So, this is how stupidity is spread thank you for teaching me as YOU are the one who brought up the
Bernie BOT statement in the first place and now YOU are defending it.
Haw haw haw haw haw.....
Meanwhile BECAUSE of high numbers of lazy ass stupid voters we have the disaster that Biden is who showed his
unfitness for high office for decades yet he gets voted in anyway which would have never happened as recently as 30 years ago because he is so deficient in his ability to do the job and clearly mentally unfit.
My family are now far leftists because they can't free themselves from the propaganda train they suck up on for decades, once they were Kennedy democrats which was being a Classic democrat now they are almost a Marxist without realizing it because they think and behave like a conformist herd who has been trained to conform to an ideology they don't even know because all they do is look for the big
D next to their crooked corrupted candidates and vote for them while unaware that their rights are being eroded in the process.
America is dying because there are now so few lefts who openly love the Republic and so few who defends the constitution as a principle and speak out in defense of it.
I am a Free-Thinking Independent because I want to be a free as possible from the malicious propaganda that is raining down on us all day long via the media, the government and by hellywood that now spew out mostly unhappy violent TV shows all over the clock it is now mostly sex and violence they sell, and it is being lapped up by people are being trained to sit on their asses and let government increasingly take over our lives.
They shoved the bogus "vaccination" on us, they are forcing us to dump gas cars and make us buy electric and forcing us to drop most of the use of Nitrogen fertilizer, incessantly trying to take our gun rights and make us depend on the police for our security by propaganda.
It appears you forgot just how worthless Bernie "the bot" Sanders really is and how destructive Biden and other leftists are who endorsed this stupid idea on a health insurance that is average at best that increasing number of doctors avoid because it doesn't cover the minimum expenses forcing doctors to drop it which I learned from personal experience as I am on Medicare.
Making everyone be on Medicare is just another intrusion of government power over the people which stupid voters never consider thus continue to vote for leftists and Marxists continue to erode our rights to be free to decide for ourselves how to live our lives.
The “Medicare for All” plan pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders and endorsed by a host of Democratic congressional and presidential hopefuls would increase government health care spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years, according to a new study.
The Vermont senator has avoided conducting his own cost analysis, and those supporting the plan have at times struggled to explain how they could pay for it.
The study, released Monday by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, showed the plan would require historic tax increases.
The hikes would allow the government to replace what employers and consumers currently pay for health care -- delivering significant savings on administration and drug costs, but increased demand for care that would drive up spending, according to the report.
According to the report, the legislation’s federal health care commitments would reach approximately 10.7 of GDP by 2022, and rise to nearly 12.7 percent of GDP by 2031.
But the study, conducted by senior research strategist Charles Blahous, said that those estimates were on the “conservative” side.
Sanders’ plan builds on Medicare, the insurance program for seniors. The proposal would require all U.S. residents be covered with no copays and deductibles for medical services. The insurance industry would be regulated to play a minor role in the system.
Sanders is far from the only liberal lawmaker pushing the program.
2020 hopefuls like Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., endorsed a “Medicare for all” program last year.
I think you are going to eventually realize that you didn't see the long march of the feds increasing desire to take away your rights for the sake of the state.