Author Topic: #YesYourPresident  (Read 823 times)

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« on: November 28, 2016, 04:48:14 PM »
MineralMan (88,561 posts)

Looking for improbable ways to keep Trump out of office is a waste of time.
Since the election, a number of posts have appeared on DU that propose some way of preventing Donald Trump from becoming President. Most of those posts are based on an incorrect understanding of things as basic as the Constitution. Let's look at a few of them:

1. A Presidential Candidate Cannot Be Impeached - Only a sitting President can be impeached, and only for actions while serving as President. Given the Republican control of both houses of Congress, impeachment after he takes office is highly unlikely, unless he shoots someone dead in the Oval Office. Any past criminal activities are irrelevant.

2. The 25th Amendment Cannot Prevent Him from Taking Office - Like impeachment, this amendment only applies to sitting Presidents, not Presidents-elect. Further it would require the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to declare that sitting President to be unfit to continue in the office. It was created for situations where the President becomes disabled in some way, not for removing Presidents who are not liked. Consider, too, how likely it would be for a Cabinet selected by the President to declare the man who chose them to be unfit.

3. Recalls in Three States Might Reverse the Election Outcome - While this is technically possible, it is unlikely in the extreme. Statewide recounts occasionally shift the results by a few hundred votes, but almost never by tens of thousands. Further, a recount simply recounts the votes AS CAST. It does not involve investigation into voting irregularities, suppression, or any other shenanigans. Those would require a lengthy investigation, but would not prevent a President-elect from taking office, nor remove a sitting President. It might change how future elections were handled, but will not lead to a removal of a sitting President.

4. Something Irregular Might Be Discovered after the Inauguration to Reverse the Election - A sitting President can only be removed from office through impeachment and conviction or according to the terms of the 25th Amendment. Both are addressed above. Even if there was wholesale election fraud, once the President takes the oath of office, the means of removing a President remain the same.

5. Electors Might Change Their Votes and Reverse the Outcome - This will most assuredly not happen. It's possible that one or two electors will be unfaithful, but there is not a chance that enough will to change the outcome. That is not how things work. It's just not.

6. Donald Trump Might Not Get 270 Electoral Votes for Some Other Reason - That would not matter, and is so unlikely that it's almost unimaginable. Even if it did, it would throw the election into the House of Representatives. If that happened, Donald Trump would win there, too. It's a seriously flawed thing to pin one's hopes upon.

Really, the only way Donald Trump will not be inaugurated will be if the recalls in WI, MI, and PA result in flipping the vote totals. All three of those states. I would not put any money on that happening. The probability of that set of circumstances approaches zero.

dumbcat (1,102 posts)

1. "That is not how things work. It's just not."
Right. That's what we said about the possibility of Trump being elected. "That is not how things work. It's just not."

Enough faithless electors to flip the election IS possible. Very,very unlikely, but possible.

Stop listening to fools, then. Plenty of people declared their determination to see Trump elected and they refused to waver in their support even as you chimps piled on.

Hoyt (27,979 posts)

6. I'm moving on, so to speak. Trump won and all the conspiracy theories, whining, etc., aren't

going to change that. Frankly, I think we look like whining Birthers or something similar with all the votes were hacked junk, electors should switch, the recount will be a sham, etc.

When Hoyt becomes your voice of reason your cause is well and truly ****ed.

NightWatcher (30,464 posts)

10. We need to securing the infrastructure that we'll need during our Resistance

The Police State will hit the ground running on Day One.

All of this woulda coulda shoulda was needed before the election. We will have trump on Jan 22. His minions and evil geniuses will control every aspect of the government.

We must prepare for Resistance.


HipChick (13,604 posts)

13. We must prepare for keeping communication channels like DU running

as part of The Resistance..
I expect his minions to monitoring anything non-Pro Orange Hitler..

Yes, but only for the entertainment value.


bigtree (65,221 posts)

15. no, that's just not true

...politics isn't static.

The right political moment to attack Trump's presidency isn't waiting somewhere after January 20, it's now. ANY effort to dethrone Trump needs to gain traction,. That effort will take repeated advocacy from now until the water breaks.

IF something is uncovered in the next 50 days that is so vile and so disqualifying as to capture the political wind, our political system is flexible enough to bend to the public's revulsion.

I find these posts dampening expectations of so many frustrated, but active folks to be the height of political dithering. We should be doing something more than tut-tutting motivated Democrats.

Lint Head (12,973 posts)

27. There is a thing or two that could be done to prevent

this dictatorial pig from taking office but they are unthinkable.

cilla4progress (5,796 posts)

37. I am

calling - DOJ, President, my Senators

emailing - same + WI Senator Tammy Baldwin, Nordstrom (see "Million Snowflakes" on FB...telling Nordstrom I will not shop there so long as they carry Ivanka Trump's prodcuts)

signing and forwarding petitions

donating to the recount

donating to ACLU

posting the above on FB

wearing safety pin

attending rallies

Pass your muster?

cilla4progress (5,796 posts)

39. OK, you bet.

I am up at 3 am some mornings with this on my mind. I have decided that my response to this travesty is to work in every way available to me to stop or derail it. I'm not giving up and plan to use any / all means necessary, short of violence. This includes non-violent demonstrations and strikes (check out, as well as the aforesaid means.

I am somewhat fortunate in that I am close to the end of my working life witha grown child, though there are still constraints - financial, practical, "political."


Turbineguy (21,668 posts)

33. Our best option is that

Putin finds out that he can't control Trump.

treestar (65,748 posts)

47. this is why we lose

What do you think Rs would be doing in this situation? How about a meeting to agree to block everything and make him a one termer?

You lose because you're incompetent bigots and nobody wants to hang out with you let alone allow you to govern their lives.

Gothmog (33,398 posts)

50. Once the electoral college votes, then it is impossible to stop trump

Faithless electors are not likely but I was pleased to see that Prof. Tribe and Lisa Bloom will defend these faithless electors

treestar (65,748 posts)

60. The Republicans would never do this

Never say a thing like it. Nothing negative is a "waste of time." And they seem to be rewarded for it. We would have said of Hillary's emails there is nothing there, waste of time to investigate.

Even if it does not change the outcome, it can undermine the Orange Toxin and make his supporters upset and insecure. They deserve every bit of that. And to see the extent of the opposition to him. If we drop all the recounts, they see us a weak, accepting they are in charge and believe me they will take charge.

Haven't we learned anything? Quit being reasonable and worrying about looking bad. It doesn't win.

We didn't try to overturn the elections of 2008 or 2012 despite what we knew the jug-eared misfit was doing and would do.

So...**** you, you hypocrite.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2016, 05:28:33 PM »
Response to dumbcat (Reply #1)Mon Nov 28, 2016, 11:26 AM
Star Member MineralMan (88,564 posts)
2. Well, elections can go however they go.

We've seen that happen more than once.

How often have electors thrown a two-party election result into the House?

Unless you can name some electors who will switch their vote to Hillary, I'm seeing the possibility of that as a zero chance sort of thing. I've hear no realistic discussion of that possibility, just blind speculation based on wishful thinking.
Response to MineralMan (Reply #2)Mon Nov 28, 2016, 11:32 AM
Star Member dumbcat (1,102 posts)
3. I know that you know the difference between

possibility and probability. Why are you trying to conflate and confuse them?

Burn!  Maybe the liver spotted old rock head is the one that needs to crack open a dictionary.  You ought to be more careful in your word choice if you're going to lecture everybody else about dictionaries, rocks for brains.
Response to dumbcat (Reply #3)Mon Nov 28, 2016, 11:35 AM
Star Member MineralMan (88,564 posts)
4. It's possible that the Sun will explode this afternoon at 3:45 PM EST.

I have plans for 4 PM, though.

I deal with probabilities, frankly. Anything is possible, so I don't plan my life based on possibilities. If I did, I'd buy lots of lottery tickets. Instead, I buy none.
The rock head tries to laugh it off, but I'd say dumbcat bested him in that exchange.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2016, 05:31:00 PM »
There is far too much stupid in that link.  Have I mentioned how much fun it is to watch the DUmp again?
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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2016, 05:34:35 PM »
Unfortunately, Skin's Island was incommunicado for the 38th anniversary of the Jonestown suicide, but as I have maintained, better late than never.

To quote one of the Jonestown inhabitants...
one temple member states: "The ones that they take captured, they're gonna just let them grow up and be DUmmies."

and Jim Jones himself stated...
"Die with a degree of dignity. Lay down your life with dignity; don't lay down with tears and agony." He also said, ...death is a million times preferable to 10 more days of this life. If you knew what was ahead of you – if you knew what was ahead of you, you'd be glad to be stepping over tonight."

I suggest they take his advice and beat the Holiday rush.

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2016, 05:37:02 PM »
There is far too much stupid in that link.  Have I mentioned how much fun it is to watch the DUmp again?

Just wait for RecountFailMas. It'll be as good as the election night we missed. Their hopes are sky high right now, and the crash will be epic. I also see signs of "acceptance" yet "The Resistance". Resist what? He hasn't taken office yet.

Now they know what I've felt like for the past 8 years. We now have a man in the White House with some brass cajones who will help the DUmmies as much as he helps those who voted for him. The DUmmies, of course, will never give him credit for them FINALLY getting that job they've been looking for for 6 years while waiting tables in the meantime.
Liberals disgust me. (Now I don't have to remember to put it on each post).

Because only the left goes searching for that which is not there in a desperate attempt to be offended about something.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

Many people do not see evil until the gas is flowing into the chamber. That is why they get on the trains in the first place.

Offline Big Dog

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2016, 05:40:16 PM »
There is far too much stupid in that link.  Have I mentioned how much fun it is to watch the DUmp again?

There is only one thing that would make it more fun to watch- throw a Twinkie in the middle of their circle jerk and watch them tear each other apart for it.
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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2016, 06:42:57 PM »
HipChick (13,604 posts)

13. We must prepare for keeping communication channels like DU running

as part of The Resistance..
I expect his minions to monitoring anything non-Pro Orange Hitler..

You post on a comically insane marxist message board.
Outside of us mocking you the only ones monitoring your hate site is law enforcement. 

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2016, 06:52:22 PM »
My favorite part of this whole farce is Hillary joining in on it.

Trump may have made a deal with not prosecuting the evil witch but that is so blown to hell now. Trump is going to go full bore on putting her, BJ, and that evil Web spawn into prison and taking all their assets. Very smart move by the most smartest woman in the history of the universe. Her more smarter.

It is going to be Biblical.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline BattleHymn

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2016, 08:15:06 PM »
My favorite part of this whole farce is Hillary joining in on it.

Trump may have made a deal with not prosecuting the evil witch but that is so blown to hell now. Trump is going to go full bore on putting her, BJ, and that evil Web spawn into prison and taking all their assets. Very smart move by the most smartest woman in the history of the universe. Her more smarter.

It is going to be Biblical.

Please oh please oh please...

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2016, 08:35:17 PM »
Quote from:

Nordstrom (see "Million Snowflakes" on FB...telling Nordstrom I will not shop there so long as they carry Ivanka Trump's prodcuts)

Like any primitives can afford Nordstrom. Next they'll be claiming they can afford to shop at Neiman Marcus or Bergdorf Goodman.

You see, primitives, it's little details like that which makes it so obvious you're lying and can never be believed. If you dolts are going to continue to lie, at least make it believable.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2016, 10:08:10 PM »
Hoyt (27,979 posts)

I have my eyes on another .45.

I will name it, ...... "Hoyt".

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline 98ZJUSMC

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2016, 10:15:32 PM »
Star Member MineralMan (88,564 posts)
2. Well, elections can go however they go.

We've seen that happen more than once.

How often have electors thrown a two-party election result into the House?

Unless you can name some electors who will switch their vote to Hillary, I'm seeing the possibility of that as a zero chance sort of thing. I've hear no realistic discussion of that possibility, just blind speculation based on wishful thinking.

Or, as the (D)Ullards call it:  "critical thinking".

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline Big Dog

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Re: #YesYourPresident
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2016, 02:06:19 PM »
Like any primitives can afford Nordstrom. Next they'll be claiming they can afford to shop at Neiman Marcus or Bergdorf Goodman.

You see, primitives, it's little details like that which makes it so obvious you're lying and can never be believed. If you dolts are going to continue to lie, at least make it believable.


Well, Nordstroms' does have Dumpsters out back, so the DUmmies can do their "shopping"- and have a "DU Meetup" with the Tucson Tart.
Government is the negation of liberty.
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