Author Topic: My Nephew is a Moron  (Read 692 times)

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Offline dutch508

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My Nephew is a Moron
« on: January 08, 2022, 08:34:58 AM »
rustysgurl (891 posts)

My Nephew is a Moron

This is the son of my sister and bro-in-law who were both in ICU step-down with COVID pneumonia and barely survived. They are now both vaccinated but he has yet to be vaccinated (and lives in their home). My sister has tried her best to convince him, but here's his latest argument ...

"I know it's bad for us because all of a sudden they made the vaccine available for children and more kids are getting sick."

I can't even ...


She's never mentioned it before...

Star Member Poiuyt (16,664 posts)

2. How old is your nephew?

I guess I don't know the laws regarding parents ordering their minor child to get vaccinated. Is that a thing?

rustysgurl (891 posts)

6. He's 22

And my sister is a wimp ... won't stand up ... even though she damn near died. She invited us to a Christmas open house on 12/20. I briefly attended (my husband wouldn't go) when she told me everyone there would be vaccinated. Turns out 2 neighbors who came over weren't ... she knew they weren't ... didn't tell me. Neighbors came down with it. Fortunately I just tested negative but I told her I was never coming to her house again as I couldn't trust her to keep me safe.


Star Member Bayard (13,810 posts)

5. Kick him out

He obviously has no regard for his parents.

Star Member orleans (29,809 posts)

9. if they got it he probably got it

whether he gave it to them or not

mr. young limp covid dick should be cut out of the will since he obviously doesn't give a shit if he kills his parents.

(maybe mom should tell him about covid dick and how he can just use viagra for the rest of his life)

Star Member rownesheck (1,900 posts)

15. Joe Rogan.

I'm still beyond flabbergasted how this F'ing guy has the number 1 podcast in the country (probably the world). Do the morons who listen to his diarrhea spray realize he hosted a reality game show in which people ate sheep eyes, rat guts, etc? Do they know this is who they're trusting over doctors and scientists?!

Oy, this country.

Star Member Dan (2,909 posts)

12. He is not a moron.

He is just an adult capable of making his own decisions, living independently and taking care of self. Your sister is the moron, by not allowing him to fulfill his potential as an independent adult in his own household. My thoughts, you don’t argue with another adult - that’s not your job, they have to live their life by their own rules independent of my household rules for those that a live under my roof.

I also second the opinion of someone who posted - about visitors that’s were not vaccinated and your sister knowing that, when you were going to be visiting. I would cut her loose, can’t trust her not to get you killed.


Star Member GoCubsGo (28,005 posts)

14. I feel your pain.

My brother's kid believes every conspiracy theory laid in front of him, including all the bullshit regarding vaccines and vaccine mandates. He's married to a doctor, who IS vaccinated. Go figure. She's not a conspiracy theorist, AFAIK. I don't talk to him, but I'm sure he's spouting the same crap your nephew is spewing.

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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2022, 08:42:15 AM »
15. Joe Rogan.

I'm still beyond flabbergasted how this F'ing guy has the number 1 podcast in the country (probably the world). Do the morons who listen to his diarrhea spray realize he hosted a reality game show in which people ate sheep eyes, rat guts, etc? Do they know this is who they're trusting over doctors and scientists?!

Oy, this country.

What do you want to bet that this poster doesn't actually know Joe Rogan's positions on COVID vaccines or treatment?

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2022, 08:50:46 AM »
The nephew in question pobably concluded that medical advice from people who can't (or wont) differentiate between unvaccinated and infected is of no value, at best.
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Offline SVPete

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2022, 09:12:21 AM »
1. Some anti-Covid-vaxxer people still claim the Covid vaccines were not tested, and it sounds like nephew buys into this. Covid vaccines were not "suddenly" authorized for use with adolescents and younger children. Testing with adolescents and younger children was done for many months before the vaccines were authorized for use with them. Quibble "long enough" as you like, just don't pretend the authorization was "suddenly" and untested.

2. However intelligent or unintelligent the nephew may be, if he was around his parents much immediately prior to their hospitalization he probably got Covid, just very mild (or he toughed out worse symptoms without telling anyone). IOW, he may have "immunity" from recovery, which is similar in effectiveness to "immunity" from vaccine. He could confirm this by doing an antibodies test, but it sounds like he would not be amenable to such a suggestion.

3. The general trend from Covid 1.0 and alpha-beta to Delta to Omicron seems to be one of decreasing deadliness (improving treatment knowledge and the effects of vaccines are part of that trend, making the trend complex in cause). If there has been a "good" time to get the virus and join the resistant herd, this could be it. It's not zero-risk, but nothing in life is, not even getting out of bed in the morning (the sudden BP change, the sudden heart rate change, stepping on Legos left in the hallway by the munchkins ...).
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline SVPete

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2022, 09:17:52 AM »
Star Member Dan (2,909 posts)

12. He is not a moron.

He is just an adult capable of making his own decisions, living independently and taking care of self. Your sister is the moron, by not allowing him to fulfill his potential as an independent adult in his own household. My thoughts, you don’t argue with another adult - that’s not your job, they have to live their life by their own rules independent of my household rules for those that a live under my roof.

Bet this post resulted in several Post-Reports. With nearly 3000 posts and being a DU-contributor, he's probably safe, aside from snarling disapproval from other members. But yeah, nephew is an adult making his own decisions, accepting both risk and potential consequences (or lack of consequences).
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline jukin

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2022, 10:35:18 AM »
The DUmp as an entirety:
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2022, 10:43:05 AM »
This same group of people who are aghast at the thought of conversion therapy where gays are forced to give up a mindset they believe in feel they have the right to force people to get vaccinated even though their mindset is to avoid the vaccination.
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Offline Zathras

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2022, 08:46:48 PM »
This same group of people who are aghast at the thought of conversion therapy where gays are forced to give up a mindset they believe in feel they have the right to force people to get vaccinated even though their mindset is to avoid the vaccination.

I thought DUmbasses were all about "my body my choice"?

Also I don't recall but weren't the DUmbasses originally anti-vaxxers because they were developed during Trump's administration? I know Brandon and his sycophantic minions were anti-vaxxers prior to January 20th 2021 due to this reason.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 12:45:27 AM by Zathras »
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Offline 67 Rover

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Re: My Nephew is a Moron
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2022, 12:06:20 PM »
I just don't get it.

 I would never ask anyone about their medical issues or vaccination status or answer anyone about my medical issues vaccination status. NONE OF YOUR F'ING BUSINESS!

 It appears to me that people these day's are getting pretty loose with information that in the past would have been considered personal.
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