Author Topic: Stinky hopes you get it.  (Read 1343 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Stinky hopes you get it.
« on: June 18, 2019, 02:36:40 PM »
Star Member Stinky The Clown (60,537 posts)

I hope some people on this board heard Howard Dean on All In.
How hard is it to understand strategic thinking and actions on Nancy Pelosi’s part?

As Howard Dean said, she is playing this perfectly.

Meanwhile most tv talking heads don’t seem to get it.


kennetha (3,611 posts)

3. I Heard him

Thought he sounded like a babbling idiot rather than a strategic genius. Let the people lead on the impeachment question. Yeah, right.

He basically admitted too that passing legislation that has NO CHANCE of becoming law while the Senate and the Presidency are in Republican hands, has not "penetrated" people's consciousness.

Well, duh. Who would have thunk that? Anybody that gave it 5 minutes thought.

But yeah, once we get ourselves an actual candidate, like a year from now, then that will matter. And in the meantime, Mr. Dean?

Look it's time to admit that there isn't any grand strategic game behind what's Pelosi is doing. She is just a frantic attempt to keep the caucus, which is divided between the dithering moderates, and the let's take the dude down now progressives, together.

The problem is that the dithering moderates from swing districts are driving the ship. That's the starting point and the end point. Period.


stillcool (25,175 posts)

11. a babbling idiot..

wow. Who are you? Disagree if you want, but why be so condescending? Does that make you feel better about yourself?
Every day support is growing among those who people elected to make that decision. And here is where we are....

Full List: Who Supports an Impeachmentnquiry Against Trump?


Representatives support an impeachment inquiry


No, not now, or undecided


Awaiting response

More than 60 House Democrats and one House Republican now support an impeachment inquiry against President Donald J. Trump, according to a New York Times survey.

114 don't. 253 won't say in fear of the rabid leftists...


delisen (4,018 posts)

26. Pelosi does not seem "frantic." She is strategic.


Star Member Polly Hennessey (2,014 posts)

33. Wow, "babbling idiot".

Remind me not to get too close. You are one unhappy kenneatha.


ilmare2000 (18 posts)

5. This is just a bald appeal to authority

I think for myself.

And why believe Pelosi instead of Nadler or Raskin or Porter? I don't approach politics by choosing which politician to put faith in. I evaluate it myself.

To me it is clear that an impeachment proceeding should have already started.

Star Member Stinky The Clown (60,537 posts)

18. Did it ever occur to yourself that thoughtful people believe Pelosi is doing the right thing?


stillcool (25,175 posts)

8. People that don't get it...

don't want to get it. They want impeachment for the sake of impeachment. They don't care about the end results, they want the theater. And boy, will the Republicans provide theater. The push for impeachment is what everyone wants, except those that want to hold Trump accountable for provable crimes.

what are those crimes again?

kennetha (3,611 posts)

13. What we want is some strategic boldness

Rather than fearful dithering. It’s time to unleash the dogs of all out political war on Trump and the Republicans. Time to mount an offensive, not hide and keep our heads down out of fear.


True Blue American (5,933 posts)

41. I think the House is

Doing a great job. They are passing bills and handling the on going investigations according to the Law.


Star Member ehrnst (21,480 posts)

31. Once again...

Hypermasculine imagery here in a critique of a female leader...

What we want is some strategic boldness
Rather than fearful dithering. It’s time to unleash the dogs of all out political war on Trump and the Republicans. Time to mount an offensive, not hide and keep our heads down out of fear.

You've used "dithering" a lot lately in reference to Speaker Pelosi. May I suggest a thesaurus to find other synonyms for weak, frantic, non-strategic, scared, feminine and other descriptors for your feelings about Speaker Pelosi.

 :yahoo: DUmpFemaNAZIs are out, baby!

Star Member watoos (6,235 posts)

9. The Reps. In swing districts

Are not running the show, Pelosi is.
Justin Amash proved that.

I voted Democraic in 2018 to put a check on Trump, to hold him accountable. The millennials will stay home if Dems fail to impeach.

Pelosi is thinking about the 64 seats that Republicans flipped in 2010.

Star Member StarfishSaver (2,205 posts)

10. If you think "millennials will stay home if Dems fail to impeach," what makes you think they'll

bother to go out to vote if Democrats do impeach and don't remove him?

Anyone so clueless and self-involved that they won't vote to defeat Trump, keep the House and take back the Senate because the House Democrats didn't impeach Trump knowing it won't remove him from office, probably is too clueless and self-involved to be trusted to vote Democratic under any circumstance.

Star Member FoxNewsSucks (866 posts)

12. Because it is NOT Democrats

who will be failing to remove him. If MF45 is impeached, then that means democrats did what people voted them in to do. It will be REPUBLICONS who let MF45 off.

ConnorMarc (478 posts)

19. How are you calculating this?

What's your math here?

As someone else posted, it won't be the Democrats that didn't vote him out.

Tell me something, what do you think the Republicans would have done were it the other way around?

And what do you think the voters would have responded to their actions?

Hint: The Republicans were largely rewarded for their 8 years of senseless obstruction to Obama and the Democrats.

Think on that.

rewarded?  :???:

Midnight Writer (3,102 posts)

54. They were "rewarded" with the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, the Presidency,

plus tax cuts for the oligarchs who have bought and paid for them.


Star Member marlakay (6,220 posts)

23. I think the millennials

Are more likely to stay home with Joe because he is more conservative and against pot.

They care about what touches their personal life like school loans and affording rent.

Liz would fire them up and many others.

I like Joe but we will have to see what youth will do. Maybe Obama will help him after primary over.


There was a lot of blod and underlines in the next post... I tried to recreate them as best I could.

Star Member DinahMoeHum (18,044 posts)

55. **** the MSM and the circle-jerking "talking heads"

Here is the cold, hard reality that Pelosi understands and many of us do not.

Without overwhelming public support for impeachment, pursuing it is nothing but an exercise in futility for the Democrats—and the country.

Pelosi knows this and, like it or not, she must wait for the public to come around.

Until 50+% of the citizens are onboard, Sen. Minority Leader Schumer has zero leverage to start leaning on his GOP counterparts to flip. As soon as Chuck gets word to Nancy of having enough of the GOP Senators ready to flip, she will then unleash the impeachment dogs.

But it won’t happen as long as the public isn’t on board with it FIRST.

Yes, it will take a while, and it’s painful to endure having an ignorant public which is still in denial.

But look, I was a high school student when Watergate happened.

It took a long while with Nixon, too. Way too long.

But once the tide turned, it turned HARD. BIG TIME.

Letting those drumbeats get ever louder will help. (investigations and bombshells)
Letting ever more damaging information get out there and fester will help, too. (more investigations and bombshells)

Once the legalities get sorted out, then open hearings will take place.

Impeachment, then conviction/removal is a MARATHON, not a sprint.
It takes a shit ton of preparation, patience and persistence, and it won’t come without a lot of effort. . .and pain.

Stay the course, folks.

Give yourselves lots of breaks from the TV, the computer, and social media.

Trust that many others here at DU plus the millions of others ourside of us are also fighting the good fight, and will pick up where you leave off.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline franksolich

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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2019, 02:50:17 PM »
Oh my.  Talk about a trip down a long-forgotten Memory Lane, now with waist-high weeds sprouting through the pavement, thick foliage on either side slowly narrowing the way, cracks and potholes, tumbleweeds idly rolling past, creatures of the woods peeking through the brush.

The sparkling old dude needs reminded Harold Dean is s-o-o-o-o-o.....2004.

That was the same year his much-younger trophy wife, who has no idea of political ideology, supported the war-mongering retired general Wesley Clark for the Democrat nomination for president.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline 67 Rover

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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2019, 03:15:16 PM »
Midnight Writer (3,102 posts)

54. They were "rewarded" with the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, the Presidency,

plus tax cuts for the oligarchs who have bought and paid for them.

YAY!  I is an oligarch!  ::)
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Offline SVPete

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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2019, 03:23:09 PM »
As Howard Dean said, she is playing this perfectly.

IOW, Dean admitted to being a pawn in the Dems' theater-of-the-absurd. Unsurprisingly.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline jukin

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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2019, 04:37:52 PM »
I sincerely hope that Dean and Pelosi suck start a 12 GA.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Texacon

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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2019, 06:33:40 AM »
As much as I disagree with Nancy Pelosi, she's right on this.  She's not an idiot.  She knows she will get more traction out of claiming there were crimes than she will if they actually have to PROVE there are crimes.  Since there were no crimes, Nancy is doing the best thing she can.  She's just going to keep repeating that the crimes are there, but now is not the time for impeachment, and her sheep will follow her and bleat.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2019, 10:03:00 PM »
Remember how Mueller was meticulously setting all the pieces into place before taking down the entire Trump cabal in one fell swoop?
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline SVPete

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Re: Stinky hopes you get it.
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2019, 08:40:44 AM »
Remember how Mueller was meticulously setting all the pieces into place before taking down the entire Trump cabal in one fell swoop?

Two years watching DU-Morons building sand castles in the sky ... good times ... good times ...

Too bad Buggee and Nematode got Pizza'ed, sigh ........
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.