Author Topic: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.  (Read 487 times)

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Offline dutch508

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There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« on: August 30, 2021, 08:54:16 AM »
Star Member kentuck (102,873 posts)

There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.

The truth about Afghanistan. The truth about Covid. The truth about vaccines. The truth about the insurrection of January 6th.

We cannot heal as nation until we confront these stark facts.

The war in Afghanistan is ending. After twenty years and thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, the quagmire is ending. The sucking sound you hear is the Defense industry holding their breaths. Their scam is about to end.

Joe Biden has been in the Presidency for 7 months and he will be their scapegoat. The previous three Presidents will mostly escape scrutiny. The people may see it differently than the media and the Defense establishment?

Covid-19 is a pandemic. It can kill you. It is better to listen to doctors and experts than friends on Facebook. There are those that have made it a political issue and they have made it worse. More people are dying because they do not trust the vaccine and refuse to take it. They prefer remedies and cures found on social media.

As for the January 6th attack on our Capitol, it was a domestic terrorist attack. People were terrorized. People were afraid they were going to die. Some people did die. These terrorists threatened the lives of numerous elected leaders because they were following their Cult Leader. There were people in Congress that were complicit and assisted them in the attack upon the symbol of our democracy. We cannot sweep it under the rug. It must be exposed.

We cannot heal as a nation until we confront these truths.


Fiendish Thingy (7,458 posts)

8. Congress has about 15 months to investigate and reveal the truth, after that...

After the 2022 midterms, the truth is going into hibernation for a decade or so.

Star Member panader0 (23,010 posts)

9. Truth was the biggest casualty of the trump years.

From before he took office there were outright lies, deceptions and cover-ups. Then there
was "the largest inaugural crowd in history" and "alternate facts" and it spiraled out of control.
I've forgotten the final Wapo count of his lies, but it was over a dozen a day. One week after his
interview with Woodward where he tells about how horrible covid was going to be, he declared it
a Democratic hoax at one of his rallies. The interview was not aired until months later.
It all needs to come into the light.


Star Member kentuck (102,873 posts)

10. Lies became acceptable under Trump.

They finally stopped counting at approximately 30,000.

His reasoning was that the was competing with the MSM. They were the "enemy of the people".


Star Member Binkie The Clown (7,343 posts)

11. For the immediate future, the only truth that matters is the truth of climate change.

We worry about COVID and terrorists, but in the next 50 years climate change will kill more people than all the pandemics and terrorists put together.

johnthewoodworker (546 posts)

12. Republican/Nazis are dumb shits. Truth has no chance with these morons.

Star Member KS Toronado (3,997 posts)

19. The biggest problem with real TRUTH in this day & age is

how in the hell do we get FQX, newsmax, infowars, etc to tell it???????? Plus if we had a way to make them
tell the truth instead of constant lies, would more repugs stop voting them in when they realize all that
reQublicOns have is lies and no ideas to make America better.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2021, 09:11:00 AM »
Maybe I don't want healing.

After decades of their subversion of law and everything decent, I can no more live with Lefty than I can live with cancer.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Delmar

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2021, 09:32:51 AM »
The war in Afghanistan is ending. After twenty years and thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, the quagmire is ending. The sucking sound you hear is the Defense industry holding their breaths. Their scam is about to end.

Joe Biden has been in the Presidency for 7 months and he will be their scapegoat.
The previous three Presidents will mostly escape scrutiny. The people may see it differently than the media and the Defense establishment?

Lurking Dupipo, Biden is not being scapegoated for the entire 20 years of our Afghanistan involvement.  He totally screwed up the evacuation, that's what people are going after him for.  Just his actions for these last few months, not the whole 20 years.  Comprenden?
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2021, 09:39:54 AM »
Joe Biden has been in the Presidency for 7 months

Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

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Offline USA4ME

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2021, 09:44:37 AM »
If only the left had the ability to look in the mirror. We document them telling themselves and the world lies everyday, and yet it's other people pointing out their lies that's the problem to them.

The left are no different than those who caused the Roman Empire to fall. At the end, they looked around and never were able to see it was them and those they admired who came before who caused it all along.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Wineslob

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2021, 11:12:20 AM »
People were terrorized. People were afraid they were going to die. Some people did die.

In the autonomous zone of Seattle, yes. Some were black, thoughts A-Hole?
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

Offline DUmpDiver

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2021, 11:28:51 AM »
As for the January 6th attack on our Capitol, it was a domestic terrorist attack. People were terrorized. People were afraid they were going to die. Some people did die.

Truth: Five people died:

Three from natural causes.
One from a self-induced OD.
One unarmed person was shot to death.

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2021, 11:36:35 AM »
The overall sentiment is true; only the truth can save America.

It's just that DU and democrats more broadly have misidentified what the truth is, and who needs to be made aware of the truth.

EDIT: Oh my, how did I miss this glob of weapons-grade idiocy?

One week after his interview with Woodward where he tells about how horrible covid was going to be, he declared it
a Democratic hoax at one of his rallies
. The interview was not aired until months later. It all needs to come into the light.

No, he didn't. This is so wrong, that even Snopes and, I believe, WaPo fact-checked it as wrong. That's how blatantly false it is. How quickly you forget, democrats publicly denounced Trump for exaggerating the threat of COVID.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 12:47:39 PM by ADsOutburst »

Offline enslaved1

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2021, 12:56:21 PM »
But according to you moonbats, there is no truth, everything is subjective, and we should all be accepting of other people's truths.  But of course, following that subjectivity, if you don't like certain people's truths (especially when they can be supported by facts and logic), those truths must be eliminated from the public square.  Or any square.   

The war in Afghanistan is ending. After twenty years and thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, the quagmire is ending. The sucking sound you hear is the Defense industry holding their breaths. Their scam is about to end.

Are you nuts?  The weapons and equipment that was left there will be killing Christians, non-extremist Muslims, and women there in no time flat, if not already, and will be hitting Americans over here PDQ as they are hauled over our wide open southern boarder.   Add in China and Russia already getting cozy with the Taliban, and this pathetic unholy cluster emboldening folks like Iran, the MIC is licking it's chops for this giant bag of doo-doo to hit the fan.

Joe Biden has been in the Presidency for 7 months and he will be their scapegoat. The previous three Presidents will mostly escape scrutiny. The people may see it differently than the media and the Defense establishment?

And in that 7 months, he undid much of what Trump did that was keeping these things at least somewhat under control, speaking of porous borders, as well as letting the Taliban start running roughshod over Afghanistan. 

Covid-19 is a pandemic. It can kill you. It is better to listen to doctors and experts than friends on Facebook. There are those that have made it a political issue and they have made it worse. More people are dying because they do not trust the vaccine and refuse to take it. They prefer remedies and cures found on social media.

Yes, it can kill you, but the odds are minimal and still appear to be very random.  Dems and their zombies didn't trust any jabs until Biden got sworn in, then they blindly believed in the same jabs the Trump policies developed.  Out of curiosity, how much anti-big pharma, pro natural cures stuff is in the DUmp, and on their other media feeds? 

As for the January 6th attack on our Capitol, it was a domestic terrorist attack. People were terrorized. People were afraid they were going to die. Some people did die. These terrorists threatened the lives of numerous elected leaders because they were following their Cult Leader. There were people in Congress that were complicit and assisted them in the attack upon the symbol of our democracy. We cannot sweep it under the rug. It must be exposed.

Unarmed vandalism and trespassing is not terrorism.  CHAZ/CHAD was terrorism.  Burning a historic black church close to the White House is terrorism.  Your own investigations came up with nothing proving organization or previous intent on Jan 6.   

Star Member KS Toronado (3,997 posts)

19. The biggest problem with real TRUTH in this day & age is

how in the hell do we get FQX, newsmax, infowars, etc to tell it???????? Plus if we had a way to make them
tell the truth instead of constant lies, would more repugs stop voting them in when they realize all that
reQublicOns have is lies and no ideas to make America better.

Scratch a lib, find a fascist.  If you can't out debate someone, shut the up. 

By all means, come on in and prove me wrong.  I'd come in over there, but y'all only allow free speech that agrees with the collective.  And swimming in a cesspool does not appeal to me.   

Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

Offline thundley4

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Re: There is only one thing that can save America. The Truth.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2021, 06:06:56 PM »
Fiendish Thingy (7,458 posts)

8. Congress has about 15 months to investigate and reveal the truth, after that...

After the 2022 midterms, the truth is going into hibernation for a decade or so.

Is this DUmmie admitting that the Democrats screwed the pooch and will be out of power for the next few elections?