Author Topic: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..  (Read 568 times)

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Offline dutch508

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The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« on: June 18, 2021, 08:07:09 AM »
Star Member Stuart G (30,698 posts)

The truth will come out about Donald Trump..

Always does on evil people. Sometimes it takes time, and sometimes no time. So, do you know who
exposed the awful truth about Joe Stalin?..It was another Russian boss named ..Nikita Khrushchev
Yes, Stalin had died, so Khrushchev didn't need to worry about repercussions, but the truth came out that Stalin killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of his own people..

Therefore, how will the truth come out about Donald Trump?...My guess is that after the NY Attorney General indicts Trump, we will hear from ..some "insiders" about the crooked things that Donald has gotten away with.

.....Unknown until the insiders tell the story. And it won't be pretty for one reason: Donald Trump thinks
he can get away with anything, and the "insiders" will not let him get away with "nothing"..Trump is out
of power and out of gas. (also out of intelligence)..

...It is that fact that Trump thinks he can get away with anything, that will put him down. Trump hurts
people and some that he has hurt will turn on him, now that he ..."is out of power" Besides there
are a number of Republicans who do not want Trump to be their leader under any circumstances. He is
not the person to lead the party out of its wilderness. Trump does not know what is coming. Most of
us here at Democratic Underground will be glad that he will be totally out of the picture..forever.. And
many honest Republicans will feel exactly the same. And they will be out there getting rid of
Trump forever....(and you don't think this will happen?...No one expected Khrushchev to tell the inside
story about Stalin....And we will hear the inside story of Crook Donald Trump


Star Member OAITW r.2.0 (9,367 posts)

1. Trump chose bluster and BS instead of science on Covid-19.

500,000 died needlessly.

Star Member Stuart G (30,698 posts)

4. One more idea about Trump...Trump does not involk ...."LOYALTY"...

.....except from his followers,...............................................
........... but not his employees.. and many people close to him...


Star Member FakeNoose (18,710 posts)

22. Maybe he isn't loved by his employees, I don't know

... but I do know that he made every single employee sign a non-disclosure agreement before they get hired by the Chump Organization. Employees and former employees really fear that NDA too, that's why so few of them actually talk to the press. Even the old Atlantic City casino employees who KNOW about the money-laundering for the Russians, most of them will not talk to investigators. The few that finally did talk, well ... it's almost too late because of the statute of limitations.

The same thing happened with the White House staffers. They were made to sign NDAs even though they weren't Chump's employees, they were working for the U.S. Government. Didn't matter, if they were on Chump's White House staff, they had to sign an NDA. The few people who have published books have already ignored the NDA. So what happened? Chump can't take them to court because the NDAs aren't worth the paper they were written on. Now that more of his former employees realize this, some of them are willing to talk.

Star Member Stuart G (30,698 posts)

7. I disagree. Trump has hurt a whole lot of people...Some close to him, that is who he is.

...I think a lot will come out in the next couple of years, as people write books, and more books, and more books about the "Real Donald Trump"

rampartc (3,704 posts)

6. i'm counting on gislane maxwell to play the videos

unless trump can manage her suicide first.


Star Member Skittles (135,613 posts)

10. yes, he will be held accountable just like Dubya was

oh wait....

Star Member Stuart G (30,698 posts)

11. Trump is a whole lot meaner that Dubya was. But we will see..Time will tell.

Star Member Skittles (135,613 posts)

12. I disagree

Dubya just had others do his bidding....people still die every day because of BUSH INC


Star Member Poiuyt (15,736 posts)

14. There was an opinion piece on CNN yesterday saying that the story of the Jan 6 insurrection will be told through popular media: films, music, etc.

The republicans will block any official information about Trump and the insurrection, so we'll need to rely on other means. Think about how much we know about Watergate because of the book/movie, All the President's Men.

Personally, I'd like to see a movie about Jan 6 based on the work of Seth Abramson.

Oh, I have no doubt some hollywood movie will come out 'proving' the treason of Trump supporters on Jan 6th...


Star Member malaise (230,724 posts)

21. A lot of it is already known

but it will all come out


Star Member msfiddlestix (2,228 posts)

23. Some Truth will "come out" but it ain't happening any tine soon, and no real accountability

The dribble here, a little dribble there, comes out, gets reported, then a year later gets reported again as if it were new information.

I've seen this in the past few months on a number of occasions. And those "any day now" reporting of indictments and charges, wake me when that happens and I'll be the first to yell out hallelujah.....

it's a crying shame because the delay of justice has given the elected magats breathing time to reformulate their propaganda and spread it like wild fire.

I only wish the truth came out in real time, and instead of in a whisper, blasted on every news outlet endlessly.

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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2021, 08:28:03 AM »
...I think a lot will come out in the next couple of years, as people write books, and more books, and more books about the "Real Donald Trump"
Wait, there are people who think they're learning the truth about politics when they read books like Mary Trump's?  :mental: :thatsright:

Offline Aristotelian

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2021, 11:19:28 AM »
Quote from: Star Member OAITW r.2.0 (9,367 posts)
1. Trump chose bluster and BS instead of science on Covid-19.

500,000 died needlessly.

Like the bluster which suggested a lab-leak as opposed to the science which said it's clearly a naturally occurring virus?

Offline USA4ME

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2021, 12:00:59 PM »
What I got from the Stuart G primitives word salad is that Khrushchev can be trusted to give an accurate account of what Stalin did. So the primitive trusts the word of Khrushchev.

In that regard, I would trust the narrative of those who hate Trump as much as I trust the word of Khrushchev.

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Offline SVPete

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2021, 12:51:28 PM »
After 6 years of MSM and Dem (repetitive and redundant, I know) attacks and gotchas that flopped, many proven false, :rotf:  :tongue: .
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2021, 12:56:39 PM »
What truth about Trump will come out?

That he was a stronger, better leader than Biden?

That he was right about important COVID-related issues?

That he for years was the target of conscienceless liars and backstabbers?

That, by all rights, he should have won the 2020 election?


Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2021, 06:07:53 PM »
What truth about Trump will come out?

That he was a stronger, better leader than Biden?

That he was right about important COVID-related issues?

That he for years was the target of conscienceless liars and backstabbers?

That, by all rights, he should have won the 2020 election?


Lowest unemployment in decades?  For all races and genders?

Just tossing a couple of others off the top of my brain.

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Offline Delmar

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2021, 12:48:41 AM »
The truth will come out about Donald Trump..

Flashback: Here’s James Corden ridiculing Donald Trump’s suggestion that California rake its forests
We’ve already had a loser tweet from Trevor Noah of “The Daily Show,” but this is better. As Twitchy reported earlier, California is set to spend $500 million this year clearing 33 million acres of forests to prevent wildfires. As with so many things, President Trump was right at the time, but it was all a joke to late-night TV writers. Here’s a flashback to CBS’s James Corden ridiculing Trump for suggesting that California rake its forest beds. Of course, the audience laughs, because they’re trained seals.
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Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2021, 08:17:53 PM »
The truth will never come out about ex President Trump. The MSM will never allow it... although there are some dribs and drabs of the real truth that do come out, dummie.

Fact is the MSM went after ex President Trump when he was in office like my beagle chasing a rabbit.  How many times did I see:

Confirmed sources say
officials say who want to remain anonymous
multiple sources say

and et alia.

And not a SINGLE ONE was true.  Even Mueller had to slap the MSM.

As far as I am concerned ex President Trump has a legit gripe and the MSM needs to be broken up along with facebook, twitter and google.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: The truth will come out about Donald Trump..
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2021, 10:18:33 PM »
The truth will never come out about ex President Trump. The MSM will never allow it... although there are some dribs and drabs of the real truth that do come out, dummie.

Fact is the MSM went after ex President Trump when he was in office like my beagle chasing a rabbit.  How many times did I see:

Confirmed sources say
officials say who want to remain anonymous
multiple sources say

and et alia.

And not a SINGLE ONE was true.  Even Mueller had to slap the MSM.

As far as I am concerned ex President Trump has a legit gripe and the MSM needs to be broken up along with facebook, twitter and google.
My favorite was "Sources familiar with the president's thinking...".

The hell? His thinking on what? Foreign policy? Immigration? What to have for lunch?