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Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo Reporters !
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:25:52 AM »
[SIZE="3"]Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo ,CNN,MSNBC .

Hundreds began pointing at a group of reporters and booing -- some chanted "CNN!" while others yelled "MSNBC!"
CEDARBURG, Wisc. -- Hundreds of angry people in this small town outside Milwaukee taunted reporters and TV crews traveling with Sen. John McCain on Friday, chanting "Be fair!" and pointing fingers at a pack of journalists as they booed loudly.

On the first leg of the "McCain Street USA" tour -- which will take the Republican presidential nominee and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, to small towns across the heartland -- the 30 or so reporters and crew were walking back to their buses to join the McCain motorcade when hundreds of townspeople started yelling.

"Stop lying! You are all liars! Tell the truth!" one woman yelled from the front of the pack.

The crowd was not menacing or threatening, but was clearly angry.

"You're telling lies! Stop the lies!" one man yelled. Asked why the crowd was so angry, Linda J. Green of Mequon, Wisc., said: "I'm thinking the press is very biased."

"I think the press is very liberal and very slanted against the McCain-Palin ticket. Would you ask a man if his kids were being taken care of while he's out campaigning?"

She said the coverage of Mrs. Palin is flat-out sexist. "The media has called her a sexy librarian look. Would you say that Obama is a sexy Will Smith look? They called her Tina Fey's sister, only sexier. I think you're being very sexist."

Another woman questioned local television coverage, which differed for the Republican and Democratic party conventions, she said.

"Why did the networks not carry the Republican convention, when they carried the Democratic convention?" she asked. "They do it because they're liberal," a man chimed in.

The scene was reminiscent of one that occurred spontaneously at the RNC, when Mrs. Palin accused political pundits and columnists of misinformation. With thousands of red-meat Republicans in the huge Xcel Center in Minneapolis, the crowd turned ugly.

I would call it a fairer America where reporters are treated more in line with the place they have established for themselves. That would be less than winos but slightly above fire hydrants. Wait a sec, fire hydrants actually have a use beyond the ones dogs make of them. So that should be below fire hydrants too. 

And so it begins. 'bout time.


The Pajama Revolution! Take back the 1st Amendment!


Perhaps the right needs a "community organizer" who can co-ordinate a mass nationwide cancellation of MSM newspapers and a 2 week boycott of all alphabet network news shows.

If more reporters got the treatment meted out in Cederburg, they might just start to get the picture. For now, I expect the NYT to run an article tomorrow explaining how misguided these simple folk are, and how objective the professional media are.

"With thousands of red-meat Republicans in the huge Xcel center in Minneapolis the crowd turned ugly."
Already exaggerating cowards. They haven't seen ugly. Hope this is the beginning of a trend.

I guess they can no longer be dubbed the MSM. Its more like the LMSM (L is for Lieing).


This is great, and I sure hope it builds as they travel across the country. Linda J. Green speaks for me!

The media has called her a sexy librarian look. Would you say that Obama is a sexy Will Smith look?


God bless them!


Glorious. Absolutely glorious.

This is what we need to do people - we cannot back down and let them get away with it anymore. Call the traitors to freedom out! They are a threat to our nation.


Stopped in Cedarburg on the way back from Lambeau a couple years ago--on the way back to Florida, crime rate 99%--it was like a northern Mayberry.


The Pajamahedeen is gaining prominence as the MSM self-destructs. McCain by himself was enough to vote for because 0bama is so undesirable, but McCain with Sarah Barracuda--well, I'd crawl over hot coals to vote for that ticket. There hasn't been this sort of excitement among the GOP base since '84, and I must give the crotchety Arizona senator, the hero, credit for a brilliant political chess move worthy of Garry Kasparov. Some of my friends still think it was a move of desperation, and I disagree with them. It was a gutsy move that might lead to a win in a year that was supposed to be a Democrat's dream.

Instead, it might become a Democrat's nightmare, because a new sheriff is in town, and she can shoot like Annie Oakley. Time will tell how effective she might be, but McCain has elevated tomorrow's star to the world stage. That's an incredibly selfless move for a presidential candidate to make, and it just might pay off for the next quarter century. I didn't support McCain during the primaries, but he's got me now! And so does she.


People will only tolerate so much lying, and no more. When they reach the limit, you're in trouble. I learned that at a young age, bent over my father's knee, and watching my eight years of life flash before my eyes. 


What communtiy organized that?


Grab your Bibles and you pitchforks.


Armed, mean, liberal press hating veterans for McCain/Palin.


The very fact that 95% of blacks are voting for Obama means that it is O.K. for 95% of Caucs to vote for John and Sarah.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius all were scheduled to campaign for Obama in the coming weeks.

What a waste of time. These three women will campaign against another woman. What a trap the dems are in.


''The crowd was not menacing or threatening, but was clearly angry. ''

I dunno, maybe we should try ''menacing'' and ''threatening''. It seems to work great for the Muslimes...


Now THOSE are my kind of people! Wish I was there to boo the enemedia too, to call them liars, to demand fairness and 'diversity' of thoughts other than their liberal agenda.


I am beginning to think that part of the problem with the press is that they have never, no matter what they have done in the past, have had to deal with such fury from the American public. Well I say, DEAL!


The Virginian-Pilot (see thread) is a perfect example of why I boo the media!


It's on.


Wonder hoe the media types would react to a group of angry townspeople following them around carrying bag of feathers, a few buckets of cold tar and some nooses?


Would you say that Obama is a sexy Will Smith look?
Actually, 0bama's "look" (wel at least his hair) is straight out of Louis Farrakan.


Its a Frarakhan Urkle mix.


It seems to me that reporters in their stories should disclose who they voted for in the last three election cycles. I think it would be pretty eye-opening.

Because this country allows a free press, the press can say and print whatever they want. What we are seeing is a backlash to their biased reporting and they have shown themselves for what they really are. Socialists.


I found it funny that all day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the Media POUNDED the Palin family. They were relentless. They said such nasty things that we were actually stunned. Then, after Sarah's great speech, the word came down from on High (the Obama Camp)to knock it off. Immediately, the Media stopped. THEN, they went into the mode of "who us"? We didn't say ANYTHING bad about the Palins, it was the Bloggers". Especially the Biggies like Matthews, Blitzer, Nora O'Donnell, Andrea Mitchell ect. They acted like they were SO surprised that someone would actually accuse them of MEDIA BIAS. Well...I guess you reap what you sow! Now it's coming back to bite them. I would NEVER, EVER buy a Liberal Newspaper or Magazine ever again..Never!


This story made my morning!! More and more as time goes on my irritation is directed more at the media than the liberals (but I repeat myself). Their lies and propaganda are why so many well meaning citizens buy into such crap as global warming, the dangers of second hand smoke, and the conception that Republicans are evil, selfish, know the drill. On a particularly bad day I will mutter to myself "I hate the media, I hate the media, I hate the media...", it does calm me some.


The first thing that Tom Brokaw said after the Guiliani and Palin speeches was to complain that Rudy had refereed to the left-stream media. Then, he remarked that he didn't feel that way after the media called him America's Mayor. I doubt that this compliment weighed against all the mean things the media said about Rudy.

It's about time that he media are boosed as every Republican in my memory has had to run against the liberals and the media. Obama had free publicity from the day he started to run while John McCain received mostly negative coverage. If we get a chance. let's boo and hiss the villains.


#24 makes a great point, and it's a sharp one to use when arguing bias. That's why the "fairness doctrine" is such a joke.


I guess real Americans are sick of the lies, crap, and nonsense being foisted upon them by the Liberal Elites who control Washington and the left and right coasts of America.
Gee, what a surprise. The Americans who do the living, working, fighting and dying for this country have had enough.


Emperor, meet new clothes.

Nothing - nothing - has damaged this nation more than the Leftist monopoly over our news, public discourse and access to information. And no business has been as shamelessly dishonest as the MSM "news" business. It has been a poison in the culture that, perhaps finally, is about to get cleansed.

#28, you've invented a new word-boosed! I like it. Combination of booed and goosed, which I would like to do to all the enemedia.


I would have paid any amount of time and money to be there with my fellow patriots of Cedarburg to boo the biased, hateful, left-wing, socialist, pro-Obama media. I hope they are running scared, because Gov. Palin has sparked a huge, silent Red Tide that is rising day by day and aimed straight on election day and the fraud of Barack Obama. I am sick of biased Oprah, I am sick of MSN-Slime-BC, I am sick Chris Matthews, I am sick of that jerk Doberman Olberman Pincher, I am sick of ABC-NBC-C-"BS", I am sick of Dan Rather's acolytes causing trouble for conservatives, and I am sick of my biased hometown left-wing paper, "Kansas City Star". I will walk over ANY hot coals in November to vote McCain/Palin to poke a finger in the eye of the cancerous media and that Muslim fraud Obama.


Why should we boo the media? They're just doing their job. Their job to deconstruct America story by story,word by word.

Many of us as Americans are more guilty than they in this deconstruction. We did not stand firm against death when abortion was sanctified, we did not protest when we watched them abuse our Veterans returning from Vietnam. We were comfortable in our suburbs while we watched the great society destroy our inner cities and bring incalculable destruction on the lives of innocents through the welfare state.

Now we're getting angry? Just because two incredibly wonderful people who have stood firm for their beliefs all their lives and are now standing in the gap for us are getting the same o same o from the same who brought us the above?

When will we understand that courage is not only to be applauded in others. It is to be strengthened in ourselves individually.

Let's get out there and start making a difference in honor of McCain and Palin's sacrifices.

And by the way, express your displeasure of the media with a Bronx cheer every now and then while you're at it.


Let's seeee....

"Red meat Republicans turn ugly" when they're fed up with media bias, but mango-mousse arugula-eating liberal Democrat reporters lie their arses off, and they're just objective, truthful hard-working "journalists" who turn what, enlightened?


Apparently, these 30 members of the *superior* media were AMAZED to be accosted by a bunch of small~town nobody peons with a message.

APPLAUSE for you ladies and gentlemen of Cedarburg, Wisconsin ...... YOU have just made Cedarburg a part of history! This town will be remembered as the FIRST town to go after the biased, hateful, leftist, dishonest media which promotes LIES about anyone from the GOP, while promoting the sleeze known as Democrats.

Reminds me of footage from World War II, when the Allies rolled into formerly occupied towns. The people went nuts, greeting their liberators and pounding the stuffings out of the collaborators and traitors.
More than a passing coincidence, if you ask me.


This has truly been a week of ''Wow's''. I am strengthened, encouraged, and almost giddy with anticipation of November 4th!

Cedarburg may have been the first town whose folk told it like they see it. But I dare say, they won't be the last!

I hope the McCain-Palin team come to Vegas in the next 8 weeks. I've got a raspberry ready for the presstitutes, and it's dying to spew forth![/SIZE]

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Re: Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo Reporters !
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 08:32:23 AM »
That was great...I hope we see more of the same thing going on across the country every time they lie and twist the news.....I wish I could have been there too....
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Re: Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo Reporters !
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 09:25:56 AM »
That was great...I hope we see more of the same thing going on across the country every time they lie and twist the news.....I wish I could have been there too....

You will, but you won't, because the MSM won't allow for self-examination.

I was watching a repeat of Glenn Beck last night from when he had the Nuge on.  While Ted isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and tends to be a bit overly generalizing, he did hit it on the head when he discussed how while we may not be violent yet, we ARE angry and disappointed in our lot of late.

But then I thought on it further--how much more ARE we willing to take?  Are we going to boil over, or are we like the frog in the pot, just sitting there as the water gets hotter and hotter, too stupid to jump out until its too late?
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Re: Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo Reporters !
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2008, 09:51:21 AM »
That was great...I hope we see more of the same thing going on across the country every time they lie and twist the news.....I wish I could have been there too....

You will, but you won't, because the MSM won't allow for self-examination.

I was watching a repeat of Glenn Beck last night from when he had the Nuge on.  While Ted isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and tends to be a bit overly generalizing, he did hit it on the head when he discussed how while we may not be violent yet, we ARE angry and disappointed in our lot of late.

But then I thought on it further--how much more ARE we willing to take?  Are we going to boil over, or are we like the frog in the pot, just sitting there as the water gets hotter and hotter, too stupid to jump out until its too late?

I've said that the blood of media types will have to be shed before they "get it."  Maybe there's a few more people out there who agree with me, than I first thought.
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Re: Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo Reporters !
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2008, 10:04:55 AM »
I was reading the economist blog last night.  The reporter thought the questions on Palin were legit and seemed to wonder at the animosity toward the press.  (And right now, he noted, the press is more the target than Obama.)

I think it is going to get worse for them before it gets better.   They can't be stupid enough not to know the source of the anger.  This feigned innocence just doubles the insult we feel we are getting.
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Re: Hundreds of Small-Town Residents Boo Reporters !
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2008, 10:41:12 AM »
That was great...I hope we see more of the same thing going on across the country every time they lie and twist the news.....I wish I could have been there too....

You will, but you won't, because the MSM won't allow for self-examination.

I was watching a repeat of Glenn Beck last night from when he had the Nuge on.  While Ted isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and tends to be a bit overly generalizing, he did hit it on the head when he discussed how while we may not be violent yet, we ARE angry and disappointed in our lot of late.

But then I thought on it further--how much more ARE we willing to take?  Are we going to boil over, or are we like the frog in the pot, just sitting there as the water gets hotter and hotter, too stupid to jump out until its too late?

Everyone has their tipping point.  Some know what & where it is and try to avoid getting there. Some have no Idea what or where or when but eventually find out.
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