Author Topic: I've had it up to here with my brother and his belief in MAGA conspiracies  (Read 846 times)

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Offline jukin

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Re: I've had it up to here with my brother and his belief in MAGA conspiracies
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2023, 07:10:15 PM »
Now he is predicting that the US will either be at war in Ukraine or Taiwan and we will have to draft soldiers to send in ground troops. He said he would be delighted to see young woke liberals get killed in action.

With Pedo Joe the Tough Guy, I'd give American boots in Ukraine a 80%= chance. I'm not sure about American boots on the ground in Taiwan but I do see the USN and USAF in action with possible big losses. Yes there will be a draft because no sane patriotic American wants to serve under Pedo Joe or Miley the Fag. You might as well put a gun to your head which is what those two will do to get fodder.

As to be delighted to see young woke liberals get killed in action, I am never delighted about that but that is a specific portion of our society that if culled I wouldn't lose any sleep over.
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Re: I've had it up to here with my brother and his belief in MAGA conspiracies
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2023, 08:17:44 PM »
With Pedo Joe the Tough Guy, I'd give American boots in Ukraine a 80%= chance. I'm not sure about American boots on the ground in Taiwan but I do see the USN and USAF in action with possible big losses. Yes there will be a draft because no sane patriotic American wants to serve under Pedo Joe or Miley the Fag. You might as well put a gun to your head which is what those two will do to get fodder.

Apparently that scenario was wargamed out in the last 6 months or so and in 80% of the play throughs, the Navy managed to either keep the PLA(N) off of Taiwan directly, or repel them again once they'd landed, but in 50% of those, it cost us TWO carriers, damned near 500 Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps aircraft, and heavy losses of Taiwanese forces in the bargain. Basically, the short legs of the F/A-18 Hornet and F-35B and C models really cuts into the Fleet's ability to defend against China's hypersonic anti-ship missile, assuming it has all the capability the ChiComs say it does. Our biggest advantage is going to be 'Rapid Dragon' and systems like that leveraging JSOW technology.

A draft makes no sense for that, because the Navy could never get draftees trained up in the technical skills sets fast enough. The days of making low skills draftees into AA gunners (deck division) or Gunners mates is about 40 years over. About the only thing you could do with the gaggle of woke'tards a draft would bring in would be to use them as truck drivers, clerk/typists and the like, back stateside.

As to be delighted to see young woke liberals get killed in action, I am never delighted about that but that is a specific portion of our society that if culled I wouldn't lose any sleep over.

The only problem with woke'tards getting killed in combat they're sure all those hours of Call of Duty has made them ready for, is that their sergeants, lieutenants and captains will be the volunteers to the services who know what the **** they should be doing, but because they're leading the latest batch of 'MacNamara's Morons' they'll get caught out trying to shepherd these imbeciles into cover, and get killed with them.
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