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I'm Voting for Huckabee
« on: January 22, 2008, 10:31:09 PM »
I don't think it's a secret that I'm one of the strongest proponents of the Fairtax out there. If it is, it shouldn't be.....'cause I've had the link in my sig on several boards for quite some time. With Fred and Duncan dropping out, he is the lesser of the evils for me. Is he fully conservative? Hell, SHOW me one that is. Hell, GW Bush was dismal on the fiscal side of that. Rudy? Sorry, the second amendment isn't state/city specific. McCain? He doesn't talk about hindering our rights, he authored a bill that did just that, the McCain-Feingold Act. Romney? I like the guy, but he's not a Fairtax supporter. Then there's that Paul guy. Do I need to go into that?  :whatever:

Huckabee is the ONLY proponent of the Fairtax out there, of ANY of the two parties. Our economy sucks. I'm sorry to break it to you. The difference between me and a DUmmie is that I don't think it was caused by Republicans. I think it was caused by the f'n Democrats and Republicans PANDERING to the damn Democrats. NAFTA sucks. CAFTA sucks. Free I've stated this over on CU as well. While I'm to the right of Attila on fiscal issues, that stance ends at our country's borders. I am ALL for competition.....within the confines of the United States. However, how in the hell are we to expect our workers to compete with a country that sees their workers making 2 dollars a day? 3 dollars? Hell, 30 dollars a day? I have no responsibility to prop up some other country's economy. How do I think this can be rectified? The Fair Tax. Rush won't touch it. He's a Flat Tax guy. The "problem" with that is, we'll have the same damn tax base.....about 40% of the potential taxpayers. It's not feasible. While I think it would work if we seriously cut spending, it's still not fair to the ones that do pay taxes. Every worker in this country should pay their share. ....and it should be equal. Not regressive. **** that progressive shit. Taxing someone at a higher percentage because they make more is regressive and it is bullshit. They're still paying more if it's the same damn percentage. Why? Because they're spending more. All this current system does is allow ****wad Democrats the ability to pit one group against the other.

I'm voting Huckabee.

Fred, you're a *****. Don't ever get involved with politics again. You don't want it, don't ****ing get involved Damnit.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 10:33:03 PM by Rebel »
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline Lauri

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 10:47:21 PM »
I am more disappointed in fred than I thought I'd be.... but, I guess I saw more in him than was really there. He must be a decent actor, I sure bought it..

Which makes me a bit more cynical than I usually am about this stuff.. it's all show and they are all lying in one way or another. Shaving words to make them seem less icky than they are.

I honestly have no idea who to caucus for now... ours isnt til February 19th, so there may not be many choices left by then.

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 10:51:59 PM »
Fred disappointed the hell out of me. All he had to do is act optimistic and act like he actually wanted the job. He had something the others didn't have, Hollywood. Think of all the E! Channels and it's clones out there that would have been giving him airtime HAD he been a little more f'n enthusiastic. Now? I'm of the opinion that he wasted my damn time. I was SERIOUSLY thinking of voting for him. It's the most important job in the world. He seemed to think he was supposed to be crowned or something. Sorry, I don't play that. I had a guy that I interviewed at my company that told me, "hire me and you'll see what I can do". I'm thinking he took someone saying, "Dude, just be confident", just a little out of context. He was not hired. The interview was the chance for him to prove to me what he could do. I wasn't going to hire him to figure it out.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 11:26:42 PM »
So do we all have to jump on the Huckabee bandwagon now?  :-)

A couple of things bug me about him one was his In state tuition for illegas the second was I heard him say on faux snooze that Gitmo needs to be shut down.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline Rebel

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 11:30:28 PM »
So do we all have to jump on the Huckabee bandwagon now?  :-)

A couple of things bug me about him one was his In state tuition for illegas the second was I heard him say on faux snooze that Gitmo needs to be shut down.

You're just a jooooo-loving neo-con! I'm the real conservative here.  :censored:


Ok, seriously, I don't care who you support. "I" support him for the reasons I laid forth. You can go with whomever you choose. I have problems with all that are running, but if I wanted a perfect candidate for me, "I'd" be running.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 11:33:14 PM »
So do we all have to jump on the Huckabee bandwagon now?  :-)

A couple of things bug me about him one was his In state tuition for illegas the second was I heard him say on faux snooze that Gitmo needs to be shut down.

You're just a jooooo-loving neo-con! I'm the real conservative here.  :censored:


Ok, seriously, I don't care who you support. "I" support him for the reasons I laid forth. You can go with whomever you choose. I have problems with all that are running, but if I wanted a perfect candidate for me, "I'd" be running.

Oh I know I was just playing about the bandwagon.

Right now I feel kind of lost on this. None of the ones left are what I really want. The only one who I won't vote for in the GE is our favorite Ron Paul.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 01:17:17 AM »
are we going to be attacked by huckabots now? :hammer:


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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 02:51:22 AM »
With Thompson out, I think I'm gonna start hoping for Romney.  I'm not a fan of his gun stance, with banning Assualt Weapons in Mass, or supporting the Federal ban as well.  His healthcare stance bugs me a bit to.  He signed in a Universal health care plan as Governer, but then tells us he won't support one on a national level.  I'm not sure if he's just saying that to please the base, or if he's realized the failure it's turned out to be in Mass.  Most everything else I can get behind though.  He seems to want to stay in the fight in Iraq, and that's key for me, and his stance on Immigration seems to be the strongest, at least from what I've seen.  Those are the two key issues for me this election.

I'm not psyched about the options this year though.  I really wish Thompson would have put more into it, but wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first I guess...
"Chuck Norris once had sex in an 18 wheeler. Some of his semen dripped onto the engine. We now call that truck Optimus Prime."

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 09:11:59 AM »
I also am very disappointed in Fred.  But I'd seen the writing on the wall for a few months now.  So I'm back to square one.  NONE of the candidates impress me.  Guess I'll be voting the lesser evil this go round.  I DO like the Fair Tax.  And the more I learn about it,  the more I support it.  So I'm probably leaning Huckabee now for that reason alone,  but there's still alot that bothers me about him.

Looking at the current field of candidates in the GOP is depressing as hell,  but they're still FAR better than the alternative(any Dem).

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2008, 09:18:18 AM »
are we going to be attacked by huckabots now? :hammer:


Does Huckster have a blimp?  :uhsure:
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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2008, 09:56:29 AM »
I dunno.

Any (R) is fine by me, no matter who it is.

I think the current presidential race is rather exciting; it's been a very long time since there's been a question about the eventual nominees.....although I still think Messalina Agrippina had the Democrat nomination all locked up in March 2005.

So I'm just sitting back, relaxing, being mellow, and enjoying the show; whoever the (R) candidate is, gets my vote anyway.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2008, 10:14:19 AM »
I worked on Thompson's campaign in NH.  It was hell trying to get ANYTHING from the national HQ.  We needed someone with his ideas and a better marketability. 

Oh well, can't have everything.

That being said, Huckster is one person I WON'T vote for come November, and Howie Carr nails it:


Evolution of a campaign: Huckster’ 08

The end is near. That theme was no doubt a staple of the sermons of the Rev. Mike Huckabee, although the dope from Hope now refuses to release his fire-and-brimstone perorations.

But the polls before yesterday’s primary in South Carolina were a veritable Book of Revelations that his political Armageddon was just around the corner.

Too bad, because a come-from-behind victory by the former Arkansas governor would have put a real crimp into John McCain’s campaign as the candidates head south for the Florida primary on Jan. 29.

The Huckster was doing all right, I suppose, once one got off the main roads and into the red-dirt redneck districts where, as H.L. Mencken once put it, the howls of holiness are heard in the woods. But overall, the “Christian leader” seemed to know that the wheels were coming off his rusty pickup truck. On the Friday TV liveshots he looked spooked, like one of his favorite snakes had just bitten him.

Earlier in the week the Huckster promised to deport every illegal alien in the country - you know, the same criminals he’d been calling “children of God” a couple of weeks earlier.

It’s one thing to speak in tongues, it’s another to speak with a forked tongue. But his constituency doesn’t care. They just want to hold up John 3:16 signs in the end zone at football games during the point-after kick. For some of them, “Deliverance” isn’t a movie, it’s a way of life. They cheer at the end of “Easy Rider.” Teeth are considered an optional fashion accessory.

He won Iowa but it’s been downhill since then. The other GOP candidates have morphed into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He tried some affirmative action by hiring a Catholic as his campaign manager. But Ed Rollins turned out to be a loud-mouthed, over-the-hill dolt - a veritable Sgt. Carter to the Huckster’s Gomer Pyle.

Shazam, Sgt. Rollins, I think this here campaign is flat broke! Ain’t nobody throwin’ nothin’ into the collection plate. Do you think it’s too late for Jim Pinkerton to beg Newsday to give him back his column? It’s all ending rather badly, the way it did for William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes monkey trial.

The Huckster really jumped the shark this week when he attempted to win the trailer park vote by mentioning his deep appreciation for the taste of fried squirrel. He reminisced about his college daze at the Bible school, using a popcorn popper in the dorm to cook the rodents.

From a chicken in every pot to a squirrel in every popcorn popper - there is the trajectory of the Huckabee juggernaut in a nutshell, so to speak.

Who knows how Huckabee would have fared if it hadn’t snowed yesterday in his South Carolina base, the hookworm counties upstate? But God, as they say, moves in mysterious ways.

If the tracking polls were correct, Huckabee appeared to be headed for the same fate as his favorite college dinner - roadkill. From the penthouse to the outhouse in 16 days.

Now the Huckster’s campaign needs a lot more than a bottle of Chuck Norris’ favorite K.O. Fitness Recovery Drink. Exit polls in the early states showed Huckabee winning the support of 93 percent of the voters who have bumper stickers saying their cars will be unmanned when the Rapture occurs. The bad news was, among everyone else in the Republican party, he was running neck and neck with Ron Paul.

A Channel 4 poll of the Massachusetts GOP this week showed favorite son Mitt Romney with 48 percent and John McCain with 34. Huck had 3 percent.

So what does the future hold? Infomercials would seem to be the Huckster’s next big thing. His pal Chuck Norris has cornered the Total Gym market, but maybe the Huckster can bless shotgun racks and peddle them C.O.D. Even better, how about the Ronco Total Squirrel Fry-o-Lator? Can somebody shout amen?


Amen, Brother Howie!
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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 10:21:43 AM »
^I'm with Frank. I was with Fred but now I'm screwed. He was the only real consistent conservative running.

All due respect, but I don't trust Huckabee. He's a Democrat in Republican clothing. I don't think he'll be able to make good on a lot of his promises. Don't get me wrong, I like some of what he's proposing, but like Dr. Nuts, you cannot have "radical" (by Washington standards) policies and expect to see them implemented without some serious concessions. I am wary of anyone who promises things that are different from the status quo. They must have total buy in from the majority and we all know that politics is a two-way street. I fear what will have to be conceded in order to achieve the goals.

Besides, I'm still walking through the paddock checking out the horses. I knew Fred was "the one" and now I'll have to just get behind whomever gets the nod. I won't cheerlead until then probably.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 10:47:04 AM »
While none of the remaining alternatives blow my skirt up, I can vote for Mittney.

Question for you all:

What if there is a "brokered" convention?  Who on our side do you think might emerge as a surprise conservative candidate?
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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 10:52:11 AM »
Fred WAS for the fair tax.  I heard him say on Hannity that the only reason he wouldn't just put it in place if he could was because it would have to come with an admendment to the constitution that would ensure the income tax not be brought back.  Without that, in 10-15 years he could see us with BOTH.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2008, 10:53:36 AM »
While none of the remaining alternatives blow my skirt up, I can vote for Mittney.

Question for you all:

What if there is a "brokered" convention?  Who on our side do you think might emerge as a surprise conservative candidate?

That's what makes this all so exciting.

I suspect an authentic conservative candidate will emerge.

Where is it written, that presidential candidates must be identified months and months and months before the election?

Most people don't like waiting and suspense.

I thrive on it.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 10:59:14 AM »
It isn't.  Remember, Eisenhower wasn't even running until someone had told him AFTER THE NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY that he had won.

And back in 1952, the primary was held in mid-March.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline Rebel Yell

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 10:59:29 AM »
While none of the remaining alternatives blow my skirt up, I can vote for Mittney.

Question for you all:

What if there is a "brokered" convention?  Who on our side do you think might emerge as a surprise conservative candidate?

That's what makes this all so exciting.

I suspect an authentic conservative candidate will emerge.

Where is it written, that presidential candidates must be identified months and months and months before the election?

Most people don't like waiting and suspense.

I thrive on it.

Emerge from where?
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2008, 11:26:08 AM »
I am a BIG proponent of the Fair Tax (and my copy of that book is autographed by Neal Boortz and John Linder  :-) ), but I do not and cannot support Huckabee or McCain (for that matter). Uh-uh, NO way.

I am truly at a loss as to who to pull for. It's either Rudy or Romney  :mental:

As for your anger with Fred, I hear you, loud and clear. We got sold out  :bird:
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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2008, 11:52:31 AM »
I haven't ruled out the possibility that Jeb is running. I guess I like to scare myself.

Ubi Dubium Ibi Libertas

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2008, 12:12:25 PM »
Fred disappointed the hell out of me. All he had to do is act optimistic and act like he actually wanted the job. He had something the others didn't have, Hollywood. Think of all the E! Channels and it's clones out there that would have been giving him airtime HAD he been a little more f'n enthusiastic. Now? I'm of the opinion that he wasted my damn time. I was SERIOUSLY thinking of voting for him. It's the most important job in the world. He seemed to think he was supposed to be crowned or something. Sorry, I don't play that. I had a guy that I interviewed at my company that told me, "hire me and you'll see what I can do". I'm thinking he took someone saying, "Dude, just be confident", just a little out of context. He was not hired. The interview was the chance for him to prove to me what he could do. I wasn't going to hire him to figure it out.

funny aside; my husband interviewed at MS for three days.. he wrote code on white boards and had discussion after discussion about how people see the internet... it was hardcore, 9 hour days of nothing but selling himself.. he actually interviewed with five or six different teams in those 3 days. it was brutal .. so yeah, i see your point about somebody saying "have faith in me, even though im unproven" .. it is a stretch.

as for Fred... we sent him money  :thatsright:  he is the first Republican we've given a dime to in four years.

we wont make that mistake again.

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2008, 12:15:05 PM »
While none of the remaining alternatives blow my skirt up, I can vote for Mittney.

Question for you all:

What if there is a "brokered" convention?  Who on our side do you think might emerge as a surprise conservative candidate?

That's what makes this all so exciting.

I suspect an authentic conservative candidate will emerge.

Where is it written, that presidential candidates must be identified months and months and months before the election?

Most people don't like waiting and suspense.

I thrive on it.

well, if a third candidate materializes, he or she had better have much more enthusiasm for the job than we've seen from our guy. ya know.. the one we liked so much?

and youre right, most of us dont like it so drawn out.. thats why Fred flamed out. people got sick of the waiting..

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2008, 12:27:59 PM »
I lay the blame for Fred's demise squarely on the shoulders of America. I've said it before and I'll say it again.....this country wants an American Idol style contest instead of a presidental race. Most of the American public knows more about celebutards and reality TV than they do about the very important challenges that lie ahead. They only get excited over whatever CNN or the New York Times tells them they need to get excited over. I am extremely dissapointed. But not in Fred! He was the ideal candidate. He was serious and intelligent. He didn't have a problem telling the pundits to stay on the issues and not focus on some trivial matter like raising his damn hand at a debate.

Screw the "fire in the belly" bullshit. That was catering to the lowest common denominator. The American Idol crowd. The "Give me five second, sexy soundbites" crowd. The ones who couldn't tell you the name of our current Vice President without stammering for a moment first. The ones who take everything the media says as 100% factual and complete. Ugh. I am so over these kinds of people!!!

Yes, I share most of your sentiments. But...Fred didn't pander. Fred didn't waiver. Fred didn't preen. Fred didn't jump. Fred was Fred and this nation is going to suffer for not realizing he was the best man for the job. And shame on those in the Conservative camp who blame Fred. It's not his fault. Look no further than the dolts who veg out in front of the TV.

/rant off. Also not aimed at anyone in particular. Hope ya still love me!  :-)

I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2008, 12:49:27 PM »
Yes, I share most of your sentiments. But...Fred didn't pander. Fred didn't waiver. Fred didn't preen. Fred didn't jump. Fred was Fred and this nation is going to suffer for not realizing he was the best man for the job. And shame on those in the Conservative camp who blame Fred. It's not his fault. Look no further than the dolts who veg out in front of the TV.

I don't know... Considering that Fred Thompson was, unlike the other candidates, a TV celebrity, I would have thought he had the TV crowd in his pocket. I think Fred Thompson's campaign went into the toilet for a myriad of reasons some of which he was responsible for and some of which was due to reasons behind his control.
Ubi Dubium Ibi Libertas

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Re: I'm Voting for Huckabee
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2008, 02:50:44 PM »
^you're confusing a character he played on TV with the man. But your comment is telling. Just proves my point about the American Idol crowd that dominates our country.

Speaking as someone who volunteered for Fred here, I can assure you he did what he could. He's a "This is who I am, like it or lump it" kind of guy. A lot of people need to be told over and over again "why" the person is right one. I guess he's guilty of being the only serious adult in the room. Sad. Oh well.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle