Author Topic: What do you want for your 700 billion  (Read 967 times)

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Offline Baruch Menachem

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What do you want for your 700 billion
« on: September 26, 2008, 09:39:35 AM »
I want a perp walk, Jaimie Goerlich in front.   There is lots of room in the Gray Bar motel, and they will leave the light on for you.

A ban on any government agency using taxpayer money for lobbying, like Fannie and Fred were doing.

I want  a ban on upside down mortgages

One year long ARMs

Proof of legal immigrant status for all taxpayer supported loans.

What do you want? (Besides a Tardis with Nyssa and Teagan of course)

All this is powere by the infinite imporobobilty drive, of course
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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: What do you want for your 700 billion
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 09:50:43 AM »
That sounds like a good start, but I don't see the labor and reeducation camps for Leftist Democrats in there, which would really sell me on it.
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Offline Chris_

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Re: What do you want for your 700 billion
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2008, 11:05:42 AM »
I want a perp walk, Jaimie Goerlich in front.   There is lots of room in the Gray Bar motel, and they will leave the light on for you.

Not just Jaimie Goerlich, I want Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Chris Cox (the SEC head who - after "serving" as managing director for Lehman Bros. - didn't see this disaster coming until 24 hours before Bear Stearns assumed junk bond status), and SecTreas Henry Paulson posing for mugshots and modeling the latest in orange jumpsuits, with their passports in the Attorney General's desk drawer, and no bond prior to trial on charges of accepting bribes and corruption because of the likely flight risk they pose. 

I then want Barry Obama's ass crawled through with a *******ed microscope by the FBI, to determine just what exactly the quid pro quo was that he promised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in exchange for being the recipient of the second highest "contribution" in the history of those agencies - in spite of the fact that he was nothing more than the lowly, 1-term junior Senator from Illinois.  Should that prove his interactions with these firms to be less than squeaky clean, I want his ass in front of a mugshot camera modelling orange jumpsuits just like the others.

Then I want as a condition of the US taxpayers bailing out these firms, the FBI and SEC to crawl through each company's accounting department with a microscope, and if the books and reports a) don't match exactly, and b) aren't textbook examples of good accounting practices worthy of case study for the next 100 years at accounting schools around the country, then I want the boards of directors and head accountants at these firms up on charges of fraud - with the same restrictions as their politician cronies, with the US taxpayer having a say in who the shareholders appoint to replace these assholes through the auspices of the HOUSE banking committee (I would intentionally strip this oversight from the Senate because assholes like Dodd have proven too corrupt/incompetent to handle such responsibilities).

Finally, included with any fiscal bailout of these cluster**** organizations (preferrably INSTEAD OF but I realize how Pie in the Sky that hope is), I want a bailout geared to keeping the economy as a whole solvent, rather than just throwing taxpayer money into the ****in' trough for the big, fat bastards who ****ed up in the first place.  I want the Capital Gains tax temporarily dropped to ZERO (for the next 2-4 years), in order to encourage investment by Americans in those firms that they decide are worth saving - and loaning money to.  Along with this, I would drop the Federal business tax rate to 12% across the board and make that permanent, in order to allow businesses to re-apply their income to the economy in the form of capital improvements to their equipment, hiring new employees (taxpayers) buying parts, supplies and materials from vendors and generally doing the things that REALLY drive this economy.  No special rates for political favorites, no punitive rates for pariahs.

That's what I want.  Fat chance of me seeing that though, in this headlong rush to Fascism, and the nationalization of the Financial system of this country.
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Re: What do you want for your 700 billion
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2008, 05:19:16 PM »
And if you actually read the fine print it isnt just buying bad home mortgages, it is business mortgages, car loans and even credit card debt. The list goes on and on. This will become a Niagra Falls of pork snd special interest spending. AND the scariest part is the Democrats would take over that water fall of 'free money' to spend on every goofy socialist program they can think of in just a few months if they win the White House.
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Offline miskie

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Re: What do you want for your 700 billion
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2008, 05:27:14 PM »
And if you actually read the fine print it isnt just buying bad home mortgages, it is business mortgages, car loans and even credit card debt. The list goes on and on. This will become a Niagra Falls of pork snd special interest spending. AND the scariest part is the Democrats would take over that water fall of 'free money' to spend on every goofy socialist program they can think of in just a few months if they win the White House.

I really like "the first 20% of returns will go to ACORN" part of the original bailout bill. Honhestly, I think as a nation we will be lucky to see 25% of this money come back - giving the lions share to ACORN is wrong on so many levels.