Author Topic: Proglodytes worried about job benefits of people they tried to destroy  (Read 592 times)

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Star Member question everything (30,404 posts)

Coal miners may lose their health insurance
For decades, being a coal miner has come with a deal: Work in dangerous, unpleasant conditions for years, and in exchange, get lifelong health-care benefits and a decent pension. Now, though, part of that deal is jeopardy, as the funds that provide those benefits have dwindled.

When Congress returns next week, legislators will be under intense pressure to fund health-care benefits and pension plans for coal miners that are otherwise set to expire at the end of April. The United Mine Workers Association is urging Congress to pass the Miners Protection Act, which would use money from a fund dedicated to cleaning up abandoned mines to instead shore up former mine workers’ health care and pension plans, which have been decimated as coal companies have filed for bankruptcy and stopped contributing to health-care and pension funds. America has a “moral commitment” to the nation’s retired miners, UMWA president Cecil E. Roberts wrote in a statement last month.

There was also a story on PBS, profiling former miners with black lungs

Some 22,000 retired union miners and their widows will lose their health care if Congress doesn’t act. Many have chronic lung diseases. Their union benefit health plan supports clinics like this in Southern West Virginia and helps them pay their medical costs.


And I can't help it: with all the health problems of mining coals, why would we want to help the ones who want to go back, who voted for the T, and who, of course, expect us to treat them once they do acquire black lungs and cancer? A recent story showed some who say: I like being a coal miner. Fine, go ahead, but don't expect the rest of us to provide for you and for your family.

I am getting tired of all the deploreables who still cheer T even when their "benefits" like meals on wheels get cut.

These hypocritical ass crumbs cheered every time Obama ratcheted down on the coal industry.

When Trump countered the illegal EPA regs they howled it was pointless because they swore the jobs were never coming back.

Now we have them pretending they're suddenly oh-so-concerned about the industry whose very presence they resent.

Typical comment:

Doreen (2,845 posts)

5. You get what you vote for you stupid mofo's.

NO, YOU SHITHEADS, IT IS NOT OBAMA'S FAULT!!! It is YOUR fault. I am so glad you are going to suffer what you voted in for me and others.

physioex (6,742 posts)

8. Big deal...
They are as relevant as the Candlestick Maker.

question everything (30,404 posts)

9. Yes, big deal. They may have caused Hillary losing PA (nt)

Memory Lane:

MineralMan (93,284 posts)

Hillary Clinton should not apologize about shutting down coal mining.
No way. Coal is one of the worst possible fossil fuels there is. Coal-burning created the acid rain that screwed up freshwater resources in the eastern part of this country. It's a dirty fuel that should no longer be used for any industrial purpose. It's a major contributor to global climate change. No other fossil fuel is more damaging to the environment, both from mining and use as a fuel.

What about those coal mining jobs? Well, when coal mining is shut down, they will be gone. We can, and should, find ways to help miners who lose those mining jobs find alternatives, but we should not continue to mine and burn that climate-changing, environment-destroying fuel.

Thinking people want to end coal mining and the use of that fuel. That it will hurt an industry that has damaged so much is no reason to move away from that position. Politics are no reason to move away from that position.

Coal is filthy fuel that creates great harm wherever it is burned. We need to stop mining it and stop burning it. Period.

That's my opinion. Thanks for reading it.

J_J_ (1,213 posts)

Tearful unemployed father confronts Hillary about plan to 'put the coal industry out of business'


IamMab (1,359 posts)

40. Mountains don't grow back. Maybe they should stop blowing theirs up for coal?
And proposing renewable energy jobs that would move people out of dark mines and into the daylight IS giving "a flying **** about the people."

Progressives defending the coal industry. Sweet Jeebus, so sad. Your Clinton Derangement Syndrome is like the Black Lung, destroying you from the inside.

trumad (41,692 posts)

8. That's one industry that must eventually go away.

There's a lot more where that came from.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline jukin

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If only we could harness the hatred, intolerance, and stupidity of a typical leftist for energy, we truly could be off fossil fuels.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.