Author Topic: Military and Veterans under attack by Obama Administration ...  (Read 699 times)

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Offline TandT

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as a retired military veteran, i will make MY voice heard, long, loud and often ... :mad::mad::mad:

This is bad - not just for me ... but for EVERYONE who has a government benefit ... those benefits will come under attack to enable BHO to divert $$$ for his socialist programs ....


Proposed Tricare Cuts Could Cause Problems For Military Families and Retirees

It’s pretty much a given fact that the men and women serving in our country’s Armed Forces aren’t paid a whole lot. A large majority of them are living paycheck to paycheck, barely getting by. Many of our Veterans are in the same position, some even worse off, as evidenced by the numbers of homeless veterans in our country. When I read about this particular proposal to cut Tricare benefits for Military Families and Veterans I was none too happy.

A recent report from the Congressional Budget Office details just one proposal that would increase out of pocket expenses for medical care for Military Families and Veterans, while others would lose their VA benefits altogether. Other proposals would raise Tricare fees, co-payments and deductibles. Veterans whose medical condition isn’t service related could end up no longer being eligible for VA medical care at all. While nothing has been approved at this juncture, the Congressional Budget Office director at this time is President-elect Obama’s choice to be his director of the Office of Management and Budget, and who led the work on this proposal, Peter R. Orszag, so it very possibly will have a very real, very devastating affect on our Troops and our Veterans.

“We are going to go through our federal budget, as I promised during the campaign, page by page, line by line, eliminating those programs we don’t need and insisting that those that we do need operate in a sensible, cost-effective way,” Obama said in November as he announced Orszag’s nomination to join his cabinet .

“We’re also going to focus on one of the biggest, long-run challenges that our budget faces, namely the rising cost of health care in both the public and private sectors,” Obama continued. “This is not just a challenge but also an opportunity to improve the health care that Americans rely on, and to bring down the costs that taxpayers, businesses and families have to pay. That is what [OMB] will do in my administration.”

Obama added, “Peter doesn’t need a map to tell him where the bodies are buried in the federal budget. He knows what works and what doesn’t, what’s worth our precious tax dollars and what is not.”   

Feel Free to google it yourself ...
A day without laughter is a day misspent!  e.e. cummings

Offline TandT

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Re: Military and Veterans under attack by Obama Administration ...
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 08:29:51 AM »
Here is my letter to my personal Congress Critters (Sen Graham (SC) and Congressman Brown (SC 1st District) sent today:

Our military and military veterans are under attack by the Obama administration. 

Specifically, the Tricare For Life program that provides for veterans health care benefits after military service is a potential candidate for the Obama budget knife.  As a retired military veteran (I served more than 20 years in the United States Navy) I have relied upon those benefits to help my personal budget and not be a financial drain on my family. 

In 2007, I used Tricare For Life and underwent treatment for Prostate Cancer.  Had I not had any health coverage, my family would have been placed under a severe financial hardship.

These military (active duty and veteran) benefits are under attack because Obama has no concept of the hardships and sacrafices that our military are asked to endure.  Our men and women in the armed service DO NOT deserve this type of 'turn the other cheek'. 

Remember, Senator the following quote:  "A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America for an amount of up to and including my life."   I wrote that check, as do everyone who takes the military oath. 

President Obama cannot say the same thing.

Please DO NOT turn your back on our military.

A day without laughter is a day misspent!  e.e. cummings