I look forward to the prospect of agonized screams from NanceGreggs and mal should American voters return Donald Trump to the Presidency.
If Trump wins, the same thing will happen that happened when he won in 2016:
Skinner will temporarily shut down DU, due to knowing that keeping it up that night will result in one thread after another openly calling for Trump's assassination, rioting, and/ or a full- on violent insurrection, and that if those get serious enough, the Secret Service might take notice.
Then, a day or two later, when everyone's tempers have cooled a bit, the site will be brought back up, and Skinner will insist that the site had been hacked by evil conservative trolls hired by Trump to silence dissent or something.
The DUmmies, due to their combined blend of stupidity, gullibility, paranoia, hatred, and a victim complex, will fall for this explanation hook, line, and stinker.