Author Topic: We Never Fought WWII.  (Read 6161 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Re: We Never Fought WWII.
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2009, 06:36:49 AM »
There is stupidity... And then there is nuclear powered, fusion assisted, light speed capable, super sized, giant-ass bag o' stupid like you just achieved there. 


Every single person who reads that will be permanantly dumber for having done so. I have in fact heard more coherant musings from people who are convinced that they have interbred with inannimate objects under orders from Santa Claus in an effort to breed "UberToyPeople". 

It is so fundamentally stupid on almost every single level that I would have to drill a hole in my skull with a Makita drill, pour drano into it to semi liquify the tissues and let a monkey suck them out with a drinking straw to match the condition that your brain must be in to simply even embrace the notion.

You are in fact, a Fluke Of The Universe. You have no right to exist and although you cannot hear it, the Universe is laughing behind your back.

Ah my friend, you give me too much credit.

Offline Mustang

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Re: We Never Fought WWII.
« Reply #51 on: September 26, 2009, 07:08:12 AM »
 Where the heck is Sparky in this thread.

Oh yes he is working 10 this week, suck it up Sparky I work 10 every week and most likely I am old enough to Be your mother.

You see Sparky there are others that agree with me about all the misinformation about that war. You keep making fun of me but others agree and show how off center you are about that war.

I still insist the Germans painted their planes with the rising sun and bombed Pear Harbor.
At the time of the bombing we had 2 ambassador's from Japan waiting to speak to our President about the feel good between the two nations.

It only makes sense  as 39% of that island were of Japanese decent.   No way would Japan bomb that large a population of  their own people.

Brilliant idea by the Germans, get us to declare war on Japan and that gives them a reason to declare war against us.

Sparky has never listened to me about this, at times he has a closed mind.

Denial of the Hollicast to me is done by people that have the fear that they themselves may become capable of committing the same thing under duress. These denier's have to believe that as a human being this is beyond the ability of humans of humans to commit.

We see pictures representing what was done in the day of Vlad the Impaler and need to think we have moved beyond that.  

In order to remain sane we must deny that any of the past ever happend. We must deny that we ourselves could be encourage to become less then what we think of as humane.

I have thought long and hard on my reaction in the Hollicast Museum and was brought out in a state between hysterical crying and zombie like reaction.

I believe that was due to the sudden realization that as a human I too could be manipulated through food, clothing and housing to justify any actions that harm others.

I now understand why some deny the Holocaust ever happends---that would be to recognize the evil within us all/

Do you actually believe what you just typed or did you just manipulate yourself to believe it, or is this a sick joke?

Your evidence that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor was that they had 2 ambassadors thinking they were going to talk to us and that Pearl Harbor had Japanese people on it?

I wouldn't be surprised if you are a "truther".

I now understand why some deny the Holocaust ever happends---that would be to recognize the evil within us all/

No. People deny the holocaust because they are anti-semites.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 07:13:41 AM by Mustang »

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Re: We Never Fought WWII.
« Reply #52 on: September 26, 2009, 02:09:39 PM »
And is the merely quoting asdf's post without commentary of your own a sort of cyber-agreement with the above statement, or what?

I LOL'D my ass off at this Spark.

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Offline vesta111

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Re: We Never Fought WWII.
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2009, 07:32:52 AM »
Do you actually believe what you just typed or did you just manipulate yourself to believe it, or is this a sick joke?

Your evidence that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor was that they had 2 ambassadors thinking they were going to talk to us and that Pearl Harbor had Japanese people on it?

I wouldn't be surprised if you are a "truther".

No. People deny the holocaust because they are anti-semites.

GEEZZZZZZZZZ now I know to get Mustang gnawing on the wood work.

This thread is about denying WW2 ever happend, so I jump in with a reason to believe the Japanese never bombed Pearl Harbor. Somebody bombed the heck out of that place so I had to find a fall guy and a reasonable explanation for why they did the dirty deed.

I am so sorry Mustang, I never gave a thought that anyone would take me seriously or get so emotional that they would think of drilling holes in their head and letting a monkey suck out their brains.

In no way Mustang did I think my words so obviously in jest cause you to wish my demise at an early age.

At this time Mustang I know of no medication one can take to get a sense of humor, when it is invented I will send you a couple bottles of the stuff.

I apologise for upsetting you Mustang----But you need to get use to it, best put me on ignore for the benefit of your sanity.

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Re: We Never Fought WWII.
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2009, 08:52:25 AM »
The measure of true literary satirical genius is when nobody can tell the difference between when one is serious and when one is full of crap.

Such is the case with vesta.  However, given a couple of years worth of posts...

And vesta, it's also said there's a very fine line between genius and insanity.  Try being a little less over the top, and perhaps you'll be taken more seriously.
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