Author Topic: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition  (Read 506 times)

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Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« on: June 06, 2022, 11:06:45 AM »
TygrBright (19,527 posts)

Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition

Okay, since you morons utterly refuse to do the ONE, CHEAP, SIMPLE (no, not easy, but yes, simple) thing that is UTTERLY GUARANTEED to keep schools safe from being mass slaughter grounds, let's move on to viable alternatives.

No, not "School Resource Officers." (Really?? Oh, just watch the 6/5 "Last Week Tonight". John Oliver covers it well. :sigh: )

No, not "hardened doors" or, dear heaven... "man traps" or "ballistic blankets... Seriously, people??

Consult some real experts.

The United States Marines have an entire operational group that trains and installs security for big public buildings that transact lots of business daily, with lots of people coming and going, in an environment that has to project both a positive image that reflects stated American values, and safety for those who work (and live) there. They have been providing Embassy security for the U.S. State Department for more than 70 years in all kinds of places and conditions.

Some years back I listened to a retired Marine whose career was spent in the Embassy Security Group, and this is what I remember from that presentation:

First, it is more effective to prevent incidents than to respond to incidents.

Second, of the three elements of security, two - environmental awareness and situational awareness, are preventive. Only incident response doctrine/training is based on response, and even that depends on the other two.

This was some time back and I am probably not remembering it too precisely. But I'll give the best synopsis of the three elements I can:

"Environmental Awareness" is the eyes-on, constant attention to what is actually occurring, everywhere that matters. Who is approaching a perimeter. Entrances and exits. Who is present, where in the building, and where they are moving. This is provided by both in-place assets (guards in place at strategic points, managing entrances, etc.) and oversight assets (cameras under constant monitoring in secure areas with access to communications.)

"Situational Awareness" is the analysis of threat levels, the things that contribute to risk escalation, operational security, and events that may dictate temporary changes in operational doctrine, the escalation or de-escalation of standard risk management procedures and or/changes in incident response doctrine/training.

"Incident Response Doctrine/Training" is the set of protocols for responding to various types of incidents and includes how an incident is identified/determined, how communications proceed, and what actions are taken, with various decision trees for contingencies as they materialize. This is not just for the security staff, but for the regular building occupants/staff, who must know what various codes mean and what they must do in those situations. And it includes the "secondary" response actors - local police and responder teams, adjacent US military forces, etc.

What do these things mean in terms of schools today?

First, every school should have a complete security assessment by professionals experienced and trained in designing and implementing this kind of security. This isn't "door hardening" so much as camera installation and positioning, the designation of various perimeters and zones and planning for constant eyes-on attention when the building is in use as well as off-hours monitoring and opening review and assessments (you'd want to know, for instance, if someone approached within a perimeter and put something in a waste bin during the night. Maybe it's just someone trying to save money on home waste disposal costs, but maybe it's something sinister, too.)

Second, every school district should have a security management division that hires, trains, and supervises well-prepared and well-compensated staff both for in-place and oversight security monitoring. These are not nose-picker jobs or retiree volunteers. Any trained security or LEO knows that this job is enormously challenging in terms of maintaining alertness, awareness, etc. for the many hours when nothing seems to be happening at all, and instant escalation of that alertness when anything trips a 'potential incident' awareness. Short shifts to maintain alertness. Regular reassignment between working locations to keep awareness 'fresh'. This is not cheap. Certainly not as cheap as regulating access to firearms. But it is critical, if you're not going to remove firearms from the mix.

Third, every school in the district needs to have a Situational Awareness team that is intimately familiar with the staff, students, parents, regular visitors, and community around that school, empowered to do regular assessment of potential problems. And, given the nature of how mass shooting incidents happen, this requires people with "people knowledge". Who got expelled? Which kids are bullying what other kids? Which parents showed up at a PTA meeting all bent about some teacher? This is the case for restoring a robust school counseling staff in every school and having them be an integral part of the team.

And finally, every school district and every school needs to establish and constantly update and upgrade their incident response doctrines and training using the data gathered from their environmental and situational awareness personnel, local responder teams, etc. And undertake regular training, not just for active shooter situations, but for a whole array of potential incidents and even regular events that pose potential security problems at schools. A shared awareness of a particular class having lots of bullying incidents, or which kids and their families seem to need extra help and understanding, will go a long way to preventing mass slaughter.

And this needs to be part of every school budget in every school district in America. Yes, the cost will be astronomical. But dear morons, y'all are saying, you're willing to do anything, ANYTHING (except that obvious, cheap, simple thing) to "keep our children safe."

So do it, then.


Good old DUmmie word salad with no point at all.  :whatever:

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2022, 11:12:50 AM »
Okay, since you morons utterly refuse to do the ONE, CHEAP, SIMPLE (no, not easy, but yes, simple) thing that is UTTERLY GUARANTEED to keep schools safe from being mass slaughter grounds

And what would that be? Restricting the weapons that aren't even used in most mass shootings?

Other than that, the post appears to be a disquisition on how you can counteract mass shooters by way of superior tactics, preparedness, and awareness. Well, DUH!!! I can't tell you how irritating it's been reading or listening to the comments of ignoramuses who think an AR-15 makes a shooter some sort of unstoppable juggernaut.

Good old DUmmie word salad with no point at all.  :whatever:

Hey, they said "Listen up morons". At least they know the type of audience they have at DU.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2022, 11:53:34 AM by ADsOutburst »

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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2022, 11:20:24 AM »
The one "cheap, simple" thing wouldn't be so cheap or so simple.

When you ban a legal product and require it be turned in, and you're the government, you have to PAY for those items.

And that doesn't cover any associated bloodshed resulting from that action.
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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2022, 11:23:00 AM »
The one "cheap, simple" thing wouldn't be so cheap or so simple.

When you ban a legal product and require it be turned in, and you're the government, you have to PAY for those items.

And that doesn't cover any associated bloodshed resulting from that PATENTLY ILLEGAL action.

Fixed 'er for ya, my friend. :cheers1:
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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2022, 12:40:19 PM »
Fixed 'er for ya, my friend. :cheers1:

And a good, accurate fix it was, Sir.

"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2022, 12:57:59 PM »
School districts are not run by the feds.  You moonbats really want any of this stuff done, get off the keyboard and talk to/run for your local school boards where such decisions are made. Not that I expect many of you to get up, or win once you see how much work campaigning is, or stay if by some miracle (or lack of turnout) you are elected and actually see what goes into making these decisions.

More security would be nice, in many ways, but reality has a bad habit of kicking nice in the backside.  The day after Uvalde, my daughter's high school had an incident nearby.  The school reminded everyone of the in place security measures like everyone wearing their school ID's and said the next day, anyone without their ID would have to wait for a replacement.  HALF THE BLOODY SCHOOL was in the auditorium HALF THE BLOODY DAY cause they didn't have ID's and were waiting to get them printed (sadly this included my child).  This tells me security is not being enforced.  Why not?  Well among the more acceptable excuses is this school has 2700 students.  There's nowhere near enough staff to keep eyes on that many students all day everyday, especially since all the staff already has a quarter ton of mandated fertilizer they have to get done on top of trying to educate students and not put any kid's head through a wall. 

All of TygerNotSoBright's ideas also require people who actually have critical thinking and observation skills, and care about their jobs, all of which are skills that have been in low supply for a few years now, in no small part to our pitiful excuse of an education system teaching that if you can guess enough right answers on a multiple choice test, you are educated. 
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2022, 01:15:15 PM »
Kevin Sorbo

I don’t need the administration that armed the Taliban lecturing me on gun safety.
2:38 PM · May 31, 2022
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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2022, 01:16:55 PM »
Kevin Sorbo

I don’t need the administration that armed the Taliban lecturing me on gun safety.
2:38 PM · May 31, 2022

"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
-- Capt. John Parker

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-- Capt. Steve Rogers

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-- Ronaldus Magnus

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Re: Listen up, you morons: Keeping Schools Safe Edition
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2022, 06:33:52 PM »
Kevin Sorbo

I don’t need the administration that armed the Taliban lecturing me on gun safety.
2:38 PM · May 31, 2022

I don't need a group of people that wanted me offed for not accepting forced vaccinations telling me why I need to be disarmed.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site