Author Topic: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.  (Read 1615 times)

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Offline FunkyZero

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Although, I'd have to make it upgrade-able because at any moment in time, it is impossible to predict the scale of growth. What was outrageous yesterday barely bumps the needle today.
One quite literally cannot tell the difference between a mole, and a real DUmpass these days.

Seriously, I wonder if they are actually trying to convince themselves, or other people when they blurt out these outrageous samples of self-description?

Sun Feb 17, 2019, 05:00 PM
Star Member lunatica (39,980 posts)

What bothers me the most about Trump supporters
Is how cruel they are. I’m talking deep down cruel where, for example, their emotional reaction to children being torn from their families is a yawning shrug of indifference that I see as actually showing inhumanity. But it’s not just that they don’t care because they do. But the way they care is to get pleasure out of it. They feel a deep satisfaction when they see misery and pain and hopelessness, especially when it happens to people who do care. And worse to people who are scapegoated as deserving bad treatment simply for being a different race or nationality. It’s like their desire to hate and loath is so strong that they go out of their way to find victims or to embrace any leader who has the real power to hurt people just because they can.
They may be stupid, but stupidity doesn’t automatically mean hatred or brute pleasure in causing pain and suffering. Stupidity doesn’t automatically birth loathing and rage. But fundamental streaks of cruelty do thrive on the lowest vibrations of hatred.
It used to be that I would help people who had trouble with difficult and complicated issues. I would never have thought of anyone as stupid because it would be cruel to do so. I feel it is my duty to help people when I see them in need, not to judge them.
But now I feel that those who are MAGATs are savagely vicious in a profoundly fundamental way. They seek out causes and people who will give them the outlet to spew poisonous hartred. And Trump knew this because it’s who he is too and because he wants power above everything else he exploits the MAGATs the same way every other vicious dictator has exploited their followers.
I now think they will never change, except to go back into their black holes to seeth with resentment in silence with their own kind. They need to be relegated to the fringes where they can’t act out their hatred, where they can’t harm Democracy and humanity. Let them decide on their own to become human if they want to be heard. I don’t see how we owe them anything more than what they create for themselves. Our energy is better placed to help good people who need help.
The truth is always a good thing to know, even if it hurts.

Ok, I'm going to do something different here in hopes that some of these DUmpasses might read this. I'm going to get serious for a minute and overlook ALL that has infected the mind of this brainwashed moron, and all those who responded to it.

I'll use a couple of examples here.
I generally like to keep any sort of charity or giving to myself and do it anonymously. I firmly believe in giving for the sake of the receiver, and the only way to keep ones self pure is to do it anonymously. But, since no one here knows who I am, I'll step out a little and give some examples that might help these brainwashed MORONS differentiate between a conservative and a communist.

I am currently the chair of a local board, I don't want to say what we oversee for privacy purposes. But we oversee a lot of funds that are paid into this system from members (this is not a charity organization, but it is a non-profit) who get certain services in return for membership.
Within this realm of oversight, we had a tragedy last year where 2 young boys lost both of their parents in a car accident, leaving them alone.  A motion was made in our meeting at the time to donate money to help these boys out, I cant remember how much but I think it was 500 dollars, which is a tiny amount compared to our annual budget and incoming fees. Due to the charitable nature of the motion, there was little debate, it went quickly and someone called for a vote too soon and it passed... 12-1. I was the no vote...
Now there was a reason for this no vote, and it wasn't because I hated children, reveled in the fact that their parents were dead, and couldn't wait to see them suffer even more as is what the common leftist claims. No, the reason was that this fund money wasn't ours to give away to charities of any kind. That money came from members who had no say in this decision, and I'm all but certain there would be some who would take issue with us distributing their membership funds to causes not relevant to our existence. I brought the motion back up and finally had an opportunity to explain and eventually all grudgingly agreed that I was correct. The motion was then then brought back up and voted down 0-13... and not a single one of those 13 voters enjoyed doing it, but it was a just decision.
The following day, I got the money out of my own stash, purchased 2 savings bonds for that amount, and delivered them to the caretaker of the kids who had no idea who the hell I even was... and no one on the board to this day has any idea that I did it.
You see, this isn't about hatred, this is about knowing where to draw proper boundaries and not take advantage of your fellow man... because he doesn't always agree with you. In fact, he may disagree with you on everything. You can argue with him, but you have no claim to what is in his wallet. EVER. Nor do you have space to step on his personal rights, regardless of your plight.
You see, I have strong opinions on what is right and what is wrong, but I will always recognize the rights of others to have whatever opinions they wish as well, as long as their hand isn't in MY wallet, or grabbing at MY rights. I didn't expect the collective of members to accept the decision of the board as we have no such agreement with them to do such things. Helping others is a VOLUNTARY endeavor... and its not up to you or anyone else to pick for them. And any attempt to excuse fascism by using it for what you may personally deem "a good cause" doesn't at all diminish the fact that it is still fascism and theft. Remember.. Robin Hood wasn't stealing from his neighbors and other citizens to give to the poor..he was taking it back from a thieving, over-taxing government.
We have no interest in a government with feelings and emotions. That's how poor decisions get made at levels of authority, especially those controlling all the money.

And we place blame where blame is justified. I find it ludicrous that the left have to spread disingenuous memes and talking points in order to promote their ideology. Who the hell does that? Who the hell is "locking children in cages" to be mean? If your ideology requires you to spread these things in order to back it up, shouldn't you be questioning the value of your ideology? When you arrest a crack dealer on the corner for selling crack, do you take their children with them and put them in a cell together so the family isn't separated? Are you really this dishonest? These invaders know they are breaking the law... that is assumed because they hide while they are doing it... at night, in remote deserts, in the trunks of a cars, or using forged documents. They are lawless invaders coming to leech off of the wealth we worked very hard to obtain, and they do it with aggravated attitude as if they somehow deserve it. If you want them here, then go sponsor them, pay for it, and get them through the process. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with someone who sides with illegal border jumpers and chastises the American taxpayer for not wanting to be the worlds welfare bucket? ...most especially for people who DEMAND it?

And those same caring people who think it's ok to literally shred a living baby fetus so the irresponsible mother isn't inconvenienced with it's existence? You surely can't be serious.

I could waste countless hours on this subject, but I have to assume that anyone so far brainwashed that they would post the above DUmpass screed is incapable of reason or logical thought.
It really is sickening to think I live along side of such dishonest and hateful individuals who would, quoting their own words, send their ideological opponents "to be relegated to the fringes where they can’t act out their hatred, where they can’t harm Democracy and humanity".
The left have pushed me beyond the bewildered state to one of pure disdain. I would quite literally be comfortable splitting the nation at this point and put up a fence between us. The left made it clear a long time ago that the conversation was indeed over.
so be it.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 06:07:37 PM by FunkyZero »

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2019, 04:48:57 PM »
I'm very involved in a local food bank. I'm also a volunteer firefighter/EMT. Will ride in several charity bicycle rides this year and shoot in several charity handgun matches. Like you I don't talk about it I just do it.
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Offline Tess Anderson

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2019, 05:36:45 PM »
Dummy "lunatica is just a crazy old lady in Oakland, and her OP is just dripping with displacement/projection -

 "they  go back into their black holes to seeth with resentment in silence with their own kind" is exactly what SHE did. And there's this old creep again:

Response to lunatica (Original post)Sun Feb 17, 2019, 06:44 PM
Roadside Attraction (229 posts)
26. Two friends have cut me off

I'm a retired Army officer with 28 years of service, three tours in Vietnam. Those of you who served can figure out from my length of service what my retired rank is.

Sweet Thing and I moved to a rural Virginia county on the Chesapeake Bay 11 years ago where I soon met other retired old soldiers. This area is Republican -- our local Congresscritter wins 60-40, our state representatives are Republicans who sometimes go unchallenged.

Back after Thanksgiving 2018 I was sitting around with two other retired Army guys, same rank as I. They were going on and on and on about Trump this and Trump that. They know I'm a Democrat but that's never been a problem. As time went on, the bullshit just piled higher and higher. These two were spouting every Trump-Fox-Limbaugh lie I had ever heard.

Finally I could stand it no longer. I don't recall exactly what I said but it was something like: "Goddam it, you two are US Army (rank). You have held positions of great responsibility because the Army trusts your judgment to operate with only broad guidance, you don't need constant supervision. You are supposed to be able to collect information, analyze it, plan courses of action, select a course of action, and evaluate things as you go along. I simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how the two of you swallow this bullshit. You have said (and I proceeded to point out several lies). I just don't understand how two intelligent, responsible men can fall for Trump."

They were in shock. Then, the two of them replied, essentially: "Well, he's not a Democrat."

They avoid me now. I did notice last week one of them has removed the Trump bumper stickers from his truck and he was no longer wearing his MAGA hat.

They avoid him because they know he's CRAZY:

and then there's Joe's "I pissed in a MAGA hat" episode:

he is insane

Offline FunkyZero

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2019, 05:42:45 PM »
Dummy "lunatica is just a crazy old lady in Oakland, and her OP is just dripping with displacement/projection -

 "they  go back into their black holes to seeth with resentment in silence with their own kind" is exactly what SHE did. And there's this old creep again:

They avoid him because they know he's CRAZY:

and then there's Joe's "I pissed in a MAGA hat" episode:

he is insane

My issue is not necessarily that they are nuts... it's that these hypocritical ingrates can vote

Offline FunkyZero

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2019, 05:48:55 PM »
I'm very involved in a local food bank. I'm also a volunteer firefighter/EMT. Will ride in several charity bicycle rides this year and shoot in several charity handgun matches. Like you I don't talk about it I just do it.

I don't think it's so much that I mind if people know, because I don't really care.
If someone insist that other people know about it, he might be doing it for the wrong reasons.
When I give, I do it to help someone out, but there is a selfish aspect too... it makes me feel damn good when I do it.

Now, don't chastise me here, but I've actually even donated 100 bucks to a DUmpass before.
Now, I know what you are thinking... but I see it like this: if I get scammed, it's not due to gullibility, I simply consider it to be a topic between God and the scammer... I did my part. Of course I avoid the blatantly obvious... i wouldn't donate to poopy pants Pam's next Carnival Cruise (haha)... no matter how much she insisted it was for medical bills.

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2019, 06:43:11 AM »
See, lunatica cares so much she has to post about it.
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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2019, 07:35:33 AM »
(and I proceeded to point out several lies)

I love how they never name the lies. 

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Offline USA4ME

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2019, 10:57:59 AM »
And those same caring people who think it's ok to literally shred a living baby fetus so the irresponsible mother isn't inconvenienced with it's existence? You surely can't be serious.

That's one of the main places their self-anointed "compassion and caring" ends with me. Anyone who's willing to kill the unborn is someone who would lie to anyone without hesitation. Lying is small potatoes compared to pre-infanticide.

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2019, 01:18:31 PM »
Once again a DUmbass is 180 degrees out of phase with reality with their ravings. If you want to put truth in Lunatica's drivel, replace Trump with Obama and MAGAT (who thinks this lame crap up?) with Never Trumper if you want the truth.
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Offline SVPete

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2019, 03:15:54 PM »
DU-grade Progs cannot imagine decent and intelligent people disagreeing with them. Therefore people who do are either unintelligent, moral wretches, or both.

So DU-pipo are blind to their own selective outrage, ignoring the children-in-cages of the Obama era, but condemning Trump for separating families.

So DUpipo are blind to the solution of illegals staying home and un-Hell-holing their own countries - hard and possibly dangerous, but a better result.

Like fatboy, I do several charity 5Ks and 10Ks a year, the most recent being for Kiwanis on January 1. And other things I'd just as soon not go into. The aptly self-named "lunatica" and DUpipo like him are also incapable of and unwilling to imagine conservatives doing that.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline FunkyZero

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2019, 08:22:47 PM »
DU-grade Progs cannot imagine decent and intelligent people disagreeing with them. Therefore people who do are either unintelligent, moral wretches, or both.

So DU-pipo are blind to their own selective outrage, ignoring the children-in-cages of the Obama era, but condemning Trump for separating families.

So DUpipo are blind to the solution of illegals staying home and un-Hell-holing their own countries - hard and possibly dangerous, but a better result.

Like fatboy, I do several charity 5Ks and 10Ks a year, the most recent being for Kiwanis on January 1. And other things I'd just as soon not go into. The aptly self-named "lunatica" and DUpipo like him are also incapable of and unwilling to imagine conservatives doing that.

This is the part that gets me...
I don't think I'm much different at all than the average conservative. I learned to behave the way I do... from other conservatives.
then I look at these DUmpasses and know they also learned... from other messed up leftists.
And to have the gall to sit there and repeat this utterly ridiculous tripe, most of which they have heard at the DUmp or their favorite DNC propaganda out let... it is just maddening to see stupid operate at this level.
I have to admit, most days now, I despise these people. I mean, I really want to see them get what they deserve. And I didn't used to be like this. They have quite literally forced me to hate them. I've got no use for someone who has their hand in my pockets and calls me an asshole if I object. I shouldn't have to live side by side with people like this.

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2019, 04:27:32 AM »
Excellent replies from all of you!
I'd also further point out the DUmmies' hypocrisy by pointing out all the times they've sung the praises of cop killers, child molesters, terrorists, and mass shooters (At least those whose ideologies match up with their own). And they have the gall to call US "Cruel" for wanting our nation's immigration laws to be enforced?

btw, on my end:
1. I volunteer regularly with church youth groups, helping to provide kids (Many of which are from poor families) with positive male role models.
2. I have participated in numerous overseas missions trips to help bring medical supplies and general hope and goodwill to those desperately in need of it.
3. I am involved in a local ecumenical action council that seeks to remedy social problems and help "The least of these." One session of ours led to the adoption of a measure in which juveniles who are first- time offenders of a select list of minor offenses (i.e. shoplifting a candy bar, getting accused of trespassing for using someone's backyard as a shortcut, etc.) can have the option for non- arrest diversion programs in which they will do community service rather than have a criminal record that could be with them for the rest of their lives. This program, since its implementation in our county, has had an incredibly low recidivism rate and I'm proud to have been a part of it. Another session led to our convincing two of the mayors in our county to take certain unused tracts of publicly- owned land and earmark them for a location to build affordable housing for homeless families with children. I'll be attending another meeting of the council this Thursday evening, and look forward to seeing how we will be able to help make a positive impact on our community this time.

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2019, 05:21:53 AM »
DU-grade Progs cannot imagine decent and intelligent people disagreeing with them. Therefore people who do are either unintelligent, moral wretches, or both.

So DU-pipo are blind to their own selective outrage, ignoring the children-in-cages of the Obama era, but condemning Trump for separating families.

So DUpipo are blind to the solution of illegals staying home and un-Hell-holing their own countries - hard and possibly dangerous, but a better result.

Like fatboy, I do several charity 5Ks and 10Ks a year, the most recent being for Kiwanis on January 1. And other things I'd just as soon not go into. The aptly self-named "lunatica" and DUpipo like him are also incapable of and unwilling to imagine conservatives doing that.

Just another example of their hypocrisy.  They all talk about what these people are fleeing from.  How bad their situations are.  What hell holes they are running from (when we feel they should be taking active steps to improve where they are), yet they wanted to scream bloody murder when president Trump called them what they are ... shit holes!

The DUmmies will call it that on their island, but don't let Trump speak the truth, oh no!

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2019, 12:32:39 PM »
emotional reaction to children being torn from their families

Funny how it gets it's panties in a bunch over a fake photo(s).
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

Offline SVPete

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Re: I need to invent the hypocrisy meter. Trump supporters are cruel.
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2019, 12:42:51 PM »
Funny how it gets it's panties in a bunch over a fake photo(s).

The DU OP might have one of two photos in mind. One is the one to which you alluded, a fake/prop at a Hate-Trump demonstration that some media-moron thought was real, and that then went viral. The other possibility is a genuine picture published by the Arizona Republic ( ... in 2014. Either way, my signature quote points out DU-reality:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.