Author Topic: sometimes, they don't even try to hide the corruption...  (Read 1596 times)

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sometimes, they don't even try to hide the corruption...
« on: February 05, 2008, 05:43:56 PM »
okay, so they try a little.. but you want to talk about an EYE OPENER

Trust me.. read the whole thing, but note the following paragraphs;

So the guy fidgets with the outside of the booth, then comes back and STEPS INTO THE BOOTH WITH ME. “Go ahead and try it now,” he says, watching over my shoulder. I reach for the lever and … nothing. “Hold on,” he says, and steps outside of the booth, fiddles with the machine, steps back into the booth and says, “Now try.” Lather, rinse, repeat. I suggest maybe the big lever that registers the vote might have to be reset for this to work. At first he says no, but then changes his mind. “Well, we’ll just have to throw in a vote,” he says.

At this point, he selects Hillary Clinton then pulls the lever. Ka-ching. One more vote for Hillary.

We then try again. Nothing. So he gives me a paper ballot. (As an aside, the outside of the provisional ballot envelope requires that you check a box explaining why you’re filling out a paper ballot. Nowhere is there a box to check for “You’ve obviously hired morons to work the polling station.”)

So I filled in the paper ballot and turned it in. When I did so, I asked the gentleman, “So, did that vote register for Hillary Clinton?”

“Oh, yeah,” he said. “Don’t worry about it. That was my vote.”

I bet it was.

the whole thing is.. just.. i want to say unbelievable, but i can't even say that...