Author Topic: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"  (Read 566 times)

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Star Member NanceGreggs (26,249 posts)

There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection

The people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th did so believing that Trump would be restored to his rightful place, i.e. the presidency, and they’d be immune from any prosecution as a result thereof.

No doubt they took self-identifying photos inside the building, and bragged about their participation on social media, because they thought they would be lauded as heroes once Dear Leader was back in the White House. And no doubt many of them envisioned themselves standing in the Oval Office being awarded Medals of Freedom for their heroic deeds – which is exactly why being easily identifiable was so important.

As I watched the events of 1/6 play out in real time, I wondered how many Trump-humpers were saying, “I wish I could be there.” But as arrests started to be made, I wondered how many of those same people were saying, “Thank God I wasn’t there.”

We all remember Trump’s boasts that he’d cover the legal fees of supporters who attacked his opponents at his rallies. And surely the insurrectionists believed that Dear Leader would pay whatever legal fees were necessary to keep them out of jail in the aftermath of violating the Capitol on his behalf – and at his implicit command to do so.

But as is his usual MO, Trump disowned his own when politically expedient to do so – but did take the time to comment that the dishevelled mob that had followed his explicit instructions looked embarrassingly ‘low class’.

The message sent from On High was unmistakable: ”Do whatever you can to fight for me – but if you get caught, you’re on your own.”

Even the most ardent Trump-humper is not willing to spend years in prison for a man who not only lacks the power to pardon them, but refuses to even acknowledge their efforts on his behalf.

It seems safe to assume that even True Believers draw the line at being thrown under the nearest bus, as they languish in jail awaiting trial, as their financial resources are depleted, as their desperate families lose their life’s savings in order to cover legal fees.

There won’t be another 1/6-type insurrection for all of the reasons above. Trump played what ultimately proved to be a losing hand on January 6th – and his party knows it. Rallying the faithful on that day only demonstrated the inevitable: that the faithful were, in the end, completely expendable - and always will be.


XanaDUer2 (1,746 posts)

1. If my loved one was depleting savings

going to war over that idiot, I'd let them languish in jail. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at some of these idiots' residences as relatives screamed at them. And Trump throwing them under the bus.


Tiger8 (277 posts)

40. I see no evidence of that on RW sites.

Enablers never blame the Abuser. They'll blame the Democrats, or Deep State.

They will rationalize the abuse, like they failed Trump that day. Der Leader is not the enabler. They are.

Star Member MiHale (5,671 posts)

4. You're correct it won't be like 1/6...

It will be worse. They still truly believe they can win.


Star Member NanceGreggs (26,249 posts)

5. I don't believe they do.

They're more afraid of going to prison than they are of Joe Biden being POTUS.

In the end, it always comes down to how does this play out for ME, and few people see a prison term as a viable option.

Star Member Siwsan (18,934 posts)

7. It's the deeply, deeply disturbed and deluded that I worry about

Some of those deeply deluded are highly trained military veterans. It doesn't take a whole lot of them to cause a great degree of chaos. I really worry about the safety of all of our Democratic legislators.

I also believe that the time of greatest risk will be when charges against the ex-guy are announced.


Star Member IrishAfricanAmerican (1,886 posts)

57. 👆🏽THIS!

I do expect some "lone wolf" and small group terrorist operations. As OKC showed, even those can be terribly effective. My best hope is that the feds are firmly infiltrated in these groups. Of course, many feds hold these sentiments as well.

Time will tell.


Star Member wnylib (6,699 posts)

20. Trump called on a mix of

every day rabble and some more organized and equipped militias for 1/6. But there are trained current and former militsry and police who would be willing to carry out another coup attemp. Instead of attacking a single building like the Capitol, it would more likely be an attack on infrastructure and power grids with explosives and a cyber attack on government systems, along with assassination squads.

Not saying that it WILL happen, only that it could, especially with foreign help.


bucolic_frolic (24,600 posts)

8. MAGAts are delusionally and naively stupid

One buttonholed me when Trump took office. Was convinced that Trump would end his non-drunk driving alcohol in car ticket. And end his scuffles with the IRS which was basically a delayed refund. They attributed powers to the man that they thought were personalized. I mean this one at least was really dumb.

 :???: Like that really happened...  :whatever:

Star Member Botany (59,745 posts)

11. We will still have the potential for more such violent actions as long as we have things like Fox News and other right wing disinformation filling the heads of the weak minded w/lies and propaganda.

On 1/4 or 1/5/21 Fox's Ainsley Earhardt of their morning blather show said the following, "Lots of people still have questions about the election."

BTW I just happened to see that crap as i was channel surfing from 51 or 53 (CNN or MSNBC)
up to 62 (weather) and hit 55 (Fox).


Star Member gab13by13 (3,499 posts)

15. Misleading title,

the 1/6 insurrection is on going, it wasn't put down. The GQP/MF45 lost 1 battle but they are winning the war. Arizona has been breaking federal election laws and our DOJ does nothing, so now other states are going to do the same.

If the For the People Act - S1 does not get passed then every state that is controlled by Republicans will be in charge of their own elections, will decide which delegates get sent to the Electoral college convention. If S1 does not get passed, the insurrectionists have won the war. Living under an autocracy/oligarchy will not be pretty.


Lonestarblue (4,022 posts)

28. I worry more right now about Republicans in statehouses.

They’re passing laws giving them a way to overturn elections and install their own slate of electors regardless of the actual vote. Giving partisan state legislators the right to challenge votes in minority districts for irregularities is opening the door to throwing out votes. One part of the law that Texas was changing would also make it easier to throw out mail ballots on signatures by comparing the signature on the ballot to any version of the person’s signature on file versus one no more than six years old. Signatures change as we age, and a signature from thirty years ago could be different enough to use as an excuse to throw out a ballot if it is from a Democrat. The law would give the election official the choice of which file signature to use for comparison.

Texas also plans to close voting sites just in minority areas, fairly blatant discrimination that they have already gotten away with in the past. Since 2012, they have closed 750 polling sites mostly in minority districts with growing populations while keeping sites in white districts, even those losing population.

Unless something changes, Sinema and Manchin are not going to break the filibuster and Senate Bill 1 goes in the trash, allowing Republican legislatures to pass whatever laws they want. They are determined to take back the Senate and the House in 2022, and there is virtually nothing to stop them. Numerous lawsuits have been filed, but the Supreme Court is likely to do what they did with gerrymandering, saying it is up to Congress to pass laws to deal with it. We really need to get two stubborn Senators to act in the best interests of the country.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2021, 02:25:26 PM »
No doubt they took self-identifying photos inside the building, and bragged about their participation on social media, because they thought they would be lauded as heroes once Dear Leader was back in the White House.

I have a friend that was smart enough not to take a tracking device with him to DC.  :-)
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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2021, 03:27:43 PM »
Trying to explain away why right wing attacks predicted by the left haven't occurred?  :-)

Offline franksolich

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2021, 05:04:19 PM »
Of course there won't be a repeat, because we're on to them now.

It was clear from the beginning that all that happened that day resembled nothing more than the burning of the Reichstag in January 1933.

It was an act by Democrats and primitives to do something "bad," for which The People instead would be blamed.

Fool The People once, but they can't be fooled twice.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2021, 07:08:35 PM »
Star Member NanceGreggs (26,249 posts)

There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection

Considering there wasn't a insurrection, you drunken old sot, how could it possibly repeat itself?  Then again, liberals aren't necessarily known for their logic or facts.  Which isn't surprising, considering 99% of Drunken Aunt Nance's screeds reek of Canadian Mist.
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Offline USA4ME

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2021, 09:39:25 PM »
They want so desperately for 1/6 to have some national significance, like 9/11. But alas, except for the kooks, no one cares.

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Offline SVPete

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2021, 07:52:38 AM »
 :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:  :drunksailor:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2021, 08:55:00 AM »
They want so desperately for 1/6 to have some national significance, like 9/11. But alas, except for the kooks, no one cares.

1/6 insurrection?

Meh, it was just some people doing something....
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

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64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2021, 06:13:23 AM »
When I saw the crap that went down that day, I just thought to myself, "Idiots. This is exactly what the leftists want, an excuse to paint all conservatives as violent extremists and deflect attention away from their support of the Antifa/ BLM riots."

enslaved1, you mean Peggy the Moocher, who happily claimed that Obama would pay for her rent and gas?

Offline thundley4

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Re: NanceGreggs: "There Won't Be Another 1/6-Type Insurrection"
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2021, 08:20:28 AM »
Meanwhile Minneapolis is burning because Joe Biden's federal agents executed another black man. :fuelfire: