Author Topic: DUmmies, who denied Antifa exists, now think it's their time to shine  (Read 332 times)

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Think. Again. (20,653 posts) Fri Jan 24, 2025, 05:46 AM

Is it time for Antifa to organize into a formal political party?

...or will the Democratic Party become focused enough to do what must be done?

I realize this is a contentious question, but we now know that we are facing the second rise of the nazi party, and we need to face that reality head-on.

Well, shiver me timbers. Here I was, thinking Antifa doesn't exist, because DU said so.


Mike 03 (17,913 posts)
1. I understand the question is in jest.
Reply to Think. Again. (Original post)
Fri Jan 24, 2025, 06:04 AM

The reason I wouldn't want this to happen now is that it gives Trump another target that he can use and abuse in so many different ways. Suddenly every enemy that doesn't fit neatly into one of the already-decided list of Out Groups will be dismissed as Antifa. Any protest, march, or anti-Trump event that gets out of hand will be the work of Antifa. He could even use it as justification to declare emergencies, impose martial law.

Maybe it's too early to say this, but I feel like the Democratic party is finding its footing. The opposition may not be as strident as some of us would like, but it seems to be taking shape. I'm also seeing increasingly better ideas for resistance.

It just takes some time to adjust and figure out what will work vs what sounds like a great idea in a tweet but in reality just won't fly or is totally ineffective.

I don't see a denial there.


Think. Again. (20,653 posts)
3. I want to make clear that I did not post this in jest.
Reply to Mike 03 (Reply #1)
Fri Jan 24, 2025, 06:20 AM

And you raise a good point about giving trump a scapegoat for everything, but I believe he will do that anyway somehow, and he has shown he doesn't need any kind of justification to do what he will, he'll just make up something else anyway.

I also don't believe we should continue with the failed method of trying to second guess what he will do just to formulate what we should do. I believe we need to stop being reactive and defensive to his actions, and become pro-active ourselves.

We are on the very edge of a seriously dangerous situation and I think we should be preparing for that now.

There you go, folks: Antifa, the terrorist organization that DU previously denied, not only exists, but they need to get on the national scene.

I mean, what would that even look like? Some little fruit in a keffiyah and a covid mask trying to get national TV time?

There are HUNDREDS of replies, not ONE of which denies Antifa.

(Also I think this thread requires a DUmp's from a very hang-wringy board called The Way Forward)
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Re: DUmmies, who denied Antifa exists, now think it's their time to shine
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2025, 05:54:52 AM »
I can get to it without a sign in.

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Re: DUmmies, who denied Antifa exists, now think it's their time to shine
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2025, 07:24:55 AM »
Unfortunately, Panty-Fa-La-La tends to congregate in the Leftist-run shitholes where Constitutionalists are already a minority.

Otherwise, dealing with them would be an entertaining 90 minutes. For the rest of us...
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Re: DUmmies, who denied Antifa exists, now think it's their time to shine
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2025, 10:01:39 AM »
Mike 03 (17,913 posts)
1. I understand the question is in jest.
The reason I wouldn't want this to happen now is that it gives Trump another target that he can use and abuse in so many different ways.

In more realistic terms, Mike 03 knows Trump 2.0 learned from Trump 1.0 and will be more decisive against rioters.
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Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: DUmmies, who denied Antifa exists, now think it's their time to shine
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2025, 06:24:52 AM »
They are an officially designated domestic terrorist group, and the DUmmy thinks they should become a political party?

Fortunately, as DefiantSix pointed out, Antifa are also gutless cowards who stick to leftist- run trash- heaps like Oakland where the politicians are too chicken to stand up to them.
No way will they start causing trouble in red states, they'd lose bowel control at the mere idea of a conservative there confronting them.