Author Topic: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]  (Read 1447 times)

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Offline FunkyZero

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Really, it's hard to read this one without wanting to smack the hell out the DUmpass responsible for taking this dump on the internet.
I'd bring over more, but it's pointless...  they are all caterwauling about getting special privileges for being white, and then all the responses COMPLAINING how they've never seen a cop discriminating. I'm at a loss...
There is something very seriously wrong with these people.

Wed Aug 15, 2018, 02:02 PM
Star Member TygrBright (16,416 posts)

My White Privilege Moment Today
I feel ambiguous and guilty about benefiting from my white privilege in a very specific way today.

Don't get me wrong: I benefit from white privilege EVERY day. It allows me to walk around in a shielded bubble of never having to think about whether a store clerk is eyeing me distrustfully when I stop in to buy a lightbulb, never have to think about whether some ICEhole will ask to see my papers if I'm picking up a kid at school, never have to be conscious of how many of the people in pictures and movies and advertisements do/don't look like me... oh, all kinds of things, every single day.

Like a fish, I don't notice the water I've been breathing all along, except when I try to remind myself. When I try to pay attention. Which, honestly, isn't nearly often enough.
And then today I got my nose rubbed in my white privilege, pretty hard.
I made an illegal left turn. Right in front of a cop car.
Mind you, I didn't realize the left turn I was making was illegal. There was a sign, according to the cop who promptly pulled me over, but I didn't see it. Bad me.
Anyway, I made the left, and the cop car's flashers went on, and I thought, 'WTF? Is that for me?' even as I proceeded to a cutout and pulled over.

And as I was getting my wallet out of my purse, and opening the glove box for my registration, I was thinking, "What would I be feeling right now if my skin was brown?"
(I am so, so very white... Even in the middle of the summer after plenty of work in the garden, no one would ever mistake me for anything but white.)
And I thought, "Instead of being annoyed about possibly being late for my meeting, and about a potential fine for something, and possible points on my license if whatever I did was really horrific, I would be feeling terrified about possibly being yanked from the car, told to lie down on the ground, handcuffed, otherwise brutalized and/or traumatized, possibly arrested, and a whole cascade of other horrors to follow. I'd probably be worrying about that."

Instead, the pleasant-looking, youngish Anglo cop stuck his face toward the window as I lowered it, and asked nicely (with a "please, Ma'am", even) for my license, proof of insurance, and car registration. And let me reach into the glove box for the one, and into my wallet for the other two, and took them from me politely, while he explained that the left turn I'd just made was illegal.

And that there was a sign. And that it was illegal because it's unsafe to make a left turn there because cross-traffic blah-blah and signal blah-blah, and would I please remain in the car in the driver's seat for a 'few minutes'.
To which I nodded, of course. And he walked back to his car.
And I took out my cell phone to tell one of the people I had a meeting scheduled with, that I might be a few minutes late.
And while I was doing that, I thought, "If my skin was brown, would I reach for my cell phone, and hold it up where the cop could see it, and make this call?"
And I thought, "****, no, I WOULD NOT. I would sit still like a mousie with my hands both on the wheel and pray like hell that the cop isn't in a prove-something mood today."

I finished my call, and put the phone away, and after another minute or two, the nice young white cop approached my window again, and told me he was issuing me a 'written warning', which would not involve a fine or a court appearance, and would I sign here, please?

And I thought, for just a moment I thought, about asking the nice young white cop, "Officer, if my skin were brown, would I be getting an actual ticket this time? Or worse?"

But of course, I didn't. #NotAllCops blah-blah and besides I'm chickenshit. I admit it. I chickened on that.
So I thanked the officer nicely, and signed where he pointed, and accepted my copy of the warning and my license and insurance certification and car registration back from him. And promised to drive safely and pay better attention to signs, yes, officer.
And while the officer went back to his car I put the documentation away and folded up the warning and put it away and started my car, and signaled to pull out, and carefully went on my way, driving as safely as I could for the whole rest of my journey.
And I wasn't even late to my meeting.
For me.
Because I'm white.
And I'm feeling so damned ambivalent right now. Of course I'm glad that I, personally, had no negative effects from the encounter.
But I'm sitting here wondering where I'd be, now, at this moment, if my skin were brown. Late for my meeting? Worrying about paying my fine and/or possible points on my license? In a holding cell?
In the ****ing morgue?
White privilege sucks. Because I have it, that means lots of my neighbors and friends DON'T have it. They have to live with these calculations and thoughts every single day, and I hate that.
I wish it hadn't been white privilege that made my little encounter so harmless. I wish it were just the way things are for everyone.
I'll stay aware of how and why I benefit as I did today. And I'll do my best to just make it the way things are for everyone, in every way I can.


Response to TygrBright (Original post)Wed Aug 15, 2018, 02:39 PM
Star Member Aristus (43,372 posts)

6. Same here.
A few years ago, I was pulled over for driving 50mph in a 35-zone. I'm white, but when the officer let me off with a warning, he said it was because I was driving a nice car.
I don't know which would have been worse; his telling me it was because I was white, or the possible euphemism "nice car" = "white".

Response to TygrBright (Reply #7)Wed Aug 15, 2018, 02:45 PM
Star Member Aristus (43,372 posts)

8. Nope. Bastards.
I would almost rather have had a ticket than be let off with what was essentially: "You're white; I'm sure you meant no harm driving 50 in a 35, sir."

Response to TygrBright (Original post)Wed Aug 15, 2018, 03:08 PM
bluescribbler (1,244 posts)

12. Been there, done that.
I've had similar encounters with police and they were unfailingly polite to me. And even when I did get a ticket, they were still polite about it. And as I drive away, I always think, "Would that have turned out like this if my skin were brown?" I think I know the answer, and I don't like it one bit.

Response to TygrBright (Original post)Wed Aug 15, 2018, 04:29 PM
Honeycombe8 (29,101 posts)

16. To be fair, this is my experience, too, for the most part. I'm white, but mistaken for Hispanic...

I'm mistaken for Hispanic in a city with a high Spanish population. I'm mistaken for Italian in NY's Italian section. People will sometimes speak Spanish or Italian to me. I have medium olive skin, dark to med brown hair, dark brown eyes. I am actually almost entirely of French heritage with a splash of Scot-Irish. I have no doubt that if I were in an area of Native Americans, I'd be mistaken for that.

But this is my experience. The cops in Dallas, with a high Spanish population and large illegal population, probably would assume I'm all or part Hispanic, as some other people there did. The cops were nothing but polite to I was to them. I got stopped several times...all white cops, except one was Af. American. I was always nice, produced license & explanation, readily admitted guilt if I was guilty. Expressed shock & dismay once when he told me my tags were expired (I'd just moved & missed getting the notice).

Part of it has to do with how you react to them. And your age. My best friend is black. She lives in Dallas. She has never been treated poorly by cops, she says. She treats people respectfully (most of the time...but you don't want to get in her's nobody's fool).

So that's my experience. People generally treat you however you treat them, I've found. Not always. But usually. I think it may also be likely that females are treated better than males, possibly because we are less of a threat, or possibly because we just behave better in the face of authority.

Also to be fair, my brother, who is never mistaken for anything but white, would have issues with any cop who stops him, because he doesn't like authority, or cops, and has an attitude. He's not the sort to ever admit he was in the wrong. He has been banned from a number of business establishments here.

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2018, 10:39:45 PM »
I have several black friends. Every one of them prefers to be called black, by the way, which is a good indicator that they aren't part of the identity politics brigade.

That said, not one of these friends were ever treated unfairly in their interactions with cops since I've known them in the 80's. That's coming up on 40 years now. Why weren't the thrown out of the car, beaten down like thugs, and taken to the jail to go up before Buford T. Justice in the morning? Because they didn't jack up the cops or have the pungent smell of weed in the car, and instead cooperated like any rational person would. Most of the time, they were let off with warnings, though sometimes they did get dinged like most non-black drivers.

That said:

I got stopped several times...all white cops, except one was Af. American. I

WHO gets stopped "several times?" This is called being stupid. If I'm a cop and this guy was stopped "several times" in the past, he ain't gettin' no warning. I don't care if he's green, blue, pink, or chartreuse, let along black or white.
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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2018, 04:29:14 AM »
When it comes to the average traffic stop the only ones with privilege are women when it comes to getting out of tickets. 

Offline SVPete

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2018, 07:21:41 AM »
When it comes to the average traffic stop the only ones with privilege are women when it comes to getting out of tickets.

I can't speak to women's experiences, but in the few times I've been pulled over I've never been let off with a warning. I'm not complaining, just saying what my experience has been.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2018, 07:33:55 AM »
I finished my call, and put the phone away, and after another minute or two, the nice young white cop approached my window again, and told me he was issuing me a 'written warning', which would not involve a fine or a court appearance, and would I sign here, please?

And I thought, for just a moment I thought, about asking the nice young white cop, "Officer, if my skin were brown, would I be getting an actual ticket this time? Or worse?"---

If she was really "woke" she would have demanded to be ticketed for the illegal u-turn instead of accepting the rewards of her privilege.
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Offline Maverick1987

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2018, 08:37:17 AM »

TygrBright could solve her problem and make a real statement about White Privilege by doing a swan dive off a tall building
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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2018, 11:54:44 AM »
And if you gave the cop a ration of shit he would have pulled you out of the car and beat the crap out of you and arrested you just like if you were a minority of color. :tongue:
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Basking in the glow of my white Privilege, while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

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Offline SVPete

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2018, 01:18:26 PM »
And if you gave the cop a ration of shit he would have pulled you out of the car and beat the crap out of you and arrested you just like if you were a minority of color. :tongue:

That's a very cogent warning for demtenjeep! :bolt:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline freedumb2003b

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2018, 02:00:20 PM »
When it comes to the average traffic stop the only ones with privilege are women when it comes to getting out of tickets.

Yeah, if you look like this.

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Offline Maverick1987

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2018, 05:55:31 PM »
Yeah, if you look like this.

GREAT looking Cobra!  She looks mighty fast   :pervert:

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Offline landofconfusion80

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2018, 08:24:51 PM »
I've only gotten one ticket,  knock on wood. Cop felt bad about giving it out too. Everything else has been just warnings
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.


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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2018, 09:03:20 PM »
Yes, very cringe-worthy and so, so, so long.  Zzzzzz.  How about this:  Everyone please obey the traffic laws running around in tons of steel.  Everyone does it, nobody gets hurt, no matter what our skin color is. 

Offline Wineslob

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Re: My White Privilege Moment Today [Warning, this one is cringy as hell]
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2018, 01:34:20 PM »
So I thanked the officer nicely, and signed where he pointed, and accepted my copy of the warning and my license and insurance certification and car registration back from him. And promised to drive safely and pay better attention to signs, yes, officer.
And while the officer went back to his car I put the documentation away and folded up the warning and put it away and started my car, and signaled to pull out, and carefully went on my way, driving as safely as I could for the whole rest of my journey.
And I wasn't even late to my meeting.

So, not acting like a baggy pants gangsta and running away, is "White Privilege"?    :thatsright:

Here's a PSA:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 01:37:49 PM by Wineslob »
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

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