Author Topic: Bill O'Reilly: Poor People Aren't Poor Enough (And They're Living Well)  (Read 2351 times)

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Bill O'Reilly: Poor People Aren't Poor Enough (And They're Living Well)
Posted by ihavenobias on Thu Jan-31-08 01:16 PM


PS---For non-boring Super Tuesday coverage, check out and or . They will be simulcasting awesome progressive coverage with TYT and other co-hosts (in the past it's been Wes Clark Jr, Christy Harvey of and Robert Greewald of BNF who's the man behind Outfoxed, Iraq For Sale, Fox Attacks and more).

If you watch at BraveNewFilms there are some cool features such as live blogging, live polling (of viewers) and a live chat. And as always, they have awesome progressive guests (and yes, even some MSM guests), ranging from Sam Seder to people from DFA, Media Matters, Firedoglake, Campaign For America's Future, The Nation, Newsweek and many, many more.

Seriously though, just watching the election coverage through the TV Talking heads is a questionable prospect (I doubt they'll be especially honest, insightful or funny). Even the NPR coverage, while informative, can be dry and boring. And the TYT/BNF coverage gives you up to date poll results on election days because they can see what ALL of the networks are saying rather than just the *one* network you would normally watch.

The New Hampshire coverage reached over 50,000 viewers, so clearly people are responding to this new format. Support progressive programming if you really are tired of the mainstream media!

**** bill o'rielly
Posted by fenriswolf on Thu Jan-31-08 01:23 PM

It was never about economics it was about the treatment of our veterans. If we have 200,000 veterans sleeping under bridges because of drugs and mental illness we need to do something about it because WE (we as in america) drove them to it fighting this war. I barely escaped the same fate myself.

And as for his comments on poverty bill STFU you do not know what its like to struggle. You don't know what its like to go to the super market and look for the cheapest of everything. You don't know what it's like to be trapped because you have no money for gas, no money for anything. All the poor have are TV. Just shut the **** up and die already.

No, you shut the **** up - O'Reilly nailed it. 

Majority Congress for over a year and have done what for veterans?  Face it, you are the party of irrelevance and impotence. 

Posted by vmaus on Thu Jan-31-08 01:43 PM

Some of the mentally ill
Posted by izquierdista on Thu Jan-31-08 01:49 PM

even have shows on cable TV!
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
  -- Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU

Offline Lord Undies

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Anyone sleeping under a bridge in this bleeding heart society is doing so to avoid society.  It is stupid to say we need to "help people".  Help is everywhere.  Those who need help have to seek it.   Just like I have to go to the store to seek bread.  The store is under no obligation to bring it to me.   

Offline DixieBelle

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One is only poor if one chooses to be in this country. Don't believe me? Look at the line to get in! Or take a trip to a foreign country.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle


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Name one other country where it's poorest citizens' most prevalent medical affliction is obesity. Compared to other countries, the poor here have it made!
Liberals are like Slinkies...

Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

Offline Chris_

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Name one other country where it's poorest citizens' most prevalent medical affliction is obesity. Compared to other countries, the poor here have it made!

I am not joking when I tell you I have seen "poor" people with much, much better TVs that I have.
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Offline Ptarmigan

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Poverty's definition changes. Yes, there is absolute poverty in America. However, those people can afford HDTV and Playstation 3. If they want to see real poverty, you can go to a slum in Mumbai.
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Offline FlaGator

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Re: Bill O'Reilly: Poor People Aren't Poor Enough (And They're Living Well)
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2008, 07:03:59 AM »
Poverty's definition changes. Yes, there is absolute poverty in America. However, those people can afford HDTV and Playstation 3. If they want to see real poverty, you can go to a slum in Mumbai.

Exactly. Whenever the libs start that "poor in America" talk I just think of places like Africa, South East Asis, and much of South America and I realize that what we call poor here isn't even close to what poor is everywhere else. If illegal aliens can come over here and without being able to speak the language manage to find work  that enables them to buy food shelter and clothing and manage to send money back to their home country, then most of those 'living under bridges' aren't trying very hard.
"My enemy's enemy is the enemy I kill last."
Klingon Proverb.

Offline jtyangel

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Re: Bill O'Reilly: Poor People Aren't Poor Enough (And They're Living Well)
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2008, 07:20:27 AM »
Name one other country where it's poorest citizens' most prevalent medical affliction is obesity. Compared to other countries, the poor here have it made!

I am not joking when I tell you I have seen "poor" people with much, much better TVs that I have.

That's the EITC my friend. I've seen the 'poor' use it as their own personal bonus money every year. Despicable and I think it helps keep some folks from really feeling how tight things are for their families and avoiding really improving things for those same families.

Offline Rebel Yell

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Re: Bill O'Reilly: Poor People Aren't Poor Enough (And They're Living Well)
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2008, 08:47:16 AM »
My wife and I combined make about $40,000 a year.  That would be considered poor by most people's standards.  But we have a 1500 square foot home, 3 vehicles, we eat good, and pretty much do what we want.  Now in Sycamore, GA you can live pretty comfortable, $270 house payment, 2 vehicles paid for, you can live pretty decent as long as you don't get in over your head.  There is no excuse to be homeless in this country, except sorriness or mental illness.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

Offline jukin

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Re: Bill O'Reilly: Poor People Aren't Poor Enough (And They're Living Well)
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2008, 09:41:38 AM »
Name one other country where it's poorest citizens' most prevalent medical affliction is obesity. Compared to other countries, the poor here have it made!

The Gout is becoming almost epeidemic in the poverty class.  I know, I know, it's Bush's fault that the poor have the disease of kings.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.