Author Topic: I am now going to tell you a story which may make you laugh or it may make you w  (Read 297 times)

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Offline CC27

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PCIntern (22,650 posts)

I am now going to tell you a story which may make you laugh or it may make you wince,

and then I’m going to tie it to the media…

So much for the preface: when I was in high school we had to take a typing test which we practiced and practiced for, and we had to type 25 words a minute “error free“ on manual typewriters. So the day of the test they sit us in front of these typewriters which have their covers on, the copy we are the type from is on our left and the typing teacher says all right take the covers off the machine. So upon lifting the cover, we realize that there are no letters on the keys because we are supposed to be able to touch-type.

We were all horrifyingly surprised, but one kid, a very strange guy, “whips it out“ and starts masturbating immediately right there in the classroom. I cannot begin to describe the teacher’s reaction, suffice it to say that she went berserk and started screaming at him which did not deter him from continuing. She made us leave the room and we are really aren’t sure what happened next but we didn’t see him in school for two weeks. He came back for graduation and I have not heard hide nor hair from him or about him since.

I liken the media’s reaction to the sudden turnaround in political fortunes to this poor guy’s. After screaming since January 20, 2021 that the Republicans were going to retake government, they have absolutely no idea how to handle this because they are not in the news business as they used to be, but are in the prediction/prognostication division of the fiction division of various media outlets. They determine in advance what is going to happen as in the film Minority Report, and thus it needs to come about or the ground shakes underneath them. Well, this is been quite the earthquake and we shall see what happens in November, but it serves them right. All of them. Particularly the soon-to-be-fired Chuck Todd. See, I’m in the prognostication business as well…


Offline Muddling 2

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Strangely, that student's response sounds exactly like the response from the Media and the Democrat Party after the 2016 Presidential Election.

"whip it out"..........

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
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Offline CollectivismMustDie

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  • (D)Ummie nightmare.
That's a hell of a confession.

"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States.

Offline ADsOutburst

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It seems to me the only masturbation by the media has been their anticipation of Trump going down for conspiring with Putin, Stormy Daniels, extorting the Ukrainians, obstruction of justice, inciting the 1/6 riot, fraud, nuclear secrets, whatever he supposedly did this time.