Author Topic: Jippers not keen about plot to overthrow America's government  (Read 515 times)

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Jippers not keen about plot to overthrow America's government
« on: December 13, 2016, 05:16:29 AM »
But not quite the same way as the Proglodytes...

senz    (3085 posts)    
“The Electors Trust” – Legal team determined to overturn the 2016 election

The oligarchs are working their asses off to overturn the 2016 election.  We could very well end up with President Hillary Clinton, deliberate destruction in the Middle East, big-time war with nuclear armed Russia, and further trade deals that codify the subjugation of U.S. workers and the loss of U.S. sovereignty – all for the enrichment of a handful of global oligarchic rulers.

It’s a coup attempt.

A prominent Harvard University law professor is teaming with a California-based law firm to offer legal support for any members of the Electoral College seeking to oppose President-elect Donald Trump in violation of state law.

Larry Lessig says his new effort, which he calls “The Electors Trust,” will provide free counsel to electors, provided by the midsize firm, Durie Tangri, whose partner Mark Lemley is a longtime associate of Lessig’s.

More significantly, Lessig said, the Trust will offer a platform – with guaranteed anonymity – for electors to strategize about stopping Trump from taking the White House. It’s a platform, he said, that could help electors coordinate to determine whether they’ve gathered enough support to stop Trump from winning the presidency.

“It makes no sense to be elector number five who comes out against Trump. But it might make sense to be elector 38,” Lessig said in a phone interview.

– snip –

To bolster their effort, a team of lawyers backing the Hamilton Electors are preparing a wave of legal challenges intended to overturn laws in 29 states that purport to bind electors to their party’s nominee. But many constitutional scholars believe those laws – which have never been tested or enforced – run counter to the Founders’ conception of the Electoral College as a deliberative body.

The article is not long.

But don’t worry: the MSM, once freed from the noxious influence of “fake news” sites, will assure us this is a normal event and lull us into a sense of safety and security as we relinquish the last bit of citizen control over our government.

djean111     (1998 posts)

1. Sounds like sedition to me. I am now ashamed that I was ever a Democrat.

Hillary and her supporters have now absolutely turned into Freepers.  Seriously.  The Democrat version of Free Republic.  Completely unhinged.

goodgirl     (1405 posts)

3. They are worse than Freepers.

At least we can see Freepers for what they are.  This kind of sneaked up on us.

senz     (3085 posts)

4. It's so much bigger than Democrats, djean.

Hillary’s backers represented the highest levels of transnational money and power.  This goes way, way beyond political parties.  Hillary is simply their figurehead.

Trump, for all his flaws, clearly is not.

As I write, Koch-funded Hillbot NPR is pouring on Trump fear, Russia fear and gender politics with an emphasis on rape.  But they’re so very tense now, you can hear it in their voices.

The election isn’t over. I do believe we are right now in the biggest battle of our lifetimes. It’s exhausting, but time is short.

hippiechick     (981 posts)

48. Absolutely- folks stand to gain or lose alot of $

… and that’s why they’re using their PR department (the MsM) branches to vault the propaganda & get those war drums rolling.

I’m scared shitless of the civil war that will begin when the EC installs Lady MacBeth as POTUS more than I am of Russia.

Carolab     (963 posts)

58. What election?

This all proves what a dog and pony show it is.  Our votes are meaningless.  They will do anything necessary to install whomever they please.  No matter what we ****ing want.

goodgirl     (1405 posts)
2. This is simply outrageous for what is supposed to be a democracy.

It makes me feel ill.  And I am no fan of Trump’s anymore than I was of W.

Depaysement     (518 posts)

8. I don't get it

Clinton won the most popular votes of all the candidates.  So you wouldn’t be offended if Trump was installed after winning 46% of the vote and you would be mortified if Clinton was installed after winning 48% of the vote?  What are we protecting here?  States’ rights?

As for the oligarchy argument, oligarchy is exactly what we are getting with Trump’s team.  Take a good look at the New Deep State.  Flynn, Mattis, Mnuchin, maybe Tillerson.  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Salemcourt     (68 posts)

47. Hillbots

Not worth replying to them.

Flygirl     (1354 posts)

36. Can these assholes just stop already??


are we a democratic Republic..or not??

this is utter bullshit..they are acting like schoolyard elementary school yard…

this is treason to me..


Abakan     (1678 posts)

46. Anyone surprised by this…

Didn’t understand this election was always about her. Nothing but her and

there is nothing she wouldn’t do to get what she wants. The constitution

means nothing to her, rules are for everyone but her. They will keep trying

until there is no other avenue to pursue.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Carl

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Re: Jippers not keen about plot to overthrow America's government
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2016, 05:23:22 AM »
Abakan     (1678 posts)

46. Anyone surprised by this…

Didn’t understand this election was always about her. Nothing but her and

there is nothing she wouldn’t do to get what she wants. The constitution

means nothing to her, rules are for everyone but her. They will keep trying

until there is no other avenue to pursue.
