Author Topic: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?  (Read 4869 times)

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Offline 5412

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Hi Folks,

I am getting more fed up by the day.

I just sent the following letter to the head of the RNC.  It is becoming more clear to me every day that there will soon be a third party emerge if they do not get their act together and start accomplishing something.



April 6, 2009

Mr. Michael Steele,
Republican National Committee
310 First Street
Washington, DC 20003

Dear Mr. Steele,

I am writing you because I am deeply concerned about the future of the Republican party.  I cannot tell you how excited I was when I saw you were elected chairman.  The interview you gave Glenn Beck had me about ready to open my checkbook once again; perhaps there still might be such a thing as a conservative republican party.

Since that time, I have not been the least bit happy the direction things have gone.  Let me elaborate first by outlining what the liberals have managed to accomplish.

1.  They have put forth a budget which will cripple our national defense significantly.

2.  They have started upon a program for health care which most all Americans do not want and seniors are terrified about.

3.  They have passed bailout bills which will throw our country into such financial turmoil we may never recover.

4.  They are putting forth bills to once again force unwanted gun controls on our society.  Programs which historically have proven to fail and increase violent crimes in the process.

Now, let me put forth what the Republicans have accomplished:

1.  They managed to get almost 100% vote against the bailout bill.  Of course it just took three to get it through the senate and it the Republican leadership failed....

2.  The Republicans in the house voted 100% against several bills that still passed.

3.  The Republicans have managed to get a little press coverage for the governor of South Carolina, a couple senators and a congressman from Texas.....whoppee!

4.  The Republicans announce they are opposed to pork, well except for about a dozen who loaded some of their own into a budget bill.

5.  The Republican party was outraged about the AIG bonuses.  Mr. Steele, I did not see any Republican screaming at the top of their lungs that Senator Dodd specifically put the language in the bailout bill to allow those bonuses.  I did not see one Republican spokesperson or member of congress showing the list of top recipients from campaign donations from AIG.  Instead they took the path of least resistance, and allowed the libs to direct the outrage against private industry instead of themselves where it should have been directed.

Sir, I believe the term Republican Leadership is becoming another huge oxymoron.  Keep this crap up and you will see Gingrich take the conservative movement into a third party and that will accomplish two things.  Half the current republicans will be out of a job and the liberals will have such a strangle on power the president can take his communist agenda to the hilt!



Mr. Steele the Republican party is now about to allow the liberals to totally out maneuver them so they can put things into the budget bill which will not allow a filibuster.  Basically the passive Republican party has now just about lost the ability to filibuster any of the stupid bills that the libs want passed despite public objections to them.

I ask myself why that is happening.  I see several reasons.

1.  It seems to me the Republican party is under the fool notion that you can negotiate with Pelosi and friends.  Hell, even the stupid president cannot negotiate with them and you are dumb enough to think you can.  The only thing they understand is power, pressure and a whole lot of it.  So far I have not seen much of that from the Republican Party, instead the same old passive crap from the likes of John McCain who does not want to rock the boat, more concerned about getting along and avoiding confrontation than solving the problems of this country.

2.  Seems to me that there is a pervasive attitude among the party of "They are in the majority and there is really not much we can do about it."  That Mr. Steele is pure bullshit unless they allow it to be so.

3.  Lack of creativity or unwillingness to use un-conventional methods to get their point across to the American people.

4.  Little to no attempt to counter the national media on issues.  No one, other than Fox is telling the truth.

I would like to offer some suggestions.  There are several possibilities where the ideas I am going to put forth can be applied.  The criteria must be to select an issue, or issues, that the polls show the public to be really in favor of, overwhelmingly public support.

A couple of examples would be this. 

1.  The health care system overhaul.  No one is in favor of the government health care program that basically rations health care based on the European "cost effective" criteria.  The bulk of the American people are not even aware of this goal which they are quickly moving toward.

2.  The weakening of the military and the non-use of terrorist, war on terror, etc.  The majority of our country wants a strong military, one that can defend ourselves, not a passive apologetic European mindset.

3.  Immigration and border control.  Close the borders NOW.  The American public is sick and tired of spending billions of our tax dollars for folks who are here illegally.  Want a health care program?  How about a provision that says this.  If an illegal needs emergency health care, do the humane thing and treat them, then pack them up and send them home.  Hell the libs won't even allow you to call them illegals anymore, which is more the reason the republican party should continue to do so.

4.  The current Treasury Secretary should be called upon to resign, not be given the unconstitutional right to control salaries of any employees, whether executive or janitor of any private company.

Mr. Steele, pick one, two, who cares, you have got to stop this now or it is just going to get worse.

How about a united front from the Republicans in both houses of congress and walk out of the budget vote and stay out?  What the hell, they did not want, nor did they allow or accept any Republican input, why should you be there for the vote?    Then take your stand on one or two of the issues involved and either get them taken out, or provide for a full hearing in the senate which can be filibustered.  Then DO NOT BACK DOWN.

How about getting some more press coverage and TV coverage for more than just a few conservative Republicans?  Other than three or four and the standard pansies the liberals love who has been standing up for the conservative principals which most Americans agree on?

And finally, I want to use one more idea for a nail in my argument.  Senator Nelson here in Florida said that the calls to his office were 10-1 against the stimulus bill that got passed.  He then proceeds to vote for it anyway and has the audacity to send out an email to those of us who took the time to write to him and outline all the wonderful virtues of the bill and explain why he voted for it.  I wrote him back and basically said, in the words of Clark Gable, "Frankly Senator, I do not give a damn!". 


I have heard nary a peep about the idea that those who are hired to represent us in congress are to REPRESENT US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and cast their votes accordingly.

Bottom line is simple.  The public needs to be educated about just what is really getting passed in congress.  You folks are not getting that done.  Just bitching on Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh is not going to get it done either.

Then the second thing is getting the public so riled up that they force their elected representatives to do their bidding.  Want to know how to do that, watch the libs they have turned it into an art form.

Mr. Steels, I am not joking.  My checkbook is closed.  I hope I do not have to make the choice between a Republican Party or a third party started by Gingrich.  If you continue as you have, my decision will be an easy one and all republicans, conservative and moderate will lose even more.


PS:  Like the idea of TEA PARTIES?  Know why you folks have not been invited?  It is because there are a lot of Americans who are angry at our government, both sides of the aisle.  You can bet that most of the folks at the tea parties would easily support a third party started by Gingrich.  You better get your house in order or there will be no more house for you to look after.

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 04:44:13 PM »
The "real conservatives" handed the democrats a filibuster proof Congress.   

The third party whine I have been listening to for as long as I can remember.   We have a third party.  It's called the Libertarian Party, and yes the majority of them are complete loons.

Offline thundley4

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 04:53:22 PM »
Newt recently had an article where he thinks a third conservative party my happen.

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 05:47:52 PM »
Excellent letter again 5412. H5!

I may borrow some of it to send to my own Rep. I'm mad enough to spit nails.....
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 07:46:36 PM »
I haven't seen any Republican leadership.
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Offline 5412

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2009, 08:15:56 PM »
Excellent letter again 5412. H5!

I may borrow some of it to send to my own Rep. I'm mad enough to spit nails.....

I am flattered that you would ask to borrow some of it, please do.  I really wish that more folks would get really proactive in writing letters.  If these nitwits are not overwhelmed with letters and feedback they have a tendency to take the course of last resistence.


Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2009, 08:28:02 PM »
H5  Well thought out letter....

I do hope Newt emerges as our next leader....

Offline 5412

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2009, 09:31:18 PM »
H5  Well thought out letter....

I do hope Newt emerges as our next leader....


While I agree about Newt, I would prefer it to be the Republican Party that he leads.  If not, he becomes as effective as giant Ross Perot and splits the vote. 

Recall that Jesse Ventura was spot on with a lot of things he believed in.  When he became MN governor basically both the Republicans and Democrats wanted to be sure to do everything they could to undermine him so they would be assured that nothing like his being elected would ever happen again.  While he won the hearts and minds of the people he really had no coalition to speak of and that was a shame.


Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2009, 09:34:07 PM »
Well yes, I meant as the leader of the Republican party. 

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2009, 09:39:29 AM »
Great letter ! 

I wish that everytime Obama blames Bush for something, the Republicans would push back and remind everyone how ineffective Obama was in the MAJORITY DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS  which enabled the Bush Administration to achieve everything Barry is whining about !   :thatsright:

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2009, 10:05:23 AM »
The "real conservatives" handed the democrats a filibuster proof Congress.   

The third party whine I have been listening to for as long as I can remember.   We have a third party.  It's called the Libertarian Party, and yes the majority of them are complete loons.

The only way it could work would be a couple of losing cycles with the Conservative vote split between the GOP and Party 3, ending in the dismantling of the GOP as we know it and reassembly of the salvageable parts (and Blue Dogs) into a new departure, the same way the GOP was formed from the wreckage of the Whigs.
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Offline Lanie

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2009, 10:24:28 AM »
I just wish Republican leaders would stop snubbing Palin.
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Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2009, 11:22:29 AM »
I just wish Republican leaders would stop snubbing Palin.

They keep doing that for some reason...maybe they believe she was the cause of the election loss....but EVERYONE should know that McCAIN was lucky to get any conservative votes....if it weren't for Palin, the vote tally would have been embarrassing.

I do believe they want Newt to emerge as the party leader...There was a convention of some sort not too long ago, Palin was uninvited when Newt was able to give the speech.

I think a Newt/Palin ticket would be a strong one.

Offline Konssurvative1

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2009, 12:29:36 PM »
Great letter ! 

I wish that everytime Obama blames Bush for something, the Republicans would push back and remind everyone how ineffective Obama was in the MAJORITY DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS  which enabled the Bush Administration to achieve everything Barry is whining about !   :thatsright:

I would like to see republicans say to OBAMA that he was a member of the senate that voted for or allowed something he is bashing bush on...ask Mr. Obama how he voted or what was his stance on something.  He voted against the war, but now sends more troops to Afganistan...while I agree with that...he can't have it both ways.  The war in IRAQ in my opinion really isn't differnent then the war on terror engaged in Afgahnistan...

Fighting to oust all congressional incumbents...after all aren't they the ones responsible for this whole mess.
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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2009, 01:55:07 PM »
H5  Well thought out letter....

I do hope Newt emerges as our next leader....

Oh please do split the party even further. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2009, 04:35:22 PM »

These asshats, as far as I can tell, are bending over without the vaseline!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline 5412

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2009, 06:22:57 PM »
Oh please do split the party even further. Thanks in advance.


I agree with the pundits.  Kick out the Republican senators from Maine and Specter to begin with.  What galls the heck out of me is why the so called moderate repbulicans cannot see the handwriting on the wall.....and have no courage of their convictions, or apparently no real core beliefs for that matter.

We do not need to elect conciliatory republicans, we need folks who will slam dunk the libs, be honest, and right the ship.  We need folks who stand up and say straight out, this is what I believe in, if you believe in the same things vote for me.  If you do not, vote for someone who believes in things that are important to you, plain and simple.  That, in essence, is what the Contract for America did and it was terrific, until they waffled after getting elected.

I suppose a couple party splits would eventually help the party but what a risk.  By then the libs will have totally destroyed the country and the public would elect Mickey Mouse to stop the garbage.....  Sounds good but with the weakening of national defense it could be a real disaster.

If we get some more 9-11 type attacks, then I suspect the lack of BO leadership will show through quickly because Americans, when attacked, do not want to put up with any crap, they want action, not letters from the damn UN.


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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2009, 06:27:14 PM »
I just wish Republican leaders would stop snubbing Palin.

May I ask why?
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Offline Chris

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2009, 06:28:14 PM »

I agree with the pundits.  Kick out the Republican senators from Maine and Specter to begin with.  What galls the heck out of me is why the so called moderate repbulicans cannot see the handwriting on the wall.....and have no courage of their convictions, or apparently no real core beliefs for that matter.

We do not need to elect conciliatory republicans, we need folks who will slam dunk the libs, be honest, and right the ship.  We need folks who stand up and say straight out, this is what I believe in, if you believe in the same things vote for me.  If you do not, vote for someone who believes in things that are important to you, plain and simple.  That, in essence, is what the Contract for America did and it was terrific, until they waffled after getting elected.

I suppose a couple party splits would eventually help the party but what a risk.  By then the libs will have totally destroyed the country and the public would elect Mickey Mouse to stop the garbage.....  Sounds good but with the weakening of national defense it could be a real disaster.

If we get some more 9-11 type attacks, then I suspect the lack of BO leadership will show through quickly because Americans, when attacked, do not want to put up with any crap, they want action, not letters from the damn UN.


pssst... that guy's a jerk.  i hear he got hisself banned.  tsk, tsk.
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Offline 5412

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2009, 07:09:34 PM »
pssst... that guy's a jerk.  i hear he got hisself banned.  tsk, tsk.


Sometimes I am naive beyond belief.  I thought he was being scarcastic.


Offline Chris

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Re: Anybody besides me furious with the so-called Republican leadership?
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2009, 07:13:54 PM »

Sometimes I am naive beyond belief.  I thought he was being scarcastic.

No, he was being an asshole.

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