Author Topic: “UniParty” Republican Senate Blocks President Trump From Recess Appointments  (Read 1261 times)

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Posted on August 4, 2017

And remember, there’s some people who think the “UniParty” isn’t real. Meanwhile, republicans led the way in the Senate to initiate a rules process blocking President Trump from recess appointments during the upcoming Senate break.   The pro-forma session process requires all Senators to agree to the rules maneuver; they did.

There are over 100 Trump nominations awaiting confirmation from the Senate.  The Senators will not return until after Labor Day.

    WASHINGTON DC – […] Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), doing wrap up for the entire Senate, locked in nine “pro-forma” sessions — brief meetings that normally last roughly a minute.

    The move, which requires the agreement of every senator, means the Senate will be in session every three business days throughout the August recess.

    The Senate left D.C. on Thursday evening with most lawmakers not expected to return to Washington until after Labor Day.

    Senators were scheduled to be in town through next week, but staffers and senators predicted they would wrap up a few remaining agenda items and leave Washington early.


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The bad news means Trump will have to wait until September if he plans to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions or special counsel Robert Mueller.

That’s because the Senate scheduled nine “pro forma” sessions, or short meetings, every three business days during its recess, the Hill reported.

The move is designed to keep the Senate technically open for business, so any new Trump personnel moves would have to get the Senate’s OK.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, one of three Republicans who helped sink the GOP’s “skinny repeal” amendment on ObamaCare – a severe political blow to Trump – was also involved in the “pro forma” maneuver, the Hill reported.

Trump had sharply criticized Murkowski last month, after she joined Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Sen. John McCain of Arizona in helping to defeat the health care proposal.

Many on Capitol Hill, including some Republicans, have been worried that Trump might try to replace Sessions, whom Trump has criticized for recusing himself from a federal investigation into the Trump administration’s dealings with Russians.


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by David M. Drucker | Aug 4, 2017

Trump, Hill Republicans go separate ways for the summer amid brewing civil war

President Trump and the Republican Congress went their separate ways for the summer on Thursday amid an escalating GOP civil war fueled by mutual distrust and frustration.

Trump is chafing at what he views as his subordinates in Congress failing to repeal Obamacare even as they worked against him with Democrats to pass legislation limiting his ability to cut deals with Russia — a major embarrassment for the self-styled master negotiator.

As the Republican-controlled Congress departed Washington for a five-week recess and Trump prepared to decamp to his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., for most of August, the breakdown in trust that was tenuous to begin with threatened to reach irreparable levels and torpedo what was left of their agenda.

Trump's partnership with congressional Republicans has always been something of a shotgun marriage, as underscored by Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and the cannon he fired at Trump, risking renomination in his 2018 primary, in a new book and round of interviews to promote the tome.

He's a 71-year-old populist disruptor who was for a time a Democrat, with little use or appreciation for GOP traditions or the conventions of governing. For their part, Republicans on Capitol Hill embraced Trump because they had no choice: Their voters foisted him on them.