Author Topic: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...  (Read 1456 times)

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After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« on: October 15, 2008, 12:19:03 AM »

berni_mccoy  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-14-08 01:19 AM
Original message
After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals 
Calling us Terrorist Sympathizers
Calling us Pinko Commie Terrorists
Calling us the Democrat Party
Calling us Tax And Spend 'Libruls'

After having their spiritual leaders pray for disasters to hit predominantly Democratic towns and for harm to come to our leaders.

After having their political leaders tell our leaders to "Go **** Themselves" and "Sit Down and Shut-up"

After passing every legislative Bill on Bush's Agenda and blocking every Democratic legislative initiative since we regained control of Congress

These Asshole Republicans Want To Change The Tone Of Politics in DC? Really? Because, now that us "Libruls" are about to gain a filibuster-proof majority, you NeoCons are shitting your pants at how your party is about to come to an end. The piss is running down your legs because all that power you gave to Bush is about to fall into the hands of Obama. All the shitty things you did to us, you are now about the reap what you sowed.

And that's the only reason why you want to change the tone of politics in Washington.

And I think the American people want the Democrats to act as their harbinger of vengeance for all that you Republicons have done to the people of this country. They want JUSTICE for your crimes. And it is coming.

We'll change the tone of Politics all right, but it won't be the friendly, wimpy tone you expect from the former Democratic party. I have a feeling you won't like one bit the change of tone that is coming to D.C. Not one bit.
  :whatever: Yeah 'cause it would REALLY suck if you guys got all unhinged and angry like.

Forkboy  (1000+ posts)      Tue Oct-14-08 01:34 AM
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4. Bullies hate being confronted by those who aren't scared of them.
 Then they never fail to show their themselves for the whiny ass shitheels they are.

The Brethren (500 posts)      Tue Oct-14-08 07:46 PM
Response to Reply #18
27. I agree justice is essential.
 But I also feel vengeance and hatred are also essential - they are natural parts of people expressing their anger and showing that there are consequences to being exploited over and over again. However, threatening to behead someone because you don't agree with them, as with the McSame/Palin fanatics, is not my idea of justice, nor the right way to use hatred. Hatred, like any emotion is there for a reason, whether it is politically correct to say that or not. The difference is how we use anger and hatred.

I choose this election to use my absolute hatred of the GOP, bushie, McCain, as well as Palin, to make sure I vote for Obhama. I also find vengeance is watching the GOP fight amongst themselves...or as it has been referred to recently: to feed on themselves. They deserve it. And I appreciate knowing that a percentage of those suffering financially right now are bush, cheney, and rove supporters, etc. I feel sorry only for everyone else who is losing their homes, jobs and so on because of junior and the GOP, along with their fool-hearted supporters.

Obhama is clearly leading McSame as just noted by the NYT poll that puts Obhama 14 pts. ahead of McSame. As it stands right now, the only way for McSame to win is by another rigged election. And if that happens, I believe we're going to see a great deal of anger, hatred, and vengeance in away we haven't seen in awhile - such as people actually taking to the streets similar to the 1960's and even earlier.

And if they do....they will have my 100 percent support.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I'm sure you will be the first to send a pic of your feet to show your support for all the protesters marching.

krkaufman  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-14-08 03:10 AM
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15. Just like McCain's campaign, though, their's will be a two-pronged approach ...
 (1) a continual chastising of the mainstream, corporate media for being too critical and biased, calling for a more reasoned political discourse;

(2) on the fringes and on AM talk radio, a return to the hate speech of the 1990s, with Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. leading the way.

It'd be funny if it weren't so damaging.

lynettebro440 (764 posts)        Tue Oct-14-08 06:53 PM
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25. I couldn't agree with the OP more
 I will not back down to these assholes anymore. The humiliation and condescending remarks about how great their guy was, I took their shit. They were mean, vicious, they called me a liberal hippy, someone that didn't have a grasp on reality and I took it. After the assholes fired me and their company eventually went belly up, I was glad.

I have wished horrible harm to them, (buddha would not be happy with me) but I listened to this bullshit since Ronny the **** up Reagan took office. He began these **** heads history and I have had it. I say one thing to people and I am totally serious when I say it. If I find out they are repukes I go up to them and say "Well, if you are still a republican you have to be either stupid or a racist, which one are you?" If they don't answer I press them further. I don't take shit from any of them and I don't ****ing care anymore. I almost feel like give me a reason asshole to take it out, because I'm waiting patiently for the opportunity.

There is a dumb fat ass that lives across the street, she's an mccain follower. My son tried talking sense to her, but anyone within my earshot (and she has stayed the **** away from me) I will beat the **** down. I have wished harm on her, so she will lose her house. It's not normally like me to be this way, but after hearing someone say that screw people without insurance, they don't deserve to be helped (and she is a nursing assistant) I can hold back. No more. These people have ruined 50 years of my life and I will be damned if they are going to get the other 50. These people need to be slammed into the ground on any and every occasion and as often as possible. Don't give these people any room to move, eventually they will go away or get the **** on the band wagon. It happened with racism (well except in the south...LOL) and I think it will happen again with these stupid ass, red white and blue, christian, right wing mother ****ers who have screwed with our country long enough. It's time and I have already started....LOL
Bitch needs some prozac.

sampsonblk  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-14-08 11:53 PM
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32. At the same time we have to reclaim liberalism
 Calling ourselves progressive isn't the ticket. We have to embrace liberalism (when appropriate) and quit hiding from it. Otherwise, our gains are temporary, and we'll be fighting essentially the same fight four years from now - on their terms again.

This fight needs to be over.
Oh PLEASE do!   :evillaugh:


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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life...

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 04:52:35 AM »
lynettebro440 (764 posts)        Tue Oct-14-08 06:53 PM
Response to Original message
25. I couldn't agree with the OP more
 I will not back down to these assholes anymore. The humiliation and condescending remarks about how great their guy was, I took their shit. They were mean, vicious, they called me a liberal hippy, someone that didn't have a grasp on reality and I took it. After the assholes fired me and their company eventually went belly up, I was glad.

I have wished horrible harm to them, (buddha would not be happy with me) but I listened to this bullshit since Ronny the **** up Reagan took office. He began these **** heads history and I have had it. I say one thing to people and I am totally serious when I say it. If I find out they are repukes I go up to them and say "Well, if you are still a republican you have to be either stupid or a racist, which one are you?" If they don't answer I press them further. I don't take shit from any of them and I don't ******* care anymore. I almost feel like give me a reason ******* to take it out, because I'm waiting patiently for the opportunity.

There is a dumb fat ass that lives across the street, she's an mccain follower. My son tried talking sense to her, but anyone within my earshot (and she has stayed the **** away from me) I will beat the **** down. I have wished harm on her, so she will lose her house. It's not normally like me to be this way, but after hearing someone say that screw people without insurance, they don't deserve to be helped (and she is a nursing assistant) I can hold back. No more. These people have ruined 50 years of my life and I will be damned if they are going to get the other 50. These people need to be slammed into the ground on any and every occasion and as often as possible. Don't give these people any room to move, eventually they will go away or get the **** on the band wagon. It happened with racism (well except in the south...LOL) and I think it will happen again with these stupid ass, red white and blue, christian, right wing mother ****ers who have screwed with our country long enough. It's time and I have already started....LOL

Sounds like a confession to being violently insane.

She has found a perfect home at the DUmp.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2008, 05:13:09 AM »
lynettebro440 (764 posts)        Tue Oct-14-08 06:53 PM
Response to Original message
25. I couldn't agree with the OP more
 I will not back down to these assholes anymore. The humiliation and condescending remarks about how great their guy was, I took their shit. They were mean, vicious, they called me a liberal hippy, someone that didn't have a grasp on reality and I took it. After the assholes fired me and their company eventually went belly up, I was glad.

So let me see...your employer wanted you to wear work attire and lay off the patchouli oil during work hours but you were in your Janis Joplin phase for the 3rd decade and whined and moaned and complained to anyone who would listen, including customers. Everyone finally had enough of you and they canned your ass.

I have wished horrible harm to them, (buddha would not be happy with me) but I listened to this bullshit since Ronny the **** up Reagan took office. He began these **** heads history and I have had it. I say one thing to people and I am totally serious when I say it. If I find out they are repukes I go up to them and say "Well, if you are still a republican you have to be either stupid or a racist, which one are you?" If they don't answer I press them further. I don't take shit from any of them and I don't ****ing care anymore. I almost feel like give me a reason asshole to take it out, because I'm waiting patiently for the opportunity.

Well aren't we full of ourselves. Maybe they don't answer because they think you're ****ing psycho and would rather not waste their time. You don't take shit from them, but you're the one getting in their face...good tactic, sister. Not to mention this is incredibly childish. What a pathetic excuse for a human being you must be.

There is a dumb fat ass that lives across the street, she's an mccain follower. My son tried talking sense to her, but anyone within my earshot (and she has stayed the **** away from me) I will beat the **** down. I have wished harm on her, so she will lose her house.

Bet she's damn sick of you and your's none of your guys business. I see tolerance Dummie style rears it's ugly head. I don't know you, I think you're an angry bitch and a moron but I wouldn't wish for you to lose your house, why wish that upon someone? Oh, and explain to me again why you guys are the party of peace and compassion?

It's not normally like me to be this way, but after hearing someone say that screw people without insurance, they don't deserve to be helped (and she is a nursing assistant) I can hold back. No more.

And the fact that she says that affects you how? Has her mere opinion kept you from buying food, gas, paying rent? Has her opinion stopped you from ranting like a lunatic, or stopped you and your son from expressing YOUR point of view by "talking sense" into her? Get a grip!

These people have ruined 50 years of my life and I will be damned if they are going to get the other 50. These people need to be slammed into the ground on any and every occasion and as often as possible. Don't give these people any room to move, eventually they will go away or get the **** on the band wagon.

Oh my God, you're 50? Honestly, if you hadn't mentioned a son, I would swear you were in your teens. I just can't believe you've reached the half century mark without maturing beyond the self-righteous 18 year old stage. I bet you're the one whose always whining and complaining at family get togethers, the relative that no one wants to have around but feels they HAVE to invite.

It happened with racism (well except in the south...LOL) and I think it will happen again with these stupid ass, red white and blue, christian, right wing mother ****ers who have screwed with our country long enough. It's time and I have already started....LOL

Okay, this one I don't even understand...what the hell is she talking about? Seriously, what is this mysterious "it" she's talking about. Lynnette, sister, you got issues hon...I'd like to help, why don't you bring your angry, self-righteous ass here and we'll go turkey hunting together. We can even invite Dick Cheney. You can even be the turkey caller.

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Offline Toastedturningtidelegs

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2008, 05:54:23 AM »
Ladyhawk (1000+ posts)        Wed Oct-15-08 12:08 AM
Response to Reply #25
34. I (think) I understand your anger.
 Edited on Wed Oct-15-08 12:14 AM by Ladyhawk
I've been there a lot over the past eight years.

I am the only non-religious, progressive person in my family. I didn't get that way overnight. It took many years and many tears. I had huge arguments with my family. Most of them are still fundamentalists and all of them are still Republicans. They will vote the McCain / Palin ticket. In fact, I had to move a McCain / Palin bumper sticker in order to sit down at a family function a few nights ago. It barely fazed me.

The fact is I cannot afford to harbor that much anger. It was eating me alive.

You can either be right...or you can be happy. If there is that much of a philosophical rift between family members and you, you cannot be both. You have to let it go.

Didn't someone once say, "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

Holy Crap! Look who's back? and sounding much more sane than she ever has! To the bolded type...Good for you Ladyhawk now if we can just get the rest of the angry lunatics over there to grow up we'll all be golden! :cheersmate:
Call me "Asshole" One more time!

Offline jtyangel

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2008, 06:03:10 AM »
Holy Crap! Look who's back? and sounding much more sane than she ever has! To the bolded type...Good for you Ladyhawk now if we can just get the rest of the angry lunatics over there to grow up we'll all be golden! :cheersmate:

I was thinking the same thing and that there seems to be a correlation with her sanity and her amount of time (not) on DU. Good for her. I see an improvement there as well.

Offline Toastedturningtidelegs

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2008, 06:07:06 AM »
I was thinking the same thing and that there seems to be a correlation with her sanity and her amount of time (not) on DU. Good for her. I see an improvement there as well.
Yes! She learned you can actually hold a different viewpoint than your loved ones and GASP!......Still love them and be loved by them! :o  :-)
Call me "Asshole" One more time!

Offline jtyangel

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2008, 06:10:21 AM »
Yes! She learned you can actually hold a different viewpoint than your loved ones and GASP!......Still love them and be loved by them! :o  :-)
CRAZINESS!!! :ohnoes:

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2008, 06:51:08 AM »
Just give her a few days at DUmp-central and she'll be back to "Moonbat-Normal".
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2008, 07:49:25 AM »
Quote from:
After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals 
Calling us Terrorist Sympathizers
Calling us Pinko Commie Terrorists
Calling us the Democrat Party
Calling us Tax And Spend 'Libruls'

After having their spiritual leaders pray for disasters to hit predominantly Democratic towns and for harm to come to our leaders.

After having their political leaders tell our leaders to "Go **** Themselves" and "Sit Down and Shut-up"

After passing every legislative Bill on Bush's Agenda and blocking every Democratic legislative initiative since we regained control of Congress

These ******* Republicans Want To Change The Tone Of Politics in DC? Really? Because, now that us "Libruls" are about to gain a filibuster-proof majority, you NeoCons are shitting your pants at how your party is about to come to an end. The piss is running down your legs because all that power you gave to Bush is about to fall into the hands of Obama. All the shitty things you did to us, you are now about the reap what you sowed.

And that's the only reason why you want to change the tone of politics in Washington.

And I think the American people want the Democrats to act as their harbinger of vengeance for all that you Republicons have done to the people of this country. They want JUSTICE for your crimes. And it is coming.

We'll change the tone of Politics all right, but it won't be the friendly, wimpy tone you expect from the former Democratic party. I have a feeling you won't like one bit the change of tone that is coming to D.C. Not one bit.

berni, you've got some major issues, son.

Should he win, your lord and savior Obammassiah is going to try his best to "unite" the country.  In fact, it won't be long after he takes office that you dopes at the DUmp will be praising his consilatory tone and how he's willing to listen to everyone, even those who opposed his election.

But there won't be any unity, not under a Marxist like The Big Zero.

And you'll be screaming for him and the Dems to fight.  Problem is, the combined wealth of those opposed to the Obamassiah is 85%+ of the total wealth of the USA.  He might win the popular vote, but he won't win the vote of the movers and shakers of America, the people with capital to invest.  And they will vote with that capital, and it won't be in favor of what you and your DUmpmonkey comrades want.  Either Big Zero gets on board with what capital wants, which is the exact opposite of what you want, or capital will sit on the sidelines and not cooperate and see what happens in 2 years.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2008, 10:16:06 AM »
They were mean, vicious, they called me a liberal hippy...


But did they send Truth Squads after you and threaten you with FCC licensure like the dems do?
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Tantal

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2008, 10:30:38 AM »
It's screeds such as these that make me want to go make sure all my rifles are sighted-in properly.
Never demand that which you are incapable of taking by force, DUmmie.

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2008, 10:31:12 AM »
There is an unprecedented war between classical liberals and totalitarian collectivists in the USA.

The fact that the DUchebags think they are not the totalitarian collectivists indicates theie complete detachment from reality.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Re: After Decades of DEMONIZING Liberals...
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2008, 10:40:38 AM »
There is an unprecedented war between classical liberals and totalitarian collectivists in the USA.

The fact that the DUchebags think they are not the totalitarian collectivists indicates theie complete detachment from reality.
Ah-h-h...but as the DUmmies reveal they believe their totalitarianism is justified to avenge...well...something.

They think they've lived in a world where the government gives a **** what they say. The reality is: they just aren't that important. They think 9/11 was an inside job. They think Saddam was innocent and framed. They think we are waging a racist war of agression to steal oil from little brown people. They think all of this was possible because we stole 2 elections.

Thus any tyranny they visit upon us is justified.

The only problem is: their CTs are just them trying to rationalize their repeated failures. They imagine themselves too smart to be unloveable and unwise, ergo everything must have been stolen from them.

What they really want is vengeance for their impotence...and they will collect with a deadly fury.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."