Some black people have conservative thoughts too.  That means they are not going to spend their one chance at life raging against the past.  They, like me, plan to make the most of what IS.

Of course they existed.  Those liberal ideas was from where the Communist Manifesto was born.  Get a clue, Lanie.

The USA was born from the idea of individual freedom.  It went from a dream to the most dynamic nation the world has ever known in a very short (historically speaking) time.  It wasn't until modern liberalism was incorporated in our lives that this nation began it's slow slide into the confusing hell we now see (and live).

You do the math: 

Nation dedicated to the idea of individual freedom = a beacon of success and light for the world.

Nation poisoned by modern liberalism = Today's growing shithole.

This nation isn't going to hell because of freedom.  It is going to hell because modern liberals have spent over 100 years trying to redesign what was working.   

It's a society.  Some "we" is understood.  "We" need stop signs.  "We" need sewer systems.  "We" don't need social security and food stamps.   

Up until FDR, our family, friends, and churches were our social security and food....this is what we call "the last great generation" had.  Why is it the last great generation, I must ponder?

The ridiculous notion that societal "change" is always something in which to strive is absurd, childish, and more likely than not, evil.  It also involves stepping on the rights of individuals.  All these things are why modern liberals embrace "change", which is almost always at odds with the foundation of the United States of America. 

Face it, Lanie.  If you embrace modern liberalism, you are an enemy of free people.  "Change" is very personal to every individual.  It may sound "collective", but that's a lie.   

And a complete destruction of the United States of America.  But I don't have to tell you that.

I think you need to slap your professors.  They have done you wrong.  I can put the pepper in the salt shaker and the salt in the pepper shaker, but in the end, they are still salt and pepper. 

"Women's Rights" is not about the individual.  It is about controling women within the confines of modern liberalism.  If liberals really gave two shits about "women's rights" they would have been burning the streets over the treatment of Sarah Palin and (especially) Condeleesa Rice (a two-fer!- she's black).  If liberals really gave a flying **** about "women's rights" liberals would be leading the outrage against the muslim world (where women are cattle).  Instead, what do liberals do?  Hmmm?

Liberals and radical muslim have a common interest.

See above.  Repeat.

Liberalism is never about the betterment of anyone.  Liberalism is Satan's hand working the weak minded through his dark angels here on earth.

Where are you in this picture, Lanie?

Depends. Do dark angels get a motorcycle or a shitty Cavalier? lol.

I think we disagree about what freedom is. I do agree that freedom is about trying to financially make a better life for yourself. However, I also tend to think that freedom is about being able to see a doctor when you're sick instead of suffering. I think freedom would be about not having to choose between your baby's healthcare and working a job where you won't be able to afford their healthcare. That's not freedom. That's entrapment. I think freedom is about not having to choose between working tonight and your child's safety at home (due to not having a babysitter). That is not freedom. That's crap disguised as freedom. To me, freedom is about ways to train people for jobs, not a sink or swim survival of the fittest society. I don't believe in people living off of the government, but I do believe in helping people out when they're in bad shape. I also believe in taking care of our elderly. They took care of us. Living to be old wasn't as common during the supposed "Great Generation" (I don't think).

How is the women's rights movement about controlling women? So a woman's right to vote is controlling her? A woman's right to stay at home with the kids or to work a full time job is controlling her?

I agree about the hypocrisy regarding people like Palin. I remember asking conservative women that same question. I told them that I was glad they were taking up for a persecuted woman, but where were they when liberal women went through the same stuff? Nowhere to be found. The hypocrisy runs both ways. For a while, I thought a brand new women's movement was about to start and conservative women were about to lead it. I saw conservative women reacting the same way I had seen liberal women reacting for years. The outrage. I have to admit I was excited about it (the outrage) even though I'm not conservative.

Women in Islamic countries. Go look on websites other than NOW.

In regards to what Europe thinks of as liberal and conservative, I first heard that from a Canadian, not a professor.
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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #59 on: May 25, 2009, 11:20:30 PM »
I think we disagree about what freedom is. I do agree that freedom is about trying to financially make a better life for yourself. However, I also tend to think that freedom is about being able to see a doctor when you're sick instead of suffering. I think freedom would be about not having to choose between your baby's healthcare and working a job where you won't be able to afford their healthcare. That's not freedom. That's entrapment. I think freedom is about not having to choose between working tonight and your child's safety at home (due to not having a babysitter). That is not freedom. That's crap disguised as freedom. To me, freedom is about ways to train people for jobs, not a sink or swim survival of the fittest society. I don't believe in people living off of the government, but I do believe in helping people out when they're in bad shape. I also believe in taking care of our elderly. They took care of us. Living to be old wasn't as common during the supposed "Great Generation" (I don't think).

To begin with, freedom has nothing to do with your financial well being unless the government is taking it away from you. Much like what your partners in crime advocate.

Having got that out of the way, just where in the hell does this shit happen? I have been married for 36 years and none of this shit has ever happened to me or my wife. If it did, we would certainly have improved our situation by our own means. If you are stupid enough to put up with the bullshit you describe here, you absolutely deserve it!

Or are you just makin' this crap up to appear the victim? They have better Bouncy's at the DUmp!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #60 on: May 25, 2009, 11:56:52 PM »
Depends. Do dark angels get a motorcycle or a shitty Cavalier? lol.

I understand Nancy Pelosi has a limo.  That should give you hope.

I think we disagree about what freedom is. I do agree that freedom is about trying to financially make a better life for yourself. However, I also tend to think that freedom is about being able to see a doctor when you're sick instead of suffering.

Walk into any ER in the country.  They are bound by law to treat you for free.  But for some reason, that's not good enough.  I find the idea of "free health care for all" stupidly simplistic and idiotic.  Who the hell in their right minds would want to, on purpose, make their health issues a liability to the government?  You think "the poor" have it shitty now, you ain't seen nothin' yet. 

Your desire to have people (I assume you think of yourself being exempt like most liberals) surrender one of the most basic areas of their lives to be controlled by government is just about the most anti-humanitarian idea I have ever encountered. 

You, Lanie, don't think things through to their logical conclusion.  Not doing so is how Type A liberals are able to sell their crap to Type B liberals like yourself.  If you are not familiar with my definition of Types A and B, let me know.  I will be glad to educate you about your fellow travellers. 

I think freedom would be about not having to choose between your baby's healthcare and working a job where you won't be able to afford their healthcare. That's not freedom. That's entrapment.

That's amusing.  You haven't seen entrapment until you are trapped in the non-mercy of a government run "health care" system which weighs whether or not your little sickly baby is worth the precious tax dollars it takes to save him. 

"Madam, this is your child's fourth bout with chronic diarrhea this year.  The Ministry of Health says we cannot waste any more resources trying to keep this flawed child alive." 

I think freedom is about not having to choose between working tonight and your child's safety at home (due to not having a babysitter). That is not freedom.

Where's the father and why do we collectively think it's just great to dismiss him?  Answer: Modern liberalism.  Any more confusion?

That's crap disguised as freedom. To me, freedom is about ways to train people for jobs, not a sink or swim survival of the fittest society.

You can't disguise freedom.  It's like the air we breath.  It's invisible, but entirely necessary in order to live a healthy life.

I don't believe in people living off of the government, but I do believe in helping people out when they're in bad shape. I also believe in taking care of our elderly. They took care of us. Living to be old wasn't as common during the supposed "Great Generation" (I don't think).

Yes, people lived to ripe old ages even as far back as The Bible.  The idea of life expectancy is entirely subjective and based on very arbitrary standards.  It has less to do with health conditions than situational realities.  We don't die near as often by being kicked in the head by a horse as we use too.  We do die much more often in car wrecks these days, but current analysis doesn't take that into consideration.

People use to take care of there own.  They usually had no other choice, nor would they have wanted one.  It's part of being moral and having strong character - you know, those two things modern liberals have spent a century trying to weed out of the American gene pool.   

How is the women's rights movement about controlling women? So a woman's right to vote is controlling her? A woman's right to stay at home with the kids or to work a full time job is controlling her?

Women voting was hardly a liberal accomplishment.  In fact, the more I hear from you, the more I think it was a bad idea.  Voting is an individual freedom.  That makes it a conservative issue.

I agree about the hypocrisy regarding people like Palin. I remember asking conservative women that same question. I told them that I was glad they were taking up for a persecuted woman, but where were they when liberal women went through the same stuff? Nowhere to be found. The hypocrisy runs both ways. For a while, I thought a brand new women's movement was about to start and conservative women were about to lead it. I saw conservative women reacting the same way I had seen liberal women reacting for years. The outrage. I have to admit I was excited about it (the outrage) even though I'm not conservative.

What liberal woman who was in the right has been attacked just for being liberal?  I must stress "in the right" to mean their goal was not the destruction of the American way of life.  I'm intrigued.  I must know this woman's name.

Women in Islamic countries. Go look on websites other than NOW.

What's wrong with looking at the New York Times?  It's the same shit.  Modern American liberals and the radical muslims have a common goal.  The Modern American liberal embraces the radical muslims over their own countrymen because the Modern American liberal thinks the radical muslim can hasten the downfall of the United states of America.

That is why when it comes to radical muslims, the modern American liberal can forgive the fact they treat women like cattle and hang homosexuals.  Nothing beats beating America!  Why is that?  What is the motivation for forsaking one's own worldview when convenient?

In regards to what Europe thinks of as liberal and conservative, I first heard that from a Canadian, not a professor.

Well, you've answered your own problem.

Lanie, have you EVER given a thought to who is going to support the world when the world's piggy bank known as the United States of America is no longer able to support the socialist nations of Europe or the unchangeable third world hellholes of Africa? 

Given that state of the world, one must really hate mankind to wish upon the world a socialist United States of America.

Think about it, dear.  Think long and hard.  Think it all the way through until logic takes you to an oasis of understanding.   

The first tool in the Bag to Reality is a new understanding that there is no gray area.  The world really is black and white.  The gray area is for children, adult fools, and the Tooth fairy.   
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 12:02:13 AM by Lord Undies »

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #61 on: May 26, 2009, 12:09:15 AM »
Just imagine what those on welfare are gonna do when there is no longer anyone paying taxes to support them.

it won't be pretty

Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2009, 12:13:16 AM »
The gray area is for children, adult fools, and the Tooth fairy.

and DUmmies like Lanie!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2009, 12:32:04 AM »
and DUmmies like Lanie!

Now, now.  Lanie is still young.  She is trying to grasp hold of some arguments against her modern liberal education.  I respect that. 

I may seem to be brutal with her, but I am really just laying out the facts.  Sometime the truth is brutal.

Lanie is a young woman who still deals with life through her emotions.  She cannot yet allow logic to overrule what she feels.  It is a tough transition, made more problematic by being taught by so many "adults" who want her to continue on the path she is on.  She is reaching out for truth, so I cannot dismiss her.   

Lanie and I have a short long history.  I use to be reactionary and mean to her.  I regret that now.  She is a lady who has a positive intellect looking for direction.  She is not scared of debate, and I find that refreshing.

I will still take her to school as necessary, which sometimes seems like I am being mean, but in the end, I think we have a mutual respect.

(I'm sorry, Lanie, for talking about you in the third person in your presence.)

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #64 on: May 26, 2009, 01:53:33 AM »
The damn Civil War was NOT about ending slavery. Honest Abe admitted it. He was willing to use keeping slavery or ending it to preserve the union. He admitted that too. He personally was against slavery, but he would have sold every slave down the drain to Tpreserve the union. The first Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves of Confederate states. Slavery in Union states was still legal. Slaves would escape to the Union states, and people didn't know what to do with them. They sometimes were sent back home. How's that for favoring the freedom of slaves? Ending slavery did become a useful tool idea for preserving the Union as former slaves became soldiers for the Union, but that was NOT why the Civil War was started.

Meanwhile, did you know that there were blacks who fought on the Confederate side? I'm not making that up. It's true.

I do think slavery played a big role in things because everytime there was a state acquired that became slave, they had to get a state that was free and vice versa. This would have to be settled at some point. However, the big issue was whether federal government should have a right to force the states to do things (and I would agree that states should have no say on the slavery subject because it's just wrong). Federalism vs. Anti-federalism was a big issue since the start of the country. There probably would have been a war with or without slavery because of this.

Oh, and I learned most of that from liberal professors.

Good post.

Spending 9 years in Illinois public skools  :thatsright:  it was all about Honest Abe making black people free.

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #65 on: May 26, 2009, 02:10:21 AM »
Now- you can ship out tons of cotton much cheaper than you can iron ore.

What weighs more? A ton of cotton or a ton of ore?  :-)

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #66 on: May 26, 2009, 02:13:15 AM »
My dad picked cotton in the 30's- early 40's

they worked hard, child or not, for a pittance

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #67 on: May 26, 2009, 02:16:46 AM »
What weighs more? A ton of cotton or a ton of ore?  :-)

An ounce of your bullshit?   :beer:

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #68 on: May 26, 2009, 02:22:20 AM »
The "changes" that the modern liberal seeks are simply examples of what our first settlers came to avoid.

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #69 on: May 26, 2009, 02:28:19 AM »

Walk into any ER in the country.  They are bound by law to treat you for free.  But for some reason, that's not good enough.  I find the idea of "free health care for all" stupidly simplistic and idiotic.  Who the hell in their right minds would want to, on purpose, make their health issues a liability to the government?  You think "the poor" have it shitty now, you ain't seen nothin' yet. 


There is not anyone that is not allowing kids to have access to emergency health care.

The problem is most welfare moms think any little sniffle is a chance to get out of the house and hang out in the waiting room of the hospital. Why should they have to cut back on smokes, just so they can purchase a four dollar bottle of over the counter cough syrup?

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #70 on: May 26, 2009, 02:32:08 AM »

Offline Vagabond

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #71 on: May 26, 2009, 02:58:44 AM »
If it wasn't for American government killing 3/4 of Cherokee Indians during the Trail of Tears, I might be living on a reservation right now, but I'm not about to thank America for that. I'm sure we might all be better off because of some BS that has happened in the past. Doesn't make the BS morally okay. Conservatives say they're about morals. This is a moral issue.

As for the last part, maybe you can prove to me that liberals are poison instead of pointing the finger at them, even when they do something good like tell the truth about History.

Note: Debate style, not wanting to get personal style. Let me know if I need to stop.

# 1.  Andy Jackson didn't really want to move the Cherokees, politically he had no choice.  It was the state of Georgia that forced them out.  Jackson tried to give them some place to go.  Though he was correct in that it was foolish to have treaties with "nations" that are inside your territorial boundaries.

# 2.  The Cherokee did not live on a reservation, they lived on their own tracts of land, much as their white neighbors.  You mention living on a reservation as if that is a good thing.  I assume you have never been on one or dealt with tribal politics while trying to accomplish something.  Most tribal councils would make New Jersey's government appear to be the height of moral governance, and their worse than democrats about wanting to keep their little welfare machines on the reservation, and they hold nasty gudges when one escapes.

# 3.  History usually revolves around a people pushing aside another people who have either grown to weak and decadent or too technologically backwards to keep what they say belongs to them, morality be damned.  The Cherokee had been pushed out of the Chesapeake area and invaded ond occupied the Georgia area.  The Cherokee were at war with every tribe around them when they encountered the Europeans.  Was the tribe that pushed the Cherokee out any better than the Europeans?  Were the Cherokees any better than the Europeans for attacking and enslaving neighboring tribes?

# 4.  Liberals distort history to their own ends.  Liberals supported the state of Israel right up until it successfully defended itself.  Since then, Israel has always been an oppressor, even before the modern state existed according to liberals.

I am a descendant of the Cherokee tribe myself.  I thank God that I never lived under the tribal system.
There comes a time when even good men must run up the black flag of anarchy and slit throats. - H.L. Mencken

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #72 on: May 26, 2009, 03:11:33 AM »
Besides, why should the South manufacture cotton or jean cloth? The raw product makes then enough money, and who would run the factories anyway? Not them dumb darkies.

Actually, some manufacturing activities in the South did use slave labor.  There is no indication that they were any worse at it than their northern "free" counterparts.
There comes a time when even good men must run up the black flag of anarchy and slit throats. - H.L. Mencken

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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #73 on: May 26, 2009, 09:33:20 AM »
What weighs more? A ton of cotton or a ton of ore?  :-)

smart ass
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Re: More insane anti-South hatred at the DUmp
« Reply #74 on: May 26, 2009, 09:36:53 AM »
Actually, some manufacturing activities in the South did use slave labor.  There is no indication that they were any worse at it than their northern "free" counterparts.

No, they weren't. But the fact remains the South saw they could make more shipping out raw product that manufacturing it. This came to bite them in the ass during the war when they just didn't have the factories to turn out modern war requirements.

Up til '65 they were still getting uniforms and boots shipped in from England.

Gettysberg happened more because of a shoe factory in the region than some over arching military strategem.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!