Author Topic: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs  (Read 504 times)

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Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« on: January 22, 2023, 11:54:05 AM »
Star Member Botany (66,626 posts)

2 things: 1) Vice President Biden was allowed to have those papers 2) And The timing of finding..

..... 'em makes me think of 2004 and when the story of w going AWOL Karl Rove and Creative Response Concepts
were able to switch the subject to Dan Rather.

1) Joe Biden was allowed those documents in his house as Vice President. He had all the top level security
clearances and has had top level clearances from the time he was on and as chair of the Senate Intelligence
committee (I think he was) and until 2017 he was allowed those documents in his house to do his work for
President Obama. HE DID NOT BREAK THE LAW.

2) I smell a rat or rats with the finding of those documents now. This reminds of 2004 when Karl Rove,
Creative Response Concepts, elements of the MSM, and the right wing media were able to switch the subject
from w bush going AWOL from his TANG unit in order to avoid a drug test to Dan Rather and the phony documents
which I have no doubt were planted. The timing on finding these papers just seems a little too convenient

Effete Snob (5,188 posts)

1. How does your #1 not apply to Trump?

If you are saying that Biden was allowed to retain classified documents because he was VP, then are you saying that would not somehow apply to someone who was president?


Star Member Ninga (7,994 posts)

3. I believe it didn't become an issue until trump was asked by National Archives to turn over docs.

What followed was a warrant for a search, what followed that was another search finding more.

Trump did not say oops my bad, sorry I didn’t know, of course I will turn them over.

Star Member Botany (66,626 posts)

7. Apples v Oranges

When Trump took the documents he was no longer in office, the law was changed in
2017 that made it illegal to take those documents off site (I think the TPTB knew Trump
was a shit), and as per Biden retaining those papers which most likely an oversight by
somebody working for him that is much different from TFG stealing, lying about, and no
doubt selling that top secret information.

Star Member walkingman (5,415 posts)

2. Trump and Biden have mishandled classified documents - there is no excuse. Time to

stop picking sides and follow the law. It is obvious that our government does not take this seriously until someone is caught. Things like this just make people not trust government - it is not political until someone makes it political.

Buckeyeblue (4,913 posts)

6. It seems there is a difference to me

Trump had boxes of classified documents that he took with him when he left office. Biden has had a few documents here and there, which I believe no one even knew they were missing. They only looked because of the Trump debacle.

I also think what the documents are makes a difference as well.

Star Member walkingman (5,415 posts)

11. What both did is against the law - the question is "Was it criminal?" Sure there

is a difference but both did not follow the law. Sloppy and inexcusable.

It will be interesting to see the two different special councils actions? I expect a further shit show.

I cannot admit that DUmmy walkingman is my long-term mole, but I'm guessing a lot of DUmmies are pounding that alert key on his/her/its posts.

Star Member GoCubsGo (30,686 posts)

8. The only "rats" here are our lazy, incompetent, scandal-mongering media.

They are so desperate for a Biden scandal that they had to create one where there is none. As for the timing, they just got lucky that Biden's lease on the Penn Center was running out, and that Biden's lawyers were being honest. Biden could easily have declassified those documents, and made the whole thing go away, instead of letting the media whores sink their teeth into it.


The pretzel logic is hilarious over yonder today. :popcorn:
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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2023, 12:34:06 PM »
8. The only "rats" here are our lazy, incompetent, scandal-mongering media.

This is the most accurate sentiment I've seen on DU in a long time (maybe ever), aside from saying they're the "only rats"..

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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2023, 03:34:01 PM »
Response to Botany (Original post)Sun Jan 22, 2023, 11:04 AM
Raven123 (3,798 posts)
4. I think you are incorrect.

I believe Biden’s documents as VP should have been sent to the National Archives. I may be wrong.

Under no circumstances, was he, or any government employee, to retain classified documents from anytime in service, once that service ended. I do not know the chain of custody for classified documents, but frankly it appears there is none.

Seems like poor policy and sloppy behavior. We’re darned lucky if our adversaries don’t have sensitive information already.

The documents that Brandon stole ended up all over town--from the Penn Biden Center to Hunter's garage--with Chinese spies, hookers, and dope dealers free to traipse in and out as they pleased and read our secrets at their leisure.

We are not that lucky--you can bet that our adversaries have copies of everything.  Brandon and Hunter put it in their hands.  For a price.
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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2023, 06:04:58 PM »
The level of denial at the DUmp is astounding. They can no longer ignore the Biden situation. Instead, it wasnt his "Intent".  :whatever:

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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2023, 06:38:30 PM »
The level of denial at the DUmp is astounding. They can no longer ignore the Biden situation. Instead, it wasnt his "Intent".  :whatever:

I'm surprised you're surprised.

This is the exact same narrative trajectory they followed when it became evident that HilLIARy's email server was a whole host of provable crimes, so it should be sickeningly familiar.

Right down to the sad fact that the CRIMINAL who purpetrated these crimes will never so much as face charges for any of them...

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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2023, 06:44:29 PM »
For the truly DUmbass DUchebag:

When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2023, 09:11:08 AM »
I would like to for the Libs to explain Joe's possession of classified papers while he was a Senator. As as  Senator he was only allow to view documents in a secure kiosk in a secure location. To leave office with those is a breach of the laws governing the possession of classified documents.
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Re: Botany lib-splains Poopy Joe's possession of classified docs
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2023, 10:52:46 AM »
Lurking DUmmies - 2 things:

Trump had the power, as President, to declassify at will.

Creepy sniffer potatus joe did not.

Suck it.
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