Author Topic: Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign  (Read 669 times)

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Offline thundley4

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Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign
« on: October 31, 2008, 09:05:38 PM »
Yeah, I know, another study stating the obvious, yet the libs and those in the media keep denying it.
NEW YORK – John McCain supporters who believe they haven't gotten a fair shake from the media during the Republican's candidacy against Barack Obama have a new study to point to.
Comments made by sources, voters, reporters and anchors that aired on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts over the past two months reflected positively on Obama in 65 percent of cases, compared to 31 percent of cases with regards to McCain, according to the Center for Media and Public Affairs.
ABC's "World News" had more balance than NBC's "Nightly News" or the "CBS Evening News," the group said.
Meanwhile, the first half of Fox News Channel's "Special Report" with Brit Hume showed more balance than any of the network broadcasters, although it was dominated by negative evaluations of both campaigns. The center didn't evaluate programs on CNN or MSNBC.
"For whatever reason, the media are portraying Barack Obama as a better choice for president than John McCain," said Robert Lichter, a George Mason University professor and head of the center. "If you watch the evening news, you'd think you should vote for Obama."

For the reason of pushing the candidate of their choice ya effing moron.

Offline Lauri

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Re: Study: Media coverage has favored Obama campaign
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 10:47:31 PM »
it seems this last week, which might be too late to make much difference, but they are trying to back pedal now..

but even that is probably political in its posturing. if Barry turns out to be a true Communist, then they can play both sides of the aisle and say, 'see..? we told ya we didnt know much about him!' ..  :whatever:

anybody hear Tom Brokaw on Charlie Rose's show?

CR: "So, what do we know about Barack's heroes?"

TB: "Well, we dont know much."


how does Tom Brokaw, after almost TWO FREAKING YEARS, not know much about Obama?? thats insane!