Author Topic: Today I exercised my right to vote in Wisconsin and I voted for Bernie Sanders.  (Read 562 times)

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Star Member milestogo (7,890 posts)
Today I exercised my right to vote in Wisconsin and I voted for Bernie Sanders.

Let the snark, hostility, and verbal violence begin.


Star Member Hoyt (42,740 posts)

1. Question is, are you going to vote for Biden in November?


Star Member thesquanderer (10,227 posts)

53. Even if Sanders supporters who would not vote for Biden in November...
...are a quarter overall, they are probably a very tiny percentage of DU folks, especially among long time posters.

Star Member Hoyt (42,740 posts)

14. Not if 2016 is any indication. We don't need trump for another 4 years because Sanders' voters pout
I appreciate OP's confirmation of supporting nominee.

Because if it hadn't, you'd have put him on a train to the gulag...

tar Member AirmensMom (12,708 posts)

6. You first.
Oh wait, you already did.

I’m glad you voted for the candidate you like. And I was going to say yay, even though I voted for Biden. But then I clicked on your op and saw the snark. How is that helpful?


Star Member Me. (27,975 posts)

9. Why?
to continue a fruitless endeavor in a time such as this? And yes it is snark because the days of pointless grandstanding need to end.


Star Member Vogon_Glory (7,005 posts)

15. Nice for you
Just remember that the folks who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and Jill Stein in 2016 thought that their pure thoughts and unblemished idealism could overcome dark money, dirty tricks, deceit, division and lies and brought us eight years of Dubya and Orange Julius’ first term.

I’ll applaud you for voting, but don’t expect me to have high regard for your judgment.

I do hope you paid attention to those down-ballot contests.


texasfiddler (437 posts)

18. I want that right wing state SC justice to lose
I think that is why they made Wisconsin vote.


Star Member ismnotwasm (38,701 posts)

20. How was that?
We’re people practicing social distancing, wearing mask etc? Were the polling booths set up in a way to decease viral transmission? Was hand sanitizer available, and was every thing wiped down between people?

Star Member milestogo (7,890 posts)

24. It was pretty well done.
We have same day registration in Wisconsin, so the person doing that was sitting outside.

Its just a one block walk for me, and it was my normal polling station. Apparently another precinct had been added, but it wasn't overloaded like the polls in Milwaukee.

Inside everyone was wearing gloves and a mask, and I wore my own. I wore my coat so I never touched anything.

There were plastic shields in front of the people who had to check your ID.

The one glitch, and its a big one, was that the ballot scanner kept jamming. There were 2 poll workers trying to fix it - one guy without gloves was opening it up and trying to fix it while another person was reading the instructions. After a few minutes a half dozen of us were standing around with our ballots, since we couldn't put them in the scanner.

So they decided they had to call for another machine. One person collected all our ballots and put them in a transparent plastic bag. There were about 8 poll workers who saw her do this so I wasn't worried about my ballot. This could have happened at any election and it probably does.


Star Member yortsed snacilbuper (7,166 posts)

23. "Let the snark, hostility, and verbal violence begin."
Is that the response you want?

Star Member Demsrule86 (42,082 posts)

26. The only snark and verbal violence I see is in you post...It seems to me you seem to think we care desperately who you voted for which is not the case. It is a primary.

Walleye (1,045 posts)

29. Verbal violence? That's a bit much.

Dem4Life1102 (1,677 posts)

34. Why are you still Undecided if you voted for Sanders?


Star Member creeksneakers2 (7,356 posts)

36. The longer the primary drags on the more it benefits Trump. What did you accomplish that outweighed that?


Tarc (9,262 posts)

42. Bit of a waste and completely pointless at this point in time
This is basically like a Nader 2000 or Stein 2016 voter at this point.

elocs (21,438 posts)

49. I exercised my right to vote here in Wisconsin and voted for Joe Biden
who will be the nominee of the Democratic Party this summer and who is actually proud to be a member of that party.

Suzanbanbuzan (1 post)

51. Good Exercise
Okay. Now I get it. The pieces fell into place as I was logging in to respond to this post. It was a misunderstanding on my part. The Democratic Underground here could, in my opinion, be more accurately be called the Democratic Party Underground. That said, good for you, good for us. We vote by mail in my state and I will be voting for Bernie Sanders also.

The Magistrate (86,908 posts)

52. That Is a Fair Enough Read Of The Place, Ma'am
Welcome to the forum, should you decide to stay.

The proprietors' rules do enjoin support for Democrats, and disallow third party support during elections. Otherwise, the place does skew pretty strongly to the left, though in the Primaries forum, that may not be so apparent.

Star Member George II (52,865 posts)

55. "The Democratic Underground here could, in my opinion, be more accurately be called.....
....the Democratic Party Underground."

As a newcomer you might want to read the "about" page to get a feel for what "Democratic Underground" really is. Enjoy:

Star Member Blue_true (22,526 posts)

56. Wow. Seems you came for a fight. Why even post? nt

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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This is what happens when you go against the cult.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Star Member milestogo (7,890 posts)

24. It was pretty well done.
We have same day registration in Wisconsin, so the person doing that was sitting outside.

Its just a one block walk for me, and it was my normal polling station. Apparently another precinct had been added, but it wasn't overloaded like the polls in Milwaukee.
By choice Milwaukee only had 5 polling stations open. Any other community not run by morons did not have overloaded polls.
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

-Words of wisdom from Lady Freedom Returns

"Arguing with's like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious." -- Anonymous

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Offline SVPete

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Bye bye, Bernie, bye-bye.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.