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Offline Jim

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Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:22:17 PM »
you're on your own with this turd Mr Obama

President Barack Obama got the $825 (or $1.2 trillion over a decade) stimulus package through the House of Representatives but the 244 to 188 vote is a hollow victory indeed. Without a single Republican voting for the bill, his high-profile visit to Capitol Hill on Tuesday came to exactly naught - at least on the House side.

Obama vowed to change Washington and usher in a new post-partisan era. The the mood music and optics were pitch perfect as he trekked up to the Hill. Republicans praised his gesture, welcomed his sincere demeanour and appreciated his willingness to listen.

Problem was, he wanted only to listen and did not want to act on what Republicans said. When he was asked if he would re-structure the package to include more tax cuts, he reportedly responded: "Feel free to whack me over the head because I probably will not compromise on that part."

He apparently added: " I understand that and I will watch you on Fox News and feel bad about myself."

That's fine. No doubt Obama will indeed get beaten up on Fox News. But his failure to get even the squishiest moderate Republican  - including the 11 entertained in the White House by Rahm Emanuel last night - to back him is not merely a big score for Rep Eric Cantor, Republican Whip, and the rest of the GOP leadership.

It also shows that it is not just Fox, the loony Right or Rush Limbaugh - or however else you might want to characterise the opposition in order to marginalise it - who had grave misgivings about the content of the bill.

The Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill badly miscalculated by treating the bill as a victor's charter. Not that it seemed to bother Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, who grinned from ear to ear as she announced the result of the vote.

Obama said yesterday he did not feel he had ownership of the bill. Be that as it may, if it goes through the Senate in similar fashion and is signed into law then - the efforts of Pelosio and Senator Harry Reid notwithstanding - it will be his and his alone.
My fellow Americans, there is nothing audacious about hope. Hope is what makes people buy lottery tickets instead of paying the bills. Hope is for the old gals feeding the slots in Atlantic City. It destroys the inner-city kid who quits school because he hopes he'll be a world-famous recording artist.

What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?

One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.

The other kills her own food.

Offline ironhorsedriver

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 08:26:19 AM »
And when it fails, he can't blame Bush and the Rep. Though he'll try mighty hard.

Offline john c calhoun

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2009, 02:06:14 PM »
And when it fails, he can't blame Bush and the Rep. Though he'll try mighty hard.

what if it doesn't fail? cause its not really the economy anyway, we are & we never fail...

nobama is pumping some of the trillion into co's & people that will be spending that money here in the US, unlike GWB, whose trillions went mostly overseas or into very narrow heirarchial coffers...

not saying I didn't benefit some from the economy of the last 8 years, I did...

but not as much as I did as the economy of the 90's , whose goodies were at least balanced w/ an america first agenda & more people benefitted than lost back then as compared to the past 8 years...

so if  Nobamas package & our good ole american economy  doesn't fail, guess who's sitting outside of the sandbox come 2012 ?? ...

one thing I learned in years of biz w/ the public, is to try & avoid making a claim/guarantee &/or trying to convince a customer to stop doing what he's doing for something else...

cause if your 'guarantee' fails, that guys gonna blame you...

so by the GOP sitting out on this one, they too have polarized themselves & could potentially look like chumps if the economy rebounds these next few years, like it most likely will, with or without Nobama & the dems...

FDR's demorats dominated DC for over 40 years....looks like nobama's may do the same, cause I think the GOP just screwed up again ... 

Offline Chris_

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2009, 04:03:38 PM »
what if it doesn't fail? cause its not really the economy anyway, we are & we never fail...

nobama is pumping some of the trillion into co's & people that will be spending that money here in the US, unlike GWB, whose trillions went mostly overseas or into very narrow heirarchial coffers...

not saying I didn't benefit some from the economy of the last 8 years, I did...

but not as much as I did as the economy of the 90's , whose goodies were at least balanced w/ an america first agenda & more people benefitted than lost back then as compared to the past 8 years...

so if  Nobamas package & our good ole american economy  doesn't fail, guess who's sitting outside of the sandbox come 2012 ?? ...

one thing I learned in years of biz w/ the public, is to try & avoid making a claim/guarantee &/or trying to convince a customer to stop doing what he's doing for something else...

cause if your 'guarantee' fails, that guys gonna blame you...

so by the GOP sitting out on this one, they too have polarized themselves & could potentially look like chumps if the economy rebounds these next few years, like it most likely will, with or without Nobama & the dems...

FDR's demorats dominated DC for over 40 years....looks like nobama's may do the same, cause I think the GOP just screwed up again ... 

It will fail.  Anyone who knows the first think about economics knows it will fail.  It creates no lasting jobs, it is so pork-laden that it smells like bacon shit and it won't do a damn thing.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline john c calhoun

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2009, 09:22:28 AM »
It will fail.  Anyone who knows the first think about economics knows it will fail.  It creates no lasting jobs, it is so pork-laden that it smells like bacon shit and it won't do a damn thing.

 and what lasting jobs did the past 8 years economy produce ??

other than  the largest expansion of FEDERAL JOBS since LBJ ??   those jobs are safe, but as far as the private sector, they've been utterly trashed for narly 8 years straight...

your BS is running thin &  as I said already, the GOP has just cooked are proof of that .... & the GOP will not see true power again for decades...

Offline Carl

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2009, 10:33:04 AM »
what if it doesn't fail? cause its not really the economy anyway, we are & we never fail...

nobama is pumping some of the trillion into co's & people that will be spending that money here in the US, unlike GWB, whose trillions went mostly overseas or into very narrow heirarchial coffers...

not saying I didn't benefit some from the economy of the last 8 years, I did...

but not as much as I did as the economy of the 90's , whose goodies were at least balanced w/ an america first agenda & more people benefitted than lost back then as compared to the past 8 years...

so if  Nobamas package & our good ole american economy  doesn't fail, guess who's sitting outside of the sandbox come 2012 ?? ...

one thing I learned in years of biz w/ the public, is to try & avoid making a claim/guarantee &/or trying to convince a customer to stop doing what he's doing for something else...

cause if your 'guarantee' fails, that guys gonna blame you...

so by the GOP sitting out on this one, they too have polarized themselves & could potentially look like chumps if the economy rebounds these next few years, like it most likely will, with or without Nobama & the dems...

FDR's demorats dominated DC for over 40 years....looks like nobama's may do the same, cause I think the GOP just screwed up again ... 

With that sentence you have revealed yourself to be as ignorant and idiotic about history and economics as your kissing cousins at the DUmp.
The economy in the 90s was a result of the tech bubble and a general sense of peace brought on by Presidents Reagan and Bush 41.
Clinton took advantage of it by slashing the defense budget and sitting on his hands in the face of growing terrorism threats and attacks.

President Bush 43 reaped the result of that with the tech collapse (companies that didn`t ever produce a profit yet were valued unrealistically against  their earnings).
This caused a massive shift of private sector dollars flowing into the government coffers as those benefitting from the greater fool theory of investing were paying capital gains taxes.

That had to end and it did combined with the attacks of 9/11 and the resultant need to actually do something about terrorism.

Once again you use a lot of hysterics but never make an argument.
I ask you to defend your comparison of the economic times of the 90s with the events of that decade against the same in this one.

Remember too that screaming and antics don`t make for an argument or in my case a distraction as idiots like you try.

Anyone taking any bets on whether johnny can make an argument without invective or hyperbole? :rotf:

Offline john c calhoun

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2009, 12:27:42 PM »
With that sentence you have revealed yourself to be as ignorant and idiotic about history and economics as your kissing cousins at the DUmp.
The economy in the 90s was a result of the tech bubble and a general sense of peace brought on by Presidents Reagan and Bush 41.
Clinton took advantage of it by slashing the defense budget and sitting on his hands in the face of growing terrorism threats and attacks.

President Bush 43 reaped the result of that with the tech collapse (companies that didn`t ever produce a profit yet were valued unrealistically against  their earnings).
This caused a massive shift of private sector dollars flowing into the government coffers as those benefitting from the greater fool theory of investing were paying capital gains taxes.

That had to end and it did combined with the attacks of 9/11 and the resultant need to actually do something about terrorism.

Once again you use a lot of hysterics but never make an argument.
I ask you to defend your comparison of the economic times of the 90s with the events of that decade against the same in this one.

Remember too that screaming and antics don`t make for an argument or in my case a distraction as idiots like you try.

Anyone taking any bets on whether johnny can make an argument without invective or hyperbole? :rotf:

hey dooshbag

are you telling us the economy of the 90's was worse than todays ??

did I ever say  who was responsible for the economy of the 90's ?...

you just exposed yourself as a dumbazz whose vast knowledge comes from the mouth's of rush, beck & the entire right wing propoganda machine...not  reality...

my industry 's explosion in the 1990's had NOTHING to do w/ the tech bubble, nor did it have anything to do w/  George Bush or Ronald Reagan...

in fact my industry exploded because George Bush got booted out of office after he RAISED TAXES on us & over regulated us...
only a friggen  ballwasher of sean hannity would actually think that George Herbert Walker Bush's Domestic policies had ANYTHING to do w/ a good economy... cept for those policies ENDING  that is...

Reagan & reagan alone gave us  the right leadership that helped create what we got in the 90's.... but he did nothing directly that helped my industry 

GHWB thought reagans economics were voodoo, but I guess you are too young to know that eh !

are you better off today than you were 10 years ago...?? 

thats what I live by & so does most of america....

Offline Carl

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Re: Hollow Victory : GOP delivers a slap in the face to the 0
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2009, 01:17:05 PM »
hey dooshbag

are you telling us the economy of the 90's was worse than todays ??

did I ever say  who was responsible for the economy of the 90's ?...

you just exposed yourself as a dumbazz whose vast knowledge comes from the mouth's of rush, beck & the entire right wing propoganda machine...not  reality...

my industry 's explosion in the 1990's had NOTHING to do w/ the tech bubble, nor did it have anything to do w/  George Bush or Ronald Reagan...

in fact my industry exploded because George Bush got booted out of office after he RAISED TAXES on us & over regulated us...
only a friggen  ballwasher of sean hannity would actually think that George Herbert Walker Bush's Domestic policies had ANYTHING to do w/ a good economy... cept for those policies ENDING  that is...

Reagan & reagan alone gave us  the right leadership that helped create what we got in the 90's.... but he did nothing directly that helped my industry 

GHWB thought reagans economics were voodoo, but I guess you are too young to know that eh !

are you better off today than you were 10 years ago...?? 

thats what I live by & so does most of america....

Thank you Johnny for not disappointing me.

I knew you could not defend for one second your foolish gibberish and you still think that hysterical screaming will somehow bother me...It won`t.

You talk about Bush 41 raising taxes yet no mention of Clinton doing it.

Sounds more to me like the rantings of a DUmpmonkey,in fact in your hysteria you let slip many things that sounds like they came straight from the DUmp.
"Right wing propaganda machine" and that you seem to be saying Clintons policies of a tax hike were a good policy.

Tell us then how your alleged drugstore prospered and the reasons for it and how now after President Bush you are suffering.
Not just a "because" thing but the real reasons.
I`ll be waiting. :whatever:

As far as if I am better off today then I was 8 years ago the personal answer is yes I am.
I have a better paying job,with a 401K and less hours.
Hopefully the next one I find will be the same improvement when/if that time comes.

Please Johnny enlighten us with your vast economic intellect if you can.
Think that you can do it using proper capitalization of sentences and personal names and actual reasoning instead of such pearls of great wisdom as "you are a ballwasher"?
That isn`t really a debate point and starting sentences with a lower case letter quite frankly makes a person just look ignorant.

I am sure you are about to prove to us all how that isn`t so. :rotf:

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