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Offline Eupher

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #450 on: December 22, 2009, 10:15:07 AM »
We can't undo any damage in 2011 because even if the R's get a majority, 0bama just veotos every tax cut, and holds stuff hostage he doesn't like.

But he goes on the defensive, which effectively takes the wind out of his sails.

True, as prez he wields an enormous amount of power nonetheless, but I see him flailing about like a 14-month old toddler in the high chair.
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Offline Oceander

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #451 on: December 22, 2009, 10:23:00 AM »
Where oh where is this third party? Dems/Rep---all the same crap. Old wood!

Right now, a third party is a prescription for national suicide.  Look, the one thing that the Tea Party movement has proven without a doubt is that we can get most of the current Republicans do start acting more responsibly if we keep after them constantly, if we get people out in front of Capitol Hill and their offices to speak out publicly about what we want them to do, if we demand that they meet with us regularly at townhall meetings and that they shut up, sit down, and listen to what we have to say, and if we keep up an unremitting stream of communication with them via email, fax, snail-mail, telephone, and in-person.  That is a lot of hard work, and it means a lot of sacrifice for a lot of people because it means taking some time off of work, for example, to go to a demonstration or to go to Washington, DC, and it means taking time away from your family to sit down and write out a letter, or a fax, or an email, and send it off to your Congress-monkeys; but that is how the libs/left managed to capture the Democrat Party and that is why the Democrats are currently carrying water for the hard-left even though it means their own political suicide in many instances.

Think about it:  how many of the current Republican senators would have gamely tried to get some little gimme of their own into Harry Reid's monstrosity, and would have voted for that bill if it contained just enough vigorish a la what Ben Nelson got, so they could at least maintain that last little fig-leaf of self-worth and tell their constituents "sorry, I couldn't stop the bill, but at least I got us a little something to sweeten the deal"?  Lindsey Graham of SC would almost certainly have done something like that.  So, too, would Snowe, Collins, and etc, etc, etc.  The simple fact of the matter is, however, that they didn't, because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would be signing their own political death warrants if they did that.  And the reason they have that knowledge?  Because of all the conservative/Tea Party demonstrations and all of the conservatives who have rallied publicly and told them in no uncertain terms that they would be political dead meat if they went along to get along with the Democrats.

That is how you control your politicians.  That is how the liberals and the hard-left have managed to control the Democrats.  That is what we have just started doing, and even now we can see positive results.

Basically, we forgot the old adage that politics is not a spectator sport, and got complacent and let our politicians run on auto-pilot.  That's not how a democracy works; politicians are very needy people - they need a lot of love and attention, and they will do almost anything if they get that love and attention (as witness the number of Democrats who are currently committing political suicide just for want of the love and attention of the liberals/left to which they've become addicted); however, if a politician's natural constituency does not give it (the politician, that is) the love and attention it needs to thrive, it will become despondent, and will start to drift off in search of others who will give it the love and attention it craves - that is how many RINOs are made:  they start off as right of center moderates/mild conservatives, grow despondent when they realize that their conservative/right of center base no longer cares how they're doing, or what they're doing, and they start drifting further and further to the left in search of new "friends" until, like Pinocchio, they get captured by the liberal/leftwing Coachman on the liberals' Pleasure Island (Land of the Toys in the original Pinocchio story), grow long ears and a tail, and begin braying in liberalese.

This is something that we all should have learned this past summer, and up through today, and it is a little astonishing to me that we managed to break so many apparent RINOs of their addiction to the wastrel ways of the liberals' Pleasure Island so quickly that their wasn't a single Republican defection on the cloture vote for Reid's monstrosity - not even a Snowe or a Collins continued to stick with the liberal Coachman (to continue the Pinocchio analogy).

That is something that should be heartening, and something that we need to really stress-test throughout the first part of 2010 and going into the fall campaign season to determine how many of our wayward RINOs can be rehabilitated and which few, like Arlen Specter, cannot and must be put out of our political misery.  It would be a true shame to get rid of an erstwhile RINO who has in fact rehabilitated and started to fly right again (pun intended) just because he or she had in the past become a RINO through a lack of love and attention from us.

Offline Oceander

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #452 on: December 22, 2009, 10:28:04 AM »
We can't undo any damage in 2011 because even if the R's get a majority, 0bama just veotos every tax cut, and holds stuff hostage he doesn't like.

There are two reasons that is false:  first, if, God willing, the Republicans were to get a two-thirds majority in House and Senate, then there would be nothing Zero-bama could do because we could override each and every veto he issued - of course, the odds of that happening are very minor.  Second, and more to the point, right now the only thing that matters is doing triage and stopping things from going any farther left than they already have; for that, all we really need is enough seats in the Senate that we can reliably filibuster anything the Democrats throw up - if it doesn't get passed by the Congress, it never even gets to Obama in the first place.

Finally, I think you underestimate the degree of discomfort many democrat voters are feeling right now, and so long as we don't go off the deep end - the way the Democrats have just done in spades - then we will most likely get a lot of them to come along with us to start taking down the worst of the excesses the current crop of Democrat tyrants have put in place.

None of that will happen, however, if we delude ourselves into believing that (1) we need an ideologically pure third party to fix everything for us, or (2) we need to have the Presidency in our party.  That way lies madness, and the actual destruction of the United States of America.

Offline Eupher

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #453 on: December 22, 2009, 10:31:26 AM »
Right now, a third party is a prescription for national suicide.  Look, the one thing that the Tea Party movement has proven without a doubt is that we can get most of the current Republicans do start acting more responsibly if we keep after them constantly, if we get people out in front of Capitol Hill and their offices to speak out publicly about what we want them to do, if we demand that they meet with us regularly at townhall meetings and that they shut up, sit down, and listen to what we have to say, and if we keep up an unremitting stream of communication with them via email, fax, snail-mail, telephone, and in-person.  That is a lot of hard work, and it means a lot of sacrifice for a lot of people because it means taking some time off of work, for example, to go to a demonstration or to go to Washington, DC, and it means taking time away from your family to sit down and write out a letter, or a fax, or an email, and send it off to your Congress-monkeys; but that is how the libs/left managed to capture the Democrat Party and that is why the Democrats are currently carrying water for the hard-left even though it means their own political suicide in many instances.

Think about it:  how many of the current Republican senators would have gamely tried to get some little gimme of their own into Harry Reid's monstrosity, and would have voted for that bill if it contained just enough vigorish a la what Ben Nelson got, so they could at least maintain that last little fig-leaf of self-worth and tell their constituents "sorry, I couldn't stop the bill, but at least I got us a little something to sweeten the deal"?  Lindsey Graham of SC would almost certainly have done something like that.  So, too, would Snowe, Collins, and etc, etc, etc.  The simple fact of the matter is, however, that they didn't, because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would be signing their own political death warrants if they did that.  And the reason they have that knowledge?  Because of all the conservative/Tea Party demonstrations and all of the conservatives who have rallied publicly and told them in no uncertain terms that they would be political dead meat if they went along to get along with the Democrats.

That is how you control your politicians.  That is how the liberals and the hard-left have managed to control the Democrats.  That is what we have just started doing, and even now we can see positive results.

Basically, we forgot the old adage that politics is not a spectator sport, and got complacent and let our politicians run on auto-pilot.  That's not how a democracy works; politicians are very needy people - they need a lot of love and attention, and they will do almost anything if they get that love and attention (as witness the number of Democrats who are currently committing political suicide just for want of the love and attention of the liberals/left to which they've become addicted); however, if a politician's natural constituency does not give it (the politician, that is) the love and attention it needs to thrive, it will become despondent, and will start to drift off in search of others who will give it the love and attention it craves - that is how many RINOs are made:  they start off as right of center moderates/mild conservatives, grow despondent when they realize that their conservative/right of center base no longer cares how they're doing, or what they're doing, and they start drifting further and further to the left in search of new "friends" until, like Pinocchio, they get captured by the liberal/leftwing Coachman on the liberals' Pleasure Island (Land of the Toys in the original Pinocchio story), grow long ears and a tail, and begin braying in liberalese.

This is something that we all should have learned this past summer, and up through today, and it is a little astonishing to me that we managed to break so many apparent RINOs of their addiction to the wastrel ways of the liberals' Pleasure Island so quickly that their wasn't a single Republican defection on the cloture vote for Reid's monstrosity - not even a Snowe or a Collins continued to stick with the liberal Coachman (to continue the Pinocchio analogy).

That is something that should be heartening, and something that we need to really stress-test throughout the first part of 2010 and going into the fall campaign season to determine how many of our wayward RINOs can be rehabilitated and which few, like Arlen Specter, cannot and must be put out of our political misery.  It would be a true shame to get rid of an erstwhile RINO who has in fact rehabilitated and started to fly right again (pun intended) just because he or she had in the past become a RINO through a lack of love and attention from us.

Excellent post. +5

Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Offline Happy Fun Ball

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #454 on: December 22, 2009, 10:46:02 AM »
Sad?  I'm  :censored: ecstatic that people are finally getting a clue.
Too bad this didn't happen 15 months ago.

Offline Thor

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #455 on: December 22, 2009, 10:49:10 AM »
Right now, a third party is a prescription for national suicide.  Look, the one thing that the Tea Party movement has proven without a doubt is that we can get most of the current Republicans do start acting more responsibly if we keep after them constantly, if we get people out in front of Capitol Hill and their offices to speak out publicly about what we want them to do, if we demand that they meet with us regularly at townhall meetings and that they shut up, sit down, and listen to what we have to say, and if we keep up an unremitting stream of communication with them via email, fax, snail-mail, telephone, and in-person.  That is a lot of hard work, and it means a lot of sacrifice for a lot of people because it means taking some time off of work, for example, to go to a demonstration or to go to Washington, DC, and it means taking time away from your family to sit down and write out a letter, or a fax, or an email, and send it off to your Congress-monkeys; but that is how the libs/left managed to capture the Democrat Party and that is why the Democrats are currently carrying water for the hard-left even though it means their own political suicide in many instances.

Think about it:  how many of the current Republican senators would have gamely tried to get some little gimme of their own into Harry Reid's monstrosity, and would have voted for that bill if it contained just enough vigorish a la what Ben Nelson got, so they could at least maintain that last little fig-leaf of self-worth and tell their constituents "sorry, I couldn't stop the bill, but at least I got us a little something to sweeten the deal"?  Lindsey Graham of SC would almost certainly have done something like that.  So, too, would Snowe, Collins, and etc, etc, etc.  The simple fact of the matter is, however, that they didn't, because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would be signing their own political death warrants if they did that.  And the reason they have that knowledge?  Because of all the conservative/Tea Party demonstrations and all of the conservatives who have rallied publicly and told them in no uncertain terms that they would be political dead meat if they went along to get along with the Democrats.

That is how you control your politicians.  That is how the liberals and the hard-left have managed to control the Democrats.  That is what we have just started doing, and even now we can see positive results.

Basically, we forgot the old adage that politics is not a spectator sport, and got complacent and let our politicians run on auto-pilot.  That's not how a democracy works; politicians are very needy people - they need a lot of love and attention, and they will do almost anything if they get that love and attention (as witness the number of Democrats who are currently committing political suicide just for want of the love and attention of the liberals/left to which they've become addicted); however, if a politician's natural constituency does not give it (the politician, that is) the love and attention it needs to thrive, it will become despondent, and will start to drift off in search of others who will give it the love and attention it craves - that is how many RINOs are made:  they start off as right of center moderates/mild conservatives, grow despondent when they realize that their conservative/right of center base no longer cares how they're doing, or what they're doing, and they start drifting further and further to the left in search of new "friends" until, like Pinocchio, they get captured by the liberal/leftwing Coachman on the liberals' Pleasure Island (Land of the Toys in the original Pinocchio story), grow long ears and a tail, and begin braying in liberalese.

This is something that we all should have learned this past summer, and up through today, and it is a little astonishing to me that we managed to break so many apparent RINOs of their addiction to the wastrel ways of the liberals' Pleasure Island so quickly that their wasn't a single Republican defection on the cloture vote for Reid's monstrosity - not even a Snowe or a Collins continued to stick with the liberal Coachman (to continue the Pinocchio analogy).

That is something that should be heartening, and something that we need to really stress-test throughout the first part of 2010 and going into the fall campaign season to determine how many of our wayward RINOs can be rehabilitated and which few, like Arlen Specter, cannot and must be put out of our political misery.  It would be a true shame to get rid of an erstwhile RINO who has in fact rehabilitated and started to fly right again (pun intended) just because he or she had in the past become a RINO through a lack of love and attention from us.

Bullshit.... Ask Jesse Ventura about his chances prior to the 1998 election. While Jesse was about as politically incorrect as one could get and made a TON of stupid comments to the press/ media, he wasn't a bad Governor.

The GOP needs to go back to their roots. They have been infiltrated by Democrats claiming to be Republicans. (Norm Coleman was one of those) This is the problem of the GOP. They have abandoned their base in a quest for more "moderate" candidates. Then, there's the endless "indiscretions" that they have been caught up in. The other thing that the GOP has failed this country on is the fact that they have lost their backbone and will to fight. IMO, they are a bunch of emasculated pansies. Look at the all the crap that the Dems have gotten away with over the last decade and a half. The Dems commit crimes and the GOP is slow to demand their resignation, demand hearings and seek punishment for those who have transgressed the law. As I see it, the GOP just rolls over and does NOTHING. Furthermore, I USED to donate to the GOP previous to 2004. When the GOP failed to address the illegal immigration problem, they lost me, among many others. Any more, I don't trust a candidate just because they "say" they are Republican. Actions, not words, are things that convince me.

Ohhh, and if anybody thinks that Tim Pawlenty would be a good candidate for the leadership of this nation, you'd best think again. He's another one that calls himself "Republican", but is really a typical RINO. He promised no tax increases in MN. While he pretty much held to that promise, he allowed "fees" to be placed on things. After all, a "fee" is NOT a tax........  :whatever:
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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #456 on: December 22, 2009, 10:56:22 AM »
Ross Perot got us 8 years of Bill Clinton.

The Republican Party is the natural home for conservatism. We need to get rid of the blue bloods, and get true conservatives back into the party. Easier said than done, I know, but a third party means Democrat control for a long, long time.

Offline Eupher

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #457 on: December 22, 2009, 11:02:46 AM »
Thor, the central message I'm getting from Oceander is essentially for all of us conservatives to get involved in the political process. Sitting back and allowing the politicians to do whatever the hell they feel like (or, more accurately, do in accordance with the shifting winds of public sentiment since they don't have the stones to make up their own minds and make a ****ing decision) has been the central fixture.

Success from the '94 elections led to complacency within the party, as I see it.

That, coupled with the Obamania that began right after the jug-eared Kenyan gave his speech to the Dem Convention in 2004, resulted in his ascending the throne.
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Offline Motlem

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #458 on: December 22, 2009, 11:48:17 AM »
Anyone that has the time to should go out to all of the local Tea Parties they can attend.  The more visible bodies and loud voices that are seen and heard on the street the better.  If you want the conservative message to be spread, help spread it.  Go to the Tea Parties, talk about the issues with people, VOTE!  Don't be afraid to speak up and get in a debate.  Minds won't change themselves and the media does a great job keeping the masses in line.  It is a constant battle, but it can be won.  Don't become complacent......the complacency of the majority helped get America into this mess. 

Offline debk

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #459 on: December 22, 2009, 11:55:30 AM »
Anyone that has the time to should go out to all of the local Tea Parties they can attend.  The more visible bodies and loud voices that are seen and heard on the street the better.  If you want the conservative message to be spread, help spread it.  Go to the Tea Parties, talk about the issues with people, VOTE!  Don't be afraid to speak up and get in a debate.  Minds won't change themselves and the media does a great job keeping the masses in line.  It is a constant battle, but it can be won.  Don't become complacent......the complacency of the majority helped get America into this mess. 

Excellent point!!

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Offline Oceander

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #460 on: December 22, 2009, 12:31:48 PM »
Bullshit.... Ask Jesse Ventura about his chances prior to the 1998 election. While Jesse was about as politically incorrect as one could get and made a TON of stupid comments to the press/ media, he wasn't a bad Governor.

The GOP needs to go back to their roots. They have been infiltrated by Democrats claiming to be Republicans. (Norm Coleman was one of those) This is the problem of the GOP. They have abandoned their base in a quest for more "moderate" candidates. Then, there's the endless "indiscretions" that they have been caught up in. The other thing that the GOP has failed this country on is the fact that they have lost their backbone and will to fight. IMO, they are a bunch of emasculated pansies. Look at the all the crap that the Dems have gotten away with over the last decade and a half. The Dems commit crimes and the GOP is slow to demand their resignation, demand hearings and seek punishment for those who have transgressed the law. As I see it, the GOP just rolls over and does NOTHING. Furthermore, I USED to donate to the GOP previous to 2004. When the GOP failed to address the illegal immigration problem, they lost me, among many others. Any more, I don't trust a candidate just because they "say" they are Republican. Actions, not words, are things that convince me.

Ohhh, and if anybody thinks that Tim Pawlenty would be a good candidate for the leadership of this nation, you'd best think again. He's another one that calls himself "Republican", but is really a typical RINO. He promised no tax increases in MN. While he pretty much held to that promise, he allowed "fees" to be placed on things. After all, a "fee" is NOT a tax........  :whatever:

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time right now (gotta run to the school liturgy service at my daughter's school - thank God for catholic schools!), so I can't do your comment the full justice that it deserves, but I will just say this:  I don't disagree with you except for the point about the GOP "returning" to its roots:  the lesson that this past summer taught (and what years of liberal/leftwing pressure on the Democrats should have taught) is that parties don't do that themselves, the natural constituency of a party must haul, pull, tug, drag, bully, punch, humiliate, tease, beg, whine, plead, do whatever it takes to move the party in the direction the constituency wants.  In other words, we're in the driver's seat - if we really want it - and only we can move the party where it should go - if we're up to the challenge - otherwise it's simply going to drift like a rudderless ship until it runs into the other group that is, of course, continually pitching woo to it to try and get more members to pull an Arlen Specter and switch (since we have an anti-Specter with us today, I'll not denigrate the practice of switching, per se, just say that there are better and worse ways to do it, and Arlen Specter's way was clearly one of the worst).  If Ventura did well, it was because he was able to get people out of their apathy and pulling hard for him.

The other point is this:  right now we should be in triage mode - who is President in 2012 should so utterly irrelevant that nobody here is really discussing it at all.  We should be spending all of our time and energy on breaking the back of the Democrat juggernaut in the 2010 Fall elections, because if we don't do that, then nothing else really matters.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #461 on: December 22, 2009, 12:43:31 PM »
We should be spending all of our time and energy on breaking the back of the Democrat juggernaut in the 2010 Fall elections, because if we don't do that, then nothing else really matters.

Couldn't agree more.  We need to continue to stay engaged, continue to let our Senators, Representatives, etc. know that We The People are not happy with the direction our Country has taken.  We need to keep the pressure on, our voices heard through e-mails, phone calls, Tea Party movements, Townhall meetings, etc..  Or your right, 2010 will all be for not.  I also hope we have enough Independents who will vote the old dems out because most staunch democrats will leave the same "old birds" in power, forever, just on "pride" for their Party.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 12:51:57 PM by Ladywinter »
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Offline debk

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #462 on: December 22, 2009, 12:49:28 PM »
Couldn't agree more.  We need to continue to stay engaged, continue to let our Senators, Representatives, etc. know that We The People are not happy with the direction our Country has taken.  We need to keep the pressure on, our voices heard through e-mails, phone calls, Tea Party movements, Townhall meetings, etc..  Or your right, 2010 will all be for not.

There was someone on Fox the other night...and I can't remember who....I've slept since then....but he was saying the best thing that could happen was that the Tea Party become very very strong and the TP absorb the Republican Party....but leave it as the Republican Party.

It was better than having a 3rd party....but that it would also make the current RP's top people...wake up, smell the coffee, and realize they needed to regroup, change and adapt to what the People really want, instead of trying to get the People to be what the Republican Party wants them to be.

Personally....I thought the guy made a lot of sense.

Now if I could just remember who the guy was... :thatsright:
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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #463 on: December 22, 2009, 12:55:04 PM »
There was someone on Fox the other night...and I can't remember who....I've slept since then....but he was saying the best thing that could happen was that the Tea Party become very very strong and the TP absorb the Republican Party....but leave it as the Republican Party.

It was better than having a 3rd party....but that it would also make the current RP's top people...wake up, smell the coffee, and realize they needed to regroup, change and adapt to what the People really want, instead of trying to get the People to be what the Republican Party wants them to be.

Personally....I thought the guy made a lot of sense.

Now if I could just remember who the guy was... :thatsright:

There is growing concern that a 3rd party candidate would/could split the votes and give BO another 4 years.  Remember what happened in NY-23.  What a shame.  We can't afford BO a second term.  
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 06:05:10 PM by Ladywinter »
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Offline debk

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #464 on: December 22, 2009, 01:46:06 PM »
There is growing concern that a 3rd party candidate would/could split the votes and give BO another 4 years.  Remember what happen in NY-23.  What a shame.  We can't afford BO a second term.   

That was what the point this guy was making. While in theory it was a great idea for the Tea Party to become the third practice it would only cause more harm to the Conservatives.

This guy wasn't Rove, Morris, seems like he was promoting the Tea Party...yet with kind of a different twist in that the Tea Party and Republican Party needed to combine...
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"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

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Offline Motlem

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #465 on: December 22, 2009, 02:21:48 PM »
I also run in to the time issue.  With all of this "change", my wife and I got our hours reduced.  I was able to attend the Tea Parties for a while, but once the economy trickled down to me, I had to fill my increasing extra time with extra part time jobs.  No more time for Tea Partying, very little time for family and even less time for sleep.  One thing is that it has really put things into perspective for me on how everything can go from sailing along great to life crumbling in very little time if control of the country is put into the wrong hands (like the ones they are currently in).  It's given me some motivation to try to seek other avenues and find ways to protect myself and my family in the future.  Until then, I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone and make the sacrifices necessary to keep my family provided for.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #466 on: December 22, 2009, 02:25:22 PM »
I also run in to the time issue.  With all of this "change", my wife and I got our hours reduced.  I was able to attend the Tea Parties for a while, but once the economy trickled down to me, I had to fill my increasing extra time with extra part time jobs.  No more time for Tea Partying, very little time for family and even less time for sleep.  One thing is that it has really put things into perspective for me on how everything can go from sailing along great to life crumbling in very little time if control of the country is put into the wrong hands (like the ones they are currently in).  It's given me some motivation to try to seek other avenues and find ways to protect myself and my family in the future.  Until then, I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone and make the sacrifices necessary to keep my family provided for.
Welcome Motlem, and I hope the New Year brings an improvement in your employment opportunities.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #467 on: December 22, 2009, 05:06:02 PM »
Thanks bijou...fortunately I have been able to maintain.  My situation right now is opposite a lot of others....too much employment..;-}  While it does suck slaving away at 3 jobs, I can at least have the pride of knowing I'm supporting my family instead of letting the state do it for me.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #468 on: December 22, 2009, 07:32:42 PM »
Ross Perot got us 8 years of Bill Clinton.

The Republican Party is the natural home for conservatism. We need to get rid of the blue bloods, and get true conservatives back into the party. Easier said than done, I know, but a third party means Democrat control for a long, long time.
I disagree- the voters are different than they were when Perot and Ventura ran. We are starting to wake up and see this big machine roll be. There is less apathy and more fortitude. Everybody in the country understands what's going on. We no longer have a representative republic; we no longer have a democracy. What we have here is a whistle-stop casino. The game's rigged. The dice are loaded. The roulette wheel is controlled. The cards are marked. They're not counting on us being suckers. They know we're suckers! They assume that we can't stop this....ahh , but yes we can!
I personally want the HOUSE cleaned from top to bottom! Very few of them are worth their pay. They pad their pockets and laugh all the way home. They break laws and pay no mind to the laws that they create. DC is full of prostitudes and liars on both sides.
If we get the Rep back in control it will be business as usual.
Let's build it and see if that new leader will come. It is time for total renewal!
They are two gangs--The Dems are like the Bloods and the Rep are like the Crips. Which gang do you choose?

« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 08:57:59 PM by Patriot Lady »
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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #469 on: December 22, 2009, 07:47:36 PM »
There is growing concern that a 3rd party candidate would/could split the votes and give BO another 4 years.  Remember what happened in NY-23.  What a shame.  We can't afford BO a second term.   

Actually, in an ironic way, NY-23 shows why it's more important for us to stay focused on 2010 (and on the congressional races in 2012) and pay as little attention as possible to the 2012 Presidential election.  The Republican nominee in NY-23, Scozzafava, was about as liberal as the Democrat nominee, and in particular, was (a) on record as supporting the very things that are anathema to conservatives, such as the porkulus bill and the unions' wet dream of card check, and (b) was actively discussing a party switch after the election with the Democrat leadership in Albany.  On that basis, it was an infinitely preferable result to have an honest Democrat win the race rather than a false republican like Scozzafava, who would have become a dishonest Democrat in any event.

Just so with the 2012 Presidential race, in a way.  Provided that we break the back of the Democrats in Congress in 2010, it would be better to have Zero-bama re-elected, and have him fuming in the Whitehouse in impotent rage, than to have some Republican mini-me who has not yet demonstrated that they have the caliber to be a true leader sitting in the Whitehouse and possibly giving the electorate good reason to whipsaw us with the 2014 Congressional elections.

No, 2012 is almost totally irrelevant; 2010 is where we save the country, or we deed it over, lock, stock, and barrel, to the Chinese.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #470 on: December 22, 2009, 07:54:26 PM »
Actually, in an ironic way, NY-23 shows why it's more important for us to stay focused on 2010 (and on the congressional races in 2012) and pay as little attention as possible to the 2012 Presidential election.  The Republican nominee in NY-23, Scozzafava, was about as liberal as the Democrat nominee, and in particular, was (a) on record as supporting the very things that are anathema to conservatives, such as the porkulus bill and the unions' wet dream of card check, and (b) was actively discussing a party switch after the election with the Democrat leadership in Albany.  On that basis, it was an infinitely preferable result to have an honest Democrat win the race rather than a false republican like Scozzafava, who would have become a dishonest Democrat in any event.

Just so with the 2012 Presidential race, in a way.  Provided that we break the back of the Democrats in Congress in 2010, it would be better to have Zero-bama re-elected, and have him fuming in the Whitehouse in impotent rage, than to have some Republican mini-me who has not yet demonstrated that they have the caliber to be a true leader sitting in the Whitehouse and possibly giving the electorate good reason to whipsaw us with the 2014 Congressional elections.

No, 2012 is almost totally irrelevant; 2010 is where we save the country, or we deed it over, lock, stock, and barrel, to the Chinese.

Well said.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #471 on: December 22, 2009, 09:21:53 PM »
Actually, in an ironic way, NY-23 shows why it's more important for us to stay focused on 2010 (and on the congressional races in 2012) and pay as little attention as possible to the 2012 Presidential election.  The Republican nominee in NY-23, Scozzafava, was about as liberal as the Democrat nominee, and in particular, was (a) on record as supporting the very things that are anathema to conservatives, such as the porkulus bill and the unions' wet dream of card check, and (b) was actively discussing a party switch after the election with the Democrat leadership in Albany.  On that basis, it was an infinitely preferable result to have an honest Democrat win the race rather than a false republican like Scozzafava, who would have become a dishonest Democrat in any event.

Just so with the 2012 Presidential race, in a way.  Provided that we break the back of the Democrats in Congress in 2010, it would be better to have Zero-bama re-elected, and have him fuming in the Whitehouse in impotent rage, than to have some Republican mini-me who has not yet demonstrated that they have the caliber to be a true leader sitting in the Whitehouse and possibly giving the electorate good reason to whipsaw us with the 2014 Congressional elections.

No, 2012 is almost totally irrelevant; 2010 is where we save the country, or we deed it over, lock, stock, and barrel, to the Chinese.

I agree completely with one caveat.......winning a majority in the HR is essential, as all spending bills must origionate there, and just picking up enough Senate seats to prevent a "filibuster-proof" majority, would be the icing on the cake.......realistically, I don't think that we can gain a majority in the Senate with all of the seats that we are defending this cycle, and the demographic shifts in the country.

However, except for defunding the present train wreck, and having that vetoed, the Executive branch can do a great deal of damage through executive orders and regulations spinning out of established legislation........and we end up with legislative gridlock (not that it would be a bad thing)

I think that we need to take a serious shot at "dethroning" Obama, and I think that it is possible, with the emerging mood in the country toward his policies........we have to run the RIGHT CANDIDATE, and I don't see any of the present frontrunners as making that happen.........


If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #472 on: December 23, 2009, 12:31:21 AM »
Three years before the last presidential election Barry was a total unknown. let's not count chickens before the eggs are laid, shall we?

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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #473 on: December 23, 2009, 06:58:43 AM »
Three years before the last presidential election Barry was a total unknown. let's not count chickens before the eggs are laid, shall we?


Totally agree with you.  Actually we may be lucky.  Recall not too long ago they were touting George Allen's son in VA.  If we identify them too quickly the left sets out to absolutely destroy the candidate.  When Palin was the surprise pick they went ape shit and had to go into high gear.

I suspect we all know the name of our next party leader, it just is not quite clear just yet which is OK, will give the left less time to begin the smear and destruction campaign.  In the meantime let's keep the cards, letter, and emails blasting away a congress and hope is disapproval continues to grow.


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Re: Daily Presidential Approval Index
« Reply #474 on: December 23, 2009, 07:32:23 AM »
let's keep the cards, letter, and emails blasting away a congress and hope is disapproval continues to grow.

OH YEAH--- Holiday greeting to the max!!!!!!!!!!

-- Goethe