A friend of mine had a run in with ACORN in Cincinnati the other day. He works downtown and was approached by one of them outside his office building. The fellow was pushing him pretty hard about registering to vote and the conversation went something like this:
I'm already registered.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
Well, you don't want to be disenfranchised.
I told you, I'm already registered.
(At this point, he figured out the guy was from ACORN, so he decided to have some fun.)
You know that sometimes they take people off the rolls. You want to be sure don't you?
I'm pretty sure. I'm registered Republican.
Are you going to vote?
Yes, I'm voting for McCain.
But Obama will bring change.
If he gets elected, all I'll have left in my pocket is change. That's not the kind of change I want.
At this point, he started walking away and the ACORN idiot was mumbling something about Iraq. He said that during that conversation, the ACORN guy was being pretty pushy and basically violating his personal space, almost to the point of making contact. I haven't had to deal with any of them myself, at least not yet, but I've heard stories of them harassing people in hotels in Cincinnati. Ohio is going to be pretty important, and this early voting stuff has me a bit worried.