Author Topic: Armed conspiracy group will defend Republicans at Minneapolis Trump rally  (Read 823 times)

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Offline dutch508

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EarthFirst (1,030 posts)

Armed conspiracy group will defend Republicans at Minneapolis Trump rally

Republicans will be escorted to and from their cars. That duty will fall to Oath Keepers, a “patriot” group whose members fancy themselves as “guardians of the republic.” Or as the Southern Poverty Law Center calls them, “one of the largest radical anti-government groups in the U.S. today.” That's funny- an anti-government militia group [sic] protecting the President's supporters?

They are not the kind of people you want entering your city. Especially since they tend to be heavily armed.

The group was launched in 2009 after—not coincidentally—we elected a black president. Its beliefs roughly mirrored the conspiracy theories of the day: that the black guy was preparing to invoke martial law. That he would take away your guns. That he would relegate patriots to detention camps.

The group has shown up heavily armed at the Ferguson, Missouri protests and Cliven Bundy’s Nevada standoff with the federal government. So bringing them to Minneapolis is a bit like dumping lighter fluid on a national forest.

oh, wait... that's not the Oath Keepers... that's your guys...

ooops... that's your guys again...

Damn... antifa again fighting the police...


Star Member ProudMNDemocrat (5,292 posts)

1. Minnesota is a CONCEAL-CARRY state with permit , NOT open carry...

If these assholes show up with their AR-15s clearly visible and other arms, they will be breaking State Gun laws.

uh... no it isn't..

sarisataka (10,041 posts)

2. Minnesota is a carry state

Permits are required but do not specify open or concealed. Open carry is legal for permit holders.


Cartaphelius (325 posts)

3. Where is the National Guard?

sarisataka (10,041 posts)

6. Working their regular jobs

Cartaphelius (325 posts)

8. The should be deployed

as an heavily armed insurgency threatens to invade
a major city in our country.

They need to be on the ground and all the airports shut down
so the Mass Murderer Trump cannot land and spread his
crimes against humanity any further.


Star Member monmouth4 (6,621 posts)

4. Has trump paid his security costs upfront yet?

Oh, yes.. the Government stifles free speech by pricing it out of reach... too bad Trump is rich...

mysteryowl (1,618 posts)

5. No! He refuses.

AEG of the Target Center said they would cover it. AEG is a radical RW trumpster organization. Mayor Frey said the City of Minneapolis will not cover the fees.

The mayor, who refuses to let police attend in uniform, who tries to block a political rally from happening because it's not his side, who openly supports antifa terrorists... yeah... you gotta love that guy...

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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How ironic that the DU OP uses the name of an enviro-terrorist group as his/her forum name, EarthFirst. Tree-spikers have caused several deaths and maimings. AFAIK, Oath Keepers have caused approximately zero. Without looking for pictures, I'm sure there are many black and Hispanic Oath Keepers. Typical SPLC smear of people whose politics the SPLC disagrees with.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Movie buff- The Sequel

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How ironic that the DU OP uses the name of an enviro-terrorist group as his/her forum name, EarthFirst. Tree-spikers have caused several deaths and maimings. AFAIK, Oath Keepers have caused approximately zero.
Beat me to it!
I'd further add that the Unabomber was a member of Earth First who chose his victims based on their being associated with companies that Earth First had put on their "Eco- F&cker Hit List," including at least one completely innocent man whose company Earth First had falsely accused of aiding in a crime against the environment (Burson Marsteller CEO Thomas Mosser, killed by the Unabomber because Earth First had falsely claimed that Burson Marsteller was the PR firm that helped repair Exxon Oil's public image in the wake of the Exxon- Valdez oil spill).