Author Topic: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...  (Read 1460 times)

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Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« on: June 25, 2019, 01:41:20 PM »
NanceGreggs (24,649 posts)

Don't Even GO THERE

Don’t tell me you’re a Trump supporter AND a good Christian. There is no such animal.

Don’t wave your New Testament in my face while you ignore the teachings of The Nazarene.

Don’t claim to be a follower of Christ while you support a lying, thieving, *****-grabbing adulterer who has told over 10,000 lies since he took office.

Don’t rattle your rosary at me while cheering the imprisonment of innocent children in concentration camps.

Don’t insist that your bigotry and racism is somehow supported by the Bible.

Don’t try to convince me that when Jesus admonished his followers to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and care for the sick what he really meant was to do the exact opposite.

Don’t tout your alleged “Christian principles” while you worship a man who has absolutely no principles whatsoever.

Don’t blaspheme by adoring the Golden Calf that has led you to turn against everything you allegedly once believed in.

If you are willing to turn a blind eye to children being traumatized and abused, you are not a Christian. If you are willing to look the other way while your “pResident” demeans people on the basis of their race or ethnicity, you are not a Christian. If you are willing to watch your fellow citizens suffer and die for lack of affordable healthcare, you are not a Christian.

The religious leaders who told you that Trump was “chosen by God” are NOT Christians. If they were, they would never have tried to convince you that a man known for decades to be a thief, a liar, a racist, and a bigot, who has been accused repeatedly of sexually assaulting women and young girls, was a man that God would choose to lead anyone anywhere.

So now it’s up to you. You can return to your Christian faith and adhere to its principles – or you can continue to support a “pResident” who personifies behaviour and policies that are contrary to everything Jesus taught – and everything you purportedly believe in.

But DON’T ever tell me you’re a Christian AND a Trump supporter. You’re either one or the other. And if you still insist that you are a good Christian who fears “the loss of heaven and the pains of hell”, you might want to prepare for your final judgment by coming up with a good explanation for why you abandoned every tenet of your faith, and every teaching of Christ, in order to fall on your knees before a man who represents everything Jesus admonished you to reject.

There are children – innocent children! – who are being held in conditions that most Americans would find unconscionable were they stray dogs. If you find this situation to be acceptable, if you condone it because your “pResident” has decreed it, if you believe that THIS is what your God would have approved of, you have not only failed as Christians, you have failed as human beings.


fierywoman (3,397 posts)

5. And DON'T YOU DARE sing "Away in a manger," when one child is imprisoned in a

US-sanctioned concentration camp!

... well, it's June... so....  :whatever:

Initech (75,852 posts)

15. Right wing churches are 110% complicit in this.

Hell, so are the deplorables and anyone who cheerleads on Trump. This is mortifying. I never again in my life ever want to hear some religious nut dare look me in the face and say they're "pro life" or that they actually care about children. They're clearly not and they clearly don't.


Star Member Politicub (8,683 posts)

17. This.

My fundie relatives give Trump a pass because they believe God put him in office. They even have an out-of-context bible verse to paper over his immoral and corrupt acts.

I saw one of my cousins this weekend. He’s very active in his church and frequently posts right wing memes. One particularly crazy one was a drawing of Trump at his desk in the Oval Office with white renaissance Jesus standing behind him with his hand on Trump’s shoulder, but I digress.

Anyway, I don’t talk politics with the extended fam. I really don’t see them that much, so I don’t want to create conflict. I live in the city, but my parents still live in the small town where I grew up along with most everyone else in my fam.

While I was there over the weekend, my fundie cousin ripped into me, unprovoked, talking about how Atlanta was a cesspool and how rural Georgia is going to punish it because god’s protection has been removed since Atlanta has abortion clinics.

I told him, don’t you ever judge me or try to act all “holier than thou” when the man you support as president has children locked in cages and constantly lies. Spare me the bullshit about how he’s some kind of tool of god just because he sticks it transgender people, takes food stamps from hungry families and wants to get rid of people’s healthcare. And, I told him that he should also know that the fundamentalist embrace of this lunatic is revealing the sham of Christianity. Good luck with getting converts after this.

He said he would pray for me. And I told him he can save his thoughts and prayers for Trump Jesus.

His mouth dropped, I think because, in his eyes, I had the audacity to be so blasphemous. He’s completely blind to the damage that Trump is doing to people who need help the most. And I couldn’t be happier that the people who cling to Trump are quickening the falling number of religious people in America.

Finally, I said, and don’t you ever lecture me again about how I live my life. You have no moral authority. None.

And that was that.


RockRaven (3,586 posts)

22. No journalist I've ever seen has *adequately* addressed this issue when interviewing Pence

I think if any journo had performed to a standard which would have satisfied me on this score, I probably would have heard about it... I certainly don't follow every media outlet, but I've NEVER been surprised in the positive direction on this matter. And that's a BFD because Pence is allegedly THE uber-Xian-Trumpist.

Feel free, anyone, to point me in the right direction, but I'm pretty sure any of them *who even have the fortitude to raise the issue at all* do not press the matter with any sort of intellectual honesty or rigor -- at best they ask a "hard question" and let his BS smarmy answer stand without adequate probing.


Star Member Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin (33,699 posts)

34. These people believe in a odd form of Christianity

Last edited Tue Jun 25, 2019, 10:16 AM - Edit history (1)

One that's perhaps more akin to voodoo.

They believe all they have to do is say they accept Jesus and they're magically saved. Never mind the biblical passage "Faith without works is dead."

In a society prone to instant gratification, get rich quick schemes and so on it's not surprising a religion promising instant salvation is popular.

here- let me finish that for you: For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Ya'All better get yourself so Jesus...

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2019, 01:52:40 PM »
 :yawn:  :yawn:  :yawn:  :yawn:  :yawn: ... another Recycled Rant from Nance ... :yawn:  :yawn:  :yawn:  :yawn:  :yawn:

When was the last decade NG set foot in a church during a service, other than a wedding?

How good or bad I am as a Christian will be judged by Someone other than Nance, Who unlike her not only knows something, but also knows everything.

But this Recycled Nance Rant was (re)written by a person who supported the defender and enabler of the Rapist-in-Chief, Bill Clinton. So Nance has no credibility when speaking of moral matters.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2019, 12:16:14 AM »
There are children – innocent children! – who are being held in conditions that most Americans would find unconscionable were they stray dogs. If you find this situation to be acceptable, if you condone it because your “pResident” has decreed it, if you believe that THIS is what your God would have approved of, you have not only failed as Christians, you have failed as human beings.

Don't pretend you have concern for children when you support murdering them by every method including ripping them apart.
“Don’t vote for the person who tells you you deserve something. Just don’t do it if it’s something other than life, liberty, or the pursuit of possible happiness. If everyone is telling you you deserve something, vote for the one who is promising you the least. Be suspicious of the man or woman who tell you deserve everything. Because you don’t.” ---Mike Rowe

Offline Movie buff- The Sequel

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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2019, 07:26:55 AM »
As a Christian who loves tearing into the explosions of Christophobic ignorance and bigotry at the DUmp, let me have a go!

"Don’t tell me you’re a Trump supporter AND a good Christian. There is no such animal."
It's much easier to find than a Dem supporter who is a good Christian.

"Don’t claim to be a follower of Christ while you support a lying, thieving, *****-grabbing adulterer who has told over 10,000 lies since he took office."
This crap, AGAIN?!
Look, as I must once again explain to you DUmmies, I know President Trump is not a paragon of good moral behavior. He has done things in his personal life that I certainly do not approve of. However, he has shown through his policies that he is willing to help ensure that the basic rights of Christians are protected, and that's all I and the majority of American Christians need. It's certainly preferable over the blatant hostility to the Christian faith and efforts to trample on Christians' basic human rights that we saw from Obama, and that Hillary made it clear she would continue if not worsen. She did, after all, say in a speech shortly before she started her 2016 campaign that people's religious beliefs "Need to be changed" in order to advance her psychotically pro- abortion policies (Sorry, I know I bring that up a lot, but it really does expose the kind of person Hillary is).

"Don’t rattle your rosary at me while cheering the imprisonment of innocent children in concentration camps."
a) I don't have a rosary, I'm a Methodist. b) They are NOT concentration camps, no matter how much the shrieking, demented moron AOC has claimed they are without ever setting foot in one. They are facilities which are held to strict accountability standards to ensure that the kids are humanely treated, much more so than could be said for how those facilities were run during the Obama Administration (Yes, your precious saint Obama had those facilities, the picture of kids in cages that you leftists were all up in arms over was taken during his administration). I've seen pictures and clips of the current facilities (Recorded and broadcast by CNN, of all networks), they look nicer than the summer camp that I help to take a church youth group to each year. c) I would never "Cheer" having kids put in such facilities. I do, however, see it as unfortunately necessary and a better option than having the kids join their illegal immigrant parents in jail or be left out on the streets to fend for themselves.

"Don’t insist that your bigotry and racism is somehow supported by the Bible."
I don't. I am not a racist or a bigot, and I certainly would not try to twist Scripture to support it. However, I am personally opposed to homosexuality, the sexualization of children, and abortion along religious lines, so I suppose you DUmmies will openly accuse me of bigotry along those lines, since that's the only talking point strategy you have: When in doubt, just call everyone who disagrees with you a bigot.

"Don’t try to convince me that when Jesus admonished his followers to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and care for the sick what he really meant was to do the exact opposite."
I don't. What I DO believe, however, was that Jesus was teaching His followers to do those things as individual acts of free- will generosity and compassion (i.e. Help in a soup kitchen, donate money to the needy, visit people in the hospital, etc.). He was NOT teaching that it be done through Socialist- style mandatory wealth redistribution of the sort that you liberals champion, as that is compulsory and there is no compassion or generosity involved in it.

"Don’t tout your alleged “Christian principles” while you worship a man who has absolutely no principles whatsoever."
I assume you mean President Trump. I don't worship him. I support the policies he has put forth, but that does not mean I worship him. I only worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Don’t blaspheme by adoring the Golden Calf that has led you to turn against everything you allegedly once believed in."
Again, I assume you mean President Trump, but again, I don't adore him, I just support his policies. Not only have they NOT led me to turn against my beliefs, but they have ensured my beliefs and my right to freely practice them will be protected. In contrast, Obama (Whom you Leftists DID worship as a Golden Calf) put in policies that DID force Christians to act against their beliefs, such as his repulsive Birth Control Mandate, under which Christian pro- life business owners would be forced to go against the tenets of their faith and basic dictates of their consciences by paying for their employees' abortions as part of their health care plans or else be branded as criminals. Trump thankfully reversed this policy so that pro- life employers who object to abortion along religious grounds can be exempt from the ban. Also, again, consider Hillary "Need to be changed" Clinton.

"If you are willing to turn a blind eye to children being traumatized and abused, you are not a Christian."
I don't turn a blind eye to them. Again, the children in those centers are being treated very humanely, with strict accountability on the people who run these facilities to keep it that way. If you want to talk about people who are "Willing to turn a blind eye to children being traumatized and abused," try looking in the mirror. You on the Left openly support the sexualization of America's children at increasingly younger ages. You portray pedophiles as misunderstood victims of society's closed- mindedness and bigotry. You believe that grown men should be allowed to use the same public bathrooms, locker rooms and showers as little girls just so long as they claim to "Identify as a woman." You cheer on an 11- year- old "Drag kid" dancing on stage at a gay bar while patrons throw dollar bills at him strip- club- style. If any express opposition to this or even simple concern over it, you openly accuse them of bigotry. You cheer on "Drag Queen Story Hours" marketed to children as young as three, which not only force deviancy down our kids' throats, but also are run with so little accountability that it was revealed at least two of the drag queens who participated in those events were convicted child molesters. Again, if any express opposition to this or even simple concern over it, you openly accuse them of bigotry. Your legal shock troops in the ACLU have pushed for the full legalization of child pornography, and defended NAMBLA pro bono in a lawsuit filed against them by the parents of a little boy who was molested and murdered by two deviants heavily motivated by what they saw on NAMBLA's website, which featured child pornography and a "How to" manual to help their members get away with molesting kids. You've openly declared war on the Boy Scouts for refusing to allow openly gay scoutmasters, when the whole point of that ban was specifically to protect kids from sexual predators (It was enacted in response to the BSA being hit with a bunch of molestation scandals). You believe child molesters should be let off with probation and counseling and not spend a single moment inside a prison cell. Truly, YOU are the ones who willingly turn a blind eye to children being traumatized and abused.

" If you are willing to look the other way while your “pResident” demeans people on the basis of their race or ethnicity, you are not a Christian."
When Trump makes an openly racist comment, we will call him out on it. However, I don't think any of what he has said so far really qualifies. However, you looked the other way while Obama, AOC and other radical Democrats openly demean white people on the basis of their race.

" If you are willing to watch your fellow citizens suffer and die for lack of affordable healthcare, you are not a Christian. "
You were willing to look the other way while Obama implemented an incredibly broken and inefficient healthcare program that desperately needs to be reformed/ overhauled. I speak as someone who was covered under Obamacare and once had to go through all kinds of crap just to get a simple physical and tetanus shot because of it. I don't even want to know what someone in need of a more serious operation would have to go through because of it.

"The religious leaders who told you that Trump was “chosen by God” are NOT Christians. If they were, they would never have tried to convince you that a man known for decades to be a thief, a liar, a racist, and a bigot, who has been accused repeatedly of sexually assaulting women and young girls, was a man that God would choose to lead anyone anywhere. "
I've never seen any religious leaders say that, other than MAYBE a couple ultra- lunatic- fringe types. The pastors I've personally worshiped under certainly never said that. btw, see again my earlier response on my thoughts on Trump's personal behavior and his policies.

"So now it’s up to you. You can return to your Christian faith and adhere to its principles – or you can continue to support a “pResident” who personifies behaviour and policies that are contrary to everything Jesus taught – and everything you purportedly believe in."
Again, see my earlier response relating to Trump's personal behavior, and the fact that his policies have helped ensure that my rights to religious freedom are protected, certainly more than they would be under the Democrats that you champion.

"And if you still insist that you are a good Christian who fears “the loss of heaven and the pains of hell”, you might want to prepare for your final judgment by coming up with a good explanation for why you abandoned every tenet of your faith, and every teaching of Christ, in order to fall on your knees before a man who represents everything Jesus admonished you to reject."
a) Once again, not only has President Trump NOT made me abandon every tenet of my faith and teaching of Christ or even a single one of them, his policies have in fact PROTECTED me from being forced by law to abandon the tenets of my faith or the teachings of Christ, which is what Obama tried to do during his administration and what Hillary "Need to be changed" Clinton would have definitely tried to do had she been elected. b) Once again, just because I support President Trump's policies does NOT mean that I fall on my knees before him or worship him.

"There are children – innocent children! – who are being held in conditions that most Americans would find unconscionable were they stray dogs. If you find this situation to be acceptable, if you condone it because your “pResident” has decreed it, if you believe that THIS is what your God would have approved of, you have not only failed as Christians, you have failed as human beings."
If you're referring to the illegal immigrant children issue, see my earlier comment. You are falling for lies and hyperbole spewed forth by Dem politicians who don't care about the children at all, but merely see them as pawns to exploit for political points. Also, as ChuckJ illustrated, don't pretend you care so much about children when you sing the praises of abortion, including post- birth abortion. And, again, as I showed earlier, don't pretend you care so much about children when you openly cheer on the perversions forced upon them by people on your side and do all you can to make it easier for child molesters to operate.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 07:36:49 AM by Movie buff- The Sequel »

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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2019, 07:33:32 AM »
....Because we all get our theology from perverts!

 :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner:
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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2019, 08:36:34 AM »
Nance is a well documented drunk. I remember when we first pointed that out at CU years ago she came over under some handle and disputed it. Brought a friend or two with her as I recall. But yeah, she's a alcoholic who still uses. That she still does these same "rants" she's been doing for years now tells me what's left of whatever feeble brain she ever did at one point possess, is pickled, The next post she does at DU will be another "rant". That's all she's got.

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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2019, 09:04:59 AM »
NG's lecture is like a drunk telling you how to be sober.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2019, 02:11:29 PM »
Nance is a well documented drunk. I remember when we first pointed that out at CU years ago she came over under some handle and disputed it. Brought a friend or two with her as I recall. But yeah, she's a alcoholic who still uses. That she still does these same "rants" she's been doing for years now tells me what's left of whatever feeble brain she ever did at one point possess, is pickled, The next post she does at DU will be another "rant". That's all she's got.


Wow, I remember that.  Before the several crashes in the late 00's.
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Re: Nance Greggs wants to tell you how to be a Christian...
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2019, 10:06:42 PM »
>Don't Even GO THERE

No worries if it involves any sweaty and folded flesh involving you and your withered waste of human carbon.

Follow gravity and slither away to the depth you sink.