Author Topic: I now think Biden may end up being one of the best Presidents of my lifetime.  (Read 640 times)

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MatthewG. (252 posts)

I'm very impressed by Joe Biden
I’m a Democrat, and, frankly, I would have voted for ANYONE over Trump. Heck, I’d put an earwig in the Oval Office over Trump.

That said, Biden was not my first or even second choice for the job. I was more drawn to Elizabeth Warren’s intellectual acumen and understanding of regulatory policy.

Nonetheless, I’ve been very impressed by Biden thus far. He really seems to have grasped the need for systemic change, and has shown the ability to unify his entire party, and large segments of moderate voters relatively unattached to partisan politics, behind a vision of government as an active force for public uplift.

I now think Biden may end up being one of the best Presidents of my lifetime.

Anyone else here deeply impressed by Biden?

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 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Star Member Ocelot II (93,214 posts)

3. I think he's exactly the right person for this time.

He's such a contrast with The Former Guy - he's experienced, sensible, calm, thoughtful, compassionate and normal. We've been so desperate for a normal, relatable human being as president and we got one. I supported him during the primaries and I got what I was hoping for.

Star Member demtenjeep (30,162 posts)

5. I have always wanted Biden. Even before Obama-however I think Higher powers saved him for this time

I love this man

Star Member lunatica (51,910 posts)

46. He definitely seems to be the right person for the times

He’s responding to what this country needs right now. I’m surprised and impressed. And I agree that if he continues with his amazingly progressive actions he will be one of the great people in history. I think he’s responding to the younger Preogressive people in his life, with their planetary based views.

He’s also thinking big. Large scale actions as he attests to when comparing his actions to the space program. Which makes me think that there will be many, many side benefits to his programs. A lot of future businesses and cottage industries coming out which means jobs, innovations, inventiveness, industry and a huge jump into an open ended beneficial activities for the entire world. Small businesses may be the ones that benefit the most as jobs are created and the need arises for their products.

I’m with you and this is more than I thought possible when he announced he was running.

Star Member 3catwoman3 (16,644 posts)

12. His core decency, tempered by the losses...

...he has endured, and combined with his 8 years as VP make him the right person at the right time.

I think you are right about him likely being one of the best presidents of our lifetime - maybe one of the best ever.

Cracklin Charlie (9,548 posts)

25. I wanted him to win the primary in 2008 against Obama.

Course, I wanted Obama as his running mate, and then to presidency for eight years.

Obama would still be president now. Just think where we’d be!

Star Member Turbineguy (32,309 posts)

20. Just spoke with a relative in the Netherlands.

They like the news that's coming out of the US. It's calm. It's competent. Not the crazy chaotic shit from trump. And they know all about the trump campaign scam to empty peoples' bank accounts.

Star Member Botany (59,052 posts)

24. He was born and went through his life just to be ready for right now.

Joe is a complex man, a deep thinker, and enjoys the exchange of ideas including ideas that
that are not in line with his also he has suffered pain and loss that are almost unimaginable
but he is the sum of all of that and at his core he wants to help people. Joe has also surrounded
himself with what I think is the best minds with the best experiences I have ever seen in order to
help him and America reach his goals. Always remember that in his office is a big picture of FDR,
and busts of Rose Parks and Ceaser Chavez ... Joe is a liberal.

BTW he knows government too.

Star Member StrictlyRockers (3,324 posts)

37. I agree.

I'm a full on Marxist communist, and I like what I'm seeing from Biden.

Not gonna lie, I did not expect him to be this good.

My group loves to hate on him for whatever because that is what they do. And they're consistent. But I have consistently been pushing back. Their arguments seem thin. I keep saying, "You don't have to hate everything to be a leftist."

I like Joe.


LiberalLovinLug (12,529 posts)

41. I am thrilled to hear him say he learned from the Obama term

I wonder sometimes if Obama would admit he was wrong headed, or maybe just overwhelmed by advice from the conservative members.

His sudden pivot to the right, hit progressives in the gut. Appointing Wall Street insiders, right after they crashed the economy, to oversee the Treasury. His personally appointed CoS swearing about "liberals". Ignoring Sanders, Warren, and others on the left for basically his whole term. It was such a shocking turn and redefinition of direction from the language that came out of his campaign.

It ended up keeping disillusioned progressives, primed for the big hope and change, from backing him up in 2010, and he lost the House. Whether you are mad at them for that or not, that is the reality. Its a political reality that Biden is handling brilliantly.

It is only smart politically to recognize a huge segment in your party, and show them you are at least listening to them. Appointing Sanders Budget Committee chairman was huge. Not as big as Labor secretary would have been, but huge nonetheless.

Then, not going down the neo-liberal playbook of demanding AUSTERITY! Basically reacting, as they do every time coming out of a Republican spending spree on themselves through tax breaks and pork for their districts, that they now have to tighten belts, to recover and get the deficit under control To save America from Republican mistakes, as usual.

But we all know what happens. Democrats clean house, get the ship in order, and Republicans come in and spend spend spend, on the military and tax breaks. And the debt is not a concern at all. Then Democrats get back in, and the debt is the #1 threat to the country.
Its been like that, rinse and repeat for the last three changeovers.

If America is going to spend, at least spend it on the people, and infrastructure and those jobs. That is how you reinvigorate an economy!


Star Member Hortensis (44,878 posts)

43. Illustrates the huge difference between how truth is distorted

at best, and perniciously destroyed at worst, and how the real person is revealed by his own, genuine actions -- when they're fairly clearly seen and understood in context, as now.

I wish everyone happily surprised would remember being told he was a corrupt corporatist and so far right that he was really no better than the Republicans -- and take a good look at the lying liars who pushed those deceits. This is an opportunity to kick out the mind-****ers they let into their heads. For good.

Star Member samnsara (14,568 posts)

52. he was my first choice from the very beginning and he hasnt dissappointed me at all...

..he just calms me..

Star Member MerryHolidays (5,455 posts)

66. I was for Joe Biden from day 1, and I am proud of it

Other than BHO and Bill Clinton, neither of whom could run again, it was so clearly obvious that Joe Biden was the ONLY perfect candidate who could defeat that repugnant infector in chief who cannot be named.

Generally, the US picks an outsider to be President, with George H. W. Bush being the last exception in decades. It was clear to me that any normal-thinking US voter wanted a return to normalcy after the insanity of 2017-2021.

2020 was not a year to make rapid progressive gains. It was a chance to get back to normal. And thank the good lord we took that chance. Progressive gains will come in time. And Joe and Kamala are the perfect bridge to take us there, incrementally.

Joe is the PERFECT candidate for now. President Biden: I really love you. Thank you and VP Harris for all you have done in such a short time to make America great again....and more importantly to help us heal from so many wounds.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline franksolich

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A lot of these primitive screen-names appear to be the inventions of Lord Marblehead EarlG, created to provoke discussion and debate on Skins's island.

It's an effective way of bringing traffic to a site, and I'm sure Lord Marblehead isn't the first to do it.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline enslaved1

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Did any of these fools watch the couple of times Biden was allowed out of the basement during the campaign?  The dog lost in the weeds meanderings when he's allowed to field softball, preapproved questions?  Never mind the record number of executive orders he rubber stamped cluelessly (Trump missed an opportunity, he should have signed some EOs in those last couple of days that were democrat plans, just to see Plugs undo them cause orange man bad),  the bending over for the Chi-coms and Iranians (funny aside, he and the dems want to subject us to the green new deal, but are ok with Iran getting their nuclear "power" plan back up and running.  The doublethink is mindblowing), the trillions of debt he and the dem owned Congress are racking up with no plans to pay off and the vast majority of which does nothing to actually help citizens, just pay off donors.

Just blows my mind that people are seriously so deluded and not institutionalized, despite the years of living and observing the world, not just the DUmp.  Noah, get the boat, please.
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

Offline 67 Rover

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National embarrassment best describes that clown occupying the White House. 

I know for a fact that people in other countries are laughing their asses off at us.  Gruber was right.
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Offline SVPete

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 :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:  ::)  :rotf:


A lot of these primitive screen-names appear to be the inventions of Lord Marblehead EarlG, created to provoke discussion and debate on Skins's island.

It's an effective way of bringing traffic to a site, and I'm sure Lord Marblehead isn't the first to do it.

Many discussion site Admins have socks that they use to see the site as a "civilian" does. :jerkit:  :jerkit: But to "stimulate" discussion and create fake volume? :jerkit:  :jerkit:
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 02:27:48 PM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline 67 Rover

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I should also add that I firmly believe it is Biden that is $hitting all over the White house floors and blaming it on Major.
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Offline SVPete

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Right now LIEden is making OhBummer and Carter look good. Which they were not, in the least.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Karin

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I can't believe you were able to row all that over.  I can't read that shit. 

Offline USA4ME

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The question still remains: Does Slo Joe even know he was sworn in?

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Online ADsOutburst

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Always remember that in his office is a big picture of FDR,
and busts of Rose Parks and Ceaser Chavez ... Joe is a liberal.
Wait, Cesar Chavez, who called illegal immigrants "wetbacks"? That Cesar Chavez?

Offline Delmar

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Response to MatthewG. (Original post)Sun Apr 4, 2021, 05:26 PM
Star Member housecat (354 posts)
48. A real pro makes it look effortless. That's Joe.

As easy as walking up a flight of stairs.

I wonder if the liver spotted old husk of a man is going to give a pardon to that worthless lump of shit kid of his or if he is going to trust Camilla to do it after he gets trundled off to hospice care under the auspices of the 25th amendment.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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A lot of these primitive screen-names appear to be the inventions of Lord Marblehead EarlG, created to provoke discussion and debate on Skins's island.

It's an effective way of bringing traffic to a site, and I'm sure Lord Marblehead isn't the first to do it.

Agreed.  Morale boosters to make the plebes feel validated.
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