Author Topic: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?  (Read 1031 times)

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Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« on: November 30, 2019, 07:30:22 PM »
Star Member Dream Girl (1,704 posts)

Why do we buy into the worship of the military?

When my son was about 11, I sat him down and told him that no matter what, I would never support him joining the military. No way would I ever allow him to be cannon fodder in a rich man’s war. When we say “thank you for your service”, whose interests are they actually being “served”? As a young girl when I learned about war, I was horrified and couldn’t believe there could be such a thing. In my little girl’s mind, it was a game where the opposing teams died. I remember thinking this couldn’t be true. Perhaps if we ever evolve as a species, people will look back and be horrified that war was ever a thing. Or not. I’m expecting to be pilloried by DUes, but to me war and worship of the military is kind of insane as its most basic level. An please no lectures about how the military “protects my freedom”. The military industrial complex could give two shits about this black girl’s “freedom”. Really I think most people joint the military because they lack other options, but they’re given the consolation prize of “respect” and “gratitude” so everybody feels better about it.


Star Member msongs (51,728 posts)

1. well someone has to die to protect the interests of American multi-national corporations nt

Star Member captain queeg (858 posts)

2. I think it started going overboard after 9/11

It also extends to police and fireman. Those people deserve respect but not a free pass to act the way many of them do.

Star Member Dream Girl (1,704 posts)

4. Don't get me started on firefighters. Yes there is danger and some put there lives on the

Line, but I know upfront and personal, it is one real sweet gig. Note that most firefighters are white men even in big cities - an indicator of how desireable those jobs are.

DENVERPOPS (799 posts)

63. I couldn't agree

I couldn't agree with you more Dream Girl.........

It is like going to heaven to get a job in the fire service for the most part........

When I sometimes share with someone what a dream job it is, they are appalled at what I tell them.
As you said, there are times when some do truly heroic things......

Firefighters and Police are usually paid the same amount. I told all my buddies that Police should earn at least twice as much as fire fighters are paid. Their jobs are ten times more riskier (or more) There certainly are departments where the Fire crews make many more runs a day than in smaller medium sized cities. New York city comes to mind......

There are more and more "progressive" departments, so things are changing. But the larger, older departments are so infatuated with "tradition" they will never change to a better or safer way of doing things.
A perfect example is the classic fire ax that you all see on the fire engines, ladder trucks..........
It is the most worthless tool ever invented for the fire service and should have been thrown out decades and decades ago. Even more laughable is San Franciso where, if I am not mistaken, is still using wooden fire ladders.......

The other thing that you mention Dream Girl, and is definitely true, is when you said "white men".
I think the public recognizes how racist and sexist most (not all) police departments and officers are. I have found that the public has no idea how the same is true of most fire departments and firefighters that I have known.......


Star Member A HERETIC I AM (19,810 posts)

133. The idea that police work is incredibly dangerous or "riskier" as you put it, is a canard

On every list of the most dangerous occupations, I, as a truck driver, have to look DOWN the list at LEAST 4 or 5 spots from where I sit to find "Police Officer".

Being a cop isn't dangerous. Being a dangerous cop is, however.

DENVERPOPS (799 posts)

144. I totally agree with your first statement

There is no question, with logging being on the top of the list I think. I was comparing Fire and Police jobs.

On the second, I won't agree. I think in Colorado alone LAST YEAR we lost five state patrolmen who were actively in the act of helping someone..........

No question that there are substantial numbers of police that should never have made it past filling out the application.

Another comment about the bad cops that exist out there. What do you expect when the departments hire candidates, fresh out of the military after several tours in worn torn middle eastern countries.....I would wonder just how many of them came back with a little bit warped attitude of their power and serious PTSD?

Another comment on what is going on in the U.S. DWB arrests or DWM arrests. Driving While Black, and Driving While Minority. And of course that is in addition to the open season on: LWB or LWM.....(living)

I have memories of things when I was a child, witnessing all the racist things that were openly condoned and accepted back then.

After 65 years of that shit becoming slowly somewhat outdated, in the past 10-15 years it has gone back to the fifties, and in the last three years it is back to the early nineteen hundred.......

And as long as we are at it on comments: Listen all you ignorant hypocritical trash that are out there ranting up your White superiority and White supremacy......**** you all. Your european ancestors came over here and committed the largest genocide in the world's history on the 100 Million residents of this country. Columbus day is a complete travesty, being nothing more than a total pack of lies, and Thanksgiving even more so...............


jmowreader (41,866 posts)

181. If you'd been to San Francisco you'd understand the wooden ladders

There are three kinds of ladder, metal, wood and fiberglass.

Few if any fire departments use fiberglass ladders. In a fire they produce toxic gases.

This means either metal or wood. SFO has a lot of tight spaces with overhead power lines, which are not compatible with metal ladders. So, they not only use wooden ladders but make them in-house.

DENVERPOPS (799 posts)

206. ooooooo, sorry to hit a nerve.

I could write a full page "discussing" the subject, but I won't.

I bet you don't like the non-traditional new "positive pressure ventilation" either, like so many large city departments.......As well as many newer & proven superior techniques and equipment.......

What an asshole....

McKim (1,169 posts)

180. The Hero Worship is a Planned Campaign

The Pentagon has spent billions on PR campaigns to raise the profile and change the image of the military in the eyes of Americans. This is since the Vietnam War. Witness the popularity of comaflage style clothing and imagery for a start. Remember the Marines had a Toys for Tots donation center at certain stores? Makes ‘em look good but meanwhile they were killing tots in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is all planned.


Star Member lark (13,794 posts)

202. I had the same talk with my son when he was fairly young.

It took and he was never interested in the military, especially when he realized he was gay as a teenager.


Star Member cwydro (34,555 posts)

6. You say no one died for black lives.

You might want to look into a war that occurred in 1861, then ended in 1865.

Both whites and blacks died in that war, and they died for black lives...and freedom.

Star Member Dream Girl (1,704 posts)

12. Ummm that's kind of a fairy tales.

Like most wars the civil war was about economics. The desire to control westward expansion (north wanted it to be fueled by white labor while south presses for slavery), session and and states rights. It had little to do with the morality of slavery.

Star Member cwydro (34,555 posts)

18. Oh, so good to know. Lincoln and the war had nothing to do with freeing the slaves.

Do you have any idea how many died in the Civil War? Your post astounds me.

My uncle was at D-Day in WW2; he also served to free enslaved peoples.

I don’t “worship” the military. But sadly, it seems to be something we need in our horrid world.


Haggis for Breakfast (5,357 posts)

158. Her post does more than "astound" me.

It saddens me that education is in such a sad state of decline.

egduj (570 posts)

31. So your stance is that the civil war was about state rights and not slavery?

Interesting. I've heard that argument somewhere before...


Ron Green (8,883 posts)

7. Recommended. The US military has not protected our freedom

Last edited Fri Nov 29, 2019, 06:15 PM - Edit history (1)

within my lifetime. But to remind people of that fact is to invite the kind of groupthink response that has brought us to this dead-end situation we’re in.

This nostalgic jingoism that passes for patriotism seems to be nearly impossible to overcome.

September 11th, 2001 and since then, asshole.

EX500rider (6,049 posts)

220. "The US military has not protected our freedom within my lifetime."

Except from the Soviet Union? Unless you were born after it fell.

samir.g (753 posts)

228. The Red Scare was BS


Jake Stern (2,640 posts)

77. I'm sure little 6 year old Amira in Afghanistan will be comforted in the world to come by the knowledge that her being shredded by an American missile helped give John Smith of North Platte, Nebraska job security and some college money.

DeminPennswoods (7,446 posts)

14. Still the backlash to the perceived ill-treatment of VN-era GIs.

DarleenMB (328 posts)

58. PERCEIVED??????

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Returning Vietnam troops were SPAT ON and called "baby killers." There was nothing "perceived" about it.

SMC22307 (5,177 posts)

60. Some did kill babies. Are you in denial about that, 'Darleen'?


Star Member PoindexterOglethorpe (11,429 posts)

85. I read a while back that someone did some research, and there are no contemporaneous stories of those things happening.


Star Member Hoyt (40,456 posts)

17. Wars like WWI and WWII were a lot different from the junk we "fight" today. Today, we have too many

Eddie Gallaghers and militia wannabes (Muslims are good targets) attracted to military service, and too many people forced into the military for a job and training.

The biggest problem is that the military armaments is big business in the USA, meaning it won't end anytime soon.

braddy (3,180 posts)

142. Gallagher enlisted under Clinton's presidency was highly decorated and one of our top navy SEALs and

a SEAL instructor and medic and I never met any GI or veteran who enlisted in the military because he was a "militia wannabe".

Some men are warriors, it is pretty hard for warriors to be so without joining the military.

Star Member Hoyt (40,456 posts)

146. Screw hired killers. Worthless POS -- Gallagher -- murdered children in some gungho fit of hatred.

Veterans are disproportionately involved in violence, like mass murders, too.

White nationalism remains a problem for the military, poll suggests

The leftist rag Military Times calls for dismantling the military...  :whatever:

dware (189 posts)

148. Gallagher murdered children?

Do you have a link?

Also, it's patently false that Veterans are disproportionately involved in violence, like mass murders.

I would like to see a link to that claim also.

Star Member Hoyt (40,456 posts)

155. Before sticking up for murders, I suggest using some search skills.

Every single charge brought up on Gallagher was dropped with the exception of posing with a body or a KIA terrorist. All the charges were bullshit brought up to get Gallagher by other SEALs who had it out for him. NOT ONE CHARGE was found to be accurate, except the photo. God forbid they ever look through my units camera rolls...

snowybirdie (1,536 posts)

21. Wow

where did this come from? Sounds like Vlad's aiming to destroy those who are strong enough to protect the rest of us. Pure propaganda! So totally disagree with this post! Try and face a gunman down in the dark who wants to harm you or walk through smoke and fire to rescue your child. Or crawl on your belly, in full military gear, across a desert to see if Saadam has poison weapons that he wants to point at the US! All actual experiences of some of my loved ones. Beefing just to be ornery is Sooooo 60s.

NewJeffCT (54,408 posts)

38. Because Republicans made Military Service equal to the highest form of patriotism

after World War 2

Democrats that weren't as gung ho on the military were bashed as being soft on defense and not patriotic. And, ever since, Democrats have been going over the top on military support in order to not get bashed by Republicans and the media.

Baclava (7,089 posts)

41. Ignorant of history much? If it wasn't for our military, America wouldn't exist

War has existed from the dawn of time, oh but wait, I bet u can fix all that, LMAO

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2019, 09:01:14 PM »
Those DUpipo can go to North Korea! Or Zimbabwe! Or Venezuela!
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2019, 06:24:15 AM »
This is what your America would look like with out the military, police or firefighters.

Ass Holes!!! :bird: :bird: :bird: :bird: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege, while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2019, 05:47:08 PM »
All search-and-rescue pilots are trained by mom & pop helicopter-personnel at the local municipal-airport, according to DU.  Trainees pay out-of-pocket.   

Offline Karin

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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2019, 07:26:20 PM »
pshediack (4 posts)
231. Thanks for spitting on my military service, Dream Girl

I spent twenty years, two months and fifteen days on active duty in the Air Force serving America in the prime of my youth.
During that time, I was decorated six times for meritorious service to this nation.

I never encountered a single person in the military who thought they were serving anyone but the American people.

Thank you for spitting on my service to America.

Pat Shediack
Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)

Response to pshediack (Reply #231)
Sat Nov 30, 2019, 08:05 PM
 Dream Girl (1,707 posts)
232. I'm assuming you received pay, housing, benefits and a pension?

So no, I won’t be fawning over your service.

What a bitch.

Stinks the clown was offended, too. 

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2019, 08:28:01 PM »
Some industrial strength stupid in that thread.
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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2019, 05:01:13 AM »
Disgusting, heartless, treasonous sacks of crap, the whole lot of them.

I remember before TheMastersNemesis got banned, he would regularly puke out rants about how "I can't understand why so many of my fellow veterans support Republicans, the party that constantly screws them over!"

Well, TMN, DU threads like this one are a big part of the reason for that!
I'll also never forget a certain DU post from a few years ago: In one of the many threads back then dedicated to dumping on the movie 'American Sniper,' a particularly douchey DUmmy named 'Jesus Malverde' or something like that wrote a despicable reply in which he referred to our troops as "Monsters," referred to their tours of duty as a "Professional orgy of violence and murder," and implied that veterans have no place in our communities
Veterans know they're better off backing a party that admittedly doesn't provide them with all the support they need yet still at least respects them and honors them, than a party that is openly hateful and insulting towards them, calling them things like "Mercenaries," "Nazis," and "Baby- killers."

Offline SVPete

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Re: Why do we buy into the worship of the military?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2019, 08:07:09 AM »
Nematode was banned about a year ago. A quick search I did of Nematodal threads here found one from late September, 2018, but not later. If he's posting elsewhere with the same forum name, I didn't find it using Duck Duck Go.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.