Author Topic: the Bostonian Drunkard has had enough  (Read 1274 times)

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the Bostonian Drunkard has had enough
« on: September 13, 2017, 06:43:38 AM »

Oh my.

Haikugal (5590 posts)    September 12, 2017 at 9:26 pm

Will Pitt has had enough.

As he says numbers are not bashing…
Some are going to accuse me of ripping the scab off a fight. Sorry, but I got blamed again today for Trump by a Clinton supporter because I wrote in Bernie Sanders, and I’m all done with that.

Every day since November, Sanders and his supporters have been blamed by Clinton supporters for 2016. In lieu of more very frustrated yelling, some simple numbers:

* Trump got 53% of the white woman vote, a clear majority, amounting to 37% of his vote total;
* Trump got 29% of the Hispanic vote, 11% of his total, more than 7,000,000 votes;
* Bernie Sanders got 111,850 votes in the 2016 general election, amounting to 0.08% of the total.

But but but swing states STOP IT. Clinton lost a clear majority of white women and more than 7 million Hispanics to the self-described *****-grabber who opened his campaign by calling Mexicans “rapists.” MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF VOTES in those two groups alone, lost. Those two demographics would have obliterated any impact by Bernie. An even split with white women alone would have gotten the job done.

Bernie got 111,850 votes. Electorally speaking, that’s not enough people to start a basketball team.

I say this with love, because some of you are really invested in all this being Bernie & Co.’s fault: Let it go. I get scolded for making you feel bad, because you really do feel bad, sick, sad, horrified, I get it, I really do. But the numbers turn your argument into a house fire. I’m exhausted from hearing it; it’s like arguing with a member of the Flat-Earth Society. You know better. I know you know better. You know you know better.

111,850 votes did not change the world. A majority of white women voters and more than 7 million Hispanic voters changed the world. Please, please, please stop lashing out at the wrong target.

Cheers. I’m looking forward to hearing all about how I’m a wrong bastard, again.

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i take issue with the number of votes Bernie actually got, we will never know. I think he won. I can understand how Will feels.

elias39 (3639 posts)    (Reply to original post)   September 12, 2017 at 11:03 pm

1. I like Will Pitt but what happened to the primaries?

Bernie didn’t even get a million votes in the general election! That’s indicative of what? Well for 1 thing he wasn’t on the ballot. You had to write his name in, as I did. Is Will trying to say Bernie didn’t really have sufficient support?

“Bernie got 111,850 votes. Electorally speaking, that’s not enough people to start a basketball team.”

He had that much support in two or three rallies during the primaries. And that much again after two or three more stops across the nation.

And in what way is it meaningful that “Trump got 53% of the white woman vote”? Well, Trump was running against a white woman, remember? Trump wasn’t running against Bernie. IDK. Seems to me like Will indeed has had enough and needs to move on.

<<<doesn't think the Bostonian Drunkard needs to move on; thinks the Bostonian Drunkard is perfectly fine where he's at.

Haikugal (5590 posts)    (Reply to elias39 - post #1)   September 12, 2017 at 11:31 pm

2. Thank you for your reply.

I agree it isn’t clear. He is tired of being jumped on and being accused of electing Trump but the things he cites as how Herself lost doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

I think he’s trying to respond to the Hillbots accusations but not quite getting there, with regard to Bernie. Or else it’s me.

I think it’s interesting that he is having to respond (he feels) to the accusations.

<<<thinks the Bostonian Drunkard is "having" to respond is because the Bostonian Drunkard is trying to get back into the good graces of the primitives on Skins's island.

dreamnightwind (1125 posts)    (Reply to elias39 - post #1)   September 12, 2017 at 11:34 pm

3. Pitt is arguing that Bernie votes didn't cost Hillary the election since Bernie only got 111,850 general election votes.

Incredibly ironic that the Hillary camp is pushing this. It’s what Bernie was worried about when he decided to back Hillary in the general election rather than running third party, he didn’t want to be a Nader-like spoiler.

Even more ironic, is that Nader himself wasn’t a Nader-like spoiler. To use the same logic as Will Pitt used, in the 2000 Florida election, Bush got far more votes from Democrats than Nader did, so it was actually Democrats who crossed over to vote for Bush that cost Gore that election, plus a little help from Bush’s friends.

<<<wonders what "Bush's friends" did; whatever, it was all good.

djean111 (4644 posts)    (Reply to original post)   September 13, 2017 at 3:27 am

4. I don't think that the hillbots believe that votes for BERNIE gave the election to Trump.  IMO, here is what Hillary and her bots believe, in no particular order – and this is all predicated on the insane conviction that Hillary owned the presidency, that it was her right to be elected –

They believe that Bernie’s supporters voted for Trump instead of Hillary, and that is what gave the election to Trump.

They believe Bernie’s supporters who did not switch to supporting Hillary in the campaign gave the election to Trump.

They believe that Bernie’s supporters stayed home, rather than vote for Hillary, giving the election to Trump.

They believe women were told to vote for Trump by their menfolk, giving the election to Trump.

There’s more, but I think Pitt’s argument, while interesting, is not what the hillbots believe, that actual votes for Bernie lost the election.  No, they believe Bernie’s supporters should have all shifted to Hillary, and when that did not happen, she lost the election to Trump.  Nowhere do they have a glimmer of understanding that Hillary was a badly flawed candidate, they think anything negative about her is just Russian and right-wing lies.  And they absolutely do not care about actual issues, and so they cannot understand that Bernie had – and still has – massive support BECAUSE OF ISSUES.  And records.

They have reduced choosing who is elected president to a Harlem Globetrotters / Washington Generals game, and are outraged because this time the Generals beat the Globetrotters.  So they are blaming the fans and the equipment and the vendors and the venue.

N2Doc (4082 posts)    (Reply to original post)   September 13, 2017 at 3:55 am

5. Will Pitt is missing the point

This whole thing is part of an ongoing campaign to indoctrinate voters to support the ‘chosen’ candidate. See, everything would be roses and buttercups if only us stupid voters had just lined up and voted for “it’s my turn” Hillary. This isn’t about 2016, it is about 2018 and beyond. The Third Way is not giving up or going away, they will have to be taken down, piece by piece.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline BadCat

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Re: the Bostonian Drunkard has had enough
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2017, 07:31:53 AM »
Meh.  Who cares what those misogynists over a JPR think about anything?
Help keep America beautiful...deface a liberal.

The Democrat and Republican parties are simply the left and right wings of the same bird of prey.

The road to freedom is paved with dead liberals.


Offline SVPete

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Re: the Bostonian Drunkard has had enough
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2017, 07:39:37 AM »
Pitt is "posting" on JPR through a surrogate? Moderator! Clean-up needed on B & G forum!
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Carl

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Re: the Bostonian Drunkard has had enough
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2017, 07:55:53 AM »
Or maybe it was a case where normal people just didn`t like and trust the hag.