Author Topic: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy  (Read 1412 times)

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Offline jb2u11

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Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« on: August 04, 2018, 11:36:45 AM »
LuckyCharms (3,672 posts)

I don't know, I just don't know.
Got into a discussion with a Trumper the other day. I do business with this guy occasionally. He's a sweet man. He's funny and he's kind. He's done good things for people. Really good things. He's laid back. I was certain he was a progressive. We never talked politics before the other day. Then, we got into such a deep discussion about our lives that politics came around. He told me he was a conservative. Then it was off to the races. discussion went something like this:

The **** you are! No really, I'm a conservative. Bullshit. How can that be! I think Trump is a genius and he's done a lot of good things. Like what? Well, look at the record GDP....NO...THAT'S NOT RIGHT...IT'S NOT A RECORD...sure it is! Listen, I don't know where you get your news from, but it's not a is what it is a quarterly number that does not mean shit, and if you insist on viewing it as a good number, then I think Obama beat that quarterly number something like 5 times...look it up. Look it up where? Use Google and find a few different sources. Well, I don't believe any of them...

How do you feel about children being torn from their parents and locked in cages as a matter of policy? I don't want them crossing the border and...STOP ANSWER MY QUESTION...I don't want them taking what belongs to me and my family....STOP, ANSWER THE QUESTION....HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT CHILDREN BEING SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS AS A MATTER OF POLICY? Had to repeat the question about 5 times,'s the same thing that Obama did....NOT AS A MATTER OF POLICY WTF....

Me: listen, I want you to watch Trump on TV and pay attention to this. Count the number of times he says "the best" "the biggest" "tremendous" "fantastic". Think about this, really don't think he is all bullshit? How can everything be the best? Him: They all lie.

Blah blah blah. He does not believe in global warming, etc.

At the beginning of the conversation, he're not going to beat me up, are you? Me: Why the **** would I do that? Liberals are violent. Oh yes, that's right. The liberals marched with Tiki torches and drove their car into a crowd of people in Charlottesville, right? Him: Well, the liberals probably started it when they counter-protested.

After an hour of this, I just said hey...we are not going to agree and your thinking is messed up. You're smarter than this. Open your're a businessman...don't you have intuitive skills? Open your eyes man. Take your news from several sources, etc.

Blah blah blah...anyway, this country is ****ed. If a guy who I thought was an old hippie is like this...we're ****ed and the brainwashing is complete.

He argued for an hour with this guy and no conversion?

Offline Wineslob

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2018, 11:40:41 AM »
Yes Lucky, you are proof the brainwashing is complete.
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2018, 08:32:27 PM »
 Bloody damn ìďioť, he was arguing with himself.
Used note sheet to stay on topìc.ol
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2018, 12:06:14 AM »
At the beginning of the conversation, he're not going to beat me up, are you? Me: Why the **** would I do that? Liberals are violent. Oh yes, that's right. The liberals marched with Tiki torches and drove their car into a crowd of people in Charlottesville, right? Him: Well, the liberals probably started it when they counter-protested.

Liberal dems destroyed property in DC during the inauguration
Liberal dem shot congress critters
Liberal dems threatened the lives of ICE employees in Portland and the lib mayor stood the police down. A federal police force had to come in and rescue them
Liberal dems rioted and burned down neighborhoods in Baltimore and Ferguson

Sounds like liberals are pretty violent to me. Want me to go on, dummie? I have plenty more.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Offline Ausonius

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2018, 05:54:40 AM »
Liberal dems destroyed property in DC during the inauguration
Liberal dem shot congress critters
Liberal dems threatened the lives of ICE employees in Portland and the lib mayor stood the police down. A federal police force had to come in and rescue them
Liberal dems rioted and burned down neighborhoods in Baltimore and Ferguson

Sounds like liberals are pretty violent to me. Want me to go on, dummie? I have plenty more.

Courtesy of Andy Ngo of the Wall Street Journal:


Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor's Blessing

Along the trolley tracks behind the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office, a biohazard cleanup crew works under police protection. It finds used needles and buckets of human waste simmering in nearly 100-degree heat. The smell of urine and feces fills the block. For more than five weeks, as many as 200 people had occupied the site to demand ICE’s immediate abolition. They’re gone now, but a community is left reeling. Thirty-eight days of government-sanctioned anarchy will do that.

A mob surrounded ICE’s office in Southwest Portland June 19. They barricaded the exits and blocked the driveway. They sent “guards” to patrol the doors, trapping workers inside. At night they laid on the street, stopping traffic at a critical junction near a hospital. Police stayed away. “At this time I am denying your request for additional resources,” the Portland Police Bureau’s deputy chief, Robert Day, wrote to federal officers pleading for help. Hours later, the remaining ICE workers were finally evacuated by a small federal police team. The facility shut down for more than a week.

Signs called ICE employees “Nazis” and “white supremacists.” Others accused them of running a “concentration camp,” and demanded open borders and prosecution of ICE agents. Along a wall, vandals wrote the names of ICE staff, encouraging others to publish their private information online.

Federal workers were defenseless. An ICE officer, who asked that his name not be published, told me one of his colleagues was trailed in a car and confronted when he went to pick up his daughter from summer camp. Later people showed up at his house. Another had his name and photo plastered on flyers outside his home accusing him of being part of the “Gestapo.”

Where were the police? Ordered away by Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler, who doubles as police commissioner. “I do not want the @PortlandPolice to be engaged or sucked into a conflict, particularly from a federal agency that I believe is on the wrong track,” he tweeted. “If [ICE is] looking for a bailout from this mayor, they are looking in the wrong place.”

The mob set up camp behind the building, where they harassed journalists and banned photography. The open-borders advocates also erected an 8-foot wall around their site. I walked through and saw young children, including infants, in squalid conditions and 90-degree heat. Every American flag was defaced. Anarchist and communist flags were unsoiled.

Stuart Lindquist, the ICE facility’s 79-year-old landlord, visited his property on June 21. “The political powers in the city of Portland have stopped the police from doing what they normally would do,” he told me. When he attempted to drive into the parking lot, occupiers swarmed and pounded his windows. In the commotion, Mr. Lindquist’s car struck someone in the mob, who wasn’t injured. His home address later appeared online, and he says the harassment hasn’t stopped.

On June 28 federal police mobilized from out of state finally moved to reopen the office. They arrested a handful of people for refusing to leave the ICE office’s front, but the rest retreated to the camp and focused their vitriol on the officers. They repeatedly called a black officer “traitor” and “house n—.” They shouted that they knew where the officers lived, and published more addresses online.

The same day Mayor Wheeler again pledged not to intervene. In a statement, he whitewashed the lawless behavior: “I join those outraged by ICE actions separating parents from their children, and support peaceful protest to give voice to our collective moral conscience.”

The Hakes family, which owns the Happy Camper food cart across the street from ICE’s office, responded to the statement with incredulity. The mob “terrorized our family” and forced the business to close, Julie Hakes told me. Ms. Hakes showed me text messages from her 21-year-old daughter, Brianna, who ran the cart. “Just saw a drug deal,” Brianna reported early on. After members of the anti-ICE mob spotted her selling breakfast burritos to federal officers, the situation deteriorated. “Call me immediately!” Brianna wrote after being accused of “supporting the pigs” and “child deportation.” She said people wearing masks threatened to hurt her and burn down the cart, and the police never responded to their frantic calls.

Randy Glary, a 52-year-old artist and longtime resident, was photographing the camp when he said a group of occupiers knocked his camera into his face. Charles Williams, a 62-year-old man who lives across the street, said someone threatened to stab him with an “AIDS-infected needle.” From his balcony, he saw the “thugs” begin masked street patrols. Others brandished sticks. Lisa Leonard, a 53-year-old disabled resident, said occupiers hit her on her head, disabled her electric wheelchair, and lifted her in the air when she complained about loud drumming. She called police, who took a statement but made no arrests.

The locals who spoke to me all wondered why the city allowed this and ignored their calls for intervention. Peter Simpson, a public-information officer with the Portland Police Bureau, explained that “at the mayor’s direction, PPB involvement was very limited” until July 25.

Back at the trolley tracks, the occupiers have been evicted but taxpayers will have to foot the costly cleanup bill. The Hakes family is still trying to recover. Brianna has decided to move out of the neighborhood. “They know my face and car,” she said. Like other residents I spoke to, she expects the mob to return. 

« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 05:56:59 AM by Ausonius »
"Every democracy eventually becomes a bilge pump expelling the most hilarious and unwitting self-satire."

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2018, 08:14:32 AM »
I do business with this guy occasionally.


If my paperboy talked to me like that, I'd cancel my subscription.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2018, 09:17:25 AM »
If my paperboy talked to me like that, I'd cancel my subscription.

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2018, 05:52:53 PM »
LOL, too. 

Here is the link

Response to LuckyCharms (Original post)
Sat Aug 4, 2018, 12:01 PM
Alwaysna (178 posts)
6. It's good that you tried to lead him to critical thinking.

Divide and conquer can't occur with hostility.

Who's dividing the country?  And no DUmmie will ever conquer me, asshole. 

Response to LuckyCharms (Original post)
Sat Aug 4, 2018, 02:04 PM
KSNY (9 posts)
16. Offer a gift?

After a similar confrontation around Christmas 2016 with family members, I decided that the best tactic is to avoid them and to send a gift subscription to Mother Jones or the Hightower Lowdown to their homes

 :lmao:  What a waste of money.

Stevenumbers weighs in:

Response to LuckyCharms (Original post)
Sat Aug 4, 2018, 02:44 PM
 steve2470 (34,499 posts)
23. One of my neighbors is a 70 year old white guy. He's semi-retired, a Vietnam Veteran. He's reasonably intelligent. He's very nice guy. However, he made it clear one day he was a Republican. Thankfully, he just dropped the subject when he saw my face. Ever since then, we've never discussed it whatsoever. I'm afraid if we ever do get into politics, we both will get emotional and probably angry at each other. I don't want that.

I don't know if my neighbor is a Trumper but I would not be shocked if he was. If he comes to me and wants facts, I'll be happy to point him in the correct direction.

The correct direction.  This is why people hate you. 

Offline jb2u11

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2018, 08:03:22 PM »
I don't know if my neighbor is a Trumper but I would not be shocked if he was. If he comes to me and wants facts, I'll be happy to point him in the correct direction.

I can't imagine this Dummy would know the right direction if he had a GPS

Offline Wineslob

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2018, 12:57:01 PM »
Where were the police? Ordered away by Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler, who doubles as police commissioner. “I do not want the @PortlandPolice to be engaged or sucked into a conflict, particularly from a federal agency that I believe is on the wrong track,” he tweeted. “If [ICE is] looking for a bailout from this mayor, they are looking in the wrong place.”

The mob set up camp behind the building, where they harassed journalists and banned photography. The open-borders advocates also erected an 8-foot wall around their site. I walked through and saw young children, including infants, in squalid conditions and 90-degree heat. Every American flag was defaced. Anarchist and communist flags were unsoiled.

Stuart Lindquist, the ICE facility’s 79-year-old landlord, visited his property on June 21. “The political powers in the city of Portland have stopped the police from doing what they normally would do,” he told me. When he attempted to drive into the parking lot, occupiers swarmed and pounded his windows. In the commotion, Mr. Lindquist’s car struck someone in the mob, who wasn’t injured. His home address later appeared online, and he says the harassment hasn’t stopped.

So a police official/public employee won't do his job? They need to "string up" this so-called Mayor. What part of "protect and serve" did he miss?
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2018, 01:48:48 PM »

So a police official/public employee won't do his job? They need to "string up" this so-called Mayor. What part of "protect and serve" did he miss?
Time to bring in the Pinkertons of old to crack some skulls.
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

-Words of wisdom from Lady Freedom Returns

"Arguing with's like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious." -- Anonymous

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2018, 04:49:35 PM »
I don't know if my neighbor is a Trumper but I would not be shocked if he was. If he comes to me and wants facts, I'll be happy to point him in the correct direction.

He just may drive the point in your head out your ass.

As for the mayor and police chief they both need to be arrested. If they won't do something about the violence the feds should step in.

The antifa protestors should be shown what some violence is, see how well they can take what  they have been dishing out.
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege, while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: Lucky Charms Says We're All Fuc**d - Bouncy
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2018, 08:03:05 PM »
He just may drive the point in your head out your ass.

As for the mayor and police chief they both need to be arrested. If they won't do something about the violence the feds should step in.

The antifa protestors should be shown what some violence is, see how well they can take what  they have been dishing out.

Ever notice the antifa protestors don't really come to places where their ass will get shot off? There is a reason for that. Cowards all. 
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

Montani Semper Liberi