Author Topic: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me  (Read 688 times)

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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

As a black loyal Democrat, I say SCREW the white working class who insist on voting Republican
Screw them and leave them to themselves. 


If you had left us to ourselves you wouldn't be watching a government form for the sole purpose of dismantling your beloved government.

HassleCat (5,089 posts)

1. Yeah! Screw them!

We don't need them or their votes. We're happy just as we are.

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

10. You're right. We DON'T need them and their votes. We have plenty of potential votes right here

We just have to make the effort to get them to vote. And that's not going to happen if we spend our time and resources dragging people who hate them into the party.

Except for 2 small details:

1. They didn't vote for your side

2. They didn't vote against our side

As a follow up please note our side is not engaged in tantrums and slurs against innocent people.

NoGoodNamesLeft (1,307 posts)

40. Are you implying that only people of color voted for Obama?

Many of the white rural voters in the rust belt voted for Obama twice but voted for Trump this time. How on earth does it make any kind of sense at all that these voters are racist?

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

43. Why do people keep asking that question? It's ridiculous to assume that, because someone voted for

Obama, they can't be bigots.

First of all, we don't know that these people voted for Obama. Some of them say they did, but I have no reason to believe them. Most of them don't make such a claim, however.

Moreover, racists and bigots vote for black people sometimes, if they think it's in their interest. Sometimes they do it to prove they're not bigots. Sometimes they do it for other reasons.

Voting for Obama does not make someone not a bigot. Voting for an avowed racist who is supported by the Ku Klux Klan DOES make one either a bigot or someone who is perfectly comfortable with bigotry and doesn't give a shit about the impact that bigotry has on people of color.

So please stop with the "The voted for Obama so they can't be bigots."


I always thought a bigot is someone who would vote against a qualified candidate even if they felt it was in their interest to do so simply because the candidate was the object of their bigotry.

That's what I love about DU: You learn something new every day and that something new is yet one more thing is racist.

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

15. Voting for Obama is not evidence of non-racism
Racism is not an either or - it's a continuum.

It's too bad that you're so offended because I am calling certain Trump voters racist. If you didn't vote for Trump, I'm not really sure why you are so defensive of those who did - while you seem to be totally oblivious to how offended people IN YOUR OWN PARTY are at being told over and over and over that we must shut up, move over and make room for people who have demonstrated that they their interests conflict with ours. And people who vote for a man who so blatantly told the world what he thinks of us AND who don't seem to care that they have aligned themselves with the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis have no one but themselves to blame if people now believe they are bigots or so tolerant of bigotry that they might as well be.

Why are you so quick to line up with Trump voters while completely ignoring what many of your fellow Democrats are saying? Why are you so offended that THEY might be offended but you don't seem to care at all about how WE feel about all of this?

As I said, spare me - I'm tired of it and I'm not going to sit quietly while the people in my party treat me and people like me like crap and tell us that WE have to be careful not to offend people who consistently offend us. And I am OFFENDED by ANYONE who voted for Trump. Period.

You can't even finish a post without contradicting yourself.

Starry Messenger (31,567 posts)

4. I've been broke all my life and about to lose my only source of health insurance, the ACA.

I'm not feeling charitable either. I have never voted for a Republican, ever. Texas is legalizing fetus funerals, we are talking mass deportation, national stop and frisk, a Muslim registry, and I am supposed to cry for people who no longer make $20 an hour with a high school education? I made $6.25 after getting a Masters in 1997. I don't remember them voting to help me.

Have you tried doing anything useful?

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

21. I am flabbergasted at the number of Democrats who complain that we might OFFEND these people

yet don't give half a shit about how deeply these people offend US. Instead, they tell us to shut up about it already, we're making too much noise and might drive them away.

Talk about OFFENSIVE...

I'm offended you think I owe you something because you're too much of a miserable failure to make it through life on your own steam.

sheshe2 (36,720 posts)

28. Hey Effie.

Are they really Dems? I doubt it. Anyone that rolls over like a puppy and gets their bellie scratched and soothed by a misogynist, sexist, racist, xenophobic POS is no democrat, **** them.

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

30. **** them . . .

yuiyoshida (17,912 posts)

37. yeah

sheshe2 (36,720 posts)

39. I am white and appalled.

At their racist shit.

Is it too early to start touching myself over 2018?

mia (4,295 posts)

8. Please, don't divide us. n/t

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

9. I'm NOT dividing anyone - unless by "us," you mean all white voters, Republicans and Dems

I'm actually preaching Democratic unity, not division. I'm saying that Democrats should support and reach out to Democratic voters instead of running around trying to convince Republican voters to come over to our side since the reason they're not voting Democratic is because they don't like a significant segment of the people in the Democratic party. And the only way to get them to vote Democratic is to jettison those people they don't like.

Nonstarter for me.

mia (4,295 posts)

13. Yes, you are.

You may think you aren't. Color wars keep everyone down.

Only a racist would say that!

EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

19. Bullshit

I'm not engaging in "color wars" - and I am sick and tired of people accusing black of doing so when we finally stand up and call bullshit. Color wars have been played for decades ON US, not BY US. And this last election was Color Wars personified. WHITE PEOPLE put a racist into the White House. Not all white people, of course, but a significant number of them did. And they did it with full knowledge that he is a racist, that he is supported by racists and that he fully intended to inflict his racist policies and attitudes on people of color.

And now you come around wringing your hands and saying, "Oh, please be sympathetic to them. They're just concerned about their jobs." BULLSHIT.

So do not come in here and tell me that *I* am engaging in color wars. If you want to line up with and and sympathize with and defend bigoted white Republicans against your fellow Democrats, that's your prerogative. But recognize that that is the very essence of the "color wars" of which you complain.

Identity politics, indeed... on full display on DU by supposed progressive Democrats... Very sad.

mia (4,295 posts)

26. Your argument is just as powerful without color words.

You are much more than the color of your skin. We're all concerned about our jobs. We all want to survive. We all care about the survival of our children and our grandchildren.

alittlelark (16,185 posts)

32. ...but SOME care MORE about those of their own skin tone..... is a tragic fact of life. Denying it is WRONG

You're right.

Now go do something about DU.

Grey Lemercier (1,031 posts)

81. "You are much more than the color of your skin."

Racists reduce us PoC, no matter how accomplished, intelligent, successful, to EXACTLY that, our colour. They think we are illegitimate at every level simply because we are non white.

No. That's you doing it to yourselves.

And it goes on like that.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2016, 06:51:30 AM »

Check out the responses to this sub-thread:
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline FunkyZero

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2016, 07:06:24 AM »

Check out the responses to this sub-thread:

Looks like someone kicked EffieBlack's dog... for being black.
I wonder if he wrote in Ben Carson? If not, he must be a damned racist... damn white-voting m@#$%$#

Offline Carl

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2016, 07:08:16 AM »
Nothing makes me happier then the left insulting and trying to shame any that don`t buy into their plantation politics.  :-)

Offline Big Dog

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2016, 07:14:52 AM »
Starry Messenger (31,567 posts)

4. I've been broke all my life and about to lose my only source of health insurance, the ACA.

I'm not feeling charitable either. I have never voted for a Republican, ever. Texas is legalizing fetus funerals, we are talking mass deportation, national stop and frisk, a Muslim registry, and I am supposed to cry for people who no longer make $20 an hour with a high school education? I made $6.25 after getting a Masters in 1997. I don't remember them voting to help me.

No demand for an MA in Pan-African Gender Studies?

Should have gone to welding school, snowflake. Welders are always in demand.
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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2016, 07:52:14 AM »
This next 4-8 years is going to be fun to watch, lol

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NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline USA4ME

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2016, 08:17:52 AM »
Look primitives, if 90% of a certain demographic is assured to vote for you just because you're on the ballot, then why should they spend extra effort to get it higher? There is the law of diminishing returns, you know? Oops! That concept is over your heads. Let me explain.

Why should they spend tens of millions of dollars to get the black vote from 90% to 92% when that same money could potentially get the Latino vote from 80% to 85%? Especially since Latinos already outnumber you and there's going to be at least double the number of Latinos over blacks in the coming 15-20 years? You're going to be the minority of the minorities.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2016, 08:36:39 AM »
The "Whites" who threw the race in WI, PA, and MI are traditional Democrat union members who were abandoned by the Democrats.

Calling these people names will not cover for the fact that they were driven from the party. No one should act surprised when they no longer vote Democrat.

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2016, 09:36:02 AM »
EffieBlack (4,787 posts)

As a black loyal Democrat, I say SCREW the white working class who insist on voting Republican
Screw them and leave them to themselves. 


Some one is intent on being a minority in more ways than one. Works for me.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Maverick1987

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Re: EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!!1! Especially you people who don't look like me
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2016, 09:40:09 AM »

Check out the responses to this sub-thread:


DU has been extra crazy since the reboot, and appears to be ramping up.  Our good friend Skinner may want to start distancing himself from that loony bin, or maybe push the yoke all the way forward and fly that sumb***h into the ground...again, but permanently this time.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 09:42:16 AM by Maverick1987 »
Deplorable since 2016