Author Topic: My long lost friend is a racist bouncy...  (Read 654 times)

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My long lost friend is a racist bouncy...
« on: October 12, 2008, 11:45:17 PM »

Captiosus (398 posts)        Mon Oct-13-08 12:27 AM
Original message
Punched in the gut, figuratively, by a long time friend. 
Earlier this evening, I was (finally) able to get in touch with a long time friend of mine with whom I've had no contact for years. He's a guy from my past, considerably older than myself, and was, at one time, the man who would have been my guardian had anything happened to my parents while I was still a minor.

He and I always got along well. I always knew he was "right leaning" mainly because of his background and his love of firearms. However, when we talked politics he always would listen to both arguments and was generally a very tolerant person. Eight or so year ago he took a long vacation to Asia and got to meet a fairly "high ranking" Buddhist monk. This was one of his highlights of his trip and he had a picture that he loved to show while he talked about the "eye opening" experience.

The open minded guy I knew, but hadn't talked to in four years, was not the guy I talked to today. I'm not going to censor any of the quotes he said because I don't believe in censorship but I will warn you they're pretty bad. Think Freeper bad, possibly worse.

What started as a "Hey, long time no talk call" turned bad rapidly when he asked me how I felt about the bailout. When I responded that I had mixed feelings but my Presidential candidate of choice supported it so I was deferring to his judgement, all hell broke loose.

For the next 65 minutes, I heard the following (I'm adding the emphasis as it was said to me):
2x "I'll never vote for anyone named HUSSEIN Obama."
3x "Hussein Obama is a ****ing terrorist and his elitist friend Ayers hates this country."
12x "****in' faggots" (used in various derogatory context).
2x "I'll never support gay marriage, we know what unnatural things they do behind closed doors."
1x "Muslims are pedophiles and rapists."
1x "Muslims should be wiped off the face of the earth and I proudly have an INFIDEL bumper sticker."
2x "Hussein Obama prays to Allah, not God."
1x "Christianity is the only true religion."
2x "Fox News is the only cable news with the balls to report the truth."
1x "You should watch Neil Cavuto and Bill'O, you'd like them."
2x "Sarah Palin isn't a politician, she's a real person."
1x "This economic bullshit is Carter and Clinton's fault."
1x "If Hussein Obama wins, this country is going to go to hell."
1x "It's OBAMA supporters who are stealing OBAMA signs and then blaming McCain supporters. Conservatives are the only rational voters. Liberals are full of shit and are all insane."

This was pure, unadulterated hate speech. I didn't even try to argue talking points with him because I knew his mind was absolutely closed off. So I just let him ramble.

I felt like I had been punched in the gut because this isn't the guy I remember.
I don't mind if someone has a different opinion than me, politically. Really, I don't. I don't agree with "trickle down" economics, but if someone else does, good for them. However, when someone goes into full on hate mongering, I find it saddening. When it's someone I respected, it's outright depressing.

The funniest comment came at the end of his diatribe:
"I'm not an extremist, I'm just a right leaning centrist who votes republican."

After we had gotten past that patch of free floating hate and the conversation went back on topic of just touching base, he invited me to visit. I think I'll pass. In fact, I think when Obama wins, I'm going to send him an e-mail simply stating "That's PRESIDENT-ELECT Barack Hussein Obama to you."

Indiana_Dem  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-13-08 12:39 AM
Response to Original message
9. I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. 
 My experience isn't quite the same as with your close "godfather" figure but I've endured the same arrows from doctors I work with in front of all of my co-workers, and even my own dad. I avoid one certain doctor (he's from Idaho & from military + NASCAR fan) but he corners me sometimes when he's feeling cocky because he knows I'm a 'librul. (I'm a nurse so I have to work with him). He did tell me he has a "sissy" son getting a degree in journalism who is also for Obama. Ugh!

I can't even speak with my dad about politics after one argument we had. He lives 2000 miles away from me. It's weird because he lives in a liberal state (L.A., CA) and I live in a rural midwestern state. We should be living in opposite places according to our political philosophies.

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for awhile.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life...

Offline Tantal

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Re: My long lost friend is a racist bouncy...
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2008, 12:46:16 AM »
Captiosus (398 posts)        Mon Oct-13-08 12:27 AM
Original message

2x "I'll never vote for anyone named HUSSEIN Obama."
3x "Hussein Obama is a ******* terrorist and his elitist friend Ayers hates this country."
12x "******' faggots" (used in various derogatory context).
2x "I'll never support gay marriage, we know what unnatural things they do behind closed doors."
1x "Muslims are pedophiles and rapists."
1x "Muslims should be wiped off the face of the earth and I proudly have an INFIDEL bumper sticker."
2x "Hussein Obama prays to Allah, not God."
1x "Christianity is the only true religion."
2x "Fox News is the only cable news with the balls to report the truth."
1x "You should watch Neil Cavuto and Bill'O, you'd like them."
2x "Sarah Palin isn't a politician, she's a real person."
1x "This economic bullshit is Carter and Clinton's fault."
1x "If Hussein Obama wins, this country is going to go to hell."
1x "It's OBAMA supporters who are stealing OBAMA signs and then blaming McCain supporters. Conservatives are the only rational voters. Liberals are full of shit and are all insane."
Looks like a reasonably complete list to me.
Never demand that which you are incapable of taking by force, DUmmie.

Offline Chris_

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Re: My long lost friend is a racist bouncy...
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2008, 07:34:32 AM »
This was pure, unadulterated hate speech.

Primitive definition of "hate speech" = "anything and everything I disagree with."
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.