Author Topic: Stories & Opinions Worth Knowing but Maybe Not Quite Threadworthy 5/24  (Read 588 times)

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Governor Hairstyle and his commie pals strike again.

Do you know what poses health risks in California? Everything. Everything poses a health risk in California. Don’t believe me? Start checking labels. You may be surprised at the number of products that have been shown to increase the risk of cancer and other health issues in California, including my lawnmower. Seriously, there is a warning label on my lawnmower. I have to look at it every time I start my mower up. A few years ago, my wife and I were touring Napa’s wine country because I am a wine snob. We stopped at a gas station to tank up, and I wanted a drink. The convenience store had one of those coffee islands. You know what I mean. It had several varieties of coffee, cups, stir sticks, different creamers, and all that good stuff. It also had a sign warning me that those products have been shown to increase health risks in California. I guess the moral of the story is that if you want a cup of joe in California, buy it at the Nevada border and drink it on the other side of the state line. Then, maybe you’ll safe.

True to form, Gavin Newsom’s nanny state has come up with something else to ban: Skittles. Ooh, bad show, California. With Pride Month just weeks away, this is no time to tell people that they can’t “taste the rainbow.”

KTLA reports that Assembly Bill 418 passed the State Assembly last week and is off to the State Senate, where it should get the go-ahead nod. The bill would ban products “that contain red dye No. 3, titanium dioxide, potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil or propylparaben.” The bill’s sponsor, Jesse Gabriel, told the station that the chemicals have been known to lead to cancer and childhood developmental and reproductive issues, and have already been banned in the European Union. The EU — there’s a good role model for policy. But then again, this is California, America’s answer to the EU. The bill would ban Red Hots, Hot Tamales, and, yes, Skittles in California. Gabriel told the station:

It’s unacceptable that the U.S. is so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to banning these dangerous additive. We don’t love our children any less than they do in Europe and it’s not too much to ask food and beverage manufacturers to switch to the safer alternative ingredients that they already use in Europe and so many other nations around the globe.

But let’s rewind the tape. The chemicals have been known to cause reproductive issues in children. Do you know what else causes future reproductive issues in children? Removing their genitals. That’s what causes future reproductive issues in children. And California has set itself up as a sanctuary state for children who want to change their gender without their parents’ consent or even knowledge. I’ll just let that ping-pong around your head for a few minutes. It shouldn’t take too long to sink in. After all, this is California. The Post Millennial’s Hannah Nightingale, who I admit cottoned on to this before I did, noted the irony, as well.

So to recap:

Children can go to California to have their bodies irrevocably altered by surgery and be pumped full of drugs that could cause health issues in the immediate and distant future that could ruin their lives. Crime is rampant and the streets are full of homeless encampments, needles, and human waste. The term “Golden State” could soon refer to the fact that everyone there has contracted hepatitis. BUT the kids will be safe because they can’t get a bag of Skittles.


Normally, I would add a smart-a##ed comment here, but I think the story pretty much stands on its own. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves on this one.

Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Offline Eupher

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Romney Faces a Challenger for His Senate Seat

Lincoln Brown's article is a lot kinder to Romney than I am, vis a vis Romney's chutzpah and grandstanding concerning the 2002 Olympics. Thing is, I lived in the Salt Lake Valley during those Olympics, actually hiring out our guest room to a wonderfully dapper Japanese man who spoke zero English. Apparently Brown lived in Utah too; perhaps he still does.

For those who may not know, the original organizers and go-to guys on the Salt Lake Olympic Committee, Welch and Johnson, did all the heavy lifting in SLC's 5th bid to host the Olympics. It was a "scandal" and they were summarily fired from the SLOC because they had the temerity to offer bribes to the International Olympic Committee, bribes that the IOC had greedily accepted throughout its existence (after all, it's a globalist enterprise). So Welch and Johnson were fired, and who should waltz in to "save" the Olympics? None other than Governor (Michigan) George Romney's son, Mittens.  :whatever:

You'd think this guy was Jesus walking on water. It was laughable in its stupidity. Romney did NOTHING but take credit for whatever "success" those Olympics were. Well, our Japanese house guest seemed to have a good time and I guess that's the important thing.

Move over, Pierre Delecto. You have some competition for your spot in the U.S. Senate. Riverton, Utah, Mayor Trent Staggs has announced that he is challenging Mitt Romney in the upcoming election. His announcement via Twitter started off as the standard-issue GOP candidate fare, but Staggs quickly went after Mitt for the things most Utah Republicans have been thinking, and for that matter, saying.

(Another Twitter thing)

Romney picked up his seat largely as a result of combining his Mormon roots with the success of the 2002 Winter Olympics. But that was not enough to convince many of the Utah GOP faithful that his conservative bona fides were legit, and Romney lost to challenger Mike Kennedy and was forced into a primary. Romney has always managed to be conspicuously “busy” when it comes to Utah Republican conventions.

Some in the media are under the impression that Utahns love Romney. All that proves is that the media probably needs to talk to more Utahns. Beehive State Republicans were already distrustful of Romney after he tanked his campaign against Obama, and his track record on “RomneyCare,” and for that matter the fact that he is not actually from Utah and has not spent a great deal of time here as a resident also raised eyebrows.

After his election, Romney’s constant criticism of Trump did not help his image with GOP hardliners, and his weak, middle-of-the-road stance on immigration and refusal to endorse incumbent Mike Lee only made things worse. But perhaps what irks Utah Republicans most of all is the fact that Romney is neither Republican nor Democrat, but rather a career politician that tries to sample the “best” of both worlds for his own benefit.

This was evidenced last year when he came out in support of a carbon tax and the $1.7 trillion spending bill. Then there was this classic statement:

President Joe Biden is a genuinely good man, but he has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust. A return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable. Congress is particularly disappointing: Our elected officials put a finger in the wind more frequently than they show backbone against it. Too often, Washington demonstrates the maxim that for evil to thrive only requires good men to do nothing.

No sentient mammal that has ever leaned even slightly conservative or to the middle believes that Joe Biden is a “genuinely good man.” Clearly, the “R” after Romney’s name stands for “Romney” not “Republican.” And yet this individual, whose loyalty is only to himself and would be better suited peddling the snake oil he puts in his hair, actually told Politico last year that he thinks he could win re-election. Maybe in Massachusetts, but I doubt he would win an honest election in Utah. Of course, the progressives have been hard at work trying to undermine Utah Republicans for a while, so who knows?

For his part, Staggs pledges to fight for secure borders, energy independence, and a stronger military with fewer bases around the world. He has also stated that “Wokeness is a false religion with no business in our government. It must be ripped out wherever it shows its ugly head.” Most of his pitch so far is the standard GOP bullet points. And while most Republican voters are not impressed by those since they have heard them all a thousand times or more, Staggs has a solid track record in city leadership. While noting Romney’s voting record, Staggs told The Deseret News:

I just can’t believe that we’re at $32 trillion in debt. And I think that’s the height of immorality to have really put that level of burden on my kids and on future generations. It’s time to be uncompromising with respect to getting our fiscal house in order.”

We saw in 2020 especially, we saw the heavy hand of government. I was one that said no and pushed back on lockdowns, on mandates,” he said. “I pushed back considerably because I don’t believe that’s in the purview of government. And I think I’ve been proven right.

Can Staggs deliver? If he wins, he will be a freshman senator. But at least for the moment, Staggs is taking the positions that were vacated by Romney long ago, if he ever held them at all. Here’s hoping he takes Romney’s Senate seat as well.
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Offline DefiantSix

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Romney Faces a Challenger for His Senate Seat

Anybody with the ability to send the junior carpetbagging RINO senator packing his carpet bag has my wholehearted blessing.
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Offline Eupher

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Anybody with the ability to send the junior carpetbagging RINO senator packing his carpet bag has my wholehearted blessing.

Ah, yes, as I recall you are a denizen of the Beehive State. Good on you. Vote the bastard out. What's your take on the mood of Utah regarding the Carpetbagger? Is he as despised as I believe he is?
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
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Offline SVPete

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Pushback: California loses big for trying to force churches to violate their religious beliefs

They’re coming for you next: After California health authorities in 2014 imposed a mandate requiring requiring churches to provide elective abortion coverage to its employees, four churches sued, and after a long court battle, have now won a $1.4 million settlement.

Alliance Defending Freedom [ADF] attorneys represent Skyline Wesleyan Church, located in the San Diego area, in one federal lawsuit, and Foothill Church in Glendora, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino, and The Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch in another. Both lawsuits challenged California’s abortion-coverage mandate. In both cases, the courts ruled that the U.S. Constitution protects the churches’ freedom to operate according to their religious beliefs, which include their belief in the sanctity of unborn lives.

The rulings in both lawsuits (here and here [pdfs]) not only release the churches from the illegal abortion mandate, they both require payments to ADF and the church’s local attorneys to pay all legal costs. Interesting, in both lawsuits Mary Watanabe, the director of the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) was named, and in one case she was the only defendant. Unfortunately, she walks away unharmed, because DMHC will pay for everything, out of tax dollars.

What made the mandate especially egregious is that it was written in league with officials at Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, as shown by emails [pdf] between DMHC and those officials. ...
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Woke LA DA George Gascón has 10,000-case backlog, ‘toxic’ attitude driving staff away: sources

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón is an “authoritarian” and “toxic” manager whose ultra-woke approach has led scores of prosecutors to quit and 10,000 cases to pile up, sources tell The Post.

Justice is not being served in the most populous county in the nation because Gascón has driven talent away, demoted top lawyers and fights anyone who doesn’t share his views, according to multiple sources who have worked for him.

One former LA prosecutor said Gascón’s policies have eroded trust with the public the office serves, through generous plea deals allowing criminals to get out of jail or prison without serving hard time or declining to prosecute crimes at all.

“In my career as a prosecutor, I’ve never had victims’ families actually hate us until I came into this office,” a former deputy DA told The Post.

Sadly, I think Prog pols are using the delay inherent in our justice system to wreak a few months or years of damage on people and groups they hate. Undoing unconstitutional laws, even with damages awards, does not undo the damage done.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Eupher

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Woke LA DA George Gascón has 10,000-case backlog, ‘toxic’ attitude driving staff away: sources

Sadly, I think Prog pols are using the delay inherent in our justice system to wreak a few months or years of damage on people and groups they hate. Undoing unconstitutional laws, even with damages awards, does not undo the damage done.

Watch and see how many of those cases get dropped -- just because there are so many.  :whatever:
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Offline Eupher

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IRS Chief: I Didn't Retaliate Against Hunter Biden Probe Whistleblowers—It Was the DOJ

Staggering in the level of blatant corruption displayed. This tells me that the DOJ salutes Barry's third term with impunity, arrogance, and complete disregard for the law.

In response to the whistleblowers who alleged that the IRS gave preferential treatment to first son Hunter Biden being abruptly taken off the case last week in what appeared to be an obvious retaliatory move, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Daniel Werfel said that it wasn’t his call.

Instead, it was the Department of Justice.

No surprise there, considering we’re living under probably the most politicized DOJ in our history, one that routinely applies two different standards depending on which side of the political aisle someone stands on.

In a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee dated May 17 and obtained by Fox News, the commissioner explains what went down:

“I want to state unequivocally that I have not intervened—and will not intervene—in any way that would impact the status of any whistleblower,” Werfel said.

“The IRS whistleblower you reference alleges that the change in their work assignment came at the direction of the Department of Justice. As a general matter and not in reference to any specific case, I believe it is important to emphasize that in any matter involving federal judicial proceedings, the IRS follows the direction of the Justice Department.” [Bolding mine.]

I love that phrase, “change in work assignment.” We know that means the whistleblower was punished and given some junk job like mopping the closets. Werfel proceeded to use the tactic that it seems all agency heads who appear before Congress use. Namely, cite the desperate need for secrecy:

“When I first learned of the allegations of retaliation referenced in your letter and in media reports on May 16, 2023, I contacted the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). In light of laws and policies designed to protect the integrity of pending proceedings, I am unable to provide details on this matter,” Werfel wrote.
As RedState‘s Bonchie reported last week, a whistleblower claimed that the entire IRS team working on the Hunter Biden probe was removed from the case. The whistleblower’s attorneys formally alleged that the move was “clearly retaliatory” in a letter to Congress soon after.

The apparent punishment is in stark reality to what Werfel promised in the past:

In an April 27 appearance before the committee, the commissioner said “I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline.”

That didn’t age well.

As I reported in April, an IRS watchdog turned whistleblower alleged that federal prosecutors engaged in “preferential treatment and politics” in their treatment of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter—and even tried to block criminal tax charges against him. On Monday, a second whistleblower was revealed who worked under the original informant and who backed his claims. He was immediately threatened with prosecution from IRS brass. Meanwhile, there are multiple whistleblowers over at the FBI alleging corruption within its ranks.

It’s apparent that Attorney General Merrick Garland and the DOJ aren’t even bothering to pretend anymore that their raison d’être is to pursue equal justice for all. They—the very people in charge of upholding the law—think they’re above it.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Watch and see how many of those cases get dropped -- just because there are so many.  :whatever:

Probably due to failing to meet the Constitutional requirement for a speedy trial.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Eupher

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Probably due to failing to meet the Constitutional requirement for a speedy trial.

Garcon/Gaspack must be taking his cues from D.C. -- the J6 visitors certainly aren't getting their constitutionally-mandated requirement for a speedy trial.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
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Adam Schiff Faces $16 Million Fine for Spreading Russia Collusion Hoax

Yawn. Wake me up when he writes the check.

Now that Special Counsel John Durham’s report has been released, those who perpetuated the Russia collusion hoax are under renewed scrutiny – as they should be. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was one of the leading proponents of the false claim that former President Donald Trump collaborated with the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Now, there is a move in Congress to punish him for the falsehoods he told shortly after the race.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to fine Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff $16 million for his claims that former President Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

Luna says that amount is about half of the cost of the federal investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion, debunked by special counsel reports from Robert Mueller and John Durham.

“The GOP Conference agrees that Adam Schiff has betrayed the trust of the American people, purposely abused positions of extreme authority, lied continuously, and as such, must be held to account,” the lawmaker said in a statement. “Accordingly, the resolution requires Rep. Schiff to pay a $16 million dollar fine, half of the cost American taxpayers were forced to pay for the Russia hoax investigation.”

Mirroring Luna’s statement, the resolution accuses Schiff of betraying the American people’s trust, intentionally abusing his positions of authority, and continuously lying about Trump’s nonexistent relationship with the Kremlin. It also highlights Schiff’s promotion of the Steele dossier, support for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Trump aide Carter Page, and public accusations against Page as a Russian collaborator. The resolution censures Schiff and imposes the $16 million fine, calling on House leadership to support the motion.

Luna introduced another resolution last week to expel Schiff from Congress.

It is not difficult to see that Schiff does deserve to be held accountable. He engaged in a pattern of deceptive behavior and false claims regarding President Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. A fine and expulsion are clearly justified due to his continuous promotion of a false narrative without providing the promised evidence.

Schiff’s frequent appearances on major news outlets during the Trump-Russia investigation are well-documented. He consistently made his rounds in the media circuit claiming to possess definitive proof of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia, promising to unveil the evidence that would expose this alleged conspiracy.

However, despite his confident assertions, Schiff failed to produce any substantial evidence to support his claims. This continuous dissemination of baseless allegations without delivering on his promises calls into question Schiff’s integrity and credibility.

Schiff’s conduct went beyond merely expressing opinions or speculating about potential wrongdoing. Instead, he deliberately misled the public by presenting himself as possessing secret evidence that would implicate the President and his team. By doing so, he abused his position and the trust placed in him as the Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Schiff’s persistent claims without substantiation not only further eroded public trust but also undermined the credibility of Congress as an institution.

Members of Congress are expected to adhere to high ethical standards and engage in honest and transparent discourse. Schiff’s actions during the Trump-Russia investigation clearly fell short of these expectations. Despite knowing the lack of evidence to support his claims, he continued to perpetuate a false narrative, causing unnecessary division and fueling baseless speculation.

But we already know how this will turn out, don’t we? Members of the ruling class are rarely held accountable for their corruption, so it seems probable that this resolution will not stick and Schiff will live to lie another day.

Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to fine Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff $16 million for his claims that former President Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

Much as I detest Schifftyroo, this probably would be unconstitutional. Just because Schifftyroo tried to bypass Trump's due process rights does not mean Schifftyroo has no due process rights.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Eupher

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House Ethics Committee Concludes Probe Into Rep. Eric Swalwell’s Associations With Alleged Chinese Spy

Can someone please explain to me why it took the House Ethics whitewash force committee to absolve Eric "Fartblossom" Swalwell from accusations that he stuck his wick in a Chinese spy and then lied about it?

This is the kind of shit that fosters the very real belief that the elite class will be found completely guiltless in an incident that would've resulted in a federal felony case, and lengthy prison term, for anyone else.

Nice job, McCarthy. NOT. I want the bastard HUNG.

A two-year investigation into Rep. Eric Swalwell’s (D-Calif.) associations with a Chinese national and suspected spy has concluded, the bipartisan House Ethics Committee said on May 22.

The Committee announced the news in a private letter (pdf) to Swalwell in which chairman Michael Guest (R-Miss.) and ranking member Susan Wild (D-Pa.) explained that no further action will be taken against the California Democrat.

Swalwell published the letter on his official website.

“As you are aware, on April 9, 2021, the Committee on Ethics (Committee) informed you that it had determined to investigate allegations raised in the complaint that you may have violated House Rules, laws, or other standards of conduct in connection with your interactions with Ms. Christine Fang,” the letter read.

“The Committee will take no further action in this matter,” the letter continued.

Despite the Committee’s conclusion, Guest and Wild urged Swalwell to remain cautious and conscious of the possibility of improper influence by foreign agents and governments who they said may attempt to secure improper influence through gifts and other interactions.

“We encourage you to contact the Office of House Security for any guidance on steps you can take to prevent or address such attempts,” the letter concluded.

Swalwell has been embroiled in the Chinese spy saga since 2020 when reports emerged that he had been targeted by a suspected Chinese intelligence operative known as Fang Fang or Christine Fang.

According to a December 2020 report by Axios, Fang, who enrolled as a student at California State University East Bay in 2011, had targeted Swalwell and other political figures between 2011 and 2015 after meeting him in Dublin City, California, when he was a council member.

Fang also reportedly took part in a fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 reelection campaign.

A year later in 2015, Swalwell was appointed to the House Intelligence Committee, at which time federal investigators alerted him that they were concerned by Fang’s suspicious activity and behavior and suspected she was gathering political intelligence and conducting influence operations in the Bay Area.

The Democrat immediately cut ties with Fang who promptly left the country, according to the report.

Swalwell has maintained that he did nothing wrong and fully cooperated with the FBI.

However, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) removed Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee in January amid the ongoing investigation, citing concerns over security.

At the time, Swalwell called the decision an act of “political vengeance.”

Swalwell welcomed the conclusion of the investigation in a statement Tuesday, declaring that it is “time to move on” from the case.

“Nearly 10 years ago I assisted the FBI in their counterintelligence investigation of a campaign volunteer. The case and my assistance were briefed to Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and two years later, Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, re-appointed me to the House Intelligence Committee,” Swalwell said.

“Neither Speaker questioned my actions nor politicized my cooperation. Despite the FBI repeatedly saying I was nothing but helpful and never accused of wrongdoing, this complaint was filed by a House Republican,” he continued.

“It’s time to move on. The bipartisan House Ethics Committee had this case for over two years. They had the power of subpoena. They received answers from me in response to requests for information. Today, they are closing this matter and did not make a finding of any wrongdoing. If the intent in bringing this complaint and leveling false smears was to silence me that is not going to happen. I will continue to be a voice on behalf of my constituents and a passionate defender of democracy,” Swalwell concluded.

In a separate statement on Twitter, Swalwell also accused the “MAGA GOP” of having “falsely smeared me to silence me. ”

The Epoch Times has contacted McCarthy’s office for comment
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Ah, yes, as I recall you are a denizen of the Beehive State. Good on you. Vote the bastard out. What's your take on the mood of Utah regarding the Carpetbagger? Is he as despised as I believe he is?

Hard to tell, because unless and until it's campaign season for the RINO bastard, he seems to do his dead level best to pretend we don't exist.

All Trent Skaggs would have to do is host a dozen or so campaign stops, physically get out and press the flesh with the Utahns that show up, and basically not get caught doing anything too cringey before the primary next year, and Romney's arrogance COULD find itself in the unemployment line next to Liz Cheney when President Trump is sworn in in 2025.
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BREAKING UPDATE: Woke pro-abortion NYC professor FIRED after threatening NY Post reporter with machete

Shellyne Rodriguez, the pro-abortion teacher who was filmed threatening a reporter by holding a machete to his neck, has reportedly been fired from her job as a professor at Hunter College.

“Hunter College strongly condemns the unacceptable actions of Shellyne Rodriguez and has taken immediate action,” school spokesman Vince Dimiceli told The New York Post.

“Rodriguez has been relieved of her duties at Hunter College effective immediately, and will not be returning to teach at the school.”

A recording that was shared on social media Tuesday showed the former professor threatening to attack a New York Post reporter with a machete.

Talk about wokeness run amok.
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She was an adjunct professor, i.e. not tenured. Flipping the script, had a Pro-Life full professor vandalized a Pro-Abortion groups info table (s)he would have been canned within a day or two, tenure be damned. It took threatening someone with a machete for her to get canned.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.