Author Topic: "preppers" who couldn't handle a month of quarantine lock downs want a civil war  (Read 703 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member NightWatcher (38,780 posts)

The same "preppers" who couldn't handle a month of quarantine lock downs want a civil war?
The same people who collect guns, mres, buckets of freeze dried foods, and pride themselves on being tougher than most and ready to survive the Apocalypse who FOLDED after less than a month of covid lockdowns because they needed haircuts and Applebees, are claiming that they want a violent war?

Those who want to secede do realize that if there is a war that Applebees wont be open, nor will they receive any federal assistance, don't they?

Do they realize that war will be slightly more inconvenient than not being able to go shopping for a month?

**** them (not so) gently with a chainsaw.

Prosecute the seditionists and slap this silliness and the delusions of grandeur right out of their soft heads now.


Star Member Phoenix61 (11,146 posts)

2. Yep! The same ones who are whining and crying in court because they are going to jail for trying to overthrow the government. Snowflakes.

Star Member RussBLib (4,961 posts)

3. A civil war based on lies?

A civil war over what, exactly? Masks? Covid shots? The lie that Trump won the election?

I would say it will take a whole lot more than some disgruntled voters to launch a civil war.

Immature, brainless ****s.

modrepub (2,367 posts)

9. Same Folks Who Support the Military (Industrial Complex)

If they can't follow simple pandemic instructions then they can't even grasp the basic military command structure. Someone of a higher rank gives you instructions and you are expected to follow them (without question).

These folks would never last a day in any situation in which they weren't giving the orders. Imagine all of these folks trying to do anything as a large group. January 6th is a great example of how organized they are. They had everything handed to them on a silver platter. The capital security forces were thin, the national guard was held back, they were shown what entrances to assault and where to go once inside the building. All of this and the best they could do was get one of their own violently killed and others died via health complications. Then they scatter like cockroaches when the lights are turned on.

They are a bunch of misguided children with on overinflated self value that are being used by folks who couldn't give a spit in the ocean about them.


Star Member Javaman (57,987 posts)

13. the very sad/terrifying thing about these idiots is...

they think by getting on the band wagon early, the will be part of the "elite leaders" of said civil war.

they want the roll but don't want to practice the lines (an old idiom for bad actors)

but the sad part is; all these fools all think they are leaders.

that single most glaring fact about this morons is what will doom any bizarre hope or fever dream of a "civil war"

they all think they are just one right moment from being recognized as being a "military genius".

just a roving band of morons.

Star Member Nay (11,773 posts)

23. All true, but . . . in the backs of their little psycho minds, they think they'll get to

rape random women, pillage, beat and rape children, shoot black people, capture and use slaves, loot stores, etc., if the shit really hits the fan. That's their extra bonus, you see. They're willing to trade civilization for a chance to whoop it up.

Thankfully, most of this crowd are so out of shape they couldn't run a block, and they also keep forgetting that the rest of us normal people have guns, too, and aren't afraid of them.


Star Member KS Toronado (4,320 posts)

24. RWNJ in my red town said this country needs a good revolution to set things straight

So I asked "You mean a civil war?"
him ...yes
me...well what kind of government will you guys put in place?
him...just like we have now
me...then why tear it down with bloodshed to keep it in place?

yep,...Rs vs Ds...


traitorsgalore (90 posts)

31. They're much worse than that

They hate liberals and seriously want us all to die. It comes from their own pathologically low self-esteem which is much more serious than "silliness and delusions of grandeur". When they say they want a civil war, what they're really saying is that they would love to kill you.

This is murderous evil on a grand scale. Covid has proven it. Arresting 650+ seditious traitors has only inspired tens of thousands more. The traitors are getting light sentences too.

In 2022, several states will try to overturn elections and then threaten to secede from the U.S.. The murderous R cult of death will see that as their opportunity to start their civil war and the U.S. will not be a safe place for several months. I hope it all ends with several states actually seceding so all the fascist covidiot maskhole traitors can go live in their own hellscapes.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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When your soldiers show up at my door I'm going to misgender them.
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Offline BannedFromDU

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     Yeah, one side is SO spoiling for a civil war that it...goes to work every day, pays its taxes, watches football on weekends, and so forth. Really inciteful behavior.

     If there is a "civil war," it'll be highly decentralized and unorganized, fought by extremists on both sides in relatively minor skirmishes that will nevertheless create casualties. Most people wouldn't join the fight unless
provoked or unless there is no alternative. It will likely be accompanied by, or touched off by, something seemingly unrelated, like blackouts or other loss of social services.

     Imagine, for example, what will happen if/when Antifa decides to start destroying suburban neighborhoods. That sort of thing.

     In any sort of civil war, however, lefties cannot possibly win, and I doubt they'd do much other than start a few fires.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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I guess 'folded in less than a month of lockdowns' means 'stopped wearing a mask'.

15-days to stop the spread.  The DUmmy doesn't even remember the Government's original slogan.

Offline jukin

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Seriously, I'm coming around to the concept of a civil war.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Mr Mannn

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excuse me, but just where was there only a month of lockdowns? It was more than a year for everyone else.

and how did preppers become the bad guys here. I'm not aware of preppers planning to leave they stash of food behind and go to DU simply creating another villain from thin air?

Offline dutch508

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excuse me, but just where was there only a month of lockdowns? It was more than a year for everyone else.

and how did preppers become the bad guys here. I'm not aware of preppers planning to leave they stash of food behind and go to DU simply creating another villain from thin air?

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline ADsOutburst

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"Ha ha, those silly preppers!", said nobody who's noticed the supply shortages.

Offline CollectivismMustDie

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they want the roll but don't want to practice the lines (an old idiom for bad actors)

And for those with a fourth grade spelling level.
"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

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Offline FunkyZero

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  • ha ha, charade you are
excuse me, but just where was there only a month of lockdowns? It was more than a year for everyone else.

and how did preppers become the bad guys here. I'm not aware of preppers planning to leave they stash of food behind and go to DU simply creating another villain from thin air?

DUmpass is just running out of reasons to hate people so just making up a few more, that's all.
it doesn't have to make sense, just has to hate

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Considering that super geniuses like AoC who think their consumable items just are made at Whole Foods are amazed about that it is actually grown from the ground, I think us conservatives have the upper hand when it comes to "prepping".  Yeah, a real future leader:
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Offline USA4ME

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Why is the Nightwatcher primitive concerned about these things? If there were a civil war, the primitive wouldn’t be alive long enough to concern themself with what’s happening to others.  :-)


Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Movie buff- The Sequel

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"23. All true, but . . . in the backs of their little psycho minds, they think they'll get to
rape random women, pillage, beat and rape children, shoot black people, capture and use slaves, loot stores, etc., if the shit really hits the fan."
While obviously all of this is a total crock born purely from this DUmmy's dope- addled imagination of what he thinks conservatives are like, let's focus on just the "Beat and rape children" part, because that shows a mind- bending amount of hypocrisy on the DUmmy's part.
To prove this point, here's a little quiz for you:
1. Which side of the political spectrum has for the last several decades attempted to deliberately sexualize America's children at increasingly younger ages, largely using their control over America's public education system, America's fashion industry, and America's entertainment industry to help advance this goal? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
2. Which side of the political spectrum has a near- monopoly over America's entertainment industry, which is well- known to be a hotbed of pedophilia? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
3. Which side of the political spectrum has among its numbers Seth MacFarlane, whose repulsive show 'Family Guy' has not one but TWO characters designed around making the sexual assault of women and children look funny and amusing, and has several times portrayed those characters as flat- out heroic (And yet he in one episode had the gall to accuse the tobacco industry of having "Morally bankrupted our society"; Pot, meet kettle)? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
4. Which side of the political spectrum has openly defended Netflix's showcasing the abhorrent movie 'Cuties,' which is little more than feature- length child pornography? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
5. Which side of the political spectrum has pushed for mandatory sex ed classes for all public school students, starting in Kindergarten, and using increasingly explicit and inappropriate content? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
6. Which side of the political spectrum has loudly cheered on the "Drag Queen Story Hours," which are run with so little accountability or basic regard for children's safety that it has been revealed that at least three of the drag queens who've participated in those events were convicted child sex offenders? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
7. Going along with Question 6, which side of the political spectrum slung open accusations of bigotry against anyone who expressed any opposition to the Drag Queen Story Hour events, including those who criticized the aforementioned issue of them allowing convicted child sex offenders to interact with children? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
8. Which side of the political spectrum is a close ally of the ACLU, an organization that has fought tooth and nail for years if not decades to try and get child pornography fully legalized, and that represented NAMBLA pro bono in a lawsuit filed against them? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
9. Which side of the political spectrum has vehemently opposed Jessica's Law as well as other proposed legislation geared around protecting children from sexual predators and imposing strict mandatory sentences for convicted child molesters? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
10. Which side of the political spectrum has expressed a belief that convicted child molesters should be let off with probation and counseling and not spend a single second inside a prison cell? Here's a hint: It's not the Left.
11. Which side of the political spectrum has frequently portrayed pedophiles as brave, misunderstood, innocent victims of society's closed- mindedness and bigotry? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.

In short, I'd say it's pretty freaking obvious which side would seek to impose anarchy so they could rape children wantonly without fear of consequence, and it ISN'T the Right.

Offline Delmar

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Considering that super geniuses like AoC who think their consumable items just are made at Whole Foods are amazed about that it is actually grown from the ground, I think us conservatives have the upper hand when it comes to "prepping".  Yeah, a real future leader:

That video was funny, almost as cringey as Kamala Harris's space video theater production.  I wouldn't be surprised to find out that QVC and Harris had the same PR coach.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

Offline DLR Pyro

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Considering that super geniuses like AoC who think their consumable items just are made at Whole Foods are amazed about that it is actually grown from the ground, I think us conservatives have the upper hand when it comes to "prepping".  Yeah, a real future leader:

she had a moment of terror when she discovered a garbage disposal at her new DC apartment..

First thought is, this is a parody but even snopes has confirmed this is real

This is the person who wants to tax us into oblivion to pay for her "brilliant" sjw causes.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline jukin

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All true, but . . . in the backs of their little psycho minds, they think they'll get to
rape random women, pillage, beat and rape children, shoot black people, capture and use slaves, loot stores, etc., if the shit really hits the fan."

A pretty complete description of the history of the democrat party. DUchebags are smart.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline franksolich

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traitorsgalore (90 posts)

31. They're much worse than that

They hate liberals and seriously want us all to die.....

Man, ain't that the truth.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline CollectivismMustDie

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"23. All true, but . . . in the backs of their little psycho minds, they think they'll get to
rape random women, pillage, beat and rape children, shoot black people, capture and use slaves, loot stores, etc., if the shit really hits the fan."
While obviously all of this is a total crock born purely from this DUmmy's dope- addled imagination of what he thinks conservatives are like, let's focus on just the "Beat and rape children" part, because that shows a mind- bending amount of hypocrisy on the DUmmy's part.
To prove this point, here's a little quiz for you:
1. Which side of the political spectrum has for the last several decades attempted to deliberately sexualize America's children at increasingly younger ages, largely using their control over America's public education system, America's fashion industry, and America's entertainment industry to help advance this goal? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
2. Which side of the political spectrum has a near- monopoly over America's entertainment industry, which is well- known to be a hotbed of pedophilia? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
3. Which side of the political spectrum has among its numbers Seth MacFarlane, whose repulsive show 'Family Guy' has not one but TWO characters designed around making the sexual assault of women and children look funny and amusing, and has several times portrayed those characters as flat- out heroic (And yet he in one episode had the gall to accuse the tobacco industry of having "Morally bankrupted our society"; Pot, meet kettle)? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
4. Which side of the political spectrum has openly defended Netflix's showcasing the abhorrent movie 'Cuties,' which is little more than feature- length child pornography? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
5. Which side of the political spectrum has pushed for mandatory sex ed classes for all public school students, starting in Kindergarten, and using increasingly explicit and inappropriate content? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
6. Which side of the political spectrum has loudly cheered on the "Drag Queen Story Hours," which are run with so little accountability or basic regard for children's safety that it has been revealed that at least three of the drag queens who've participated in those events were convicted child sex offenders? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
7. Going along with Question 6, which side of the political spectrum slung open accusations of bigotry against anyone who expressed any opposition to the Drag Queen Story Hour events, including those who criticized the aforementioned issue of them allowing convicted child sex offenders to interact with children? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
8. Which side of the political spectrum is a close ally of the ACLU, an organization that has fought tooth and nail for years if not decades to try and get child pornography fully legalized, and that represented NAMBLA pro bono in a lawsuit filed against them? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
9. Which side of the political spectrum has vehemently opposed Jessica's Law as well as other proposed legislation geared around protecting children from sexual predators and imposing strict mandatory sentences for convicted child molesters? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.
10. Which side of the political spectrum has expressed a belief that convicted child molesters should be let off with probation and counseling and not spend a single second inside a prison cell? Here's a hint: It's not the Left.
11. Which side of the political spectrum has frequently portrayed pedophiles as brave, misunderstood, innocent victims of society's closed- mindedness and bigotry? Here's a hint: It isn't the Right.

In short, I'd say it's pretty freaking obvious which side would seek to impose anarchy so they could rape children wantonly without fear of consequence, and it ISN'T the Right.

Which side just tried to hide the rape of a female student in a public school by a skirt wearing male inside a girls bathroom, then followed it up by having the father arrested when he attemted to. Speak out,  then followed that up by labelling him a domestic terrorist or the like?
"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States.