Author Topic: What is your sense of how this will end?  (Read 685 times)

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Offline dutch508

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What is your sense of how this will end?
« on: October 22, 2020, 05:58:59 PM »
Star Member Algernon Moncrieff (5,215 posts)

What is your sense of how this will end?

Joe is elected and there is a normal transition?

Joe is elected, and the election result is challenged in court?

Joe is elected. The President resigns so the VP can issue a blanket pardon before Joe takes office (for only the Federal charges, I should note)?

The President is re-elected?

Joe wins, but the President moves to invalidate the election through non-judicial means?

My best guess:

- I think Joe will win. I think the win will not be a "landslide" but will be convincing enough. (~300-350 EV)
- There will be a lot of bluster from the President, but he will leave. I think that's especially the case if there is neither a Senate nor House GOP majority coming in.
- I think he has no interest in a transition, and will turn over to Pence in exchange for a pardon. Otherwise, I expect him to golf for two months. I suspect he will leave the WH for good on 11/4 and head to Florida.
- The ex-President will immediately move into the conservative media business. He knows TV, and it's a sure-fire moneymaker for him.


AllaN01Bear (3,960 posts)

2. first , if mr. bidon wins, theyd have to do a deep cleaning of the place of

listening devices , and because of trump, i bet the secret service will have to drag him out kicking and screaming with scratch marks on that desk.

Star Member LakeArenal (14,680 posts)

11. Vice President Biden, please. Thanks.


Star Member Mariana (11,371 posts)

3. I think Trump will stay in office and **** up everything he can.

He's going to go scorched earth, a la Hitler in the bunker, and try to hurt as many people as he can, while he can.

Star Member lark (16,928 posts)

16. I think he will fight like hell to say it's fraud and that he won.

I do not trust SCOTUS to enforce the constitution and stay out of it, I expect they will go along unless it is a wipeout. If it's even within a 1-5 percentage points (which is a ton of votes) I think they will invalidate the constitution and install their chosen fascist dictator claiming they accept the AG and President's claim of voter fraud and think the 1-2 examples given (if any even are) are sufficient proof.

I know this is extreme, but when has drumpf even been guided by right or morals or ethics or norms - never. A lot of the repug party, and I believe at least 5 SCOTUS are the same evil creatures who think that creating a religious fascist country is the greater good.

Star Member Binkie The Clown (6,054 posts)

4. I think that 100 years from now...

Trump will rate at most a one sentence footnote in the history books.

I don't really care how he gets removed from the White House, as long as he's gone.

CaptYossarian (5,941 posts)

5. Joe wins...

There's a normal transition, except Trump won't be at the swearing-in ceremony.

January 21st, we'll hear the Reaganesque revelation of Trump's mental illnesses that we've been observing since the escalator ride to hell in 2015. Mike Pence's new show on FOX will air at 11 pm to assist those with insomnia.

2021's Word of the Year will be "indictment".

Star Member BKDem (1,445 posts)

6. TV is likely scenario, but...

Trump doesn't know any more about television than he knew about casinos or steaks or air shuttles. He'll have a guaranteed audience, at least to begin with, so maybe he can promise Mark Burnett enough to get him on board, but I doubt Burnett will want to renew the association. Trump is a sicko with no political or business sense. There can be no denying that now. No reputable, employable person will want anything to do with him. If he avoids jail, he's doomed working with Russians oligarchs and other gangsters.

Just a guess.

moose65 (1,571 posts)

8. I'd like to think this is how it ends:

Trump has a reputation for being a quitter and running businesses into the ground. I think he will walk away, but of course will take no responsibility. He will blame the media, the Democrats, and Hillary for his defeat, but will say that it wasn't his fault that he lost. He will say that the country doesn't "deserve" him as President, not realizing the irony of that statement.

He will NOT gracefully retire and fade away. He will be the ultimate 'sore loser' and will be tweeting up a storm for years. He MAY go into conservative media, and may try to fracture the Republican party so that his loser children can run for office.

tar Member doc03 (25,724 posts)

10. I think Trump will win the EC. I think the polls are wrong in the swing states just as in 2016. I think Trump has many people that won't admit they are voting for him

I think that because of the number of Trump people and their enthusiasm in Eastern Ohio, western PA and WV.. If you saw what I see every day you would be worried to.


Star Member SoonerPride (8,425 posts)

13. God I hope you are wrong.

But I'm not calling you nuts for stating that, either.

It scares me to death.

Star Member Algernon Moncrieff (5,215 posts)

17. There was a recent article echoing your sentiment

In this article, Biden does lead, but by a much closer margin than polling indicates.

Flip side: 1) there is not the undercurrent of visceral dislike of Joe that Hillary Clinton suffered and 2) there's the same intensity of enthusiasm for Joe, but there is plenty against Trump.

Turin_C3PO (3,951 posts)

31. These articles are just trying to create a horse race. In all polls,Biden has a significant lead. Barring some huge bad revelation about Biden, Trump is going to lose badly.

empedocles (10,592 posts)

20. Friend of mine reports lot ff trump signs in Wichita burbs

Star Member Algernon Moncrieff (5,215 posts)

27. I see more Trump signs than Biden signs, but....

I see more local race signs (Congress, State House, etc.). Very few bumper stickers for either candidate. About once a day, I see a pickup with a Trump flag.

My sense is that the Trump signs & flags are conservatives flipping off their non-Trump supporting neighbors. I think more people on both sides just don't want to deal with the grief related to showing support for one side or the other.

Star Member GreenEyedLefty (1,930 posts)

28. I was in SE Ohio (Hocking Hills) last weekend

I live in SE Michigan.

I saw tons of Trump signs, flags, banners, etc. Honestly? The sheer number of pieces of paraphernalia on each (widely spaced) piece of land made it appear that there are more Trump supporting people than there actually are. I was also impressed by (and my heart went out to) the brave souls who put Biden/Harris signs out there. After last weekend I am more convinced than ever that Trumpism is just another way of saying white supremacy.

And to flip what you said, I found myself wondering who, among those with no signs on display at all, is going to quietly press the lever for Biden.

Trump is not adding new voters, at least not in overwhelming numbers. The sheer numbers of people who have already voted tells me that Trump weariness has set in and the people are DONE.

With all that said, I am prepared for another 4 years of Trump. It's horrible to contemplate but I can't allow myself to hope.

Star Member Demsrule86 (47,832 posts)

12. Joe is elected...known on election night. Trump has no grounds for a dispute as he loses

Badly so he burns it down on his way out.

Star Member LakeArenal (14,680 posts)

14. Joe wins election night.

Republicans try to create chaos in courts and pandemic until Jan 20. All military officers support Biden the new president.

Coward that he really is,Trump sneaks out the back door with substantial WH property. Cowards try a few pathetic stunts.

Will not go to inauguration.

Will cry and whine for years. Hopefully from a jail cell.

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Statistical (18,789 posts)

36. Zero chance Trump steps down to make Pence President not even for a pardon.

Trump will make legal challenges likely in many states. They largely will go nowhere. When it is all done Biden will win the EC with 300+ EV and become the Pres elect. Trump will remain in office until inauguration day. Normal transfer of power despite a lot of bluster by Trump for the next couple months. Trump won't attend the inauguration or welcome Biden to the White House. Trump will do ever mean spiriting thing possible between election day and inauguration day that he can be executive order. The Trump administration will not help with the transition at all but the Biden team will be staffed with experienced professionals and hit the ground running.

Star Member Yavin4 (30,912 posts)

43. Joe wins. Trump whines. Trump threatens lawsuits. Nothing happens. Joe is inaugurated in 2021

Joe takes active measures to curb the virus.
MAGATs complain and complain.
By March we finally see the numbers decline.
By June, an effective vaccine is discovered. Shows promise.
By September, there's a rollout.
There's resistance and technical problems, but by October we see a rapid decline.
By November, restrictions start lifting. Families can have Thanksgiving.
By December, remaining restrictions are lifted and everything is back to normal.
By February 2022, global travel is restored.

By August 2022, the media starts complaining about the budget deficit, and the Republicans re-take the House because the economic recovery is too slow and the deficit is too large.

By 2024, Biden is looking at a dog fight for a 2nd term against Ben Sasse or Tom Cotton or, if MAGATs are still around, Tucker Carlson.


Star Member MFM008 (18,446 posts)

47. We win

By minimun 8 points.
Take Senate
Solidify house.
Maggot howls then slinks away.

Awsi Dooger (14,437 posts)

60. Russia and SCOTUS are the problem, not Trump

There's going to be something full Roy Cohn, whether's it's Russian interference and/or SCOTUS input

I don't know how to handicap it. We've just got to get to election night and make sure the numbers look logical enough.

That Roy Cohn mentality from the other side is what causes me not to get lulled into expectation of 12 more days of comparative smooth. Ari just had a segment on Russia potentially causing chaos after election day by deleting or freezing voter files of people who voted by mail.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: What is your sense of how this will end?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2020, 06:24:08 PM »
Star Member Algernon Moncrieff (5,215 posts)

What is your sense of how this will end?

I'm thinking this on steroids on January 20, 2020 at 12:20PM (plus or minus 20 minutes)...

Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline franksolich

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Re: What is your sense of how this will end?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2020, 06:56:34 PM »
I think it's pretty much moot how it's going to end.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: What is your sense of how this will end?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2020, 07:25:11 PM »
    Star Member Binkie The Clown (6,054 posts)

    4. I think that 100 years from now...

    Trump will rate at most a one sentence footnote in the history books.

    I don't really care how he gets removed from the White House, as long as he's gone.

100 years from now the history book will show that on January 20th, 2024 President Trump stepped down after having served 2 terms like the majority of other presidents.

Won't be a footnote either dumbass.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

Montani Semper Liberi

Offline Carl

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Re: What is your sense of how this will end?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2020, 08:17:12 PM »
Talk about trying to convince yourself about something they know is not true.

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Re: What is your sense of how this will end?
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2020, 08:39:33 PM »
I suspect several dozen dead Marxists scattered across the country.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline landofconfusion80

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Re: What is your sense of how this will end?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2020, 02:14:17 PM »
Interesting debate coverage from the LA times of all sources:
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.
