Author Topic: Proglodytes resolutely reject the notion that vote fraud occurred  (Read 642 times)

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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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KamaAina (77,741 posts)

Remember when many of us thought the Dem primaries were rigged?

Doesn't seem so far-fetched now, does it? Not the DNC, but the Russians, who might have seen Bernie as the last obstacle to their diabolical plan to install Cheeto Benito as their puppet.

Wellstone ruled (7,996 posts)

2. That conversation happened on many

occasions. When our State Convention went South with the Chair Story,and how it was amped across the media that Saturday. Something smelled to high hell. And that reporter is still eating his shorts after the locals got his info. The Guy who gave him that story magical disappeared not to be heard from again.

DURHAM D (24,304 posts)

3. Nonsense.

Explain to me how you might rig a caucus.

KamaAina (77,741 posts)

4. Bernie won most of the caucus states.

So I guess you can't.



maximillian1974 (25 posts)

5. Ummmm no

Except the fact that what Putin wanted was to ensure Hillary wasn't president. You think he woul help her ever?

NanceGreggs (21,754 posts)

8. Did you notice ...

... that the GOP never said a word against Bernie during the primaries, while they continued to pound away at HRC?

We now know that the Republicans had oppo research on Bernie - why did they never use it?

We know that Republicans voted FOR Bernie in open primaries - why do you suppose they did that?

It was because the GOP wanted Bernie to be the nominee, because they knew he'd be easier to beat in the GE than Hillary.

Think it through. If the Republicans (or the Russians) were terrified of Bernie, they would have been bashing him 24/7 instead of ignoring him. They would have lightened-up on Hillary in order to give her a better shot at beating Bernie. They did the exact opposite.

If Bernie was seen as "the last obstacle" to installing Trump in the WH, they wouldn't have been holding back on the negative stuff they had about him, nor would they have continued bashing Hillary, thereby weakening her chances of getting the nomination.

In light of the actual facts, your theory makes no sense whatsoever.

mtnsnake (19,595 posts)

11. Your theory about the GOP wanting Bernie because he'd be easier to beat makes no sense either

because all the polls had Bernie beating Trump by a significantly wider margin than Hillary.

NanceGreggs (21,754 posts)

17. As has been explained repeatedly ...

... those polls were pointless, as Bernie had not yet been vetted; Republicans had not yet unleashed any negative info on him, nor had they even said a word against him. Experienced politicos on both sides of the aisle knew that such polls were meaningless.

So explain why - if they feared Bernie more than HRC - they said not a word against him during the primaries when it would have mattered. Why did they never release the negative info about Bernie they had in their possession?

If they so wanted HRC to be the nominee because they were afraid of Bernie, why did they continue going after her day after day on Benghazi and the emails - thereby making Bernie look like the better choice?

Again, it's a theory that makes no sense: We're terrified of Bernie winning, so let's not say a word against him while we continue to weaken his opponent's position. That way Bernie is sure to lose!

So explain to me how NOT going after Bernie was part of the big plan to ensure he DIDN'T win. If they honestly believed the polls that said Bernie could beat Trump, why weren't they hitting him with everything they had, instead of beating up his opponent 24/7 while never even uttering a word against him?

Professing themselves to be wise they have become fools.

Madam45for2923 (2,089 posts)

9. Did they leak anything on Bernie?

NanceGreggs (21,754 posts)

21. No, they didn't

Not a single thing. Not a single negative word. Nothing.

Maybe they were just too terrified  of him to speak up.

My guess is: Bernie isn't a criminal like Hillary so there was nothing to release.

Stay tuned. DunceSkragg features prominently.

jack_krass (895 posts)

10. I remember, and also that those who did so were ridiculed and bullied here in this very forum

hellofromreddit (1,083 posts)

18. There, there ...

We know, we know.

It's the DNC's fault, it's the MSM's fault, it's DWS's fault, it's HRC's fault, it's Bill's fault, it's the debate schedule's fault, it's the debate moderators' fault, it's the Hillary supporters' fault - it's pretty much everybody on the planet's fault - everyone but Bernie, of course.


^ DunceSkragg quote
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline docstew

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Re: Proglodytes resolutely reject the notion that vote fraud occurred
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 08:33:55 PM »
Hmmm, what's easier to believe:
1) That the RNC, Trump, Putin, MSM et al, decided individually that Bernie F'n Sanders was the more dangerous candidate, with absolutely no evidence to show it
2) That HRC was NOT going to lose to some back bencher in the primaries AGAIN, and rigged the primaries with the help of her old friends DWS and Donna Brazile, among others, with not only an email trail, but RESIGNATIONS, as proof.

Reality-based community, indeed

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Re: Proglodytes resolutely reject the notion that vote fraud occurred
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2016, 08:57:32 AM »
Proglodytes re-e-e-eally do not like to be reminded of their past behavior.

hellofromreddit (1,090 posts)

How we regarded election fraud and systemic bias in the primary
Get a load of these threads' comments:

27 Percent of New York’s Registered Voters Won’t Be Able to Vote in the State’s Primary

We need a wambulance


My Letter to Nate Silver on the Huge Exit Poll Discrepancies We’re Seeing in the Dem Primaries

Irregularities overshadow U.S. presidential vote in New York City

Sanders bumped off D.C. ballot

Bernie is demanding a recanvass in Kentucky over ONE delegate ...

It's all fun 'n games until....

uponit7771 (37,032 posts)

1. WOW !! Another "Russia Who?!" postmortem OP

hellofromreddit (1,090 posts)

3. I didn't say anything about Russia one way or another. Is that some new requirement?
OK, Russia did it.

Happy now?

Botany (42,180 posts)

2. And it turns out that these talking points were promoted by Russia to keep the Bernie Bros mad

"Russia successfully riled up Bernie Sanders die-hards against the Democratic Party by leaking minor
intrigue that fueled their suspicions, aggravating a Clinton liability with young voters that never healed."
- New York Magazine

"Russia! Russia! Russia!"

hellofromreddit (1,090 posts)

7. Ah, but that doesn't explain folks getting apoplectic about Sanders requesting a recanvas.

It was the last link in that list. Here you go:

Bernie is demanding a recanvass in Kentucky over ONE delegate ...

Keep in mind, people are now calling for a redo of the entire presidential election (votes and all), but a recount of a single state primary was foil hat buffoonery or something. Can't blame that one on the imaginary berniebros.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."