Author Topic: Could William Rivers Pitt Exonerate Kevin Spacey?  (Read 617 times)

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Could William Rivers Pitt Exonerate Kevin Spacey?
« on: January 21, 2019, 03:42:03 PM »
I am not going to sit in judgement as to the guilt or innocence of Kevin Spacey as to the charges being leveled against him in Nantucket. However, there is documentary evidence posted by WILLIAM RIVERS PITT at the Democrat Underground and preserved for posterity by the DUmmie FUnnies that Kevin Spacey could be innocent of the charges.

I urge the defense team of Kevin Spacey to look at the account by WILLIAM RIVERS PITT about his 2007 encounter with your client. The jury needs to see this evidence to ensure that the trial will be fair. I would also urge that the judge make a blowup of the DUmmie FUnnies page cataloging that incident including the illustration for presentation to the jury and the public.

Thank you and may justice be served.