Author Topic: Trump's strategy is very simple. Tear down Biden.  (Read 326 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Trump's strategy is very simple. Tear down Biden.
« on: August 07, 2020, 08:45:23 AM »
Star Member kentuck (98,591 posts)

Trump's strategy is very simple.
Tear down Biden.

We have seen him in the last couple of days blasting Biden for trying to "hurt God". He included Guns and Big Oil in his attacks, along with God, as if they are all one and the same?

He wants to tear down Biden, just like he tore down Hillary. With personal attacks, innuendo, charges of crimes, etc. That's all he knows.

NanceGreggs (25,657 posts)

2. You know you're losing ...

... when your only strategy is to tell the nation "Hey, you think I'm bad - well, the other guy is worse."

An already-in-office POTUS usually runs on his accomplishments - and it's only when there are NO accomplishments to be relied upon that he's forced to rely on bullshit about his opponent.

What is Joe's platform on anything?

Star Member malaise (212,454 posts)

3. The problem this time is that pile of 162,000+ dead bodies

lying in between him and Biden. They are not going away and the numbers will only increase. ByeDon!

Star Member ms liberty (6,001 posts)

4. It worked for him last time, so he thinks it will work again

The problem with that idea is that last time he was up against the most propagandized, character assassinated and smeared politician in modern history, who also happened to be a woman.

It wasn't all the other stuff like her emails and Comey, it was that she had been the GOP's boogeyman for 25 years, and so anything that was said about her was just frosting, more reason for them to not vote for her.

This time, he's up against Joe who's very much a known entity, a well liked old white dude with a compelling and honest to god working class family story, and a dude with a positive, hopeful attitude. Not trading in all that strife and division every time he opens his mouth is really attractive, particularly when times are tough.


Star Member kentuck (98,591 posts)

6. Very true.

Of course, they are still trying to sabotage the election, by using the US Mail and by other means, such as criticizing the Democrats for wanting to vote by mail (because they do not want to get the virus) and then, offering no other option. Do they want voters to stand in line on election day, regardless of what impact it may have on our citizenry?

gab13by13 (1,799 posts)

7. When Trumpers hit me with some Biden nonsense,

I have a go to reply; when is Joe going to get that hole in his tongue? I then ask how the hole in Hillary's tongue is doing, did they Flex paste it or just Duct tape it?


DIVINEprividence (243 posts)

10. It worked on Hillary because she already had high negatives

Decades of GOP attacks framed her even before the election but the real damage was done on the left flank and the Russian interference didn’t help. I like how Biden has brought the Bernie wing in to participate crafting policy. Honestly, the only thing that can lose this for us is if the Democratic Party were to fracture. Avoiding a drawn out primary has mitigated that I think but Democrats are very independent thinkers and a lot of anger and intense emotions out there. We can’t just assume everyone is on board but have to constantly engage them and address their issues. The tear down Biden strategy is designed to divide the coalition we now have. Notice latest attacks are trying to wedge AA and Latino voters against Biden. Keeping our coalition together, motivated and paddling in the same direction is the key to success I think


NNadir (25,115 posts)

12. The great thing about Biden is that there is nothing... his record to compare with the overt criminality of Trump.

The right wing neonazis at Fox News didn't spend decades on manufactured outrage as they did with Hillary despite the fact she would have kept America great.

Their innate hatred of America and love, in the 21st century for the revolution of 1861 to make North America a permanent haven for human slavery is wearing thin in the face of a man, Joe Biden whose whole life has been dedicated to decency and fair play.


bucolic_frolic (18,831 posts)

13. 87 days

Biden has plenty of dry powder that will be new and fresh when he engages the public. He has resources. But I do think he and his campaign must plan and expect to vigorously defend their positions, their character, and they must attack the Trump campaign in the process.

Trump has very little time to turn this around and his record is putrid so yes trashing Biden is his only strategy.

Very encouraging Pelosi blasting Republicans yesterday. She knows, she understands, the DNC and the party are with her, and surely that means the Biden campaign is on board.

Maybe they should debate?

Star Member peggysue2 (6,584 posts)

14. Trump has nothing else

After nearly 4 years, no one can say they're better off today than they were 4 years ago, beyond himself, his inner circle and enablers and the richy-rich. He's completely blown the pandemic response, the economy is in the hopper, our relationships abroad are in tatters, there's civil and racial unrest in the streets and Trump, the Liar-in-Chief, is pretending all is good.

The only alternative is to play the 'But he's worse than I am' game. Yesterday, Trump attacked Biden's faith. Big mistake. Catholic voters will not take kindly to a man who uses the Bible as a photo-op accusing a man of genuine faith. Trump is forcing American children back into the classroom which is likely to have disastrous results. As for the economy? There's a tidal wave of pain coming toward the average American.

Trump is running on empty. His only recourse is to return to his natural instincts of attack, smear and project. Joe Biden needs to do exactly what he did yesterday--answer the accusation immediately and call Donnie out for the incompetent jerk he's always been.

This may look and sound like 2016 but it's not. We know what's coming.

Star Member lark (16,479 posts)

15. Oh man, I really dread Sept. and Oct.

The Senate Committee investigating Biden will be fully ramped up and interviewing witnesses live to defame him. The Broward report lying and saying Biden conducted an illegal investigation into drumpf's campaign and saying his son took illegal actions in Ukraine with evidence supplied from Russia's hack and revision job at Burisma. The ads will be non-stop here in No. FL. I just hope everyone ignores the made up lies, but doubt that will happen. It's going to be a very trying time for us Dems because drumpfs will be absolutely flailing and crazy and he will do the most damage possible.

Be aware and ready for the BS, because it's coming.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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Re: Trump's strategy is very simple. Tear down Biden.
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2020, 09:16:15 AM »
NanceGreggs (25,657 posts)

2. You know you're losing ...

... when your only strategy is to tell the nation "Hey, you think I'm bad - well, the other guy is worse."

Like the Dems have had any strategy besides Orange Man Bad the past 5 years?

Like DUpipo have had any message besides Orange Man Bad the past 5 years?

Like NanceGreggs has had any mess(-hic-)age besides Orange Man Bad the past 5 years?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.