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salt-water fish primitive finds conflicting stories worrisome
« on: December 10, 2008, 12:22:15 PM »
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A Newspaper Article Where Obama stating Obama met with Governor to discuss senate seat. What the hell? I hope this is NOT true.

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1. So what if it is? It was an appropriate meeting

What was inappropriate was the governor's being recorded complaining bitterly that Obama expected the Senate seat to be given away for free.

What remains to be seen is whether the governor was holding out for cash or if he was simply playing the political game of favors extended for favors received.

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Eric J in MN

2. Obama is allowed to give his opinion on who the next Senator from IL should be.

So am I. So are all of us.

The governor of IL said that Obama's team refused to offer him any more than appreciation if he chose the person Obama wanted.

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4. I know he can do that!.. but he did say yesterday, he HAD NOT SPOKEN TO THE GOVERNOR OR HIS OFFICE. Didn't he say that yesterday?

Why yes, yes he did.

"Obama Says He Had No Contact With Blagojevich on Senate Seat"

As for the rest of the DUmmies, as with anything that isn't what they want to hear:   :lalala:

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Re: salt-water fish primitive finds conflicting stories worrisome
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 12:33:42 PM »
Another thing to consider:  Here's the DUmmies claiming that PE Il Duce wouldn't play along with the criminal Gov, that he wouldn't exchange political appointments for getting the Gov to name the replacement Il Duce wanted.  On the other hand, they're also claiming that PE Il Duce didn't know what was going on.

Look, he either knew what was being presented and "turned it down" (wink, nod), or he didn't know what was going on and he's not this stand-up guy who refused to play along.  You can't have it both ways.

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Offline USA4ME

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Re: salt-water fish primitive finds conflicting stories worrisome
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 03:12:14 PM »

Quote from:

Obama again denies discussing Senate successor with Blagojevich.» /

Obama again denies discussing Senate successor with Blagojevich.»

Yesterday, President-elect Obama denied discussing with Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) who should fill his recently-vacated U.S. Senate seat. However, bloggers quickly noted two different news accounts suggesting that Obama had recently met or spoken with Blagojevich regarding his successor. Yet in a joint interview with the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune today, Obama again denied any contact with Blagojevich regarding his seat:

Q: Have you ever spoken to Gov. Blagojevich about the Senate seat?

OBAMA: I have not discussed the Senate seat with the governor at any time. My strong belief is that it needed to be filled by somebody who is going to represent the people of Illinois and fight for them. And beyond that, I was focused on the transition.

Yesterday, Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said he was “mistaken” when he recently suggested that the President-elect had met with Blagojevich to discuss the open seat.

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1. If Obama HAD discussed the seat with Blag wouldn't it be on tape?

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2. Like that really matters to the nit wits and MSM? Did that stop them from saying he had strong ties to Ayers? Did it stop them from saying he was a muslum and went to an asian radical muslum school? Did it stop them from any of the crap they spewed every since he started his run for the white house? The answer sadly is no, he has ties with the gov, they lived in the same state and both work in government so there are the nit wits and MSM.

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3. Exactly....Next?

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4. Even if he did, so what?

As long as he wasn't making promises to get his guy in, there would be nothing in and of itself unethical about advocating for a successor to your own seat.

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5. Nothing in the indictment, no statement from Blago, and a direct denial from Obama

That's enough for our faultless media to continue to ask and ask and ask. But one irrelevant non-denial denial from the Bush White House about something that actually means something, and it's a shrug and "Okay, they had nothing to do with the leaking of Valerie Plame's identity" (or whatever).

Not the way it works, DUmmies.  Gov. Blagojevich didn't call Il Duce a MFer out of the clear blue.  He called him that because after discussing it with Il Duce he figured out he couldn't get out of him what he wanted.

Let's see:  Il Duce attends a church for 20 years yet claims he never heard Wright say the things he said; Ayers was a main participant in the Weathermen Underground domestic terrorist organization but Il Duce claims he didn't really know anything about him and that he was just someone who lived in the same neighborhood, etc...; Gov. Blagojevich is recorded on tape at being upset Il Duce camp don't want to give him anything if he makes the appointment for Senate he would like him to make, but Il Duce claims he never talked to him.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, I seeing a pattern here.

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Offline thundley4

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Re: salt-water fish primitive finds conflicting stories worrisome
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2008, 04:39:29 PM »
I've got it figured out. When Der Fuhrer says that it's not the "insert person from under the bus' name here" I knew, he is using "The Farce" on their simple little minds. It's all a little mooslim mind trick.